How bout a roon?
Heyyyyyy 😀 How are you? It’s almost Friday! I guess the Superbowl is this weekend? No idea who’s playing, haha.
After class last night (we had 6 people! yeahh!), I came home for a super simple yet delicious dinner:
Roasted fennel and carrots, red quinoa and organic pinto beans
While I made dinner, I also packed today’s lunch so I wouldn’t have to deal with it this morning 😉
Salad with bell peppers, fresh guacamole (onion, avocado, tomatoes, garlic, cumin, sea salt, lemon juice, pepper), salsa for dressing + a blueberry smoothie + an apple
Every now and again, I like to do giveaways just to say thank you for being amazing. I have a blasty virtually hanging out with all of you, and love all of the creative and fun discussion that we have on the bloggy.
mmmmm…. roons 🙂
One lucky winner will receive:
-a batch of macaroons (chocolate, blonde, cacao-chip, or super-roon)
-a goodie package stuffed with Fitnessista faves (examples: almond butter, seaweed snacks, mung bean pasta, Larabars, mesquite flour tortillas, something from lulu)
I don’t kid around when I made goodie packages… 🙂
Here’s how to enter:
-Leave a comment with your all-time favorite fitness move (mine? burpees!!)
-“Like” The Fitnessista on facebook
I’ll announce the winner tomorrow am when I wake up 🙂
Ready…. set… go!
This afternoon:10 Days of Detox post
OpenSky followers: Check yo email- Artisansa almond butter is 2 for $20 today! Can’t wait to stock up 🙂 If you’d like the promo, enter your email *here*
Chaturanga pushups!
Oh and I already “like” you on Facebook as well! Oh macaroons…I want one so so bad.
And I like Fitnessista on Facebook now!
ROOOOONS!!! 🙂 *drool*
My favorite fitness move is doing agility drills because it makes cardio FUN and the time flies!
I already liked you awhile ago on facebook!
My favorite move is the biceps curl! Love working on my arms 🙂
Shoulder stand, so awkward but feels so good!
Side planks! Fab giveaway!
Walking lunges! They always give DOMS and I feel like I have really worked my glutes.
My favorite move is a lunge!
My favorite move is the plie squat with bicep curls. My legs are always so sore the next day!
I already “Like” you on FB…
ohhhh the goodies sound so goood!! would love it! already liked you on fb. but my favorite workout move: plank, then to right side plank, plank again, then to left side plank, and finally back to plank. plankadories!
ahhhhh the famous roons!
I liked you on Facebook!
I LOVE jump squats and side planks…burns so good 😀
I love me some lunges! I already like you on facebook and really want to like your macaroons. I know i’d love them if i tasted them!!
jump squats till failure!! feel the burn baby!
I already liked you on facebook awhile ago! Love your blog, I read it every day and get so many ideas and inspiration from you. Thank you! My favorite fitness move would have to be the mountain climber, because I feel its beneficial. I need to try burpees!
Great giveaway! I love plank and all its muscle shaking variations.
And also I’ve “liked” u on facebook since long ago and I am dyyyyyying to try those roons!! 🙂
OOO!!! Hard to decide between clean ‘n’ press, and a good ol’ pull-up!
I like squats with weights. I’m overdue for some roons!
you are!!
i’m sad i didn’t get to see you last weekend 🙁 it ended up being so crazy but i’d love to chill when i come back to see jeni’s baby! orrrrr you need a trip to az 🙂
Great Giveaway! My favorite are walking lunges!
Hi Gina. Just wanted to shout out about how awesome your blog is. I stumbled upon it early last year and find myself daily intrigued by your food adventures, photography, insight, and bright positive attitude. It’s really nice of you to put together this package for a special reader!
My favourite fitness move would be an ab exercise we do in training for squash:
1. put your legs at 90 degrees while lying on your back
2. cross your calves as your squeezing your knees together
3. then do a sit up
This burns a hella lot but the results are good!…if division one varsity athletes are doing it, it’s gotta be alright.
Didn’t know you had a Facebook page, but more than happy to like it. Done and done.
Thanks and keep doing what you’re doing!
My first name is actually Gena (phoentically Jena though)….but everyone constantly refers to me as Gena/Gina!
thank you <3
can't wait to try that killer ab move!
Didn’t know you were on facebook but now that I do, I “liked” you. 🙂 My favorite exercise move is burpees! I love feeling the power when you jump at the end of the move!
I loooove balancing on the bisou ball while do some arm curls with light weights.
holy entries!!! lol! Love it!!!
My fave fitness move is lunges ; ) easy to do anywhere and good for the boot-ay!
Have a great day! : )
squats are my fav!
Maybe I’m old school, but I love crunches. Regular crunches, reverse crunches, oblique crunches, weighted crunches – bring ’em on! I’m already a Facebook fan – I watch every day for post updates. The goodie pack and macaroons look ahhmazing! 🙂
Child pose. Love the child pose!
Crunches, crunches, crunches! Specifically, half v-ups or sprinters 🙂
Mmmmmmm roons’!!!!!! 😉 Great giveaway!!! I already like you on FB and fave move would be a toss-up between burpees and walking lunges!!!! Have a great day!!!
My all-time favourite fitness move is any variation of plank. It hurts sooooo GOOD!
I love me a 60-second plank and I now ‘Like’ you on FB. And I do love macaroons!
I love chair squats – when you squat over a chair so your butt touches the tip of it. It’s kind of fun trying to touch the chair, haha.
I love plie squats, I could do those all day.
I also liked you on FB!
I LOVE the plank! There are so many different variations-it never gets old!
And I “liked” you on FB because I was not able to locate the “couldn’t survive without you” button.
The Plank is definitely my favorite all around fitness move. Great for toning abs AND arms and allover!
Rock star jumps! It’s the only time you will ever be able to whip your hair around while working out without looking like a mad person!
My favorite (and yet, LEAST favorite at the same time) is the good old fashioned lunge. So painful, yet so effective!
Chinups. Such a challenge. We have a love-hate relationship. Right now? Love
If I had to choose it would have to be planks. I can always feel the burn and there are so many different variations of it.
Warrior 1!!
I like fitnessista on fb
My current favorite fitness move is the plank. I try to get my husband to have plank holding contests with me, but I kick his butt every time, so now he won’t go up against me anymore. Haha.
My favorite workout move is kettle bell squats, they are the best way to prepare for ski season in Colorado!!!
I am drooling once again for these macaroons!!!!
My favorite fitness move is static sumo squats. I love how they stretch out my inner thigh at the same time strengthening my quads and glutes.
Lunges please. I like how many different variations there are (forward, backwards, sideways, with weights, kettlebells, etc.)
my favorite move is doing pushups!
My favorite move is the plank. It is a great way to work both your arms and core!
“Liked” you on facebook!
I love, love, love the plank. It’s quick and works so many muscles! I already like you on FB too. 🙂
Push-ups! I always feel like such a rockstar when I do them in the gym. 🙂