Practice 10k + a giveaway- ENDED

Practice 10k COMPLETE!

Sabino run with liv

(not pushing the jogging stroller, though. The Pilot walked with Liv since he has a PT test tomorrow and wanted to have fresh legs)

I wasn’t sure if I was actually going to do it, but my killer playlist got me through. Even with the steep Sabino incline and a walk break in the middle (and in the snow.. with 40 lbs of sand on my back.. haha), I managed to hit a post-baby PDR and finished the practice 10k in 58 minutes.

I really wanted my practice 10k to be at Sabino because of the incline. If I can bust an hour on this, then I can definitely do it for the race.  I’m fortunate to have a baby who loves the jogging stroller, weather that’s getting much cooler, and many safe, beautiful places to run in Tucson. I feel like I have the Sabino main trail memorized because I’ve ran it so many times, but every time we go, I see something different. I’ll never take the beauty of Sabino Canyon for granted, and with all of the recent summer monsoons, everything is lush and green instead of brown and dried out.


I’ve been running with my new Garmin Forerunner 10, that the company kindly sent me to try out. I instantly noticed how LIGHT and small the new Forerunner is. It’s so much more compact than my 305 that I’d been using, which kind of looks like I can press a button and blast off, or like I have a small video game system attached to my wrist. The new Forerunner just looks like a small sporty watch, with all of the necessary functions for walking and jogging: satellite detection so it can tell you your pace and distance (even cheers you on when you set a new record!), estimate of calories burned, easy to pause and restart.

Here’s a video of the new Forerunner, which gives and idea of how user-friendly and small it is:

the fact that it comes in pink is a bonus, too 😉


I ran with my Forerunner as I have been, and loved the fact that I could quickly glance down and see how I was doing.

I knew I had to make it a little past 3 miles into the canyon, and the miles are clearly marked on large boulders. Every rock I saw in the distance, I would PRAY that it would say mile three and was discouraged quite a few times.


3 mile mark

I walked for a few minutes and flew back down -why is the way back so much easier?!

For the past couple of weeks, I’ve wondered if I’d be able to run the half marathon, despite my training time constraints. Every run solidifies the fact that I’d be mad at myself if I did it. I’d rather do the 10k and feel good about it, instead of be crawling across the half marathon finish line or picked up by the “slow truck.”

How’s that humble pie taste? Kinda like macaroon dough….

Roon dough 4

I made a batch to send to a reader as a thank-you gift, and wanted to share some with a lucky giveaway winner, too.


Garmin was so kind to offer a new Forerunner 10 -just released last week- to a lucky Fitnessista reader, and I’ll also send some chocolate macaroons.

**************This giveaway has ended! Thank you so much to everyone for entering, and congratulations to the winner:

Lauren, the Forerunner and macaroons winner:

Ever since I started running races, my dad has been at every single one, no matter the weather or how it might inconvenience him. But every mile matters to me because my dad has stage 4 cancer, meaning he won’t go into remission. He probably won’t be there to walk me down the aisle. But when I run, whether it’s a tough hill on a training run or when I feel like giving up in a race, I think of him and know that no matter how much pain he’s in, he never complains, so there’s no reason for me to, either. I’m running my third half marathon in a month and every mile will be for him.

And also congratulations to the second and third place winners, who will receive these awesome Garmin water bottles:


Every mile matters to me because…

It means that I am healthy and that I can set an example for both girls and women in my community. A runner does not have to look a certain way, and in fact runners do not all fit that “runner” stereotype. I love racing because I get to continually challenge my own stereotypes about people and LOVE when an older woman passes me by.

Also, I run so I can set an example for my students-create a goal and really go after it, learn to persevere. They know me as the running teacher.



I have to be honest and say that since I have had my children ( Aria, 4 years and Jax, 7 months), I haven’t been into running very much. I always feel like it is too time consuming, and so I usually find myself doing a quick Zuzana workout, or another quick DVD I have at home that I can do in the evening once the kids are in bed. But lately, and especially since the weather is beginning to cool down, I would really love to get back into it. And I would love to show my daughter that being healthy and enjoying the outdoors are very important and enjoyable :)

ps – Gina, I LOVE your blog. I am hooked.

Please send me your shipping info so I can forward it to the Garmin fairy 🙂

Thank you again so much for the awesome entries! Stay tuned for more giveaways in the very near future.


Retry later

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  1. JennP on September 11, 2012 at 11:42 am

    Running is what keeps me going. I took a long break from it during my first pregnancy and after my daughter was born, and it took a real toll on me, physically and mentally. During my second pregnancy, I ran 3-4x a week all the way up to 34 weeks, and both the pregnancy and recovery were 10x easier because of it. My second daughter is 3 weeks old now, and I am itching to get back at it in a couple of weeks! Every mile matters to me, because I know that each one makes me a happier, healthier person, which in turn makes me a better wife/mom/daughter/friend.

  2. Amanda on September 11, 2012 at 11:42 am

    Every mile matters because it’s a challenge, and something that makes me a better person in more ways than one!

