How bout a roon?
Heyyyyyy 😀 How are you? It’s almost Friday! I guess the Superbowl is this weekend? No idea who’s playing, haha.
After class last night (we had 6 people! yeahh!), I came home for a super simple yet delicious dinner:
Roasted fennel and carrots, red quinoa and organic pinto beans
While I made dinner, I also packed today’s lunch so I wouldn’t have to deal with it this morning 😉
Salad with bell peppers, fresh guacamole (onion, avocado, tomatoes, garlic, cumin, sea salt, lemon juice, pepper), salsa for dressing + a blueberry smoothie + an apple
Every now and again, I like to do giveaways just to say thank you for being amazing. I have a blasty virtually hanging out with all of you, and love all of the creative and fun discussion that we have on the bloggy.
mmmmm…. roons 🙂
One lucky winner will receive:
-a batch of macaroons (chocolate, blonde, cacao-chip, or super-roon)
-a goodie package stuffed with Fitnessista faves (examples: almond butter, seaweed snacks, mung bean pasta, Larabars, mesquite flour tortillas, something from lulu)
I don’t kid around when I made goodie packages… 🙂
Here’s how to enter:
-Leave a comment with your all-time favorite fitness move (mine? burpees!!)
-“Like” The Fitnessista on facebook
I’ll announce the winner tomorrow am when I wake up 🙂
Ready…. set… go!
This afternoon:10 Days of Detox post
OpenSky followers: Check yo email- Artisansa almond butter is 2 for $20 today! Can’t wait to stock up 🙂 If you’d like the promo, enter your email *here*
Fav fitness move? Def sun salutations!!
My favorite fitness move would be anything done in zumba! I used to take that class all the time in that I work full time, Just Dance on my Wii is my substitute. 🙂
I’ve liked you on facebook. When it comes to my favorite fitness move I’m going to have to say squats and lunges.
I already like you on facebook (wish there was a “love” button!) and my favorite fitness move is the TRX Atomic Push-up.
I don’t even know the name for my favorite exercise, but it is essentially squatting and laying the middle of your back on a bosu while holding a medicine ball. Then you stand up with the while moving the medicine ball overhead. It is definately something that I feel every time I do it and works your whole body!
I’m liking you on FB! Hmm, favorite fitness move…big fan of deadlifts!
I think my favorite fitness move is either plie squats (I love the stretch and strength feeling at the same time) or bicep curls (bc my biceps are hard for me to work, I love targeting them specifically!)
i like the fitnessista on facebook!!
Planks! so hard, but so satisfying! 😉
I love lunges!!! I just can’t get enough of them.
my favorite (love/hate) exercise is suicides—nothing like sprints to really get your heart pumpin’!
Call me old fashioned but I’m a fan of the classics…. Jumping jacks!
Love both planks and that lunge and lift of yours!
I love working on pull-ups! I can’t do one yet, but it’s one of my 2011 goals.
How bout least favorite?! Haha that would be push-ups…but favorite would have to be bicep curls/lunges =)
Definitely push-ups! I stopped lifting heavily over 8 months ago and never looked back. All I do is body weight claisthenics and I have even MORE muscle now and definitely more tone!!
Squats and box jumps would definitely come in 2nd and 3rd!
My all-time favorite fitness move is bicycle crunchies. I love them! They’re hard and really work my core if I focus and do them correctly. Thanks for the awesome giveaway opportunity!
love the shoulder press. makes me feel strong 🙂
What an awesome give-away you created! My favorite fitness move….I would have to say bicep curls b/c that is whee I can see the most definition and I like the “pump” it gives, even of only temporarily! I also recently discovered single leg romanian dead lifts….wowza! 🙂 They can put a hurtin on! 🙂
Liked you on FB!
My favorite fitness move would be the Hip Rock & Raise… work them abs!
my favorite fitness move is the standing half-moon yoga pose. Nothing stretches and strengthens my abs in quite the same way!
I “like” ya on facebook… lots 🙂
My favorite fitness move is doing high knees as a cardio blast – it gets my heart rate up very high, very fast. Thanks for doing a giveaway!
I love plank side leg twists! I feel them throughout my entire core, my hips, my legs, and my shoulders–and it’s a little bit of flexibility, too!
Lunges- nothing like the burn you feel the next day. I like how you can do them in a small space too, perfect for indoor winter workouts.
Thanks for the AWESOME giveaway 🙂 My favorite move: lunges. BURN!
fav move…low squat jump back into push up and back into low squat…sort of like a burpee but you stay low the whole time: Killer on Quads!
I don’t have facebook but I can at least comment… my favorite move is kettlebell swings!
Squats!! All the way!
I love skaters! They are fun and remind me of actual ice skating.
I love/hate planks. They are my favorite but they also make me so sore!
My favorite move are bicycle crunches and walking planks!
Kettle bell clean and press.
Planche push-ups! Ha ha, just kidding! I don’t know the name of my favorite exercise – it’s when you have a resistance band around your thighs and you squat and walk sideways like a crab. I learned it when I was recovering from knee surgery. My second fav is reverse lunges with the Valslide.
As I’m building my arm strength, I’m really growing to like good old fashioned push ups.
I love dolphin – getting those arms and shoulders ready for tank tops!
Your super simple dinner looks awesome! Awesome giveaway, thanks for the opportunity.
My fave fitness more currently is the plank, it’s helped my legs and back a lot for running.
And done of liking your FB page. 🙂
MY favourite move are tuck knee jumps!
Definitely squats. They work your core, legs, and get your heart rate up. AND there are a bunch of ways to do them. Awesome!
Love planks and jumping rope!
I love to hate planks! Seriously, they’ve been a great measurement for me to see increases in strength.
OH G!! PICK ME!!! PICK ME!!!!!!! ME!! ME!!!
My fav fitness move is one legged pushups because I feel like such a monster when I do them.
I love jump squats and bicep curls!! Awesome giveaway….and I liked you on facebook.
sun salutations are my favourite – do they count as a fitness move?!
Your roasted carrots are beautiful! I saw maroon carrots at the store yesterday and was really tempted to buy them. Do colored carrots taste any different? Buddha squat (the yoga post) is my favorite move. I love standing on my tip-toes to build even more heat. Thanks for the fun giveaway!
Have a lovely day!
I love the burpee! I discovered it last year during fitness bootcamp and have loved it ever since!
first thing to come to mind… Preacher Curls!! 🙂 I also LOVE planks.
I already like you on FB… <3 I also do awesome goodie packages (making two right now!!) and would LOVE to swap with you sometime 🙂
I love updog! It really stretches out the back.