025: Women’s Health with Dr. Kelly Culwell aka Dr. Lady Doctor

Hi friends! Hope you’re having a wonderful day. I’m popping in with an all-new podcast episode. This week’s episode is my last one of the season for 2018. I recorded 25 episodes since June and have had the most amazing time connecting with health and fitness experts all over the world. I’m so thankful to you all for your support with the podcast and for your incredible ratings and reviews. I’ll be back in January with even more content for you and already have some pretty incredible guests lined up. If you have anyone you’d like to hear in an upcoming episode, please let me know! Also, you can catch up on past episodes here.

The last 2018 episode is an important one: I’m talking all about women’s health with Dr. Kelly Culwell, who’s also known as Dr. Lady Doctor. She’s been an OB/GYN for over 20 years and has experience in 5 different continents. She has so much knowledge and information to share, and I hope you feel more empowered about your own health after this episode.

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If you could pick your OB/GYN’s brain, what would you ask?

Here are some of the topics we discuss:

How to dread our annual OB/GYN appointments less?

What happens during a pap smear?

What we should and shouldn’t do before our annual appointments

What’s the #1 thing you should be asking your doctor?

Menopause: how common is early menopause and what are some of the symptoms we should look for?

What do you recommend for those who want a reliable birth control method but would prefer to avoid synthetic hormones?

Here’s a little bit about Dr. Kelly:

Dr. Kelly Culwell AKA Dr. Lady Doctor has seen more than 28,000 vaginas on 5 continents in 18 years. There is literally nothing she hasn’t seen when it comes to women’s health! 

Kelly has worked as a fellowship-trained Ob/Gyn, a Medical Director for Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest, Medical Officer for the World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland and a Senior Medical Advisor for the International Planned Parenthood Federation in London. 

Dr. Lady Doctor’s mission is to bridge the gap between women and their healthcare providers; empowering them to speak openly about their bodies and ask the rightquestions. 

Resources from this episode:

Taking Charge of Your Fertility

– Her top list of recommended sites

– Find Dr. Kelly online here, on Instagram, and on Facebook

Thank you so much for listening and for all of your support with the podcast! Please leave a rating or review if you enjoyed this episode. If you leave a rating, head to this page and you’ll get a little “thank you” gift from me to you.

You can listen and subscribe to the podcast on iTunesStitcher, and Google Play.

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  1. Stephanie S. on December 7, 2018 at 10:11 am

    Thanks so much for having Dr. Culwell on your podcast – this was such a great episode! I loved her positive attitude and her advice and insight. I really like my current OB/GYN but have had a couple that haven’t been great, so it’s really really nice to get Dr. Culwell’s perspective on women’s health.

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