Blogiversary giveaway #1: LaCroix
Hi friends! Hope you’re having a wonderful week. Thank you so much for all of the sweet wishes on the 10-year blogiversary. I’m so thankful for you all, and love celebrating with you guys. To kick off the party, let’s start our 10 days of giveaways! Over the next two weeks, I have a TON of awesome giveaways headed your way from so many of my favorite brands.
The first one is the drink I consume almost… sometimes multiple times a day. P is obsessed with it, too.
(She calls it her “bubbly.” haha and that pic was taken when she “borrowed” mine at Liv’s swim lesson.)
I looooove LaCroix and all of their fun flavors. They’re refreshing, bubbly, and contain zero added sugar. (I enjoy the fact that they’re not sweet, but just taste like bubbles with a hint of fruit.) I became really into Lacroix when I was pregnant with P, and the train hasn’t stopped since then. The Pilot is also on board, and it’s basically and emergency when we don’t have at least a 3-day supply in the fridge. (Random story: in college, I dated a guy with the last name LaCroix. It obviously didn’t work out for the best reasons possible, but HOW COOL is that last name?!)
For today’s giveaway, my friends at LaCroix generously offered cases of LaCroix for two lucky winners. (Each winner will get three cases of product + some fun bonus goodies from Celsius.)
Simply enter via the widget below!
ALL 10 days of giveaways winners will be announced in my Friday Faves post on June 22. Stay tuned for lots more on the way. 😉
Ready, set, go!
Note: None of these blogiversary giveaways are sponsored. I reached out to some of my favorite companies to see if they’d hook you up with some prizes.
100% Grapefruit!
oh goodness, i love la croix. favorite flavor is lime!
followed la croix on the ‘gram
grapefruit! 🙂
following on insta!
My kiddos and I are obsessed! Berry is my favorite!
My favorite is the cran-raspberry variety.
Cherry Lime (Cerise Limone)! But I pretty much love them all except coconut!
Coconut is our favorite flavor!!!
Happy Blogaversary! I’ve loved following you and seeing your girls grow up on here!
I love them all but especially the coconut!
Happy Anniversary!
(I love the coconut flavor even though it’s kind of like drinking sunscreen-flavored water!)
congratulations!!! la croix is a staple in my fridge as well. haven’t met a flavor i don’t like!
I love the grapefruit flavor. Happy anniversary!
love the peach-pear flavor! happy anniversary!
Love your blog and love La Croix!
Blackberry cucumber is my all time fav, peach- pear is a close second… but honestly I’ve never had one I didn’t like!
My toddler also loves special bubble water! Mure penino all the way
I love the cherry lime flavor. The kiwi watermelon looks good too!
My favorite flavor is orange!
I’ve been loving the Berry and Orange flavors lately!
My favorite new lacroix flavor is key lime! yum!
Oh, that’s a good one! I’ve only found it at the Costco Business Centers. Have you seen it anywhere else?
fav flavor is grapefruit!
my favorite flavor is passionfruit!!
I follow you on Instagram and I love following your adventures!
followed la Croix on Insta as well!!!
I like the Pamplemousse flavor.
Following yOu on IG!
I love the mango! Close second is the coconut! Thanks for the giveaway!
I love the orange. No one else drinks it in my family. That may be a good thing!
I follow you on instagram!
Have you tried the cola flavor? It’s the rarest of them all, but SO GOOD! I’ve only found one store in San Diego that sells it.
Blackberry cucumber!
I lurrrve the Coconut one. Mix it with some oj and vodka. It is a delicious adult beverage. Especially during camping!
I love the pampelmousse!
Coconut for sure!!
I follow on insta
I love the grapefruit and the passionfruit equally!
Lime and lemon are my faves!
Following LaCroix
I like peach pear best.
Yum! I love the tangerine flavor
Followed on instagram!
Following lacroix on insta!
What a fun giveaway! We’re obsessed with La Croix too. My favorite is grapefruit!
Love ALL the flavors
My favorite flavor is definitely CranRas!!!