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Friday Faves

Hi friends! Howโ€™s the week going? I hope youโ€™re enjoying the morning so far and staying safe and healthy. The Pilot was gone for a bit of this week, so itโ€™s been me and the girls, try to avoid going too stir crazy. We did get to this point lol. Weโ€™ve been taking the dogs…

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How to Make Tempeh Taste Good

Sharing my ideas for how to cook tempeh and if tempeh should be cooked! Hi friends! How’s the day going so far? I’m catching a barre class from home this morning and am looking forward to taking the kiddos on a hike this afternoon. For today’s post, I thought I’d revisit an older post since…

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Favorite Peloton instructors

Hi friends! I hope youโ€™re having a wonderful morning so far and staying safe and healthy with everything going on. Weโ€™re into our second week of self-isolating over here and Iโ€™m just trying to keep the kiddos busy and happy in between catching up with work stuff when I get the chance. Weโ€™re taking it…

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Friday Faves + the last Trunk Club keepers

Hi friends! Happy Friday! I think itโ€™s Friday? I feel like weโ€™re in the weird limbo phase between Christmas and New Yearโ€™s. I hope everyone is hanging in there with everything going on. Weโ€™re taking it day by day over here and spending lots of time outside while the weather has been nice. Here are…

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Your Spring Fitness Plan

Hi friends! I hope you’re hanging in there with everything going on. It feels like it’s been 400 days and it’s been like 6. ๐Ÿ˜‰ My goal is to post as many resources as possible to get through the next few weeks, along with updates on how/what we’re doing and lots of fun distractions (at-home…

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pros of self-quarantine

Hi friends! How are you doing in the land of unknown? Weโ€™re hanging in there and only on day 4 of self quarantine. Itโ€™s very surreal not having an end point and feeling like youโ€™re constantly holding your breath. For now, weโ€™re taking it day by day, spending as much time outside as we can,…

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Working out with kids at home

You donโ€™t! Just kidding. ๐Ÿ˜‰ To be totally honest with you guys, working out with the kids at home isnโ€™t at the top of my list of favorite things to do. I prefer to get it done when theyโ€™re at school or when the Pilot is home so I can head out of the house…

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Friday Faves

Hi hi friends! Happy Friday! What a weird week, right? Iโ€™ve felt this ominous energy all week and everything continues to feel more unsettling as events are canceled and things close down. Even though it feels weird and scary, Iโ€™m glad that weโ€™re taking an effort to stop the spread of the disease and hopefully…

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Pure Barre vs. barre3: which one is better?

Sharing my thoughts on Pure Barre and barre3, the differences between them, and which one I like more. [Hint: itโ€™s pretty much a tie.] Hi friends! Howโ€™s the morning going? Itโ€™s been a good week over here. I taught bootcamp, went to choir (our concert is soon and Iโ€™m pretty pumped about it), and babysat…

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fashion limbo + homemade energy bars

Hi friends! How are ya? I hope you had a lovely weekend! The Pilot had to work most of the weekend, so the girls and I had some fun adventures together. Saturday morning, we met up with Kyle, Meg, EJ and August for Mexican donuts and coffee at the mercado. They have a huge courtyard…

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Friday Faves

Hey hey! The weekend is here! What do you have going on? Thank you for the wonderful comments on yesterdayโ€™s blog post. Itโ€™s nice to hear Iโ€™m not alone in feeling anxious about the world right now. Iโ€™m looking forward to spending this weekend with the fam, keeping the news far away from me, and…

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