Practice 10k + a giveaway- ENDED
Practice 10k COMPLETE!
(not pushing the jogging stroller, though. The Pilot walked with Liv since he has a PT test tomorrow and wanted to have fresh legs)
I wasn’t sure if I was actually going to do it, but my killer playlist got me through. Even with the steep Sabino incline and a walk break in the middle (and in the snow.. with 40 lbs of sand on my back.. haha), I managed to hit a post-baby PDR and finished the practice 10k in 58 minutes.
I really wanted my practice 10k to be at Sabino because of the incline. If I can bust an hour on this, then I can definitely do it for the race. I’m fortunate to have a baby who loves the jogging stroller, weather that’s getting much cooler, and many safe, beautiful places to run in Tucson. I feel like I have the Sabino main trail memorized because I’ve ran it so many times, but every time we go, I see something different. I’ll never take the beauty of Sabino Canyon for granted, and with all of the recent summer monsoons, everything is lush and green instead of brown and dried out.
I’ve been running with my new Garmin Forerunner 10, that the company kindly sent me to try out. I instantly noticed how LIGHT and small the new Forerunner is. It’s so much more compact than my 305 that I’d been using, which kind of looks like I can press a button and blast off, or like I have a small video game system attached to my wrist. The new Forerunner just looks like a small sporty watch, with all of the necessary functions for walking and jogging: satellite detection so it can tell you your pace and distance (even cheers you on when you set a new record!), estimate of calories burned, easy to pause and restart.
Here’s a video of the new Forerunner, which gives and idea of how user-friendly and small it is:
the fact that it comes in pink is a bonus, too 😉
I ran with my Forerunner as I have been, and loved the fact that I could quickly glance down and see how I was doing.
I knew I had to make it a little past 3 miles into the canyon, and the miles are clearly marked on large boulders. Every rock I saw in the distance, I would PRAY that it would say mile three and was discouraged quite a few times.
I walked for a few minutes and flew back down -why is the way back so much easier?!
For the past couple of weeks, I’ve wondered if I’d be able to run the half marathon, despite my training time constraints. Every run solidifies the fact that I’d be mad at myself if I did it. I’d rather do the 10k and feel good about it, instead of be crawling across the half marathon finish line or picked up by the “slow truck.”
How’s that humble pie taste? Kinda like macaroon dough….
I made a batch to send to a reader as a thank-you gift, and wanted to share some with a lucky giveaway winner, too.
Garmin was so kind to offer a new Forerunner 10 -just released last week- to a lucky Fitnessista reader, and I’ll also send some chocolate macaroons.
**************This giveaway has ended! Thank you so much to everyone for entering, and congratulations to the winner:
Lauren, the Forerunner and macaroons winner:
Ever since I started running races, my dad has been at every single one, no matter the weather or how it might inconvenience him. But every mile matters to me because my dad has stage 4 cancer, meaning he won’t go into remission. He probably won’t be there to walk me down the aisle. But when I run, whether it’s a tough hill on a training run or when I feel like giving up in a race, I think of him and know that no matter how much pain he’s in, he never complains, so there’s no reason for me to, either. I’m running my third half marathon in a month and every mile will be for him. |
And also congratulations to the second and third place winners, who will receive these awesome Garmin water bottles:
Every mile matters to me because…
It means that I am healthy and that I can set an example for both girls and women in my community. A runner does not have to look a certain way, and in fact runners do not all fit that “runner” stereotype. I love racing because I get to continually challenge my own stereotypes about people and LOVE when an older woman passes me by. Also, I run so I can set an example for my students-create a goal and really go after it, learn to persevere. They know me as the running teacher. |
I have to be honest and say that since I have had my children ( Aria, 4 years and Jax, 7 months), I haven’t been into running very much. I always feel like it is too time consuming, and so I usually find myself doing a quick Zuzana workout, or another quick DVD I have at home that I can do in the evening once the kids are in bed. But lately, and especially since the weather is beginning to cool down, I would really love to get back into it. And I would love to show my daughter that being healthy and enjoying the outdoors are very important and enjoyable ps – Gina, I LOVE your blog. I am hooked. |
Please send me your shipping info so I can forward it to the Garmin fairy 🙂
Thank you again so much for the awesome entries! Stay tuned for more giveaways in the very near future.
