5 months

5 months ago was our first full day at home after coming home from the hospital. After our first few nights as parents, the first night with our baby at home, a mix of adrenaline, sleep deprivation and wacko hormones, I remember thinking to myself, “this is really your life right now. Things really are this good.”


It didn’t feel real, and Tom and I still say to each other, “we have a baby. This is our baby.” 

She’s changed so much since we brought her home:

Baby liv

She’s growing quickly, and is so smart, happy, alert, and most-importantly (thankful everyday for this one) healthy.

1 3

4 5

Here’s what’s going on this month:

1) FOOD! I’ve been so excited about solid foods for a while, particularly since I’ve had such a hard time with breastfeeding. I was happy to be able to give her whole, organic foods and introduce her to some of the things we love. It’s so much fun to have dinner together as a family, to watch her face as she tries something new -when she first tasted the sweet potato, she looked up at me like, “why have you been holding out?!”- and so far she’s had sweet potato, fennel and avocado. She loved all three of them. For this week, I picked up some organic peas, carrots, green beans and apples. We’re trying the babyled weaning route (more info on that here) but one thing we’re both kind of worried about is the issue of choking, so I make sure the food is pretty mushy before giving it to her. We still haven’t bought a high chair, but for now, she likes sitting in my lap at the table, which works pretty well for restaurants, too. 

2) Jumping queen! We got her this exersaucer and I love watching her jump and jump in it. 

Liv in the exersaucer

Some other things we’re loving this month:

-Still lots and lots of books- we read at least a few everyday and she starts kicking her feet as soon as I take out a book. She likes to flip the pages herself, make sounds and try to eat the book. 

The newest in the collection: “Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed,” “Whoo hoo are you? and “Little Babaji” 

-Elmo! I was wondering what to do for the last 15 minutes before her nap -we’d already done the bath, a couple of books, tummy time, jumped in the exersaucer and taken Bell outside- so I went on YouTube and pulled up an Elmo video. She WENT CRAZY for it. It was Elmo singing ABCs with India Arie and she had the cutest little smile on her face. Those Sesame Street people know what they’re doing.

-Adventures. It’s nice to feel like I can take Liv anywhere and do anything with her. At first, I seriously thought I’d never leave the house again -I was either attached to the Brest Friend pillow or the pump- and now, I love to take Liv on little adventures and to see new things. Many days we stay home and just hang out and play, but it’s great to have the option and feel confident that we can do whatever. Before, getting ready to go anywhere was at least a 2 hour ordeal (get kinda-ready, let her nap, feed her then go), and now I feel like I can pack up the diaper bag and have us ready to go within 15 minutes.

Yesterday, we went to the park to see the ducks:

Liv and the ducks

She watched the ducks, and I watched the adorable curiosity and wonder on her face.

-No teeth yet, but I have a feeling it’s on the way! We have a tradition that the first person to spot a baby’s new tooth gets them a pair of shoes. Not a bad deal 😉

-I’m still kind of crazy about her naps, and have a feeling that I’ll be that way until she’s in elementary school. We did a combo of “The Baby Whisperer” and “Healthy Sleep Habits” methods -which I can’t recommend enough. No crying and she’s been sleeping through the night for quite a while, following the Eat, Activity, Sleep routine. It works brilliantly, but I usually try to have her at home for her midday nap in her crib. When she sleeps well, she’s so much happier and sleeps better at night, and I sleep better and am happier, too 🙂 Of course, we shake up her schedule a little bit if we need to, but most of the time, we try to be home for her midday nap. I’ll run errands or go out and about with her either in the morning or the afternoon.

-Speaking of elementary school, I told Tom yesterday that you potty train kids when they’re 7. He was like,”Wait a second, they make diapers that big? I thought I was potty-trained way earlier than that.” And I said, “Nope, 7 is the magic number.” I got a kick out of it, but I think I scared him for a second.

