How bout a roon?
Heyyyyyy 😀 How are you? It’s almost Friday! I guess the Superbowl is this weekend? No idea who’s playing, haha.
After class last night (we had 6 people! yeahh!), I came home for a super simple yet delicious dinner:
Roasted fennel and carrots, red quinoa and organic pinto beans
While I made dinner, I also packed today’s lunch so I wouldn’t have to deal with it this morning 😉
Salad with bell peppers, fresh guacamole (onion, avocado, tomatoes, garlic, cumin, sea salt, lemon juice, pepper), salsa for dressing + a blueberry smoothie + an apple
Every now and again, I like to do giveaways just to say thank you for being amazing. I have a blasty virtually hanging out with all of you, and love all of the creative and fun discussion that we have on the bloggy.
mmmmm…. roons 🙂
One lucky winner will receive:
-a batch of macaroons (chocolate, blonde, cacao-chip, or super-roon)
-a goodie package stuffed with Fitnessista faves (examples: almond butter, seaweed snacks, mung bean pasta, Larabars, mesquite flour tortillas, something from lulu)
I don’t kid around when I made goodie packages… 🙂
Here’s how to enter:
-Leave a comment with your all-time favorite fitness move (mine? burpees!!)
-“Like” The Fitnessista on facebook
I’ll announce the winner tomorrow am when I wake up 🙂
Ready…. set… go!
This afternoon:10 Days of Detox post
OpenSky followers: Check yo email- Artisansa almond butter is 2 for $20 today! Can’t wait to stock up 🙂 If you’d like the promo, enter your email *here*
Retry later
I have a severe love/hate relationship with planks/sideplank- mostly love though.
I’m all about the plié squat! Plié squat hold, weighted plie’s, pulses, you name it I love it!
Liked you on facebook!
Wall Squats!
Hey Hey!
I already “like” you on facebook, and my favorite fitness move as of now is chaturanga during yoga practice. 🙂
Thanks for the giveaway!
Lateral raises…I’m semi upsessed with obtaining killer delts! Btw…I’ve been using “amazballs” like crazy in regular conversation. I think I made my BFF’s night on Saturday when I was referring to a band as “amazballs”!
crunches on the ball!!!
Oh man, my favorite? Let’s see…lunges/squats. Actually I hate doing them but I loooooove what they do. 🙂
Already “like” you! DANCING is my favorite workout “move,” ha ha. I NEED this package because I just found out I am pregnant and could really benefit from some delicious, nutritious eats 😀
I’ve already “liked” you on FB 🙂 BUT my fave finess move is pull ups! I can’t do one unassisted yet, but I WILL! Constant challenge.
It’s so simple, but I love push-ups!
Planks with leg lifts!!!!
My fave fitness move is a fab combo… with 5-10lb weights.. do a side lunge, back row, then come back into a curtsy and do another back row. I like to do it uptempo so my heart rate gets up there.. its a great workout for arms and legs!
Planks! I have scoliosis, and could never manage “traditional” core exercises like crunches. Planks work better, anyway, and they provide such a feeling of accomplishment when you increase your holding time!
I “liked” you on FB quite some time ago! love the updates!
and i think my favorite move is a split squat w/ an upward press! I had never felt my inner thighs & hip flexor like i did the day after i first tried that!
Other than those, I love me some dynamic wood-chops with the pulley!
Your dinner looks gorgeous! I told my Mom when I got off to college I want a set of plain white tableware because it looks classy class:)
My favorite fitness move byFAR is jumpee! I did crew my freshman and sophomore years, and I must have done more jumpees than the blog world comBINED. But, I love them because it tones your quads and bootay like none other!
I’d have to say burpees because they practically kill me. Sometimes they hurt so bad, but that feels so good 🙂
My fav move is a side plank!
I LOVE side planks and bird of paradise. Makes me feel so strong!!
I follow you on Facebook, girl! 🙂
I love the woodchopper move with a side lunge/squat….I guess that’s not a technical name!
I love kettlebell swings. Super effective, and only one piece of equipment! (I already “like” you)
My all time favorite workout move is probably a good old fashioned ab routine! I love plank, variations on crunches, etc to try to get that core strong! And, I already “like” you on FB : )
im going to have to go with jumping squats and pull ups! killer but results are awesome. and i liked you on FB!
I am DROOLING! Roon-tastic! Fave fitness move is anything plié–plié squat, squat hold, squat with weights, squat pulses, whatever. I feel so elegant, yet so powerful at the same time. I also love the warrior poses in yoga. 🙂
I love plank push ups!
Push ups! I feel so strong after doing them and can FINALLY do them on my toes!
Not sure what it’s called, but it’s a shoulder move where you hold db’s or a bar with the back of your hands facing forward and lift the bar straight up to about clavicle high.
Clear as mud?
i call them frontal raises 🙂
I would have to agree with you..burpees are my overall favorite move..they def. get your heart racing!
I love v pushups. Hurt like hell but cut up those shoulders.
Follow you on facebook 🙂
Favorite work out move…squats…hands down!!!
My favorite move is ALSO burpees! Well, its definitely a love/hate relationship, but we work it out. 😉
Does vigorously chopping vegetables count? Because that’s mine!
haha YES
I love PLANKS! …and love your blog 🙂
Favorite workout move is definitely plank! It is challenging but sort of relaxing at the same time if that makes sense =)
Push ups!! Such a great arm/core work out!
And I already have you “liked” on facebook!
Your blog is fan-tabulous!! Thank you for all of the delicious recipes!! My favorite fitness move is tricep dips – so hard but so effective!
Chest flies
i love doing rag doll during my yoga practice. actually not just during yoga. i do it at my desk at work, in the kitchen, at the airport. love the stretch in the back of the legs and the release in the neck. i always feel so refreshed!!
Gahhhh, roons!?! My favourite move is the plank because it is the only one that I can sustain for more than a minute!
I love planks, but only because I feel so accomplished once I’ve completed them.
MY all time fav fitness move is russian twists!! They hurt so good!
My favorite fitness move is planks! Great giveaway, Gina! I have been a reader for a while now and you are so great to your followers, very thoughtful.
Love this! Oh man, I would get so excited if a care package like that arrived on my doorstep… so many tasty and healthy treats!
Thanks for hosting this, and hope to see you around my blog as well (Alive in the Fire).
I like you on Facebook! My favorite workout move…umm running??? Does that count? Specifically, I LOVE Mile Repeats…well, actually I hate them, but I always feel so accomplished after them! If that doesn’t count than Pilates leg lifts!
Love to hate side planks