40+ weeks and all the old wives’ tales
Hi friends! We’re still here, haha.
Since I wasn’t sure how far the midwives would let me go before induction – the doctor who analyzed my ultrasounds for the VSD and baby’s size put in a recommendation for 39 weeks, which I declined- I’ve been trying out the old wives’ tales to encourage labor, including some of the things I did last time to get the ball rolling with Liv.
Some things on the list: (Please keep in mind that these are just the things I did, and to check with your doc or midwife before trying anything out on your own)
-Membrane stripping. They did this at my appointment last week, and again yesterday. While it sounds way scarier than it is, it’s certainly not a party. The healthcare provider puts gloved fingers all up in there, and separates the amniotic sac from the side of the uterus. This can release prostaglandins, which could start labor if you’re ready. Last week, I was 2cm dialated when the midwife did this, felt some cramping while it was happening, and was sore, achy and crampy for 24 hours afterwards, with (obviously) no signs of real labor. This is what really got things started with Liv. For yesterday’s appointment, I was 3cm, and while I was still super crampy, it wasn’t quite as horrible as last week. I’m still convinced I went through the pain with round 2 for nothing, because here I am 24 hours later feeling completely normal.
-Eating a whole pineapple. Apparently it contains an enzyme (bromelain) that works like a prostaglandin to ripen the cervix. I’ve heard black licorice can do the same thing.. but black licorice. (ew.) Sexy time is supposed to have the same effect.
-Spicy Thai food. At least out of this one, I got an incredible dinner. We need to go back to Suppannee House ASAP.
-Eggplant parmesan. I guess it’s the combo of eggplant and tomato that can kickstart labor? I love Italian food, so had no problem requesting a Little Italy adventure for eggplant parm. In fact, I think I need to *try* this one again. 😉
-Raspberry Leaf Tea. This is supposed to tone the uterus and can help encourage labor if you’re ready, so I’ve been drinking it every morning and afternoon. So far, it’s just stained my teeth. Cool, bro. (And thank goodness for a lil baking soda to polish that away.)
-Chiropractic care. I’ve been seeing my wonderful chiropractor for the duration of this pregnancy, and feel so much relief from sore hips and back after each visit. While I don’t think this can *induce* labor -she uses labor acupressure points while she’s adjusting me- it can potentially help with alignment for birth.
-Acupuncture + acupressure. Last week at my appointment, the acupuncturist did all of the labor points. Today, he made it extra fun by hooking me up to some electrical pulses for the points. It wasn’t so bad, but definitely kind of freaky with needles in my body and small jumper cable looking cords attached to them. He said that during pregnancy you have a lot of extra blood and qi moving around, which can make the points more intense. He did one in my foot last week that made me yelp! I asked him to be nice to me today.
-Abuelita’s! I’ve only read about this one on a couple of sites, and it made me laugh because when I had low milk supply, my nana recommended Abuelita’s hot cocoa. It’s a cure-all haha. I’m totally drinking it.. because it’s delicious. It’s one of those things you just drink and don’t question or read the ingredients.
While it’s been fun to drive myself crazy by Googling and trying out various things, I realized that baby could just be telling me she needs more time. I was concerned that I wouldn’t have long before I’m induced, but thankfully, the midwife told me at yesterday’s appointment that they’ll give me until 42 weeks. I’m so thankful to have such an awesome team at my side and have heard that there are gentler methods of induction, so maybe I can do it without needing an epidural (the needle scares the *@hudhaks832&%@^9u34hhndk out of me) if we cross that road. Healthy baby and mama are the #1 priority, so however and whenever she decides she’s ready, that’s the overall goal.
Last night during my meditation, I spent the time sending love to the baby, telling her we’re ready for her, and picturing the kind of birth I’d like to have, where she arrives safely… and not while we’re driving on the freeway. In the meantime, you can find me doing random things to distract myself (oh hi, Sephora) and enjoying the shocked looks when I tell people my due date was last Friday. 😉
I know you would prefer a drug free birth, but don’t fear the epidural should you need it! Mine was finished in under 5 minutes & I barely even knew they did it. They numb you up really well before placing it. And the numbing shot is not bad at all!
that’s good to hear. just thinking about it seriously freaks me out!