Every mile matters because every step is a step towards sustaining a healthy life. Healthy living including running and balanced eating provides energy and strength which allows us to fully enjoy life and all its adventures.
Every mile matters to me because it’s a measurable achievement. If I can push myself a few extra minutes to reach that next mile marker, it goes a long way with believing in myself. I would LOVE the new Forerunner 10 to help me work towards my first half marathon! And ‘roons to reward myself. 😉
Every mile matters because everything we do and are is affected by every little thing we’ve done in the past. Not in a scary way–in a cool cumulative way. Every mile we run, no matter how easy OR how hard, affects us as an athlete and as a person!
Every mile matters because I haven’t been able to run since March. I am slowly making my way back and every mile feels like a small victory.
My girls work so hard at everything they do so I want to work hard with and for them too. Good luck and congrats to you!
Every mile matters to me for a few different reasons. First and foremost, my son. He’s 2 and I’m trying to be an example for him of what a healthy lifestyle is and I want him to enjoy being active. I didn’t have that examaple as a child and as a result had poor eating habits and no idea how to “work out” which led to being overweight and poor self esteem and body image issues which led to “dieting” and running 47290 miles a day with no clue why I wasnt “skinny”….fast forward 10 years and as I approach my 29th birthday, after much research and trial and error lol I’m the healthiest I’ve ever been and running is a part of my routine but because I love it, not because I’m forcing myself for weight loss purposes. I’ve looked at Garmin’s but just haven’t been able to afford one so this would be awesome 🙂
Thanks for always inspiring us ladies and sharing your journey with us 🙂
I run in the mornings. Every mile matters to me now more than ever because I suffer from depression and running makes me feel like I already accomplished something at the very start of my day. I never thought about setting an example to my kids. More often than not I run before the kids are awake and I thought they don’t pay much attention to it. But when I finished my very first ever half marathon this year my daughter gave me cardboard medal that said I am a fighter and a big inspiration to her. When I feel down I look at the medal and it does remind me that every mile does matter. As well as everything else I do, even (and especially) when I don’t think the kids are looking.
And I have to add: Gina, you are setting a great example to Olivia daily. I love reading your blog. At first I was in for the workouts (and boy, I do love the workouts, keep up the good work!) and was not too interested in the family pages as my kids are somewhat older, but I subscribe to the rss feed and soon realized that I really like the family posts too, because you write so beautifully and (at least seem to) share my parenting ideology: everyone is important and everyone is a person right from birth. You can teach your children a lot, but when you remember to look at them and listen to them they teach you so much, too.
Every mile matters to me because I remember the day when I couldn’t run a quarter mile without stopping. I’m still not great, but 3 miles seems like a lifetime away from where I started!
Every mile matters because I’m in better shape now at 32 having had two kids than I was at 22. Each mile makes me stronger, fitter, and a better example to my daughters.
Every mile matters to be because my health matters to me. Running has always been a struggle for me but I like a challenge and cooler fall weather makes me want to be outside!
Every mile matters because every run it gets a bit easier, and every mile is a reminder of how far I’ve come from when I couldn’t run one mile to running several half marathons.
I run to keep myself sane and happy. When it comes to my happiness and sanity, every mile does matter.
Great job on your run! Would love to have a place like that to run:)
Every mile matters to me because I look at them as small mental victories. I think we are capable of much more than we think. Running (long distance) is soooo mental. It’s a mental battle for me anyway. I would love to have the watch to make things a little easier and help push me along.
Every mile matters to me because I’m learning to be good to my body and honor its limits! I used to feel panicked if I couldn’t fit in a run–I would obsess about burning enough calories. After running through a serious stress fracture and resting through three months of recovery, I’ve learned to appreciate every mile, build in appropriate cross-training, and rest!
To me, every mile matters because we are only here in this body for one life, and each step/mile/journey we take is a lesson in fearlessness, discipline, and dedication as we walk/jog/run/sprint towards that which truly makes us happy. “Every mile matters” is a life mantra… make each step of the journey count!
Every mile matters to me because every mile is 10 minutes out of my day that I took to take care of ME. Every mile is a 10 minute mental break from my stressful life.