Dad with liv

















 -As I’ve mentioned a handful of times, but haven’t gone into the full nitty gritty, I went through some stuff after Liv was born. It was a huge adjustment for me, I didn’t feel like myself, and while I loved our new baby with all of my heart, it was a challenging time. I considered stepping away from the blog when I went through the first bit of mommy judgment. I’m sure many of you can relate. As you know, mean comments are hurtful, but when you’re in an emotionally fragile state, they can be devastating. 

A few people have asked me to talk a little bit more about it, but I’m waiting until around Liv’s first birthday when I can look back at that time with a different perspective- one that isn’t so fresh in my mind (even though I’ve been writing this entire time). You may have noticed, but I usually talk more about difficult points in my life after they’re over. I don’t like to be the complainer that says “this is hard. I’m having a rough time and haven’t done anything about it yet.” I like to be the one who makes it through and is able to say “here’s what was difficult for me, here’s what helped me, I kept a positive attitude, but I’m glad it’s over.”

Of course, Liv is going to have times in her life that are challenging. I wish I could take the mean girls out of her life before they show up, but I can’t. I just hope to give her knowledge and confidence, the ability to keep a positive attitude, fight through it, look back and be proud of herself.

From what I can already tell, she’s a smart little firecracker. I think she’ll be just fine.

5 months2


4 months

3 months

2 months








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  1. Laura @ She Eats Well on June 11, 2012 at 9:20 pm

    She is so so cute and smiley! Looks like she has so much personality for a youngin. Happiness!

  2. vicky on June 11, 2012 at 9:20 pm

    just wanted to say I think you’re awesome, Gina! you inspire me- on all frontiers- thanks!

    • Amy @ For the Love of Georgia on June 11, 2012 at 9:45 pm

      Ditto! You have so much to be proud of, Gina, and there are so many women out there that greatly appreciate your dedication. Thank you for all you do, despite those challenging moments =)

      • Nicole on June 12, 2012 at 1:24 am

        i have to agree. always love reading the blog. looking forward to your year in review. 🙂

  3. Stellina @ My Yogurt Addiction on June 11, 2012 at 9:21 pm

    She is adorable! Happy 5 months 🙂

  4. Sana on June 11, 2012 at 9:21 pm

    From what I can tell having a baby is LIFE changing. They don’t always poop rainbows and sunshine. Even if you did struggle, I think you did a great job with it all! So congrats on making it, happy 5 months to youuuu!

    • Sejal M on June 11, 2012 at 9:52 pm

      LOL, I don’t think babies EVER poop rainbows and sunshine 🙂

      • JennP on June 11, 2012 at 9:55 pm

        Well, sometimes rainbows, but definitely not sunshine… 🙂

        • Ashley on June 12, 2012 at 12:13 am

          haha! Isn’t it true?!

          • Fitnessista on June 12, 2012 at 12:03 pm

            tom calls it livi’s “fifty shades of brown”
            i laughed so hard

  5. Rachel on June 11, 2012 at 9:28 pm

    Eff the haters, Liv is clearly a very happy, well-loved bebeh camper. You’re doing a great job, period. And I can’t imagine new motherhood Not being a major challenge and major adjustment. Pretty sure you keep adjusting until, uh, forever. I think you’re amazing, and so does Liv and the Pilot, and everyone else. Enjoy your day!

  6. Erica on June 11, 2012 at 9:31 pm

    I just wanted to pop in and say I think you are doing an amazing job balancing work, life and baby. I know how hard it is to adjust (I just had a little one myself in March) and it takes time and I’m sorry you had to deal with negativity in those early days. I love reading all of your updates about Livi, and all of the fun stuff we have to look forward to! We used Babywise and The Baby Whisperer to set up a routine (It was like our Bible in the early days – so useful!) and we’ve had our DS sleeping through the night since he was 8 weeks old. Nap times are so important to a happy baby who sleeps well! It’s been a little tough convincing our families of that when they visit though … 🙂

    I’m also really looking forward to doing the Summer Shape UP!!!

  7. e on June 11, 2012 at 9:33 pm

    my SIL didnt put my niece in a high chair for a long time and now she wont sit in it at all! all she does is sit on moms lap and then mom cant eat either.. i dont want to tell you what to do, but im just telling her story.. i know you would want liv to love a high chair so you can eat too:)

  8. Abby on June 11, 2012 at 9:34 pm

    I’ve yet to hear from a mom who didn’t have a tough transition period with a newborn, its the hardest thing you will ever do after all, but from what you share with us and all of Olivia’s adorable smiles it seems like you’re doing an amazing job!

