How bout a roon?
Heyyyyyy 😀 How are you? It’s almost Friday! I guess the Superbowl is this weekend? No idea who’s playing, haha.
After class last night (we had 6 people! yeahh!), I came home for a super simple yet delicious dinner:
Roasted fennel and carrots, red quinoa and organic pinto beans
While I made dinner, I also packed today’s lunch so I wouldn’t have to deal with it this morning 😉
Salad with bell peppers, fresh guacamole (onion, avocado, tomatoes, garlic, cumin, sea salt, lemon juice, pepper), salsa for dressing + a blueberry smoothie + an apple
Every now and again, I like to do giveaways just to say thank you for being amazing. I have a blasty virtually hanging out with all of you, and love all of the creative and fun discussion that we have on the bloggy.
mmmmm…. roons 🙂
One lucky winner will receive:
-a batch of macaroons (chocolate, blonde, cacao-chip, or super-roon)
-a goodie package stuffed with Fitnessista faves (examples: almond butter, seaweed snacks, mung bean pasta, Larabars, mesquite flour tortillas, something from lulu)
I don’t kid around when I made goodie packages… 🙂
Here’s how to enter:
-Leave a comment with your all-time favorite fitness move (mine? burpees!!)
-“Like” The Fitnessista on facebook
I’ll announce the winner tomorrow am when I wake up 🙂
Ready…. set… go!
This afternoon:10 Days of Detox post
OpenSky followers: Check yo email- Artisansa almond butter is 2 for $20 today! Can’t wait to stock up 🙂 If you’d like the promo, enter your email *here*
I think my favorite is incline pushups. I always feel so awesome when I can manage more than 10!
jump lunges! they hurt so good!
You aren’t messing around with those macaroons! They look dee-lish! 🙂 My all-time favorite would be planks…regular and side ones. i love to “trim the middle”
I know it’s weird… but I LOVE PLANKS.
Hmmmm, favorite fitness move would have to be good old fashioned squats! They really work on so many levels!
I used to FEAR lunges, but now I love them! Standing lunges, walking lunges, static lunges, anything!
My favourite fitness move is totally plie squats…love ’em 🙂 And I just “liked” the fitnessista on facebook…so count me into your awesome give-away, please! That package of goodies looks ah-may-zing! 🙂
My favorite fitness move is a wall sit–that is the one thing I can always feel in my whole body! Going to like you on facebook right now.
Awesome giveaway! My all time favorite fitness move is walking lunges with bicep curls.
Bicycle crunches!! I “like” you on fb. And I LOVE your blog. You’re such an inspiration to me, and for that I thank you!
i love body pump’s clean and press. i can’t wait to try your famous macaroons!!
WEIGHTED PLANTS. I put a 10 pound weight on my back and then do three sets of 1-1:30 min. KILLER. but I have never seen better results.
I’ve never had a macaroon! I would love to!
That would be a great giveaway to have:) Favorite fitness move? Still good ‘ole Wall squats/sits.
I’m a huge fan of a lunge-squat combo set. I also love crow pose. Its my best party trick.
my favourite and most challenging move to date (i still can only manage to do 3 properly – which is a 1000x improvement) is the pushup. I simply cannot seem to muster enough arm strength to get it done. Maybe I should put it towards the beginning of my workouts.
I LOVE some hopping or jumping lunges especially with a weighted ball. When I teach my Stroller Strides class…my moms always sigh with pain before we start! 🙂
I “like”d you on FB already too!
Oh I hope I win!!!!!!! 🙂
Plank! I feel so strong holding it. 🙂
I really love to hate the one armed plank, especially when my arm starts to shake. Ugh it burns…but still, it’s my favorite!
My favorite move is the mountain climer b/c I have a hard time doing them
They are a challenge and something I can use to see how much stronger I am getting!
I already like you on FB 🙂
I love push ups and doing different varieties of pushups (wide arm, diamonds, ya know…) 🙂
SO FUN! I definitely think I should win this time!!
I already like you on facebook!
Great giveaway!!
i looove pushups!!
I really like weighted squats. I am always sore afterwards, no matter how often i do them! Great giveaway:)
I adore plank jumping jacks. I find them so fun and they are perfect for adding some cardio into a weight-routine! 🙂
Love, love, LOVE walking lunges! You just can’t beat that bootie burn 🙂
As for fitness move! I love everything and everything zumba!! It has toned up my upper body SO much, my wedding dress looks SO much better after Zumba!!! (PS. My wedding is in 12 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Hey Gina! Roons look delish. 🙂 I like you on facebook, although I wish they had a love button!! I’m in the process of getting certified to teach Zumba (I do basic training in 2ish weeks) so to keep my abs tight I like to do mountain climbers! Little bit of cardio while working my core and legs and I can always feel ’em the next day!
Lately I’ve been loving on jump-roping! I might be coming around on your burpees though. 🙂
I know it may sound weird, but I really like planks. You definitely feel the burn (and see the results!)
The PLANK. Great giveaway! :]
I *like* you on Facebook 🙂 <3
Anything and all things Body Pump 🙂
Hi – Well, I’m already a fan of your FB page (under my real name) and my favorite fitness move is the Sun Salutation. I have a love/hate relationship with chaturanga dandasana 🙂
What a great giveaway!! My favorite move is the good, old-fashioned squat! Love the burn!
lunges NEVER fail to make me sore. aaaaand i just liked you on fb 🙂
I LOVE Body Pump, but my favorite specific move is the squat. They burn like crazy, but gotta love them. Love Love your blog!!
Plank! Side plank, twisting plank, regular plank, lots of plank!
I’m a huge fan of chin-ups!
My fave is squats! Hurts so good!! And I already like you on fb 🙂
I already like you girl! 😀
My favorite move is plie/sumo squats! You can even throw a should press in and I’ll still love them!
As much as I hate to admit it, I love planks. I already “like” you on FB and would LOVE to try your macaroons!!!
My fave fitness move is pretty basic. It is the 100 from pilates. It really targets my core. My fave workout is my re bounder. I absolutely love it! Your blog makes me feel so happy every day. You are an amazing person. I hope that you and the Pilot like your new home!!
My all time fav workout is crunches on the bosu I just LOVE them!
Funny-my giveaway is almost the EXACT same as yours-mung beans, justins almond butter, lara bars-looks like we’ve got good taste!
I love doing Tripod! It makes me feel strong to hold myself up and see myself improve!
I like Fitnessista on facebook now! My favorite workout move is the plank. It’s a bittersweet relationship 😉
My favorite move is walking lunges with bicep curls – great for the whole body!
A plank, they are tough but they get the job done!
“Liked” you on fb! My fav move is a good ol’ plank, especially on the bosu ball-I can feel it burning everywhere! 🙂