Liquid Gold

Two significant things have happened in the past 48 hours:

1. Suddenly, the little one is a fan of righty

2. My husband saved my sleep life

As far as #1 goes, thereโ€™s kind of a back story to it.

I thought things were going well, but then for the past 5 nights or so leading up to yesterday, I havenโ€™t been able to produce enough at night to feed Livi. During the day weโ€™re fine, but at night I wouldnโ€™t have anything left and sheโ€™d start crying because sheโ€™d still hungry. It would break my heart. Weโ€™d give her the pumped milk we had in the fridge, but eventually started supplementing at night with formula.

The first bottle we gave her, I cried. Not because I have a problem with formula โ€“Iโ€™d give her anything to make sure sheโ€™s satisfied and thriving- but because I felt like my body had failed me. It was so easy to sustain her and give her the nourishment she needed while she was in my belly, and it was like as soon as she came out, I was having such a difficult time despite the resources and tools I have access to. It made me loathe the tumor even more that caused me to have surgery, and also made me dread breastfeeding and pumping. Breastfeeding is already very, very challenging (thereโ€™s quite a learning curve) and throw in a supply issue, and it makes it exponentially harder. Many times I would pump the right side, and nothing would come out- by the end of the night, Iโ€™d be lucky to have an ounce or two in the fridge.

Breastfeeding was something I really wanted to be successful at because in the grand scheme of things, if you can get it to work, itโ€™s brilliant. You donโ€™t have to worry about bottles or sanitizing pump parts- you have free food, readily accessible wherever you go. This week was a challenging week to see if it was something weโ€™d be able to do exclusively, or if weโ€™d have to continue supplementing from now on.

The past couple of days, sheโ€™s been cluster feeding and eating even more often, and had an upset stomach from the formula. Weโ€™ve been giving her one bottle at night before bed, but apparently it was enough to upset her stomach. She hadnโ€™t done her diaper business in a few days (lots of wet diapers but nothing else), and I could tell she didnโ€™t feel well. Yesterday, I nursed her basically all day from both sides to comfort her- I was the human pacifier. We were upstairs and she started grunting and crying from the stomach pain, so I picked her up and tried a new position on the right side. She immediately latched on, instead of punching it and shaking her head, and to my total surpriseโ€ฆ it worked. After over two weeks of being a punk, righty is doing its job and the other ducts are making up for the lost one.

Since then, sheโ€™s been nursing from both sides like a pro. She also took care of her diaper business as soon as we got to the pediatricianโ€™s office yesterday. I guess all we had to do was make an appointment to get her to go ๐Ÿ˜‰ We knew something was up because she was sitting in her car seat, eyeballs rolling in the back of her head with a big, goofy smile on her face.

For #2, Livi and I both fell asleep around 11 last night, while Tom stayed up to prep for his flights this week. I heard Livi whimper, started to get up to get her, and Tom was still awake and said that he got it. Then, I woke up at 3:30, thinking it was midnight and time to feed her and she was still sleeping. I nudged Tom because I was so confused and he said โ€œI gave her a bottle of the pumped milk that was in the fridge, changed her diaper and put her back to sleep around 1:30.โ€


After my first solid stretch of sleep in the past 2 1/2 weeks, I actually felt energized today. The fact that sheโ€™s eating well โ€“and I already have 3 oz pumped in the fridge from today- make me feel like the whole breastfeeding thing might work out ok. But if for any reason that this was all a fluke, itโ€™s great to know that that there are other options out there to make sure she gets the nutrition she needs.