    • Sejal M on June 11, 2012 at 9:54 pm

      Yes! This^.
      With baby #1 it was very hard for me. Looking back I’m not sure I wasnt having some mild ppd. Anyways, now with baby #2 7 months old and #1 2yrs ols I can honestly say it got so much better!! You are doing a great job!

  9. Caroline Walberg on June 11, 2012 at 9:35 pm

    She is so SO precious and adorable! Love your attitude Gina! What a lucky girl she is to grow up with such an awesome, amazing Mommy. Love her smile!!!!

  10. chelsey @ clean eating chelsey on June 11, 2012 at 9:35 pm

    That last picture is adorable. I’m the same way about reflecting about things. I never like to make rash comments when I’m heated or emotional about something. I like to take time to really think about how I want to react in a particular situation – I like to act with grace and my first reactions are anything less than graceful.

  11. Amber L on June 11, 2012 at 9:36 pm

    She is so so so precious! And you are an awesome mommy!

  12. Becky @ TheBexFactor.com on June 11, 2012 at 9:40 pm

    You are such an amazing mother, Gina. I love reading these monthly updates and watching your adorable girl grow.

    I love the bassinet in the first picture, do you mind me asking where you got it?

    • Fitnessista on June 11, 2012 at 11:30 pm

      Thank you! It’s orbit baby

  13. Chelsa on June 11, 2012 at 9:42 pm

    I hope the hard times pass 🙂 You are doing a great job with balancing everything! You are such a great momma to Liv! She’s a lucky girl! Stay strong!

  14. Claire on June 11, 2012 at 9:43 pm

    Hey Gina,

    I normally don’t comment but felt compelled to on this one. You are doing a great job and it must be really challenging living your life with public scrutiny. I know I wouldn’t last 5 mins as a blogger! Motherhood is intense and people can be so judgemental. I’m pregnant with my 4th and only now do I honestly not care what people say, think, infer. And I do think it gets easier, or perhaps you just stop stressing as much. Keep doing your thing, you’ve got a beautiful little girl there who is obviously happy, healthy and well loved.

  15. Samantha on June 11, 2012 at 9:44 pm

    Liv is soooo adorable. And you are an amazing mommy. Every family and mom is different, and no one has the right to judge someone else, especially about something so personal. And I’m glad you didn’t step away from the blog. Reading along through your journey has helped me learn so much about pregnancy and motherhood. A family of my own is quite a ways down the road, but it feels good to be learning so much already, through a medium that I enjoy and a person I admire.

    • Michelle on June 11, 2012 at 10:03 pm

      Very well said, Samantha. I could not agree more. 🙂

  16. AmyW on June 11, 2012 at 9:45 pm

    I’m so sorry you’ve had to endure mean people. It’s so hard to receive such mean comments. I don’t understand why, as Mothers, we can’t stick together, be encouraging, supportive, and helpful instead? There are SO MANY different ways to parent! There is not just one way and one way only. It makes me sad to think that you were hurt enough to ponder whether or not to continue to blog. I think you are doing a wonderful job. Everyone is happy and healthy and that is THE important thing! All the other stuff is just small details. Hang in there! (((HUGS)))

  17. chrissy on June 11, 2012 at 9:49 pm

    WHAT?!?! I go away on vacay a few weeks and the baby is eating SOLID FOOD? WHAT!?!? And yeah, judgey people, especially moms, should know better. Glad you kept blogging though:)

  18. Morgan @ Morganshines on June 11, 2012 at 9:50 pm

    I feel terrible that you have gone through such a rough time…but inspired that you didn’t just sulk about it over gallons of ice cream and bad television. You got back to your workouts, you keep up healthy eats, got back to work and still take great care of your adorable family (not to mention kept up with your fabulous bloggy 🙂 ) Keep up the amazeballs work and keep your head up because you have NO idea how inspiring you actually are!!

