All-time Favorite Fitness Tips
After reading your amazing thoughts on the recent organic studies, I thought it would be fun to talk about the BEST health and fitness tips. Since it’s been a journey for me to get into my groove with healthy eating and working out -I’m still learning and changing things as time goes on- a few of the things I’ve learned have stuck with me and helped me and encouraged long-term success.
My Favorite Fitness Tips
-Create a plan. It’s much easier to take steps to achieve goals if there’s an action plan in place. Taking time each week to think about what classes I’m taking/teaching, prep some meals, and grocery shop makes healthy eating and fitness more attainable during the week. Recently, I started posting my fitness schedule and recipes I’ll be making that week.
-Look at the forest, not the trees. Assess your improvement over time, and if you have a day where things don’t go as planned, just hop back on the wagon as soon as you can. What you do in the grand scheme of things matters so much more than a 1-day slip-up. Focus on the big picture and your long-term goals as motivation.
-Quality over quantity. I’m going to go ahead and say that two-a-day workouts are unnecessary. It’s a quick recipe for burnout, and a waste of time unless you’re training for a major athletic event. If you push yourself while you’re at the gym, a great workout shouldn’t take more than an hour, including cardio and weights. This is one that really held true to me after having Liv. Since time at the gym is shorter and less frequent, I make the most of my workouts.
-Good shoes make a huge difference! It was so hard for me to initially start running because my feet would hurt. After getting my stride checked at a local running store and fitted with new shoes, running felt so much better. A lot of the running and workout gadgets are overrated, but it’s important to have quality shoes that are in good condition.
I asked some of my blog friends if they’d mind sending in their favorite health/fitness tips, and here’s what they had to say:
Thank you so much to Tina, Kath, Julie, Angela, Caitlin, Courtney, Michelle and Lori for the awesome tips (and to Katy for the beautiful graphic)!
What’s the one piece of fitness/health advice you would share with a fitness or clean eating newbie?
Hope you have a wonderful day and I’ll see ya later!
Hello Gina,
I really love the redesign of your site! I have been trying to figure out how to have your daily updates sent directly to my email, would you please consider that option in the near future? Thanks for all of your effort and information, and keep up the great work!
Fabulous layout! I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOVE the new design Gina!!! It looks fabulous and I can’t wait to click around and see some of the updated pages. One of my best pieces of advice, for both clean eating and fitness is to start small, and not to expect perfection. Every little bit counts, and there’s no need to compare yourself to others that have been eating squeaky-clean or working out regularly for a long time. 🙂
I love the next page design, Gina. It is so bright and fresh!
Love it! However, It’s kind of weird that the ads i see on your blog are all for Dominoes… sad :-/
love the redesign! and that little fitness tips graphic is awesome! all those tips are great! 🙂
I love these tips! I do like to break my workout into 2-a-days mainly for scheduling purposes, walk or run with the dog in the morning and weights in the evening. I have always struggled with weather I like working out in the AM or PM and this way I get both benefits! Just my choice 🙂
My tip would be don’t make. Bunch of changes at one time. Focus on clean eating for a few weeks, then increase walks, then add on intense workouts. All at once is too much in my opinion and I feel like you’re more likely to stick with it that way.
Wow, typos galore. This is what happens when you type with one hand and have a glass of wine in the other with only 5 hours of sleep for the last 32 hours haha
The blog looks AMAZING! So much easier to read!!! I love it!
I really like the new design:)
Love the new design!!!
LOVE LOVE LOVE the new look! Did you design it?! Everything looks so clean and crisp!
Although I loved all the pink I am loving the new layout!! Definitely easier to navigate and think the pop of the Fitness Tips is a fantastic design!!
I reeeeaaaallly appreciate the change you did to the Family page. My husband and I are still a couple years away from starting a family (I want to finish school first – on my way to becoming a registered dietitian!) but every time I read your Family page I think, man I need to save all this info for when my time comes!!! Now, you’ve made it supa easy 🙂
Love your blog!! <3
I love the new look! Very clean, easy to read, and modern. I like that there is a clear theme and well thought out elements of design. I liked your old layout too, but this definitely appeals to the graphic design nerd in me 🙂 Very snazzy!
I absolutely LOVE the new design!
LOVE the new design!
I love the next look, especially the sweet picture of your family. 🙂
My best exercise tip is to not put too much pressure on yourself at the beginning. Placing huge, unattainable goals on yourself is counterproductive. Start small – maybe just getting to the gym – and build up as time goes on. Sometimes trying to do too much too fast is overwhelming and when you don’t see immediate or fast results you give up. Committing to a healthy lifestyle takes a lot of work and effort, so it’s ok to go slow.
Also, don’t be afraid to reward yourself for your hard work. Set up prizes when you achieve various goals — new shoes for a certain amount of weight lost, a massage for finishing a 5K – whatever keeps you motivated. There were times during my weight loss journey, and still, where my rewards are what keep me going.
Yes yes yesss! I adore the site!
The new design looks great! Congrats!
I LOVE your new blog layout!! I need to check out your web wizard Cody!! I’m launching my wellness life coaching business & just don’t have the time to figure out WordPress and make it exactly how I want. Are his prices pretty reasonable? I love that he’s a mind-reader too! 😉 That’s a huge perk!