Here are some of the things Iโ€™ve been doing to help with my breastfeeding woes: (of course, check with your doctor, lactation consultant or midwife if youโ€™re having a similar situation)

-Pumping the right side after every feeding (now I do both sides 3-4 times a day)


-Blessed Thistle and Fenugreek

-Motherโ€™s Milk and Fenugreek tea

Heatherโ€™s oaties she sent me ๐Ÿ™‚

-In-home lactation consultant visit from Mamaโ€™s Latte

-Talking and texting friends who have newborns or young children

-Follow-up chats with the consultants at the hospital

-lots of healthy fats: 7-8 T hemp seeds, 2 eggs, almond butter, 1/2 avocado each day

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  1. Sonya on January 26, 2012 at 10:09 pm

    Go Livi!!!! How awesome!!!!!!

  2. Sable@SquatLikeALady on January 26, 2012 at 10:09 pm

    I’m so glad it’s getting better!! =) I work at a pediatrician’s office & our pediatrician focuses on young kids & babies, so I hear stories like this more than you’d think! A lot of new moms say dietary fat helps, which is great to know for whenever Max & I have kids… I love me an avocado! =)

  3. Meghan on January 26, 2012 at 10:15 pm

    Ive also always hear that beer helps stimulate milk production! My good friend who nursed 2 sets of twins swore by it!

    • Meghan on January 26, 2012 at 10:16 pm

      I should clarify. A (one) beer. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Fitnessista on January 26, 2012 at 10:16 pm

      that’s what i’ve heard! i imagine gluten free beer wouldn’t have the same effect though?

      • Morgan @ Morganshines on January 26, 2012 at 10:20 pm

        Beer is great for milk production too!! GF beer also!!

      • Noelle on January 26, 2012 at 10:28 pm

        Have you tried dogfish heads new gluten-free beer tweason’ale? I hear it’s one of the best ones and it was just re-released! I still need to try it!

        • Fitnessista on January 26, 2012 at 10:30 pm

          no but now that i can enjoy a drink, i might have to seek that out ๐Ÿ™‚

          • Sarah on January 27, 2012 at 11:26 am

            Just a bit of info on the beer and gluten intolerances–not everyone with a gluten issue will have sensitivity to beer. I am very gluten intolerant(may even be full celiac) but have no issues with beer — it’s in the grains and the processing of it all. It may not hurt to just try it. (I guess it’s the same with oats? some GI people have issues, some don’t.)

          • Fitnessista on January 27, 2012 at 11:28 am

            oats don’t bother me too much- i’ll give it a try ๐Ÿ™‚

      • Shannon on January 27, 2012 at 7:00 am

        I don’t think GF beer would do the same. Try one Guinness after the lunch feeding and one Guinness after the dinner feeding (this way it’s out of your system by the time Olivia needs to nurse again). This absolutely works – the darker the beer, the better. My Labor & Delivery nurse swore by this and when I was having issues getting my milk to come in in the beginning, we tried this amongst other things and i think it helped for sure!

        • Sarah on January 27, 2012 at 11:29 am

          And a little more info that I found to be so cool — a Guinness beer actually has less calories than a Corona — this is true. Guinness’ calories are so low that it could even be considered a “light beer”. The darker the beer, the lower the calories. Isn’t that cool?
          (However it is a bit like drinking liquid bread, I will stick with the lighter beer ๐Ÿ™‚ )
          Redbridge GF isn’t too bad.

          • Fitnessista on January 27, 2012 at 11:42 am

            aaaaand guinness is delicious.. especially with a shot of bailey’s plopped in there ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. Kristen on January 26, 2012 at 10:17 pm

    FWIW, I had to eat a LOT more carbs when I was nursing. If my diet got too skewed toward fats and proteins (how I normally eat) my milk supply went down and my milk must have tasted funny, because both of my kids would spit me out and SCREAM. And I’m not talking about adding an apple or two, I’m talking about switching from eggs to oatmeal for breakfast and chicken and veggies to pasta & veggies for dinner.