  19. Jennifer on June 11, 2012 at 9:55 pm

    Livi is so cute. I’m glad you are giving BLW a try. I got so many strange looks and comments when we did it with our boys. Most people are just so used to the puree route(which is completely fine) so when they see or hear about BLW it seems completely foreign to them. My boys are now 2 and 4 and are the least picky eaters I know for children that age. They eat what we eat and it is really that simple. I found this article a while ago and it is worth a read. http://ecochildsplay.com/2009/03/13/baby-essentials-that-arent-part-7-baby-food/
    It goes into depth about the choking that you are worried about. If you are concerned about choking or if the food is too small for her to grab try the safety feeder(at babies r us, target, etc). It is great for bananas and other foods that might be too slippery for her to handle. It is also great until she gets her pincher grasp down. Good luck!

  20. Angela on June 11, 2012 at 9:58 pm

    She’s super cute!
    And people seem to say mean and hurtful things when they are insecure about themselves and take it out on others. You don’t deserve that (nor does anyone, especially new parents).
    I love your blog and all the hard work you put into it–and all of the personality and originality you bring to it!

  21. JennP on June 11, 2012 at 10:05 pm

    Bringing my daughter home from the NICU 2 years ago was a huge challenge for me emotionally. I spent the previous 3 months deferring to doctors and nurses about everything (can I touch her? can I hold her? should I change her?), and suddenly it was up to ME to be the caretaker/decision-maker. A new mom’s confidence is already shaken… I SO respect how forthcoming you always are and how tactful you’ve been when you get that occasional rude/judgmental comment. So glad you powered through it and kept bloggin’ 😉

  22. Shan on June 11, 2012 at 10:08 pm

    Just wanted to let you know that I think you are doing an amazing job. Being a mom is the most rewarding, yet challenging job and there is nothing that shows strength more than being a parent. Learning to let go of control has been the most difficult for me… Control of how clean my house is, control of monitoring every move my little girl makes now that she is in daycare, and eventually control of every choice makes. Becoming a mom is the best thing that ever happened to me, but not every day is perfect or easy and I am learning that that doesn’t make me a bad mom… It just makes me a mom!

  23. Kate on June 11, 2012 at 10:12 pm

    Wow, she is just so darned cute!

    Becoming a Mum for the first time is an amazing thing – and I didn’t realise that on top of it being wonderful, exciting etc, that it would be so hard and I would struggle and my emotions would be completely haywire. The fact that you’re then judged by how you choose to raise your child and all the carefully thought out decisions around that, definitely shakes you. The “judgy-ness” of other mothers is the one thing that I really dislike about parenthood. Why can’t we all just support one another and our differences? Anyways, I could go on about that forever! Just be proud of yourself, you are doing a fantastic job 🙂

  24. Ali on June 11, 2012 at 10:14 pm

    I am so sorry to hear that people made negative comments towards you That is ridiculous in my opinion They have no idea what is right for you, and what is right for your baby, who is an individual. You are a super star.

  25. Mary on June 11, 2012 at 10:18 pm

    Hello! First off, I just have to say that I have been following your blog for quite sometime. I’m still consider a newbie as I just found your blog last year. I don’t know if it was someone looking out for me or just good luck for me but I was pregnant and just about a month behind you. I cannot tell you how much you have inspired me to stay fit. Even when the going gets tough. The reason for my very random post is I very rarely, ie. never post. I don’t know why just isn’t something I do…probably because I’m a ramblin’ fool! To get to the point…I found this post to hit even more close to home. I have a two year old son and now have a four month old daughter. I’m frightened to death of ‘mean girls’ but can I just say that anyone that has to say something negative about someone that is so incredibly active, whether it be with your daughter, with your work, or with your husband(this came out wrong but you get the point) is just CRAZY. I, too, am a military spouse, my husband flies ‘heavies’ and we are currently over-seas. It’s hard enough maintaing that lifestyle alone. I cannot thank you enough for always ‘being there’ for me when I need quick at home work outs, inspiration, or just a little giggle. Don’t let anyone get you down, you do too much for so many of your followers!