Love the redesign! Thanks for the tips too!
I absolutely love your new blog. It is so much cleaner. I also love everyone who contributed to your fitness tips! 🙂
The new design is awesome! Love the new header with pictures 🙂 My advice from experience is that you can work out as much as you want but clean eating is what will give you the results. Once I changed my diet I noticed such a difference even though I was working out the same amount as before. Thanks for all of your advice and fitness tips!
Gina your new site is GORGEOUS! Congrats!
I know it’s a little white knuckle-ish to go through blog changes but your site is sp pretty. Job well done to you and Cody!
I love the new blog layout!! but I miss seeing Bella’s cute face at the top!!
Love the new look! It’s so clean and fresh and pretty! I also love the advice–it’s always good to hear different perspectives on health and fitness. I think I’m going to make a blank workout calendar like Caitlin recommends!
Oh so clean and sleek and pink!
Hi Gina,
I agree that moderation is the key when it comes to personal fitness. We all have a tendency to overdue our workouts and this will of course lead to burn-out and a general disinterest in working out. Taking adequate time in between workouts will ensure that we keep working out, for the long run.
Love the new design! It looks really great!
Also, thanks for all the great tips! I need to work on planning my week better.
I love your new layout! And I totally agree about the good shoes, I just got fitted for Nike and Saucony, I’m so excited to wear them!
Bright and Shiny! Cody did a great job!
My favourite tip is: you don’t have to ‘go hard or go home’. Sometimes you can only give it 80% and that’s still waaaay better than nothing.
LOVE the new design! Very clean.
I tell newbies that making small changes is better and easier to keep up with than an entire lifestyle overhaul, and it’ll lead to more healthy choices.
I love the look of the new site. I want to print out those fitness tips and post it in my bedroom so I . Such great ideas!
LOVE LOVE LOVE the new site. I love the clean, streamlined look. So easy to navigate, and you kept the accents of pink (my fave color). From a designer’s viewpoint, I give it two enthusiastic thumbs up. 🙂
Gina, the site revamp looks AMAZING! So clean and fresh, I absolutely love it. How exciting for you!
Hi Gina! The new format is great! I was wondering if you know of any exercises I can do with a broken, recovering from surgery, non-weightbearing leg? I’m dying just sitting around, I’m just not sure how to modify or come up with new ways to exercise. Ive been cleared to do pretty much anything except put any weight on my leg. Thanks!
First of all, I love the new site just like everybody else. Came to check it and was like…WHOA! Awesome 🙂
Second of all, favorite fitness tip? Be kind to yourself. You’ve said that many times and it has stuck with me. Exercise and healthy eating is not punishment and should never be treated like it is…it’s all for our benefit and to make us live happier, longer, fulfilled lives. SO important to remember that and not ever treat food or gym time like it’s the devil. And also a reminder to really take care of yourself, honor your body, eat intuitively, and exercise for how it makes you FEEL. I have felt so much better once I started doing this. It’s definitely a process and it’s hard to get away from all the negativity in that world because of the media/diet fads/etc, but I think it’s really important.
Annnnd third of all..did the jump rope circuit tonight! I had no jump rope, so I just pretended I did 🙂 awesome!
i’m so glad you had a good workout!
i LOVE that tip. it’s so important to make fitness and healthy eating something that’s enjoyable <3
My tip isnt for a brand new newbie but someone who has only been on this journey for a year or so.
Take a break ever now and then from training. Your body will make a lot of progress during that time. BUT have a fitnes goal planned for after your break so you can get back into it.
Hey, Gina!
I loooved the new layout! so cute! 🙂
Congrats on this amazing blog!
I love the new blog design!
The site looks lovely Gina!!!
i’m loving the new blog layout! i must say, however, that i’m going to miss seeing that toned arm of yours in mid row every day… 🙂
LOVE the new clean blog layout- and the picture quality also looks better! Great work :)! The only comment I’d add is that the picture to the left looks awkward- it could be the angle/lighting or the fact that the size is smaller than the other two- it just doesn’t seem to match the rest. I think a forward facing fitness shot symmetrical in size to the other two images would look fabulous :).
I love your new blog!
In LOVE with the NEW facelift 😉 I’m officially a fan!
And my tip would be: Clean eating may seem hard at first because old habits and ways of eating. But once you get used to the healthy options and seeking out healthier alternatives, there’s a whole world of eating! And also, your taste buds get more in-tuned with “natural” taste of foods, rather than sugars and MSGs that make other food taste the way it tastes. Becasue of this, you won’t feel like the food you’re eating is boring at all! 🙂
Thanks for being a constant inspiration to me for healthy living Gina 😉 I read your blog everyday!
thank you so much for reading! LOVE your tip 🙂
ADORE the new look website! xx
Love the blog reboot gurl!
Great tips! I especially liked Lori and Michelle’s. Simple and inspiring.
The new website looks great! 🙂
great job on the redesign! This is such a better look, cleaner and more mature.
love the layout!! 🙂
The new blog design looks AMAZING! Well done Gina, you’re such an inspiration.