I ended up with a c-section and was scared for the epidural. Was actually no big deal and didn’t feel it at all.
ahhh so good to hear. i’ve been so scared about that giant needle
Perhaps time to bust out the breast pump? It *realllllly* gets those uterine contractions going. Good luck, thinking about you and your family!
i’ve heard that! maybe i’ll go look for that thing in the next week or so. thank you!
in the next week? you sound so non-chalant LOL
digging through storage sounds like a nightmare right now haha
I know not everyone is a fan of this but I drank castor oil. 2oz with oj and then another hour later 2oz with oj. I gagged the second one down and the next hour wasn’t pretty but I went into labor an hour after that. My boy was out in 6 hours drug free. It’s not for everyone but I was fighting an induction clock and almost 42 weeks so I knew baby was fully baked. Good luck!!
the midwife said that’s the last resort before induction. not excited about it, but if it works, i’m going to go for it
Awwwh, quite the wait! But you have a great attitude, with embracing the process, telling her that you are ready when she is ready and that you are all welcoming her to come into the world.
thank you <3
I was induced at 41 1/2 weeks and tried pretty much everything in the book including the acupuncture/accupressure for 2 days in a row and some homework at home every few hours working on the pressure points and nothing worked. I have to say, you are already 3 cm dilated, which is great, when I went in I was not even 1 cm, so you are way ahead of the game. As for needles, I am so scared of them, but knew that I wanted an epidural regardless and I didn’t look at the needle at all, it was over very quickly and did not even feel it going in! You are almost there and want to wish you all the luck in the world.
thank you so much <3 happy to hear the epidural didn't bother you. i'm seriously horrified of it.
lots of love to you <3
I was told drinking chamomile tea helps. I had some the night before I went into labor. Not sure if that actually did the trick but I didn’t want to be induced and it’s not bad tasting.
hmmm i will try that tonight. it’s such a nice tea to wind down the evening with, anyway 🙂
also primrose oil. you puncture the capsule and place it vaginally to ripen the cervix. and dates. I think the more oily the eggplant parm the better bc it moves the bowels whic can stim contractions
interesting about the eggplant. it wasn’t greasy at all when i had it! i’ve been eating dates every day but haven’t tried the primrose yet
I was induced 8 weeks ago and it honestly wasn’t bad. I was freaking out and so scared. I got a foley balloon inserted inside to help me dialate because I was only 1 cm.. The next morning I started the pitocin and I didn’t feel any contractions until they broke my water. I did get an epidural. I really only felt one twinge which was nothing. The stress leading up to it was much worse. Obviously we all have our own goals for a birth but don’t worry.. Your body is capable of so much.
As a side note when the doctor checked me and I was 9 cm and she said I was almost ready to push I flat out said nope not ready. I was that scared. i didn’t have a choice in the matter at that point .
My first three babies were early or on time. The fourth was induced at 41 weeks. I was about 3cm dilated and had the baby about 5 hours later with no epidural. Hope she comes on her own but it will be ok either way. Happy labor vibes coming your way.
Hang in there mama it will be soon! I went 11 days late with my second (born 10 weeks ago) and every day she was late felt like an eternity. As painful as the waiting was, I’m so happy I let her come on her own because I pushed her out in one push! I had a drug-free birth the first time around and an epidural the second time and was also terrified of any interventions, but I have to say, God bless the epidural! Best wishes for a great birth!
I second the breast pump. Just do it for twenty minutes or so.
You’re doing great!!! If it helps at all, I was absolutely terrified of being induced and the epidural needle. I ended having both. I was induced because of way too high fluid levels, and I ended up with an epidural because I just couldn’t relax enough to progress. And the pitocin didn’t even work, I went all night just hanging out talking to CJ and our L&D nurse. It was when my OB came in and broke my water that got the ball rolling. I didn’t even feel the epidural needle, not at all. My water being broken and the epidural made me have piper in 4 hours. My body was able to relax after the epidural. It was an amazing experience and I’d do both again if I had to. So don’t freak yourself out. Heck, the recovery was the worst part haha.
