Baby K’tan giveaway
It’s been quite a day over here.
Liv hasn’t had a single long nap –I’m scared for what tonight will be like because when she naps well, she sleeps well and vise versa- she’s on outfit change #4 and I’m on #3. We’re still trying to get her to have one long nap in the pack n’ play, and while Tom can get her to fall asleep on her own, I fail miserably. He puts her in the pack n’ play swaddled, stares at her until she starts to close her eyes and walks away. I do the same and when I walk away, she screams bloody murder. I’ll pick her up, pat her and “shhhhh,” put her back down and she wails. After two tries, she ends up in the Moby or Baby K’tan.
Since I didn’t know what types of baby carriers/wraps would work best for us, I researched like crazy and ended up buying the organic versions of the Moby, the Ergo and Baby K’tan. I haven’t used the Ergo with the infant insert yet –Tom loves it- but the Mody and K’Tan are staples.
I love them both, but think the design of the Baby K’Tan is much more user-friendly. Instead of being a gigantic piece of fabric that you have to tie and twist a certain way (I had to watch a few YouTube video how-tos), it consists of two large loops held together by a small loop + a support wrap.
I also prefer the Baby K’Tan because it’s easy to put on in public. With the Moby, I’ll have to tie it before I leave the house for wherever we’re going, and if Liv is in the stroller or carseat, I just look like I’m wearing some kind of ninja wrap. I can put the Baby K’Tan in the diaper bag to wear or remove easily. The stroller is more functional, but for quick shopping trips, friends’ houses and parties, the Baby K’Tan or Moby work extremely well.
When a Baby K’tan representative saw this photo of Liv snoozing in her favorite spot,
he kindly offered to do a giveaway for a lucky reader. The winner can pick any Baby K’tan carrier in a fabric/color of their choice- it also makes an awesome gift for an expectant friend.
Two ways to enter:
1. Leave a comment with a funny story about when you were a baby (or about your kiddos)
2. Tweet “I want to win @babyktan from @fitnessista “
The lucky winner will be chosen tomorrow (Tuesday, 3/13) night at midnight EST.
I don’t have a twitter account but would def. share this giveaway if I did 🙂
Last night, during our diaper change, Landon pooped AND peed on me before I could get a new diaper on him. Aye yay yay… 🙂 WOULD LOVE A K’TAN to go along with my Moby. I’ve heard great things!
so I dont have kiddos yet but would love to win this for my prego sister!! I was a nanny in college and one time walked into the babys room after naptime and he was covered in poo!!!
My baby is supposed to be here in 2 days! ^_^ When I was a baby, my parents would take me out to restaurants but once the food got to the table I would always fall asleep face first into it lol 😛
I’m about 16 week pregnant with #2. My first is almost 2 and is at a stage where he likes to strip down all the time. My husband and I took him to the park this weekend. I was talking to a friend while the husband played with our son. I hear some happy screams and my husband laughing hysterically. I look over and there he was standing at the top of a slide screaming with joy at the top of his lungs just enjoying the breeze, completely naked. Why the hubby just let him take his clothes off at the park, I’ll never know.
love the baby K’tan. Would lend it out to the ladies in my Attachment Parenting support group to try!
when I was very little, my parents couldn’t find me for hours, frantic! they eventually discovered me in the blanket chest, curled up asleep in all the cosy blankets! 🙂
I guess a lot of these stories are about poop or pee 🙂 so here’s mine 🙂
Just a few weeks ago I took my son (16 months old) to a local kids’ resale store to do a little shopping. I let him play in their play area while I looked around. After a few minutes I came to pick him up and notice he was SOAKED all up and down his back and legs. He had his first blowout in MONTHS and I had no change of clothes for him. In the bathroom, he of course thought it was hilarious when I was trying to keep him from squirming all over the place and was giggling as he thrashed around and spread the poop everywhere. Luckily I did have a fresh diaper, but I had to take him home in 30* weather wearing just that. Fun times. 🙂
Thanks for the giveaway!
I wasn’t quite a baby when this happened but when I was 3 my mom decided to put me in this county beauty pageant. As a 3 year old, your mom would walk you up the stage while they read a little blurb about you that your mom submitted previously…well, I was very excited to be all done up in my little dress, lacey socks and white shoes and my hair all curly from the foam rollers mom had put in my hair the night before (there was no makeup and spray tanning of the toddlers back then!). As we were going up the stairs to get to the stage, I was so excited that I ended up tripping my mom on the stairs and everyone in the audience could see her and I just blew past her and went ahead and strutted my stuff on the stage by my self and proceeded to wave and blow kisses like a pro. My family in the audience all thought it was hilarious and apparently so did the judges because I won! I guess my type A personality even shown through as a 3 year old haha.