    Breastfeeding is not easy, and I think advocates do it a huge disservice to market it as simple, joyful, and natural. Nursing a 12 month old is this way, but nursing a newborn is definitely not! Keep putting one foot in front of the other and you will get there ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Fitnessista on January 26, 2012 at 10:19 pm

      that’s what i had to keep telling myself: just focus on one day at a time. then, when i made it through the day, i felt triumphant instead of scared for how much longer i’d have to struggle with it
      you’re right about the carbs. i had to up my carb intake a lot, too.. food intake in general- i can’t believe how much energy it uses

  5. Shelby on January 26, 2012 at 10:19 pm

    YAYY!! I’m still learning things with BF-ing too…I’ve probably called the Lactation Consultant on post about 30 times making sure my latch is right. Lil nugget is SUPER gassy and I’m worried it’s because of a faulty latch. I broke out the Medela pump for the first time tonight to “play” and it seemed to go well. I’m hoping to build up a supply in case hubs is able to come home from AFGH for R&R so he can take part in the “bonding” ๐Ÿ˜‰

    So proud of you for being such a huge advocate and a trooper in SO MANY areas of your life that are the same in mine! You’re amazing!

    • tracy on January 27, 2012 at 9:53 am

      Shelby, it’s probably what you’re eating that is making the baby so gassy. You might want to consider cutting out your dairy and see if that helps. In addition, you might want to eliminate some gas-inducing veggies if they are a part of your diet (broccoli, spinach= some examples)

  6. Morgan @ Morganshines on January 26, 2012 at 10:20 pm

    I know increasing the pump suction from time to time and LOTSA water can help…also frequency and sticking to it… You are doing an amazing job Gina!!!! When I nursed, they always told me the more time the baby spent “at the boob”, the better the milk produced since the pump didn’t have that same effect on your milk-producing hormones… but the pumps are great for whichever boob is “lacking nursing action” for that feeding time. I understand your frustrations and struggles girl… but YOU ARE DOING AWESOME!!!! Once little Olivia gets the full hang of it soon, you will have no probs! ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Averie @ Love Veggies and Yoga on January 26, 2012 at 10:20 pm

    Remember me telling you when you were pregnant to have an LC on standby in your area, take a breastfeeding class and that although the birth is important, it’s a one-time thing…whereas breastfeeding happens 10x a day and every time is different and the more prepared you are, the better. I felt like information overkill at the time but thank goodness you have help, a local LC, and that things seem to be going better and on track.

    I had supply issues and pumped round the clock and/or she ate round the clock. It was a full time job for the first 6 mos. We can chat on email if you want, but I can totally relate to what you’re going through, feeling, and just know I am cheering you on!

    And getting sleep, a good feeding, baby going potty…truly, it’s the simple things that make a new mother’s day!


    • Fitnessista on January 26, 2012 at 10:21 pm

      haha you’re right about that!
      and thank you, friend. i will definitely email you for the next thing that comes up because i’m sure it will be one thing or another ๐Ÿ˜‰

  8. Kristal from Zumba Valdosta on January 26, 2012 at 10:20 pm

    Yeh I had fibercystic masses in my righty as well and had surgery when I was 16… my milk neverrrr came in… id pump for hours n get a couple oz for the day…. womp womp…. good luck and I’m so glad you guys r doing well. Olivia is adorableeeee. Mini you!

  9. Michelle on January 26, 2012 at 10:23 pm

    Yay Righty! And Livi and Livi’s mommy! And Pilo-addy!

  10. Noelle on January 26, 2012 at 10:27 pm

    Good luck! Breastfeeding is hard and stressful. I made so many mistakes, next time I’ll hopefully do a better job and we JUST got the hang of sleeping till 5ish am at 11 months. Bad sleep is no joke, I diagnosed myself with countless diseases this year with the help of webMD and turns out I was just so exhausted it was making me feel crazy all the time! Maybe just the “i just had a baby and now I’m a zombie disease” ๐Ÿ™‚ haha

    • Fitnessista on January 26, 2012 at 10:30 pm

      i have that disease too!