  26. Ari@The Diva Dish on June 11, 2012 at 10:21 pm

    I love that your daughter loves that Elmo video! That was one of the first videos we ever showed my daughter and she went crazy! We would watch it several times and I swear she learned the ABC song from it!

    Enjoy each moment! She’s such a cutie!

  27. Stephanie @ Legally Blinde on June 11, 2012 at 10:22 pm

    I really love your monthly updates – it’s so fun to read about your experiences and how things continue to change and evolve for you. And Liv is just so sweet!

  28. Sidney on June 11, 2012 at 10:29 pm

    I’m a pretty new

  29. Leah O on June 11, 2012 at 10:30 pm

    Such a pretty baby! It has been so fun to watch her grow. I too think you are doing such an amazing job. I don’t really see how you are able to do it all, you’re wonder-mom! The blog rocks and is so encouraging and inspirational.

  30. Sidney on June 11, 2012 at 10:32 pm

    Oops! I am a pretty new reader, as I just found the blog a few months ago, but I just wanted to say that reading this post made me tear up a little! Usually the people who make “suggestions” (in a not so nice way) are the people whose own personal lives are a disaster, but they can still be hard to ignore. For whatever my two cents is worth, I love the blog. Livi is adorable and I always get the impression that you have done a ton of research and put a lot of thought into the choices you make about raising her. At the end of the day, that’s all any new parent can hope for!

  31. Lauren C. on June 11, 2012 at 10:34 pm

    Such a genuine and beautiful post. Olivia is lucky to have you and Tom as parents <3

  32. GLP on June 11, 2012 at 10:45 pm

    Just wanted to say that your blog is great and you are doing an awesome job! I also have a daughter who just turned 5 months 🙂 so I especially love reading your family blogs! Thanks for sharing!

  33. Steff on June 11, 2012 at 10:45 pm

    Can’t wait to hear more about how the BLW method goes! I plan to try that with my son soon, he will be 5 months next week.

  34. Kelly on June 11, 2012 at 10:45 pm

    Hi Gina,
    I just love reading your family posts and wanted to let you know I think it’s brave of you to admit that things were really hard at first. We just had our baby 8 weeks ago. And although she’s the greatest gift I could have asked for, things have been tough for me as well. I think that some people are too proud to admit that it’s a super hard adjustment. As women we all need to remember to support each other no matter what. I’m hoping that when my daughter is 5 months, things will be much easier for me as well. 🙂 Thanks for your posts!

  35. Marci on June 11, 2012 at 10:51 pm

    She is too cute and looks so happy. I love to read and see what it’s like two months ahead of where we are now. Seems so different!

  36. Heather (Heather's Dish) on June 11, 2012 at 11:11 pm

    baby smiles are the best thing ever – she’s so joyful! i’m just glad that you mentioned that you went through some stuff after she was born; i think that in and of itself is so helpful to know!

  37. Jenna@redheadrunningwild on June 11, 2012 at 11:12 pm

    What a sweet, beautiful little girl!!! She is very luck to have such a wonderful caring mom!!

  38. Lauren on June 11, 2012 at 11:12 pm

    Just remember, there will always be people who say something isn’t right…all you can do is what is right for your family. What works for one person does not necessarily work for you. As long as your family is happy and healthy, that’s all that matters. 🙂

  39. Julie on June 11, 2012 at 11:17 pm

    Gina, she is beautiful!

  40. Giselle on June 11, 2012 at 11:35 pm

    Gina, I fell in love with your blog a few months back when I was working towards losing my pregnancy weight. I haven’t gone a day without logging on and reading your blog. You even inspired me to start my own blog! I SOOOO appreciate your healthy post, fitness tips and upbeat personality. Thank you!

  41. Yaara on June 11, 2012 at 11:45 pm

    OMG Gina!
    She is so precious! My heart literally melts everytime you post pictures of her. I have so much enjoyed reading about your journey as a new mother. Happy 5 Months baby and Mama!! Oh–and I think baby led weaning is wonderful. If I am lucky and blessed enough to have children I will definitely go the natural baby-led weaning route.