  3. Solveig on September 11, 2012 at 11:44 am

    Each and every mile matters to me because I used to have an obsessive (unhealthfully so) view of workouts – in which if I didn’t do as many as I set out to do (even when my body was saying stop) then whatever I had finished in the first place, didn’t count. Now that I have gained a more balanced belief system, I know that every mile does count and two/three/four miles is just as legit as five when you listen to your body. Your wonderful blog helped me achieve this feeling of well-being and balance!!

  4. Kristen on September 11, 2012 at 11:45 am

    Every mile matters to me because it keeps me sane. I recently lost my job, and feel like everything in my life is spiraling out of control. However, the one thing I can control is running. I run to manage my stress. I run to strengthen my body. I run to prove to myself that I am worth it, that I am strong, that I can handle a challenge, that I can make it through, that I will persevere. Every mile proves that I can.

  5. Jennifer on September 11, 2012 at 11:45 am

    Every mile matters because as a relatively new runner, each and every mile is an accomplishment. I’m running my second 5k this week and I hope to do a 10k in the near future.

  6. Erin on September 11, 2012 at 11:47 am

    Every mile matters to me because running is my therapy and it helps clear my head. I get antsy when I haven’t run in a while and crave it. I need to run!

  7. Kelly on September 11, 2012 at 11:48 am

    Every mile matters to me because 5 years ago when my children were only 8 and 11, my lymph nodes had swollen throughout my body – I had to have two taken out and biopsied to find out I did not have cancer. It was a wake up call to me to treat my body well, so that I can here for my children.

  8. Renee on September 11, 2012 at 11:49 am

    every mile matters to me as I am on a fitness journey and want to incorporate more running into that journey. I think running more would help me feel better about myself and allow me release the daily stress from my life so im building my strength and endurance daily and every extra mile is a big big deal at this point!

  9. Kaitlyn on September 11, 2012 at 11:49 am

    every mile matters to me because I am training for my second half-marathon and for the first time all my friends will be there to cheer me on!

  10. Ashley on September 11, 2012 at 11:50 am

    Every mile counts because EVERY mile is a struggle. I’ve never been a “good runner” but that doesn’t keep me from doing it! It’s hard, but that’s why I like it!

  11. Katie on September 11, 2012 at 11:51 am

    Every single step of every mile matters to me because my mother has had BOTH her hips replaced and just recently had one knee replaced. There is absolutely no excuse for me to quit when I’m so fortunate to have great physical health!

  12. Katie on September 11, 2012 at 11:53 am

    Every mile matters to me because it wasn’t long ago that I couldn’t even complete one. Running still doesn’t come easily to me, and I have to work hard to stay motivated. But I always remind myself of the intrinsic and extrinsic benefits, and how it’s so worth it <3

    ps You look like one rockin' mama in that first photo!

  13. Shannon on September 11, 2012 at 11:54 am

    Every mile matters for me because running and yoga are the best ways for me to manage my anxiety. Running truly makes a difference in my life.

  14. Erika on September 11, 2012 at 11:56 am

    Every mile matters to me because each one is a reminder of how far I’ve come since my neck injury that kept me from running for over a year…an injury that I was told I wouldn’t run again because of….It is a reminder of how to appreciate what we can do and all that we can accomplish if we set goals and work hard.

  15. Leah on September 11, 2012 at 11:59 am

    Every mile is just one step closer to a better mood and a less stressful me. I’ve never ever come home from a run in a worse mood than when I’ve left. It releases me.

  16. Amy Martin on September 11, 2012 at 11:59 am

    Every mile is a challenge for me

  17. Sarah on September 11, 2012 at 12:00 pm

    Every mile matters to me because it was only a few years ago that I was 40 pounds heavier and had never even thought of exercising! I look back at where I was and think of how grateful I am that I got that kick start I needed!

  18. clare @ fittingitallin on September 11, 2012 at 12:05 pm

    every mile matters to be because when I was sick with an eating disorder, I couldn’t run ANY miles. I wasn’t fueling myself or treating my body remotely well enough to get through tough workouts. Now I’m proud of any distance!

  19. Amanda Perry @ Sistas of Strength on September 11, 2012 at 12:05 pm

    I haven’t been running much these days (since about halfway through my pregnancy…and my son is already almost 16 months!). When I do I have been really trying to enjoy being outside and that’s helping me start to love it again. 🙂

  20. Marsha on September 11, 2012 at 12:05 pm

    I used to run competitively in college, but now getting myself out the door has become more of a challenge without the team/coaching atmosphere, despite the obvious physical and mental benefits. Every mile counts because it is me taking care of my body and health when there isn’t someone there telling me I have to do it.

  21. Kaitlin on September 11, 2012 at 12:06 pm

    Every mile that I run is a victory over pain and injury. Two years ago I took a field hockey ball to my head and suffered trauma to my head, upper spine and neck. Before the injury I had been training for a 1/2 marathon, but was unable to run because of the pain. Just a few weeks ago I was cleared to run slowly on soft, smooth surfaces, and I celebrate every mile, regardless of how slow it is, because of the injury I’m overcoming.