I had to be induced early but still had a natural birth! All the best to you! 🙂
Bouncing on a ball non stop, labor cookies (google them) and primrose oil (ingested and as a vaginal suppository…sorry tmi) are what worked for me and both my post date babies to send me into labor! Good luck!
Oh Gina! I hope your sweet abby girl comes soon! Safe and healthy. That’s all we need. 🙂
The wait is hard! Both my kiddos came at 40 weeks, 6 days, but #2 I asked to be induced. She must have been nearly ready, because it only took the tiniest drip of pitocin to jumpstart labor. I was still able to go without an epidural, but I have to say it was more intense pain having been induced! Good luck, I’m sure baby girl will come when she is ready!
I say that like labor isn’t intensely painful enough already, haha.
Haha, yes I remember the fun of people asking how far along I was and telling them 41 weeks! It was especially fun while walking around an aquarium with my toddler 1.5 hours from home.
Ugh the waiting is the worst! My Dr let me get to 41 weeks and only because my fluid was low. Someone else mentioned this, but if you need the epidural dont be afraid! I am the biggest wuss ever and got one. Anesthesiologists are incredible. I told her I was really afraid and she was great and I didn’t see or feel anything!
Good luck!
I’m inspired by how positive you are! I’m 40+1 today and going crazy!
Watch ‘The Business of Being Born.’ It transformed my thoughts about birth. You can’t watch it without having your eyes blown wide open to the cycle that is created by every intervention. After this movie, you are empowered!
You should probably also watch The Knick to balance out the perspective. It wasn’t that long ago we were desperate to learn how to save women via a Cesarian. Modern medicine is a miracle.
Here’s hoping baby comes soon!!
break out that pump!!
As an L&D nurse, I’m begging you not to do the castor oil. Yes, it can throw you into labor, but it also gives you horrible diarrhea. Fun for everyone… It’s tough, but just wait little miss out. The best things I’ve heard that people think worked for them were “sexy time” and just trying to relax. Babies come when they are ready, we often as a society rush them too much. I’m glad to hear that you are willing to be patient and so are your midwives! If you google brain development between 35 and 40 weeks, it’s incredible! Hang in there, momma!
labor cookies!
I made these for my sis and my nephew came 2 days early. It was my goal to be there (I was visiting her out of state) for his arrival, and it worked within one day haha.
amazing! i’ll get the ingredients today 🙂
I had a friend who had to be induced because of preeclampsia and she didn’t have an epidural, so a natural birth can still happen, you will probably just have to work a little bit more at it. It sounds like you have a good birth team and you have experience 🙂 I’ve read that rubbing Clary Sage oil on acupressure points like inside your wrists and ankles can help make mild inconsistent contractions more regular and more effect. It sounds better than castor oil!
i will definitely check that out- thank you!
I had my second baby at 40+1 eight days ago. I wanted another unmedicated birth and didn’t want the epidural I was told I should come for at 42. I don’t know if any or all of the things I tried contributed to my 90 minute labor and delivery that, because it was so fast, happened at home in the presence of EMTs, but I delivered nonetheless. Things I did the night before (please do own research before considering): castor oil (go for the smallest quantities you find mentioned), clary sage on belly and as aromatherapy, evening primrose oil (again, research what to do with that), and I also pumped. Like I said, she may have been coming had I not done those things – I’ll never know. But, she’s here now. Best of luck!
WOWWWWW 90 minutes! happy to hear that everything went well for you. that is crazy!
i will definitely check into all of those. thank you!
She will come at the perfect time <3 Sending you so much love!
thank you so much, lovely <3
My daughter, my second baby, was five days late… pretty tough when my son was born ON his due date. 🙂
Are there any last minute little things that need to get done that may be hindering your brain/body from being completely relaxed? I know it could be complete coincidence, but the day before my water broke I decided to prep a bunch of food for my son to eat while my mom watched him so she wouldn’t have to worry about it and he would have plenty of ready made, healthy things he liked. I felt an almost desperate need to get it done and sure enough at 4 am, labor started.