  42. Katie @ Talk Less, Say More on June 11, 2012 at 11:46 pm

    that last picture definitely shows she’s a little firecracker – super cute!

  43. Jen Villa on June 11, 2012 at 11:51 pm

    Reading your fitness posts always makes me feel great, you are so real and fun and positive and it makes me come back for my daily reminder of healthy eats (and yummy treats!) and positive messages on not so awesome days. When I got pregnant in October (found out in November, around Thanksgiving) I had the HARDEST time trying to get excited about it because I fear the hard mommy times (I got a lot of the “your life is over” talk). When I stumbled upon your family posts it gave me such hope. You were so positive, all the time. Exactly what I needed. I was in awe by the way you gracefully wrote about being a mom and shared favorite things and such. You are extremely inspirational and reminded me of all the great things that will come with being a mom.

    I wanted to write this, because of the means girls comment. The best piece of advice I have gotten so far was from my best friend who now has a 16 month old. She told me, “watch out for moms, they can be mean” – I’m not sure if it was a mom who gave you that judgment, but I am sorry that it left such a bad impression. Especially because moms shouldn’t be judgmental we should all be supportive and wonderful towards one another, and it is something I REALLY fear as a new mom-to-be. I’m glad you have continued to share your story with us, because it really does make me feel like I CAN do this, and have an amazing experience. Your daughter looks to be so amazingly happy and that is a direct product of how awesome of a mom you are. Thanks for always sharing, you help more people then I think you know and now it isn’t just those trying to be fit 😉 it is those new moms and moms-to-be out there 😉

    • Fitnessista on June 12, 2012 at 12:04 pm

      thank you, jen <3 so excited for you!!

  44. Mari on June 12, 2012 at 12:25 am

    She has the cutest smile!!

    • Fitnessista on June 12, 2012 at 12:03 pm

      it melts my heart 🙂

  45. Tricia on June 12, 2012 at 1:11 am

    Sorry you got some mean comments:( I love your blog – would have hated for you to quit writing

  46. Kimberly on June 12, 2012 at 1:17 am

    Love the onesies. Such a cute idea!

  47. Vanessa on June 12, 2012 at 1:35 am

    Gina! I don’t usually comment but I’ve been following your blog for a few years and after reading this post, I really felt like I needed to say this. You are AMAZING! Please remember that. While I don’t have kids, I have seen almost all of my friends and family members struggle to find balance in their lives with a new baby. It’s a life changer, for sure. People are always going to have opinions about you, they’re always going to try to find faults in everything you do, especially when you’re brave enough to put yourself out there, in the way of a blog. It’s easy to say mean things from behind a computer screen about someone you’ve never met. Those people are just very insecure and I’m sorry you had to deal with all of that at such an amazing time in your life. I think you’re doing a great job and you’re an inspiration to me! I’ve lost 67 pounds in the past year from following your workouts and trying your recipes. So thank you! And please just know, you are appreciated! <3
    P.S. Livi is so incredibly beautiful!!!!

    • Fitnessista on June 12, 2012 at 12:02 pm

      thank you, vanessa- your comment hugged my heart 🙂

  48. Mary on June 12, 2012 at 1:48 am

    Livi looks like she’s just about ready for Zumba! 🙂

    • Fitnessista on June 12, 2012 at 12:02 pm

      haha YES!

  49. Averie @ Averie Cooks on June 12, 2012 at 1:49 am

    Thanks for sharing the pics of your beautiful pumpkin with us all and for your candid report about life as you know it now as a mom 🙂 Love reading it!

  50. Brett Marie on June 12, 2012 at 3:16 am

    I am so bummed that you have received mean comments/criticism about your adventures in mommyhood. I think it is incredibly brave of you to put so much of yourself into this blog and let in so many “strangers” in….and in my oh-so-humble opinion I think you are a rock star & a role model. I don’t have kids yet, but I love seeing someone who is navigating all the trials that come with being a new parent, and I have really respected your honesty & good humor through it. Mean commenters on the blog are just mean girls from highschool who never grew up….don’t let them get you down 🙂

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