Harvest Turkey Meatloaf (gluten-free and dairy-free)

This turkey meatloaf recipe is brought to you by the cooler weather we’re finally having. Not only does it have me craving comfort foods, but I’m able to go for long walks with the dogs without huffing and sweating. Bella is always down, but since itโ€™s taken Caro a while to get the hang of…

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Apple Spice Amazeballs

This is for all of the friends out there who are pumpkin-ed out.  Itโ€™s also one of those things where I just put a bunch of ingredients in the food chopper, said a prayer, and hoped it would work out. Thankfully, it did, and they are DELICIOUS.

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Pumpkin Pie Brownies (grain-free, dairy-free)

Iโ€™ve created a monster. Quite a few of you have told me that youโ€™ve made these pumpkin bars multiple times already. (Thank you for letting me know if youโ€™ve made them; I love getting your feedback on recipes and anything thatโ€™s on the blog!) Iโ€™m right there with you. I think weโ€™ve demolished 4 batches…

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Breakfast Salad

This can be a thing, right? ๐Ÿ™‚ For breakfast, I recreated one of these little gems I had in PB at Crown Point Coffee after teaching 3 barre classes in a row (<โ€” not recently haha.): breakfast salad! Iโ€™ve been thinking about it ever since I had it, and thought it would be a fun way…

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Blended Mexican Mocha (dairy-free)

Iโ€™ve been looking forward to todayโ€™s post because Iโ€™m always excited to spread the word about Fair Trade Month and share some awesome goodies with a lucky winner (giveaway has ended).ย But first, I have a recipe for a Blended Mexican Mocha! Blended Mexican Mocha I whipped this up using 3 popular Fair Trade ingredients: chocolate,…

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One-pan chicken with tomatoes, basil and feta

Dinner yesterday was one of those impromptu gems that turned out quite well: one-pan chicken with tomatoes, fresh basil and feta. I’ve got the recipe for you below, but first a little about our day because it felt more like a summery weekend day than a fall weekday. The Pilot was home since he has a lot of…

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Quick and easy snack bites

Hi friends! Howโ€™s the day going? Hope youโ€™re enjoying the morning. Donโ€™t forget to get your lotus tank; only a few days left to order! The orders are rolling in and I canโ€™t wait to see pics of everyone rocking this gorgeous tank for an awesome cause.  After the midwife appointment yesterday, Liv and I…

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Overnight Apple Pie Slow Cooker Oatmeal

This apple pie slow cooker oatmeal is the perfect way to start your fall mornings. Throw it in the slow cooker at night and wake up to a delicious, ready-to-serve breakfast–and an amazing smelling house! Hi friends! Howโ€™s the day going?? A little later blogging today, as technology doesnโ€™t seem to be my friend this…

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Banana Flour Chocolate Chip Cookies

Hellooooo. How was the long weekend? Anyone else moving in slow motion this morning? ๐Ÿ˜‰ How about a banana flour chocolate chip cookie to perk you up? Behold, the latest and greatest on the gluten-free, dairy-free, Paleo-friendly front: Banana Flour. (<โ€” got it for $13 on Amazon) When I first heard about it, I was…

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Avocado Chocolate Mousse Pie

This avocado chocolate mousse pie is brought to you by the bountiful local avocado supply: reason 28374 why itโ€™s nice to live in California. I remember when we brought Liv to Disneyland when she was an itty thing, and I ordered an omelet with avocado. The omelet had HALF an avocado on top. Coming from…

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Healthy turkey sausage and shrimp jambalaya

Hi friends! Howโ€™s the day going so far? So happy you liked the playlist! Lots of good stuff on there. ๐Ÿ™‚ New post up on the Family page if you’d like to check it out.  It was a lovely day for barre, (when your socks are kind of crooked but fixing them = bending over.…

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How do you get your kids to eat vegetables?

This post is sponsored through my partnership with Bitsyโ€™s Brainfood. Weโ€™ve always been thankful that for the most part, Liv is an adventurous eater. She loves things that I didnโ€™t enjoy until my 20s (like quinoa, artichokes, pho, chia pudding, and green juices to name a few), and Iโ€™m glad that sheโ€™ll at least try…

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