    • jenny on January 27, 2012 at 1:51 am

      It really does get easier “next time”. There will always be new challenges with each baby n the newborn stage is always a little rough, but I couldn’t believe how much easier things were with my second one. I think it also depends on the baby too because my third was more difficult than my second (but still much easier than my first). With my first, I remember being completely exhausted, walking my screaming child up n down the hall at 2am thinking, “How do mothers do it? How do they have multiple children? Maybe I’m just not cut out to do this mother thing.” At that moment, I was pretty sure my first might also be my last. Lol

  11. Meagan on January 26, 2012 at 10:31 pm

    Yay! I’m glad to hear that you’re having success ๐Ÿ™‚ And the first sleep…I actually remember it! It was that amazing.

  12. daniloudoan on January 26, 2012 at 10:34 pm

    You are a rockstar momma!!! Keep up the good work and positive attitude. If you can push through the first six weeks of breast feeding, you can do it!!! I am currently nursing my third baby and it’s definitely harder than I ever thought, but it is so awesome and something I am so thankful I stuck with!

  13. ashley on January 26, 2012 at 10:34 pm

    Hang in there Gina! Sounds like you are doing everything that you possibly can. And two thumbs up for the Pilot! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  14. Kristine @ Busy But Healthy on January 26, 2012 at 10:35 pm

    So glad she likes the righty now ๐Ÿ˜‰ I had many issues breastfeeding, but thankfully some positions made it easier. Its hard to get creative when you’re running on no sleep, so glad you found a trick.

    How sweet of hubby…I loved when mine did that too. They have no idea how much it means!

  15. Erin @ Girl Gone Veggie on January 26, 2012 at 10:40 pm

    YAY! I’m so glad to hear breast feeding is picking up and that Livi has taken to your right side. And Tom sounds amazing, that was so nice of him to let you get your rest!

  16. Megan on January 26, 2012 at 10:45 pm

    Congratulations! Oh those first few weeks are soooo hard! Usually everything starts really swingin’ by 6 weeks out. Well, I had the exact opposite experience because that’s when my endorphins from birth ran out and my son’s celiac kicked in, but in general that is a turning point for most moms. Having a baby around becomes the new norm, nursing issues are much better, the little ones start to sleep longer through the night, etc. You’re what, halfway there? Hurray! Sounds like you’ve done everything right, and it’s all working out ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. Alicia on January 26, 2012 at 10:55 pm

    Thank you for your honest post. I’ve been nursing for 8 weeks now and it’s been extremely difficult. It’s nice reading about an experience that isn’t all rainbows and butterflies. I’m glad it’s getting easier for you and I hope it continues.

  18. chelsea on January 26, 2012 at 10:55 pm

    YaY Livi for making moms life easier!

  19. Lindsay R. on January 26, 2012 at 11:01 pm

    I’m so happy for you that you got it worked out. I had some challenges with lefty with my first born and am so grateful that lactation consultants exist and are there to help! Keep up the good work!!

  20. Tracy on January 26, 2012 at 11:03 pm

    I am so happy that a GF recipe for protein pancakes brought me to your page. When I had problems with milk production, my midwife told me to take blessed thistle & fenugreek. It did the job! I didn’t care that it was 15 homeopathic pills & a gallon of water a day, I was just as determined as you. As far as when you need to supplement with formula, if she inherited your gluten sensitivity, chances are she will have a tough time with cow milk formula. We had that issue too & thanks to Ann Louise Gettleman’s book, I figured that one out fast. Thank you for sharing your journey!

  21. Laury on January 26, 2012 at 11:06 pm

    You don’t even know how happy this post made me! I’m so glad that righty stopped being a punk and things are gettinga little better.

    It is SO SO SO hard in the beginning. When I was going through it I didn’t realize it, but looking back…wow. Ella would cry some nights for 4 hours, the first 4 weeks she wouldn’t even LOOK at a bottle so you are lucky in that sense (and GO TOM!!) I read to not try to give a bottle the first 3 weeks, so I didn’t push it but the first time she would even take one I had to be like far far away from her! My MIL got her to take it at 4 weeks. It was scary because I was going back to work and she refused to take a bottle. I was happy it wasn’t the other way around, but still hard.