Anyway, I would LOVE a k’tan as I am 16 weeks pregnant and getting all of my stuff purchased and organized. I think I would like the k’tan more than the moby for outings especially.
When our oldest boy was almost 5 he & I had just moved to the town we live in now for me to go to graduate school. I had to teach him our new address and phone number, so we worked on it when ever we got a chance. We had to run to the store to get groceries and other household items that we needed. As we were walking around the store he kept on walking up to people “Hi! My name is Lane, my phone number is 840-6990. I live at Sugartree apartment K 5-7 come over and play ANYTIME!” I kept telling him to stop, then as we were checking out he shouted out to the store what his address was and invited them all to come to dinner at our place. I busted up laughing.
I have been looking at getting a new wrap for our youngest. I love my long piece of material that I wrap like a moby wrap, but don’t enjoy having to do it before we leave too. I’m also looking for a carrier for my husband to use, one of those backpack style ones, so that we can start hiking again on the super easy trails to get my body used to it again.
The other night, while half asleep the hubby and I were changing our little guys diaper and sure enough he started to sprinkle his little fountain on daddy. Daddy immediately woke up and I couldn’t help but laugh my head off. Karma aparently got ahold of me bc on the next diaper change, I got soaked TWICE when changing his diaper. 😛 lol Hubby said that’s exactly what I got for laughing at him the first time. 🙂
I grew up in an apt in NYC and used to like to take the elevator myself as soon as I could walk. To the point where ppl used to return me to my mother on a regular basis. I hope my baby daughter doesn’t take up the same habit
When my son was just starting to potty train he said he needed to go potty. I took his diaper off and sent him toward the bathroom. Two steps later he pooped on the floor. I was not ready for that but it did help spur us toward helping him in this venture.
Hi Gina! I’m currently 35 weeks pregnant (expecting my 2nd girl) and would so love to win the Baby K’tan carrier! I also have a 22 month old daughter, named Mara. She’s a crack up! A funny story about her is that I taught her the word “booty” because I ask her to wash her “booty” when she is in the bath. Since she has learned the word, she points out the “booty” on all of her stuffed animals, or other people. She also mentions her “booty” when she goes down the slide at the park. It’s hilarious! Anyway, things to look forward to once Livi starts chatting your ear off. Here’s hoping I’m a winner!
I absolutely love your blog, by the way. Couldn’t live without it at this point. : )
I think its so funny that my baby girl is only 3 months and she has the biggest farts I’ve ever heard. My husband is always shocked to hear her go at it. And whenever she’s has gas she moves and kicks and grunts and lifts her leg up and farts all at the same time. It always makes us laugh.
my mom always tells me the time where she changed my cloth diaper, fed me, burped me but I kept crying and crying. Finally she un pins my diaper to give another look and she saw she had pinned the diaper through my skin! I guess it wasn’t that horrific, but enough to make me cry 🙁 the story kind of makes me laugh and makes me thankful that cloth diapers aren’t so treacherous nowadays!
My mom told me that when we moved from Montana to Washington when I was two, she came inside while they were packing up the truck to find me hugging my bedroom floor goodbye. I didn’t want to leave Montana. Ahhh, little me. I still wish I were living in Montana… 🙂 Thanks for the great giveaway! I am not planning kids for a while yet, but per your recommendation, I bought the K’tan for an expecting friend and plan to do it for another.
I’m not pregnant but a gf is and would like to enter for her. I really appreciate your “what products I loved” posts. I’m buying her shower gifts from those posts! No real funny stories from when I was a baby. But my bro and I were so tight growing up that when we got into arguements, rather than hit each other, we’d grab decorative bells off the shelf and ring em in each others ears till one of us gave up! We did that till we were like 16. Such weirdos!
I got left alone on the changing table for all of 20 seconds when I was about one…when my mom turned back towards me the ENTIRE bottle of baby powder was all over me, the floor, the change table, the walls…Good thing my parents loved me because baby powder is not fun to clean up!!
