066: How sugar affects our health and immune systems with Dr. Richard Jacoby

Hi friends! I have a new podcast episode up this morning! Iโ€™m chatting with Dr. Jacoby all about sugar and how it affects our health and immune systems.

According to Dr. Jacoby, diseases and inflammation we experience can be largely attributed to the impact of sugar. I always love hearing from different medical professionals, especially those who empower us to make healthier choices. While the health struggles we face in the US are extremely complex, I always enjoy hearing various perspectives on things that could possibly help. I think itโ€™s important to surround yourself with as many opinions and voices as possible so you can make the best decisions for your family. As always, this podcast episode doesnโ€™t serve to replace medical advice, but I hope that you enjoy it and enjoy hearing from Dr. Jacoby.

066: How sugar affects our health and immune systems with Dr. Richard Jacoby

Hereโ€™s what we chat about:

– Peripheral neuropathy and how many are affected by this condition

– How sugar causes inflammation in the body and can make us more susceptible to illness

– Tips for those who are looking to reduce their sugar intake

and so much more!

Hereโ€™s a bit more about Dr. Jacoby:

Dr. Richard Jacoby has treated thousands of patients with peripheral neuropathy. Now, he shares his insights as well as the story of how he connected the dots to determine how sugar is the common denominator of many chronic diseases. In Sugar Crush, he offers a unique holistic approach to understanding the exacting toll sugar and carbs take on the body. Based on his clinical work, he breaks down his highly effective methods, showing how dietary changes reducing sugar and wheat, coinciding with an increase of good fats, can dramatically help regenerate nerves and rehabilitate their normal function.ย Dr. Jacoby is one of the countryโ€™s leading peripheral nerve surgeons, specializing in progressive damage to the nerves that often results from diabetes.

He has treated thousands of patients with the condition over the years, and has successfully treated many patients who would have otherwise had to have an amputation.

Resources from this episode:

Connect with Dr. Jacoby at Extremity Health Centers and his Facebook page.

Check out his book Sugar Crushย here.

Use this link or the code FITNESSISTA to get 15% off Organifi! Iโ€™m a huge fan of the green juice and gold powders.

Get 30 days ofย Les Mills On Demand for FREE.

Thank you so much for listening and for all of your support with the podcast! Please leave a rating or review if you enjoyed this episode. If you leave a rating,ย head to this pageย and youโ€™ll get a little โ€œthank youโ€ gift from me to you.

You can listen and subscribe to the podcast onย iTunes,ย Stitcher, andย Google Play.

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  1. Erin on January 14, 2021 at 11:43 pm

    I did think that his information was really helpful and interesting. I did have some problems with his writing Autism off as a sugar problem. He claims that these children are “addicted to sugar” when he is forgetting that many of these people have low muscle tone and swallowing issues and cannot chew their food as well as people without Autism. Carbohydrates are usually softer and less of a choking hazard. Additionally, we have seen a rise in ASD diagnoses because we have more programming for children and the stigma is lowering, thus allowing parents to feel more comfortable. I am in no way negating his correctness of nature vs. nurture and exterior reasons for ASD diagnoses…however, it is irresponsible to say that it is all tied to sugar. We now have programming and educational resources and more doctors and services for these people. Children are also diagnosed with ASD more readily because there are resources and more information. Medical professionals are realizing the very wide spectrum of people with ASD and now know the early warning signs and wide array of symptoms. We also know that people on the spectrum have different reactions to pain and obviously senses so their aversion to food that is a fat or protein can be more overwhelming to their senses. And while specific diets can be beneficial for those with ASD, they are not the one and only solution for ASD.

    • Fitnessista on January 15, 2021 at 12:20 am

      Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment. That was absolutely something that made me raise my eyebrows, too. I think many problems are far too complex to write them off as one thing. but at the same time, i’m thankful for medical professionals sharing their knowledge and any ideas to promote health and wellbeing. i’m a big believer in taking info that’s relevant and makes sense for you and your family, and deleting the rest. thank you again for chiming in and for sharing this perspective. i agree with so many of the things you wrote

  2. Krista T on January 15, 2021 at 3:42 pm

    Loved, loved, loved this podcast!!! I would highly recommend anyone to listen! Very practical information! Now, I just have to tame my sugar cravings!

  3. Vicki L. on January 16, 2021 at 3:50 pm

    I believe that natural medicine has it’s place, but I heartily disagree that you can cure everything through that and diet. My dad did not beat cancer this year by going on a keto diet, and frankly I found that kind of offensive. He beat it because of surgery, and non-radiation, non-chemotherapy treatment. Maybe in combination with traditional treatments it may help, but not solely on its own.
    As for the “alternative treatments” for Covid that you were alluding to that you discussed in a previous podcast. those were pushed by doctors that have no experience in virology. While it is possible that vitamin D levels can possibly help against Covid, it’s not as effective as the safety guidelines like wearing a mask and keeping a distance from others. Yes, the pharmacology industry is out of control, but the objective with this vaccine is to prevent as many people as possible from catching it in the first place, since we do not yet know if there will be lifelong issues for those who have had it, as was the case with polio.

    • Fitnessista on January 16, 2021 at 5:44 pm

      Would you mind sharing the evidence that the vaccine prevents infection? I would love to see it because that would be amazing. From what Iโ€™ve read, it only prevents severe symptoms (which is great news for vulnerable populations). It is unknown whether it prevents transmission.
      Iโ€™m very sorry to hear about your dad. The purpose of the podcast is to share as many perspectives as possible and ideas on how we can improve our health. Itโ€™s a huge reason why I always say to do your own research, take the info that works for your family and delete the rest. Thank you for listening and for your thoughtful comment.

  4. adrianna on January 17, 2021 at 9:06 pm

    cannot wait to listen to this one Gina!! always such great content, here and the podcast ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Erin on January 19, 2021 at 10:52 pm

    !!!! Oh wow- I worked with Dr. Jacoby when I was in residency training in Scottsdale some years back- FP residents did some work in the wound care unit and he was there a lot. I downloaded the episode without knowing what it was, but I heard his voice and I knew- Iโ€™m blown away that itโ€™s THAT Dr. Jacoby! I am surprised he is still in practice. I wondered what the conversation would be like- because he is, well, pretty far removed from the typical demographic that listens to your podcast. Great info! Itโ€™s refreshing to hear another medical professional who is not totally sold on the COVID vaccine. And… heโ€™s still talking about how kids with autism are all addicted to sugar lol. I heard that a lot from him back in the day ๐Ÿ™‚ take it itโ€™s a grain of salt- the opinion of an older foot doctor, who doesnโ€™t treat autism.

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