Good luck 🙂
wow, that is amazing! i read your comment last night and tried to tie up as many loose ends as possible
fingers crossed the ball gets rolling soon <3
My daughter had VSD (tetralogy of Fallot, repaired two years ago) and she was 10 days late. It was a very good thing she was that late because it made her that much stronger when she was born. So as a fellow momma of a baby with CHD just think of how the longer she bakes the better it is for her.
Good luck! I ate an entire pineapple and black licorice same day. It was a very regretful day!
ahhhh! oh no
You’re almost there! I remember being past my due date all too well last December! I did end up having to get induced, due to how big he got, which was not in my birth plan, but it did go very well and I had a quick, relatively easy and safe labor. Your midwife team sounds really great and supportive so I’m sure whatever happens you will be in great hands. Is your daughter getting so excited to become a big sis any day now?
so so happy to hear that!
and yes, the midwives have been amazing. i’m so thankful for them <3
she is excited, but i can tell she's a little anxious that change is near.
Long time reader, first time commenter! And San Diego resident, too. 🙂 I went nine days past my due date with both of my babies, which is apparently the baby cooking time in my oven. So precise, actually, that both babies were born at noon too! I’m partial to reflexology and sex to get things moving but maybe those are just the most fun ways to pass the time! That baby will come out even though it feels like she never will. Sending you positive natural birth vibes. I had two successful hypnobirths and the second was sooooo much better!
thank you so much for reading and for saying hi!
awesome that your second birth was even better! thank you- i feel like i will be pregnant forever haha
Surprised your midwives have not suggested castor oil. Made me go into labor within 24 hours with both of my babies. Worked for my friend as well.
I’m confused- are you still pregnant or did you have her?! I thought the post on the 19th said you were settling in with your newest addition!
Good luck Gina! I heard dates can help soften the cervix! Your body totally knows what it’s doing though! Thinking of u!
You still look so cute 🙂 I just wanted to cheer you on and tell you that I was induced (my membranes ruptured and I didn’t go into labor) and did it without the epi. It was just something I’d decided on and I managed to hang in there. Part of what helped me through was my midwives telling me that induction =/= epidural, and I really appreciated that encouragement. No shame in getting one, but I didn’t want one and was able to make it through a pretty long and tough labor without.
Hang in there!!
that’s great to hear! i thought for sure you have to get an epi if you’re given pitocin, and it’s awesome to know that isn’t always the case
I was going to reassure you of the same thing. I was induced & it was nbd. No reason you should have to have an epi if you don’t want one. I did end up getting one much later b/c little girl was face up instead of face down (back labor – which is a whole other ballgame). I didn’t even feel the epidural get placed & it was INSTANT relief! Best of luck to you! Please try not to fear being induced. It really wasn’t a big deal at all. You’ll do just fine.
I had Pitocin with my son and didn’t have an epidural. Its tough but possible. With my daughter I got Pitocin again and decided on the epidural and it was lovely, lol. 🙂
Why would you need an epidural if you were induced? My best friend just had a baby two days ago and she was induced but did not get an epidural. The only needle was an IV.
An epidural is for pain management. It has nothing to do with whether labor starts by induction or on its own.
from what i’ve heard and read, the pitocin makes contractions so strong that it can be very difficult to handle them without an epidural. it’s been nice to hear others’ stories where that wasn’t the case and they could do without
Pitocin gets a bad rap for some reason. That wasn’t my experience AT ALL! I couldn’t even feel the contractions for hours & they monitor you very carefully.
Thank you for explaining what the membrane stripping involves–I have actually been too scared to Google it! I’m currently 31 weeks, so reading about your experiences is incredibly helpful. It sounds like you and baby are both doing awesome, and I’m sending you lots of happy thoughts!
haha it sounds horrifying! it’s really not too terrible. just crampy and uncomfortable, but then it’s over
I’m cheering for you! Long time reader, rare commenter. I keep coming to check up on you! (I’m a childbirth educator and doula now – so super thrilled for you!) I’m so glad you have a supportive team! Just wait…once you start labor …I bet it’ll be quick! You can do it! Hang in there!! <3
thank you so much! <3
I loved my epidural. I felt nothing in getting it. I never saw the needle. I feared the labor pain I was experiencing so much I would’ve let them do anything to me to ease it! You’re more brave than me.