    I remember I got like no milk at night too. Looking back, I didn’t even think of it back then but a lot of her fussing at night was probably because of that. I was just pumping to build up supply but fed her on demand like every hour/ hour and a half. It was a lot, but I just went with it and did it. I think she had bad gas too, I had to really dissect my diet. The best tip was rubbing her belly counter clock-wise and writing “I love you” on her belly in that direction. The ONLY thing that helped was sitting up on Michaels big broad shoulder sometimes real high up. It was so so so sad. I felt so bad. Once she DID take a bottle and I went back to work the first 2 weeks I had to supplement a couple of times because I was not pumping enough to last while I worked. By 6 weeks my supply was great and things got a lot easier. As time went on I was like shocked at how much easier it got. Now, it’s great. But in the beginning…so hard and emotional at times. I was such a zombie I didn’t even realize I was having certain issues. Now I know better and learned a lot for the next time.

    You are doing so amazing. I mean that, you should be so proud of yourself. You are doing what’s best for Livi and are so in tune it seems for a new mom! I had no idea what Ella needed half the time I just acted as a human pacifier when all else failed and crossed my fingers. It all worked out and she’s the healthiest happiest baby…but yeah..newborn stage…I feel you. xo

    • Laury on January 27, 2012 at 11:10 am

      PS–I second someone else’s recommendation of probiotics. I use Udo’s infant powder they sell it at WF in the refrigerated section. I didn’t start her on them until she got on solids but I kind of wish I did sooner because her digestive system is amazing now (knock on wood)–and she has had no tummy troubles!

      And I wanted to comment on the cluster feedings. I felt like all Ella did was one big cluster feeding for the first 3 months. Those growth spurts are hard, but I felt like she had a lot!!!

  22. maria @ a life to bragg about on January 26, 2012 at 11:30 pm

    I think it’s awesome that you fought through your problems and found a solution that works for you and Livi! Most people would have given up right away! Just shows how strong you are and dedicated to breastfeeding, it’s amazing ๐Ÿ™‚

  23. Mama Pea on January 26, 2012 at 11:35 pm

    Yay! I had a rough mommy day (yes, they still happen at 4 and 6) but reading this reminded me of what rough mommy days really are and the relief of a break in the middle of it. I’m getting a bit weepy. I imagine you are feeling great relief (both emotionally and physically). Go Livi! Go Pilot! Go Gina!!!

  24. Sara on January 26, 2012 at 11:38 pm

    My sister had a giant baby and her milk production could not keep up. She was an emotional mess, just from lack of sleep and wasting away from feeding him and having no time to eat properly. Formula revived both of them and instantly gave her back about 6 hours in a day.
    With Olivia’s tummy upset, have you tried a formula based on goat’s milk? They are all the rage here. Way fewer upset babies tummies.
    BTW, Baby G is still a hungry baby and much larger than average (his daddy is well over 6 foot too). Looking after him is a ‘no rest’ kind of situation. Just finish one feed, sterilise the bottles, throw a bunch of washing in the machine, just sit down aaaand, he’s ready for his solids. I think he’s going to be a really big fella. Possibly a professional athlete like some of his uncles, or a competitive eating champ or something.

    • Sara on January 26, 2012 at 11:42 pm

      And, go righty! I think this is the first time I’ve every cheered for a blogger’s boobies, but you know, I think this is a great direction for the blogging community.

  25. amber on January 26, 2012 at 11:41 pm

    Yay or sleep and milk producing boobies…words i never thought i’d utter before becoming a mommy! lol If you run into milk issues again try acupuncture!! My little one was hospitalized and intubated for 2 full weeks when she was 6 weeks old. Needless to say the combination of stress and not nursing was dwindling my milk supply. One session of acupuncture and I went from pumping 1 oz to 6oz within hours! It was incredible!