When I was two years old, my parents bundled my brother and I and got us ready for a trip to the shopping mall. They put us in our car seats and got us strapped in but they forgot something in the house. They didn’t want to stop the car from heating up because it was winter and they didn’t want to take us back into the house because it was difficult handling two young children so they left us in the car with it running. Well, I was able to unstrap myself and I accidentally locked the door. When my parents came back, they couldn’t get into the car and they saw that I locked it. They tried to open the car window by using the old hanger trick but it didn’t work. My parents ended up calling the fire department and they had to break one of the windows. My dad wasn’t a happy camper because it was a brand new car. Oh well. I guess my parent’s learned the hard way. LOL
Yay! Funny stories are always easy to come by when you have kiddos! We’re trying to wean my 16 month old son and my husband was changing his diaper the other day, shirtless. It was very warm which is unusual for this time of year and he hasn’t seen my husband shirtless very often so as he was staring up at daddy’s bare chest he looked over at me, looked at my husband, and with a slightly confused look said, “Mama!” While pointing up to my husband’s nipples and signing milk!!! It was hilarious!
I learned how to climb out of my crib at an early age. My mom would take me in my room and put me down for a nap, I’d lay there until she left, then climb out and play. Wen I’d hear her coming I’d hurry and climb back into my crib and act like I was napping or just waking up. I thought I was so clever until a couple months ago when my mom told me that she knew I wasn’t napping the whole time. She just needed me to have some quiet time on my own!
My kid isn’t born yet, but I think the funniest pregnancy story so far was when I used “I’m pregnant!” as a line to ward off some guy who was hitting on me. Awkward, but it worked!
The other day I asked my three year old to help pick up and he said “but my watch says its not time to clean up yet”….both my husband and I could not stop laughing 🙂
apparently i was a horrible sleeper as a baby and now that i am having my own i am terrified that karma will come back to get me!
My babies are still about 6 weeks away, so no funny stories from them yet 🙂
My Dad tells everyone a story about me when I was around 3. We were eating dinner and my Mom was getting ready to go out with some girlfriends. I said I wanted to go with, but my Dad said no only grown ups are going. I guess I rested my head in my hand on the tray of the high chair and said “Goddammit, I want to go with Mom.”
Last night while changing my 4 week olds diaper he somehow managed to pee himself in the face. The look of complete confusion on his face was priceless. Then, as I was putting on the second clean diaper he had a massive poop explosion. In a matter of five minutes we went through four diapers. Of course, my cost conscious husband was tallying up the cost of all those wasted diapers!
I had horrible colic as a baby and back then the only thing my mom knew how to do was take me for a car ride, or let me cry myself to sleep. One night I was in my room crying away and my sister wanted to come in and get me, but my mom wouldn’t let her. She sat on the other side of the bedroom door trying to comfort me and said, “I would come in there, but our MEAN MOTHER won’t let me”. Ha!
Our beautiful oldest daughter is expecting her first baby in September, & I would love to get this Baby K’tan as a gift for her, as it is a “must have” on her baby list. Her first gift to me, was of course the overwhelming joy & love I felt for her when she was born. Her second gift to me was the explosion all over my pretty new nursing gown my mom gave me the first night she was home. She nursed off into lala land, then proceeded to let loose (pun intended 🙂 all over my pastel yellow gown. The diapers in those days were no match for her. Thanks for the opportunity to win this great item!
My 2 year old full-of-spunk daughter has this love for a little Bible she got when she was dedicated at church, and her favorite page is a picture of Moses and the story of the burning bush – although she thinks Moses is Santa and when she finds the page with the picture she will squeal with delight and say “Ho-ho says hot!” Every male with a white beard is Santa to her…can’t wait until next Christmas 🙂
I TWEETED also!! :o) 35 weeks preggo and would LOVE this for baby girl #2!!!
I have a 6 month old baby boy who was a 29 week preemie and weighed 1 lb 12 ozs at birth. The first time my 7 year old nephew met my baby he said “he’s the best baby I ever saw and his toes are smaller than a crumb of my muffin!” (he was eating a blueberry muffin at the time)
I am totally trying to figure out the baby carrier thing for our Junebug… I think the funny stories about me are all from my young tot years – one of my favorites is from a family trip to England when I was 20 months old and my grandpa was watching me while my parents finished packing so we could move on to our next destination. He was letting me play in the back of the car and I found his little bottles of scotch from the plane…
the good news is that I didn’t drink it! I thought it was perfume and splashed it all over myself! Somehow he got it all cleaned up before my parents were finished packing because no one but he and my grandma knew about it until I was 18, when he told the story in front of my boyfriend (who is now my awesome husband)!!!
