Blogger friends’ books

Tea  1 of 1 3

Hey! How’s the morning going? Hope you’re having a great one so far <3 I just finished up a morning stretch, an awesome breakfast, and am ready to enjoy the day’s adventures.

I feel inspired with recipes lately. It’s certainly a mixture of a few things: the fall produce (gimme ALL THE SQUASHES), enjoying new dishes, and the fact that I’ve had a couple of awesome new cookbooks to enjoy. New cookbooks always help me to think outside of my usual habits, and they’re an enjoyable way to take down time when you’ve been working on creating your own recipes. It’s comforting to breeze through a recipe knowing that someone else has carefully tested it for you. My two latest faves are even better because they were written by very good friends.

The first one is this PTV: The Part-time Vegetarian Smoothies and Juices, which was written by Tina

PTV  1 of 1

I’ve had the pleasure of hanging out with Tina quite a few times, and she’s become one of my closest blogging buddies. (I still haven’t met Murphy though, and am borderline obsessed with that pug cuteness.) Tina is also a new mama, a CrossFitter, and writes an awesome blog if you haven’t checked it out. 

With tina  1 of 1

To write this book, she had to create and test over 140 smoothie recipes in two months (!!!!). When I received my copy, I was amazed by how beautifully it came together. Not only are the recipes incredibly creative (so fresh and vibrant!), but the full-page color photos are gorgeous. There are so many awesome smoothie and juice combos in here, and it’s really encouraged me to step out of the usual rotation. I tend to make the same smoothies and juices over and over, and for the past few weeks, I’ve been using quite a few of Tina’s amazing recipes.

Blueberry-basil smoothie:

Blueberry basil smoothie  1 of 1

Another cookbook that I was particularly excited about: Seriously Delish by Jessica.

Seriously delish  1 of 1

Ok, so I’ve never met Jess in real life (sad face), but we’ve been blog friends since the early days. I’m also convinced that she’s the Pilot’s dream wife. I read him some of the titles of her blog post recipes, and he walked to the kitchen to get a bowl of cereal with a trail of drool on the floor behind him. Needless to say, her recipes always go well in our household 😉 In pure Jess fashion, the cookbook pages are filled with beautiful photos and unique recipes. There’s a beautiful mix of indulgent and healthy options; I love that everything is made from scratch.

Chewy granola bars  1 of 1

A huge hit: these chewy granola bars. They’re a medley of oats, pumpkin seeds, flax, sunflower seeds, chia, honey…

Chewy granola bars  1 of 1 2

and for her first bar, Liv was walking around the house saying “Mmmmm. Mmmm! Mmm. Mmmm!”

Granola bar  1 of 1

Here’s the thing: the PR reps sent me copies of these cookbooks, and I had already ordered both on Amazon. So, I’d love to give them to one of you! Just leave a comment below with something that’s inspiring to you, or your favorite cookbook ever, and I’ll pick a winner this Thursday midnight EST. I’ll send both of these cookbooks to the winner, along with whatever goodies find their way into the box 😉



Retry later

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  1. Ashley @ My Food N Fitness Diaries on September 24, 2014 at 3:57 pm

    Would love to check out both of these books! I really love a cookbook I have called The Silver Palate. Lots of great stuff in there!

  2. Laurel on September 24, 2014 at 3:58 pm

    Inspiration: the thought of cool weather headed my way. I’m 38+ weeks pregnant and fall cannot come fast enough! I can’t wait to head to the pumpkin patch with my toddler, get geared up for Halloween, and start making crock pots soups.

  3. Stephanie Wright on September 24, 2014 at 4:00 pm

    My absolute favorite is “Better Than Vegan,” Chef Del’s second cookbook! I love it because it is a little more colorful and photo-filled than “Forks over Knives.” What can I say, I am a sucker for yummy looking food photos!!

  4. Sarah W on September 24, 2014 at 4:01 pm

    My inspiration is reading all of my favorite blogs and finding new workouts, recipes, etc.!

  5. Holly on September 24, 2014 at 4:01 pm

    Nothing inspires my cooking more than a recipe that is totally from scratch and has beautiful pictures! I don’t necessarily have a favorite cookbook right now, a lot of mine are from a few years back and have been collecting dust as I’ve changed my cooking habits over the years. Looking for a new cookbook to spice things up though!

