harder parts of parenting
Parenting is such a tricky and personal subject. Before I move into the post, I ask you to please consider the fact that different things work for different people, and to please be considerate of others before commenting. I know you’re classy group of ladies (and dudes!) but just wanted to put it out there.…
Read More →happy 11 months, Penelope
Just one month shy of her first birthday, cracking us up, and making each day even brighter. Here’s what’s going on at 11 months:
Read More →Livi-isms
“Mom, there’s a cat. Don’t sneeze, ok?” “Olivia, come here!” “My name is not Olivia. It’s seawater fish. I’m a cat unicorn. And a cat mermaid. And a cat fairy. I transform into three things.” “Why are you wearing old pants?” “They’re distressed; I bought them like this.” “Why do they have holes…
Read More →P’s 10-month update
10 months old: cruising, babbling, giggling, and smiling her little heart out. This little lovebug is doing so well, and I’ve mentioned it before, but it’s so hard to believe that this is the same baby as our little reflux baby. She used to have such a hard time eating without crying, vomiting, and possibly…
Read More →9 Months On, 9 Months Off
“They” say it takes 9 months to put the baby weight on, and 9 months to get it off. I can’t even believe we’re finally here 9 months postpartum. In some ways, I feel far away from where I’d like to go. In so many ways, I’m exactly where I need to be. I’ve actually…
Read More →Miss P is 9 months old!
This is where I cry about how time has gone too quickly. I feel like with both girls, each age is my very favorite. (Ok, except maybe mid-threes. Those tantrums were rough haha. Thankfully that’s just a small memory of the past.) Now that we’re past all of the reflux terror, I’ve been able to really…
Read More →when things come full circle
You guys are going to laugh (especially if you’re an OG blog reader), but this time next year, we’ll be living in Valdosta, GA. If you’re unfamiliar with Valdosta, which I used to affectionately call “Valdizzy” on the blog, it’s a quaint southern Georgia town 22 miles from the Florida border. We lived in Valdosta…
Read More →Introducing solids to a reflux baby
When we were in the middle of reflux nightmare, I had a couple of things to look forward to that helped me fight through the difficult times. When P was sitting up, she might be feeling better. When she was crawling, she’d likely be feeling better. When we was eating solids, we’d likely be out…
Read More →Penelope is 8 months old!
Babbling, STANDING (halp me) growing like crazy, and constantly filling the room with her bright smile and belly laughs. It’s hard to believe that at this point one year ago, I was feeling very uncomfortable and hot, already kind of “over” being pregnant, and also couldn’t help but feel nervous about what the future would…
Read More →P’s upper GI test
Yesterday was a bit of an interesting day. P and I went to her usual music class (which we love, and she had a blast bopping around and trying to eat the egg shakers), and then I had to take her to Radiology at the children’s hospital for her barium swallow (upper GI) test. This…
Read More →Happy 7 months, Penelope
7 amazing months with this little lovebug. She is still enjoying solid foods, enamored with her big sis, and smiling up a storm. A major milestone for month 7: she’s no longer on baby Prilosec!!!!! (<—needs like 12 more exclamation marks)
Read More →my 6- month PDB (post-delivery body)
Hi friends. Since Miss P is just over 6 months, I thought I’d write a little bit about my postpartum experience thus far since I discussed it after Liv’s birth. At 6 months post-birth, mentally, I feel better than I could have imagined. More on all of that in a sec. 🙂 Physically, I feel…
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