candy cane lane

(If you havenโ€™t heard listened to that Sia song yet, itโ€™s one of my faves. v. catchy.)

Hi friends! Happy Monday! I hope you had a lovely weekend. Ours ended up being low-key and filled with fun family time. I was looking at our schedule and ended up crossing off a couple of things, and it ended up being a blessing since P came down with a little virus Friday morning. She was acting like herself but had a low-grade fever and flushed cheeks, so we ended up staying home to chill. We watched a LOT of Christmas movies and even though I hate when the kids are sick (especially the last weekend before Christmas!), it was very nice to just take it easy and hang out together. 

We also tested out the guinea pigsโ€™ new Christmas hats. They LOVE them (sarcasm) but were good sports. 

IMG 3943

The Pilot and I switched off gym time, so I caught an amazing hot yoga class at Sumits.

IMG 3948

We had pasta at home one night (chicken noodle soup for the girls), and got takeout the following night to make our lives easier. I was in the mood for steak, which is not a common occurrence – I crave a steak maybe once every 3-6 months – so the Pilot and I got Commoner & Co. It was amaaaazing.

Pโ€™s fever was gone by Saturday afternoon (thank the Lord), so the family came over Sunday night for dinner and to decorate gingerbread houses. Target WINS since they had pre-assembled gingerbread houses. I ended up getting most of the toppings and candy on base and was shocked with their awesome selection. 

We had mulled wine, 

cheese board (always the cheese board),

 Uncle Eโ€™s famous pasta salad,

a carrot-ginger soup (I can post the recipe if I take pics tomorrow, but it was just carrots, onion, ginger, lemongrass paste, veggie broth, and coconut milk) 

the Pilotโ€™s classic egg nog,

and Kyle brought sandwiches from August Rhodes.

The kiddos and some of the adults decorated houses, while we enjoyed cocktails and Christmas movies. It was the best way to end the weekend. 

This morning, Iโ€™m off to catch a weights workout (writing workouts for the project Iโ€™ll share with you next week!) and finish up the last-minute to-dos.

Thank you so much for stopping by the blog today and Iโ€™ll see ya tomorrow!



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  1. Nicole Kump on December 23, 2019 at 10:40 am

    Can you share where Tom got his Christmas shirt? I need that for Mike!!

  2. Robin Morehouse on December 23, 2019 at 12:41 pm

    Love the Santa hats!

  3. s on December 25, 2019 at 11:42 am

    the Sia christmas album is amazing!! this sounds like a fun day – that cheese board is absolutely amazing. merry christmas!! i’ve been reading your blog for over a decade and just came back to catch up and i’m glad to know that it’s still going strong! <333

  4. Julie on December 26, 2019 at 2:50 pm

    LOVE ur sweater!

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