I thought the IV needle in my hand was ten times worse. So annoying.
Good luck! Be patient! I don’t know how you’re not ranting and raving. I remember thinking that if I went late, I was going to be sooooo pissed!
Check with your midwife but mine recommended Black Cohosh as a way to induce labor. I was 41w2d and went into labor after one serving. Could’ve been a fluke but like you, I tried anything to avoid induction! Good luck with everything!
Its funny you mentioned apple butter on the other post….with my first baby, I was a week away from due date (had just had dr appt and he told me no way was baby coming early!) so I decided to make some apple butter in the crockpot (takes like 36 hours or something). Of course that night I went into labor! Before I went to the hospital I was trying to empty the slow cooker and clean it out….so the apple butter was a fail but maybe if you start something that takes 3 days, you’ll go into labor! On another note, you look super cute and are making me really miss being pregnant! Enjoy these last few moments 🙂
I don’t have any pregnancy or birth experiences to share – but as a long time reader, I am thinking of you and cheering you on!! You look great, and I hope your little lady gets here soon!! 🙂
I know some others have said it, but I am a huge needle-phobe (like, I’ve passed out post-shot before) and have legit been scared of epidurals since waaaaay before I was even dreaming of having babies. But I think it’s way worse for the husbands who have to watch it. I never saw the needle and was so focused on sitting still that I didn’t even notice. And everything happened so fast afterwards with no pain…in fact, if I saw my anesthesiologist on the street today, I might just kiss him.
Hoping that baby comes soon! The waiting game is tough!
I’m so excited for you and just know that beautiful baby of yours will be here before you know it!! Hang in there, as hard as it is! Sending love & prayers your way!!!
With my first, I was 8 days overdue, went in for my checkup appointment, and had zero fluid left 🙁 I was VERY against induction, because I wanted to do things naturally and per my birth plan, and pitocin, along with the thought of an epidural needle, scared the “you know what” out of me! But I had to roll with it, so tears and all, I was put on a small amount of pitocin to get things going. It was hard, and thing did ramp up, but I had an amazing husband and doula who supported me the entire 19 hours (I couldn’t have don’t it epidural-free without them). I definitely thought about getting the epidural multiple times, but two things: 1 – I knew the baby would be here soon and that the pain I was experiencing was temporary (I had a mantra going in my head), and 2 – I knew there was no way I could sit still to get that needle!! But all this being said, YOU know your body best, you know when you need a break, and for many women an epidural is needed to allow your body to progress and to rest for pushing. So whatever your labor choices, it will be beautiful and it will be your story! <3 Sending you many many hugs!
That’s a bummer about the membrane sweep. I had that done with my daughter, and same as you felt crampy for the rest of the day, and then did go into labour that night, but it was definitely super uncomfortable haha!! Hope the little lady makes an appearance soon. It must be too warm and cozy in there for her. I get it. I was two weeks late haha.
I was 10 days late with my first and nearly 3 weeks late with my 2nd. I had to be induced with the 2nd and was really scared but it ended up working out (vaginal birth though I did get epidural — and it was amazing…..). I am now pregnant with my third and just hoping that he decides to be a little more timely! I tried EVERYTHING to induce labor. Spicy food, eggplant, sex, acupuncture, lots of exercise. I am not sure any of it actually helped but it does keep you busy at least!
Love and blessings to you!
I sent you an email that will give you something to do if you’re needing more distraction!
I came to your blog today and immediately thought, “how the hell are you still pregnant?!” either way, hope you’re comfy at least 🙂
“It’s one of those things you just drink and don’t question or read the ingredients.” <— laughed so hard at this one! so true
hahah i think that about every 5 minutes. not comfy at all but hanging in there 😉
and YES. you just drink and enjoy. don’t question it!
hope you’re having a great day <3
Oh gosh, I can’t wait to hear that she’s here, Gina! You’re being so patient and you have a great outlook on the whole thing. Let’s hope it doesn’t reach the castor oil point… 😉