  6. Lauren DeGuglielmo on September 24, 2014 at 4:02 pm

    I use a lot of older cookbooks that I got from fundraisers at my church growing up. If I want a healthier recipe clean eating magazine is great and also healthy eating blogs such as yours are always a good source 🙂

  7. Emily on September 24, 2014 at 4:05 pm

    Lame-o answer but I’m ALWAYS inspired by browsing pinterest. I don’t think I ever make the same recipe twice because there are just so many new ones to try all the time.

  8. Katie G on September 24, 2014 at 4:07 pm

    I love cookbooks with beautiful pictures. I’m much more likely to try out a recipe if I can see how delicious it looks. Right now Against All Grain is my favourite cookbook, but I have several go to blogs for recipes too.

  9. Kandi on September 24, 2014 at 4:11 pm

    I love The Pioneer Woman’s cookbooks!

  10. amelia@i_heart_kale on September 24, 2014 at 4:12 pm

    This is so cheesy, but my favorite cookbook is this little old ratty red ‘better homes and gardens’ cookbook from one of the first printings. My mom passed it on to me from someone else in the family who also got it from someone.

  11. Lauren on September 24, 2014 at 4:13 pm

    Pinterest is definitely inspriring for me, particularly for recipes. I love being able to see what the end result is *supposed* to look like, and see how other people liked a dish.

  12. Kat on September 24, 2014 at 4:16 pm

    There is this amazing vegetarian restaurant in Switzerland called Hiltl (actually the oldest vegetarian restaurant in the world) and I bought one of their cookbooks when i was there which is always my go-to when I want to try something creative. I would love to have a copy of both of these great-looking cookbooks!

  13. JoHannah on September 24, 2014 at 4:19 pm

    My favorite cook book is the one my mother-in-law gave me when I got married. If my husband is super hungry, I reach for her recipes. They are a sure way to make him happy. 🙂

  14. Margo on September 24, 2014 at 4:21 pm

    I love the plenty cookbook it is gorgeous!!

  15. Morgan on September 24, 2014 at 4:23 pm

    pinterest is my go to recipe book!

  16. Michelle @ A Healthy Mrs on September 24, 2014 at 4:24 pm

    Both of those cookbooks look amazing! Right now I’m inspired by the beautiful Fall weather we’re having — it’s making me want to embrace all things Autumn 🙂

  17. Melanie on September 24, 2014 at 4:27 pm

    Awesome! I’m a big fan of both Jess and Tinas blogs, and it’s exciting to see both of their recipes in print. I love cookbooks!

  18. Sarah on September 24, 2014 at 4:30 pm

    Oooh, I’d love these cookbooks! Something that’s inspiring me: my CSA veggies each week. Every time I get my box, I immediately go home and search for recipes! We’ve been eating really well over here 🙂

  19. Anna on September 24, 2014 at 4:34 pm

    Every week I have at least one of Jessica’s meals on our menu or have one of her granola bar recipes made for snacks – so I’d say How Sweet Eats is my favorite cookbook. All of the fall vegetables are inspiring me to make delicious foods.

  20. Crystal on September 24, 2014 at 4:34 pm

    I love Julia Child- her cookbooks are so classic. I wish I could make it through all her recipes! Pure class.

  21. Katie on September 24, 2014 at 4:38 pm

    Being back in school is inspiring me! I am currently getting back into the swing of university life after an amazing summer at home with my family. Being so busy with assignments, papers, as well as clinical placements in the hospital, I am using cooking as my downtime. It is something fun and relaxing that I look forward to at the end of a crazy day! I also have to get creative now that I am cooking for one again!

  22. Jody on September 24, 2014 at 4:41 pm

    I love searching Pinterest for creative new recipes!

  23. Nikki on September 24, 2014 at 4:44 pm

    I love watching cooking shows on Sun morning with coffee. My favorite: The Pioneer Woman!

  24. Ashley v on September 24, 2014 at 4:45 pm

    Reading blogs is inspiring to me! I love reading new recipes from my favorite bloggers! This time if year is typically all about the pumpkin flavor (which I don’t like at all), but there are a lot of great veggie and soup recipes this time of year as well that make me sing!

  25. Steph on September 24, 2014 at 4:45 pm

    Changing seasons is always an inspiration for me! I love what new foods are appealing to me with the change in weather!

  26. Linda @ Fit Fed and Happy on September 24, 2014 at 4:49 pm

    I read Tomas first book and it was. great. it was like reading my own diary! Ever think you’ll write your own published book, Gina?

  27. Paige Callahan on September 24, 2014 at 4:53 pm

    I love cookbooks, one of my favorite dessert books is the magnolia bakery one!