    Good Luck

  26. Laura @ She Eats Well on January 26, 2012 at 11:50 pm

    I’m nowhere near ready to have a child, but I must say, that I am so impressed by reading your family posts. Motherhood is the most important and challenging job, I have always believed that. Reading your family posts make me not only cheer you on, but women/mothers in general. Jeez. I can’t believe what our bodies are capable of! And you are so strong, too. You’re doing fabulously.

  27. Mandy on January 26, 2012 at 11:52 pm

    Awesome! I tried the tea, oatmeal and fenugreek, but my supply sadly kept dwindling… we had to switch to formula, but I got my sanity back at least. My baby thrives on formula, so at least that’s a weight off our shoulders. Great job hanging in there though, sounds like you’re almost over the mountain!

  28. Kim on January 26, 2012 at 11:59 pm

    Aw, Gina this was a great post! Don’t let yourself feel like your body is failing you. If anything you’ve shown us all just how AMAZING, strong and capable the female body is! You’re doing a fantastic job and don’t realize how much you impress all of your readers. It must have felt amazing to sleep- you sound re-charged and ready to keep kicking ass!

  29. Susan on January 27, 2012 at 12:25 am

    Great that it’s working out for you now! Breastfeeding troubles are no fun, and although it works well for us now, we also had our issues. My son (only 4lbs at birth) couldn’t latch on properly and we had to top him off with a bottle of pumped breastmilk after every feeding (often every hour or at the beginning) and pumping after every feed left no time for sleep, so I feel for moms who go through that stuff. My midwifes also told me that babies are a lot more effective at getting the milk out, than the pump, so after two weeks and some latching/positioning help, we just went cold turkey with the bottles (I was also a little paranoid about nipple confusion at that time).
    It’s great that we have a lot of resources and help, nowadays (both my mom and grandmother were told they had ‘no milk’ after putting their babies on the breast three times…) and it’s amazing how a simple change (latch, position, location, etc.) can solve some breastfeeding problems. Glad it works for you!

  30. Heather on January 27, 2012 at 12:26 am

    Yay for sleep and boobs, lol. You are doing great! I agree, oatmeal, tea and lots of water. Day by day is the way to take it and don’t beat yourself up over formula. As long as baby and mom are happy thats all that matters! Take care ๐Ÿ™‚

  31. Dynamics on January 27, 2012 at 12:36 am

    Are you giving her oatmeal to help fill her tummy?

  32. Ali on January 27, 2012 at 2:09 am

    Go G GO!!!! You can do it! All the love <3

  33. Rebecca on January 27, 2012 at 3:55 am

    Don’t worry about the formula….as long as she is getting some breastmilk, that is all that matters in terms of getting all the good stuff from breastmilk. I’m in the same boat as I have to supplement too and was doing the crazy pumping thing too (although I still pump…but just 2-3x a day rather than every feeding now).

    About her upset tummy….you might try changing the formula or first try mixing breast milk and formula as sometimes that helps babies digest it a bit better.

  34. Hannah on January 27, 2012 at 4:18 am

    Hi there Gina. I don’t think I’ve written to you before, but breastfeeding and the trials and tribulations (and guilt) it gives us is a pasionate subject of mine. On my ramblings blog, I typed the following when my (now 19mth) was 3 weeks:
    “Dear Shower: Your spray is hurting my nipples. Get your act together.
    Dear 8 hrs of Sleep: Oh how I miss you
    Dear 7 hrs of Sleep: You aren’t so bad either
    Dear 6 hrs of sleep: I’d be happy to have you in my life
    Dear 5 hrs of sleep: Ditto above
    Dear 4 hrs of sleep: I greedily accept you when you are given to me.
    Dear 3 hrs of sleep: I’m not your biggest fan, but… you’ll do.
    I think it’s fair to say that Sleep and Nipples are the two major things on my mind at present. And the two things, funnily enough, are related to each other. ”