I love the baby k’tan and have it in black! I would love this wrap for my pregnant best friend!! My favorite funny story about my daughter (who is 4) is whenever she gets in the car, she falls asleep immediately. And whenever we arrive at our destination, her eyes pop open and she exclaims, “I don’t want to sleep!!” Never fails to crack me up!
When I was little my mom said she had to keep frozen peas on the top shelf of the freezer or else I would get them out and eat them frozen. Ironically I don’t even really like peas now as an adult.
My son used to scream & cry whenever I would leave the room too, it would drive me crazy!! Now he is an excellent sleeper. I have another one on the way & would LOVE a K’tan!!!!!
I really love my moby wrap, but I completely agree with the reasons why you prefer the K’tan. It would be nice not too have such long fabric, it’s impossible to tie when I’m out. Would love to try it, since I’m due in 3 weeks 😀 The only funny story I can think of is when my son was 3, almost 4 and we had people over and he went to the bathroom. He couldn’t reach the light so he was going in the dark and then all of a sudden he yelled “can someone turn on the light so I can wipe my ass?” We all pretty much died laughing.
I want to win! I fell asleep face first into my meatloaf on an airplane once when I was 5. My parents will not let me forget it!
Would looove to win this for my pregnant sister!
When I was a kid, probably around 4, my mom and I were at a playgroup. Someone asked another little girl what she wanted to be when she grows up. She said “I want to be a pediatrician so I can help kids.” Then they asked me and I said “Well….I either want to be a waitress or a clown.”
My little guy is 5 months old and his personality is really starting to come out now! Someday he will kill me for writing this, but he has recently found his “man parts.” Every time he is in the tub and rediscovers it, he thinks it’s the best and funniest thing that’s ever happened to him. Last night during bathtime he kept grabbing himself, and then he would laugh, and then I would laugh, and that only made him laugh even harder! Up until now the only thing that has made him laugh consistently is the dog. Ah, little boys…
My 7 week old baby girl was born six weeks early. The doctors tell us she is a miracle. Yesterday after she drolled half of her breast milk out of her mouth my four year old son said “she is the milkiest miracle…I love her!l ;0)
I used to do the exact same thing-I remember even as I got older, I would consciously go to bed easier for my dad than my mom!
i was supposed to be twin boys when i was born,,, and nere i am not just one lady!
I’m 31 weeks pregnant and would love to win a k’tan! Chasing after a toddler with a newborn I’m sure it would get tons of use.
When my daughter was younger if the TV was on she would roll (she couldn’t even crawl yet) to the remote and turn it on to the home shopping network, it never failed. My husband would always say she takes after her mommy :).
I would love to win a K’Tan for when our little girl arrives this May!
When I was just old enough to walk and talk, my mother took me to the grocery store and there was a (very tall, very large) Nigerian man shopping there. Growing up in a very small western town, I had never seen anyone with different colored skin before. I looked up at him and said with genuine awe in my voice “You’re black”, like I couldn’t believe my eyes. He was so kind and simply looked at me and replied “I am?!” My mother was mortified, but I was honestly awestruck lol
I’m 23 weeks now and would love a Baby K’tan! When I was a baby, my Dad nicknamed me “Pierce” b/c of my piercing scream. The only way my parents could eat dinner was to put me in the swing (the old school kind with the crank) and put it on top speed. My grandma was always afraid I was going to fly out! Never did (to my knowledge!) 🙂
I would love to try a Baby K’Tan! I have an Ergo, which I love, but the K’Tan looks better for snuggling 🙂
My little baby boy absolutely loves to sabotage my shopping trips. Our last trip to the mall resulted in a full blow out. I’m talking all over the place, his clothes, diaper, even leaked through all over his stroller seat! Not pleasant but when I discovered the blowout he laughed his head off. I think he seriously knows what he’s doing!!
When I was a toddler my parents brought me to Wisconsin Dells. They had stopped momentarily to watch a pig race. Before they knew it the announcer told the audience that there was a little girl in a pink dress that just joined the race. That little girl was me! I was safe and my parents rescued me promptly!
I can’t wait to have some fun baby stories soon – 36 weeks now! I know that I was a handful as a baby – I loved to pull everything off of shelves and empty Mom’s purse daily!
I would love to win a baby K’tan!
I took my daughter to JCPennys a few weeks ago to have 3 month pictures taken. As we walked into the studio and I started talking to the photographer, my daughter poops very audibly. At least she was feeling good for the pictures!