  28. Sharon T on September 24, 2014 at 5:01 pm

    I’m a huge fan of Veganomicon and Isa Does It, but we buy granola bars every week. A recipe like the one above would be great!

  29. Britt on September 24, 2014 at 5:02 pm

    haha one of my faves is the Pioneer Woman, but I try to limit those recipes for special occasions

  30. Vicki L. on September 24, 2014 at 5:05 pm

    I love using my mom’s cookbooks. Some of them are just collections of newspaper clippings and hand-written recipes, but it’s stuff that we’ve been eating forever and that I love.

  31. Ali on September 24, 2014 at 5:07 pm

    Jessica Seinfeld’s Deceptively Delicious continues to inspire me to sneak veggies in whenever possible. It’s an oldie but a goodie. Those granola bars from Seriously Delish look amazing.

  32. Courtney on September 24, 2014 at 5:08 pm

    I love the Peas and Thank You cookbook. I’ve used the recipes so much that stains and crinkled pages make up most of the book now. I love the family stories, too. Because some of the best family stories involve food!

  33. Erin on September 24, 2014 at 5:10 pm

    What’s inspiring to me lately is waking up 5 minutes before I usually would. I now wake up and get to make a great smoothie that actually wakes me up and makes me feel full all morning long. I also just ran my first half marathon and I’m using that as my motivation to not be so hard on myself. I liked your Turning Over A New Leaf post about accepting and loving yourself.

  34. Emily on September 24, 2014 at 5:26 pm

    I am also all about the squash this fall. I love OhSheGlows for inspiration and to try new vegan recipes.

  35. Nichole on September 24, 2014 at 5:31 pm

    I’d love these cookbooks! My inspiration are bloggers like you that inspire me to want to be healthy through sharing your workouts, recipes and tips for overall well being 🙂

  36. Melissa on September 24, 2014 at 5:34 pm

    I am inspired by awesome healthy living blogs like this one.

  37. Leila on September 24, 2014 at 5:40 pm

    Inspiring is definitely ready health and fitness blogs. They give me ideas on workouts, food, etc. I’m excited about these cookbooks!

  38. Jessie on September 24, 2014 at 5:47 pm

    Fall weather inspires me to make more soups/stews/warm dishes 🙂 LOVE IT!

  39. Norma on September 24, 2014 at 5:51 pm

    I am not very creative in the kitchen and honestly cannot do anything unless I follow a recipe. Sad….very sad!

  40. em on September 24, 2014 at 5:56 pm

    Not always the healthiest choices but I love the Southern Living annual cookbooks!

  41. Samantha on September 24, 2014 at 5:56 pm

    Raw Food Real World and Living Raw Food by Sarma Melngailis!!! Her photos are so gorgeous! And even though I’ve only made a few of her recipes, that hasn’t stopped me from reading both like novels from cover to cover!

  42. Sana on September 24, 2014 at 5:59 pm

    My favorite and most used cookbook is the healthy gluten free life.

    Also just had to add that your blog is one of my inspirations! I found your blog in 2009 when I was in college and been a daily reader since. I learned healthy cooking from you 🙂

  43. Neena on September 24, 2014 at 5:59 pm

    I love cookbooks, but my mother-in-law recently gave me a box of her grandmother’s recipes all handwritten. I feel really inspired when I flip through those recipes!

  44. Kristin M on September 24, 2014 at 6:04 pm

    These books sound amazing! I am loving one of my William and Sonoma slow cooker cook books. Such delicious recipes!

  45. Lori on September 24, 2014 at 6:33 pm

    One of my favorite cookbooks is Eat, Drink, and Be Vegan. It has such great recipes that are so easy to customize….like putting some meat in when I’m feeling it! 😉 For inspiration, I love Instagram and your blog!

  46. Becki @ Bites 'n Brews on September 24, 2014 at 6:58 pm

    Back to Butter by Molly Chester is one of my favorite cookbooks!

  47. Karlie on September 24, 2014 at 6:59 pm

    My favourite cook books are my grandma’s old ones! I just got my hands on them and I can’t stop bookmarking recipes!

  48. Sara on September 24, 2014 at 7:00 pm

    These books sound great! My favorite cookbook is “Clean Food”. I love that it is separated out by season.

  49. Michele on September 24, 2014 at 7:04 pm

    ive been inspired by almonds and nuts lately. Just made coffee cream for the first time with almonds and macadamia nuts. Then I used the pulp to make protein bites!

  50. Kara on September 24, 2014 at 7:09 pm

    I would like the Seriously Delish cookbook! I’m a student and could really use some seriously delish food haha
    Thanks Gina!

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