    BREASTFEEDING IS ALL EMCOMPASING. It occupies you 24/7 if you have babies like I do and supply issues like I do. Some women are not cut out to breastfeed where baby gives them 4hours between feeds. It may ALWAYS be a 2hrly to 2.5hrly thing for the first 6mths. And that is rough. It’s emotioinal. It gives you a sense of foreboding sometimes as well as providing you joy others. For me, the emotional toll of breastfeeding became quite intimidating that I made the decision to switch to bottle at 12weeks. For my first born, I switched earlier. At 4 weeks. But with each subsequent baby my resolve to succeed got me futher and further. Nothing prepared me for the guilt I woul feel tho with baby #1. I too felt my body failed me. That I could ‘will’ myself to succeed simply because i wanted to. That somehow, not being able to breastfeed was a personal reflection on my role as a mother….

    Anyhow. Supply issues are hard. The cycle can perpetuate. It’s great you got the extra sleep, but missing a feed can muck you up because you only build milk by feeding when baby would be feeding. It’s just one big sleep deprived cycle. You can start to loathe the pump. You look at other women who do just find breastfeeding pretty easy (bar a few lactation or sore nipples) and wish you could have their experience. For me, I NEVER got to that seemlessly easy feeling. I had to grieve that…. I wish you all the best but please know that you DO get over the tears and guilt should it be something that doesn’t work out for you. But you seem like a determined person – so I know you are and will be giving this your WHOLE efforts. xx

  35. Rose on January 27, 2012 at 4:19 am

    How the implants have affected BF-ing: in a negative way or not at all? Sorry if it’s too personal, I’m just worried for when I have kids that my implants will affect BF-ing in a negative way so I’m always interested to hear other women’s opinions. Congrats on things getting better though! I don’t we women should shy away from these procedures that make us feel better about out bodies! BF-ing still can be done!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  36. hilary on January 27, 2012 at 4:49 am

    As someone who works in childhood obesity research, putting cereal in the bottle or any solid foods right now is unnecessary and can be dangerous unless your doctor recommends it. You probably knew that though ๐Ÿ™‚ I just get scared when people give that advice (as someone in the comments section questioned about it).

    • Hilary on January 27, 2012 at 8:24 am

      I’m very happy to hear you had success with your right breast though!! From what I’ve heard it isn’t easy and you are a strong person for sticking with it. No matter what you feed your baby, the most important thing is that she is getting proper nutrition and growing ๐Ÿ™‚

  37. Jennifer on January 27, 2012 at 5:24 am

    Hi Gina,

    I had a lot of trouble breastfeeding my son as my milk supply was very low and he wasn’t latching properly due to being tongue tied (we got that sorted his first week). I tried everything you’ve listed with the addition of two extra things. My obstetrician put me on Motilium (the Australian breastfeeding association also highly recommends them) and my naturopath also put me on brewerโ€™s yeast. I sprinkled it on my oats and also made cookies with the yeast as the main ingredient. Not the nicest thing as you feel like you’re having beer but so worth it. Both these with the addition of everything else helped increase my supply
    Maybe talk to your doctor and naturopath about these alternatives.

  38. Amber L on January 27, 2012 at 6:20 am

    So glad she started taking righty!!

  39. Jen on January 27, 2012 at 6:28 am

    Yay for successful breastfeeding! Hang in there – it’ll just get easier and easier!

    Have you thought of probiatics for your little one? We started ours on some baby probiatics and it helped her tummy. She poops like a pro now! Talk to your chiro…

  40. mary on January 27, 2012 at 6:33 am

    This makes me glad I’m not a purist on the whole natural thing. BF sounds like torture. I applaud your commitment.