Every mile matters to me because every mile makes you that much stronger. Some miles are easy and some are hard, but you push yourself regardless because you know that incredible feeling that comes afterwards!!
My fiance recently let me borrow his Mio heart rate watch, which I am pretty sure makes me look like I am carrying a Nintendo on my wrist. I appreciate that he lets me use it, but I think this pink garmin is much more my style! 😉
hahahaha “a nintendo on your wrist” i literally laughed out loud in my office at that one
Every mile matters because it’s my ME time, my stress relief. Even if it’s the slowest run, its better to run slow then never to have run at all!
Every mile matters to me because it is a goal of mine to better keep up with my guy when we run together. Like you, Gina, and so many other Fitnessista readers, my man is serving in the military and one of the things we enjoy when we’re in the same place is going out for a run (though he always leaves me in the dust). With every mile I’ve completed by myself during his current deployment, I am that much closer to improving my fitness with the eventual hope that we can find a good rhythm for our runs. When he returns, I hope he and I can figure out a pace that doesn’t slow him down too much or leave me gasping for air at the end!
Every mile matters because other than for my health, I’m blessed to be able to have the physical ability to run, even if I don’t like it, or it’s not easy…I can still do it, and there are many people that can’t.
I like to run because in High School I was that girl who would have nightmares about having to run a mile in gym class and I would struggle through every step of it. I run now to prove to that 15 year old girl inside me what I can accomplish!
Every mile matters to me because it’s another mile that I can be proud of. It’s another mile that I may have pushed myself and surprised myself with how far I have come. Every mile reminds me to me thankful for what I can do!
I’ve never been a strong runner. I started because I needed to challenge myself to something. I was just kind of living in a funk, and life was passing me by. With running, I feel like I’m trying to catch up to what I’ve been missing, and I’ve been discovering lots of new fitness interests along the way.
Every mile matters because I never used to be a runner, and I never thought I even COULD be a runner – I always, always said “I can’t do that.” Now, with every mile I go, I know that I CAN do it, and so I push myself just a little harder. There’s always one more mile to be had!
Every mile matters to me because every mile reminds me how far I’ve come. This time last year I could barely run 1 mile. Now I am training for my first half marathon! This morning I ran 3 miles in my best time yet. Every mile matters because they each make me stronger, and I now run with more confidence than I have in the past. I love your blog-so much inspiration!
Ever mile matters to me, because it means I’m healthy enough to move. Due to recent injuries, as well as watching my mom struggle with a chronic pain disease throughout my entire life, I have learned to really appreciate everything my body can do. I’m so fortunate to be mobile–able to love fitness and practice it on a regular basis. Every mile matters to me, because every mile is a blessing. Every mile reminds me of how lucky I am, and I will never take my health for granted.
Those new Garmins look sooo cute! I set a goal number of miles to reach and it helps me consistently get those miles in. Every mile matters to keep me motivated!
Every mile matters because no matter how fast or how far I run I know that I am doing something fantastic for my health and still running faster and longer than the rest of my family who is home sitting on the couch haha 🙂
Every mile matters because I remember a time when just 1 mile was not possible for me. Now every mile is a major accomplishment, mentally and physically. Every mile is so important to our health, and without our health, we’re really left with nothing. Every mile leads to a longer life with even more miles.
Each mile means it’s a mile closer to the healthy life style I want to achieve. It gives me the confidence and energy that I never knew I needed.
Every mile matters to me bc I’m still bouncing back from baby! It’s so discouraging to go from running a 8:30 or 9 minute mile to barely breaking 11 minutes/mile – and that’s with running the ENTIRE time I was pregnant! Every mile gets me closer to getting back in shape!
Every mile counts because I am a medical student, and, as such, have a LOT of demands on my time. That slogan “Someone busier than you is running right now” will probably never apply to me lol. The day I got accepted to school I decided I would be a doctor who sets a good example for my patients, and that includes simple things like fitting in time for exercise and drinking water all day long. If I’m overweight and sitting on my behind all day, how can I recommend that patients lose weight and get active? I want to teach by doing, mile by mile.
Every mile matters because it makes me feel great. Whether it’s running with a buddy and chatting about life, or running by myself and giving self-pep talks to get up the big hills, I love the way I feel while I run.