  41. Michelle on January 27, 2012 at 6:37 am

    That is awesome that you are getting a better handle on things (and more sleep)! I have a feeling that the Mothers Milk Tea made my daughter spit up more. I think she is allergic. I am not positive but I stopped for now. I do miss it though because I really felt that it had a positive affect on my supply!

  42. michele on January 27, 2012 at 7:59 am

    I have been there!!!!! I wanted so bad to breastfeed and nothing, I mean nothing, not sore nipple, not a yeast infection on my breast, not my son refusing to latch was going to stop me. It eventually worked itself out and I breastfed my son to 2 1/2. My daughter was easier.

    Also, look I the “I love you” massage for the belly. To this day I use it on my kids when there belly hurst, helps push the gas out. Worked like a charm when they were a baby.

  43. Nicole on January 27, 2012 at 8:17 am

    I too also had decreased milk by the evening. I found it was because I was not eating enough, not drinking enough and not getting enough sleep. Once I increased all of these three things, I was able to produce more! Glad to hear that you had a better evening. It does get easier!

  44. Leslie Wingate on January 27, 2012 at 8:35 am

    People who say, “Don’t cry over spilled milk.” never pumped 6oz and spilled it. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  45. Lauren on January 27, 2012 at 8:51 am

    Oh sweetie! You are doing fantastic, keep doing what you have to do to help your little girl thrive. Breastfeeding gets easier, but there are still issues. I’ve have a blocked duct on and off for a year and it’s not cool. I run a fever and it feels like you have the flu. The things we do for our kids, I wouldn’t trade it for anything!

  46. Kim @ girlevolving on January 27, 2012 at 9:15 am

    YAY!!! I loved hearing the good news!!

    My lactation consultant recommended MotherLove supplements ( when I had trouble with supply. They helped a ton!

  47. Carole Reece on January 27, 2012 at 9:59 am

    Don’t beat yourself up. I had high hopes and expectations… after 3 months of breastfeeding and pumping right after (and getting maybe 45 mins of sleep) I had to turn to formula. Breastfeeding became stressfull… she would cry because she wasn’t getting anything and I would cry because I couldn’t give her more. I felt guilty but when we went to formula she was a happy camper and thrived ๐Ÿ™‚ Try not to listen to other moms advice we are all different just do what is best for you and your baby.

    Hang in there !!


  48. Jamie @Food in Real Life on January 27, 2012 at 10:24 am

    So happy to hear that things are getting better. Thanks for sharing your struggles as well- it’s always helpful to know what other mom’s go through. Sometimes I wonder if these struggles are designed to help bond with the baby- the way you are both working towards finding this balance and finding a sense of comfort. Looks like you are well on your way ๐Ÿ™‚

  49. Vanessa on January 27, 2012 at 10:38 am

    I’ve been reading your blog for awhile and really enjoy it but never commented but today I just had to. I went through exactly what you are going through. I also had breast surgery and production problems. I just pumped as much as possible in between feedings, I was told the first six weeks are when you really build up your supply. I ended up supplementing with formula when my daughter was 4 months old because the dr said she wasn’t gaining enough weight and while I felt like a failure it was actually a relief once I finally did it because I didn’t have to put so much pressure on myself. I also switched to “exclusive pumping” around that time, which I strongly DO NOT recommend. I was psycho and wanted to count every ounce she drank but it became very difficult to pump 6-8 times a day once she became mobile. I kept it up until she was 9 months old but I kind of regret that I stopped nursing. Anyway, it sounds like you’re doing all the right stuff so keep up the good work!

    P.S. My lactation consultant recommended Mother’s Milk Special Blend by Motherlove (it has goats rue and fenugreek), I took it and I think it helped ๐Ÿ™‚

  50. Haley on January 27, 2012 at 11:14 am

    Yay!! So happy for you and Livi that it’s all starting to work out and get better! And what a good hubby!! The Pilot definitely gets lots of bonus points for that one ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m sure the extra sleep was needed and so appreciated

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