Every mile matters because I was such a sloth in my youth and teens. It wasn’t until my early 20s and the death of someone close to me that I started to pay attention to running and fitness in general. Now running makes me feel great, even when it hurts. I wish I could go back in time and get my younger self off the couch!
I run for those who can’t! Every mile matters because it’s one more mile run for someone else. I used to hate running until I started running for charity, and then I grew to love it. Every mile felt like I was accomplishing something for myself, but more importantly, I was fulfilling a promise to help those that can’t do something as easily as I can, whether it be walking, running, or simply standing. Once I realized that my running could bring awareness of others challenges to those around me, I found myself inspired to run mile after mile.
Just like you Gina, running doesn’t come easy to me. When I am running and it’s hurting and I just want to stop, I think about all the good it is doing for my body: how I am making my heart stronger, how exercise lowers blood pressure, and all the good endorphins rushing through my system. So with every mile a run, I think of how it makes me a healthier person.
p.s. My old heart rate monitor broke so that Garmin would be such a treat.
Every mile matters to me because it is my stress relief and time to myself. I am busy in school and working so my me time is usually my work out time and I enjoy every moment and mile I can manage to squeeze into my very busy and ever changing schedule. I always have a smile on my face when I get in a run no matter if it was just for 2 miles or 5 miles.
Every mile matters because I MATTER. Because being good to me is so important. Have a great day, Gina! 🙂
Every mile matters to me because I have the ability to run. Many of the students I work with have physical disabilities that prevent them from doing some of the most basic things… especially running. Working with them everyday reminds me to be thankful that my body works the way it does. It’s a gift that I try never to take for granted. I run because I can.
Every mile is a reminder to prioritize myself. Running (or biking or swimming) is the one thing I carve out of my crazy life schedule that’s just for me. I end up looking forward to it on especially crazy days.
Every mile matters because running is a challange for me. I feel that every mile I complete is an accomplishment towards a healthier life. Even though running is hard for me, I continue to keep it up.
Every mile matters because every time I run a mile (or more than a mile) I think about all the “mile runs” I had to do in gym class growing up. I HATED running as a kid, I was always one of the last kids to finish and could never get very far without walking. I remember the first full mile I ever ran without stopping and it was A Big Deal to me. It was something I had never done or thought I had any desire to do. Now I run 1, 2, 3, 4 miles like it’s no big deal. It’s a part of my life and something I actually enjoy doing. I never thought I’d have that and every time I run I am grateful for the person I am now, and think fondly of the poor little girl who hated gym class because of the running.
To me, every mile matters because each one reminds me that I am a lot tougher than I sometimes feel! A good lesson for physical fitness…but also a great lesson for LIFE.
Every mile matters to me because I had a baby 5 months ago (today actually) and have really enjoyed running as a form of stress relief, me time, and a way to get back in to shape. I am running my first 10k this Sunday. It is something from my bucket list and I am so excited! I have always been someone who runs 3 miles and that is that. I feel like I could do even more than a 10K now. Maybe a 15K? 🙂
I would say every mile matters to me because it is form of exercise that I have the hardest time making myself do, even though once I start I love it and find that it is the perfect place and time for me to think and reflect. So no matter how short the run or how fast or slow I always feel like I am caring for myself not just physically but mentally as well.
every mile matters because running is simple but hard at the same time. It makes me feel free and I love to discover new streets and be a “tourist”. I love that you can push yourself or just enjoy the scenery. Long runs make me feel strong, because even after a very bad long run, I know I’ll do it again and again and when one great run erases all the bad ones.
Every mile matters to me because as a new runner, each new/longer distance is a great accomplishment and something to be proud of. Each mile also proves that I am stronger than the day before.
Every mile matters to me because I’m so thankful for my healthy relationship with exercising and that I’ve found my confidence through running. I’m not fast, I don’t run every day and I dont run very long distances but every mile I do makes me proud. And grateful that I’m healthy enough to do it.
Every mile matters because I am training for a marathon…and it turns out you really have to prepare for one of those things! Ha! Love your blog and congrats on the 10k training–every mile really DOES matter!
For me every mile means I am taking time for myself. For the first time in five years I have a few hours a few days a week just to myself to do whatever I want (both kids at preschool!) and I have chosen to start doing some outdoor running instead of just quick workouts on the basement treadmill while the kids nap!