  22. Stacey on September 11, 2012 at 12:08 pm

    Every mile to me equals less stress, more energy, more delicious food, faster race times, a greater sense of accomplishment, and overall more peace & happiness!

  23. Elyse on September 11, 2012 at 12:08 pm

    Every single mile matters to me because it is such a great stress reliever! I love how great I feel after a run!!! I recently finished my first half marathon (with very little training!) but I enjoyed it every single step of the way 🙂

  24. Emily on September 11, 2012 at 12:10 pm

    Every single mile matters to me because until about a year ago I was one of those people who would post to pinterest those pins that say “I never run with scissors, those last two words were unnecessary,” but now I have embraced fitness and nutrition and am striving to be a better runner. I am still slow, but my endurance is improving!

  25. Jill on September 11, 2012 at 12:10 pm

    Every mile matters to me because it shows me that I’m still me. I have a daughter that just turned 1 in August. Running is my time that I have for myself. I didn’t know if I’d still be able to run as often or as far after having a baby. So when I get out there and have a great run that leaves me feeling fantastic, I know that I’m still me. I’m a mom now and I wouldn’t change that for the world, but I’m still able to run just like I used to. I’ve just got a little cheerleader now 🙂 And thanks to our BOB, I think I’m actually a better runner. Pushing that thing really adds a challenge!

  26. Anna on September 11, 2012 at 12:11 pm

    For me, every mile matteres because it’s one more mile that I’m getting healthier, happier and fit. My 2 year old now understand what our “running shoes” are, as she watches us leave the house for our run. “mummy running/daddy running” she’ll say. It’s important to me to be healthy for my family but also a great role model for my daughter and baby #2 on the way. We can aready see that our daugther wants to run/play and be active as apposed to watch tv, which she isn’t interested in.
    Good luck with your half marathon!

  27. Ananda on September 11, 2012 at 12:12 pm

    Every mile matters to me because I am fortunate to have the health and physical capability to run them! I never take my body for granted and I know that I am taking good care of myself physically and mentally when I get out there and exercise. I’ve battled joint issues for years so I try to enjoy every session and not over-do it and injure myself.

  28. Lizzie on September 11, 2012 at 12:12 pm

    Every mile matters because it makes me that much happier and healthier. Also, each extra mile proves more and more that I AM a runner .

  29. Laura on September 11, 2012 at 12:14 pm

    For me, every mile matters! I work two part time jobs while taking classes at a crazy intense university. Every time I put on my sneakers, I am doing something for myself and my health, making good habits for the rest of my life.

    I love reading these responses 🙂 What an awesome giveaway!

  30. Leanne on September 11, 2012 at 12:14 pm

    Hi Gina,

    Every mile that I run is a beautiful reminder that 1- I am alive, 2- I am healthy and 3- I have lost 57 pounds in the past few years and every foot strike proves to me that I can do ANYTHING that I have my mind set on!!

    Just believing in yourself is the first step- the right step!
    I am 8 pounds away from my goal weight… the forerunner would help me achieve this goal step by step by my 30th birthday on sept 30th- which is so important to me!

    PLEASE PICK ME, I would love to show my readers that just because you are within reach of your goals doesn’t mean you should stop, you can always find new tools for fun and fitness!

  31. Taylor on September 11, 2012 at 12:15 pm

    Every mile matters to me because it’s a way of challenging myself and setting new goals. Being able to say “Wow, I just did that (& no way I could have a few weeks ago)!” really makes me proud of myself, gives me more confidence, and just helps me feel better throughout the day. 🙂

  32. JessicaE on September 11, 2012 at 12:15 pm

    I had a baby 7 weeks ago and every mile matters because I am a better wife and Mom when I get to run. Thanks for the giveaway. <3

  33. Nicole B on September 11, 2012 at 12:17 pm

    Every mile matters to me because I have degenerative disk disease and the worst thing I can do is sit still. If I don’t walk or run daily my pain is much worse than when I do.

  34. Erin on September 11, 2012 at 12:17 pm

    Like you, every mile helps me set a good example for my kids. They see me exercising and I hope some day they can join me (so far I can get in an interval-like run with my son riding his bike along with me).

  35. Kacie L on September 11, 2012 at 12:18 pm

    Every mile matters to me because it proves that I can do it. When I am training for a half marathon I can do things that most people will never try. It is also my stress relief and my stress relief. It is also what helps my through difficult times. Every mile also counts when I am coaching my cross country team. We might not be the most talented team but I want to teach them the love of running and that you only do it for yourself.

  36. Laura on September 11, 2012 at 12:18 pm

    Every mile I run (or walk) is a tribute to my body, my mind, and even my soul. I use my running time for me. I use it to connect with myself for that brief period of time where I’m not only a wife and mom of two little kids or a company employee. I’m me. And I come back stronger for me and for the people I love.

  37. Lenore on September 11, 2012 at 12:19 pm

    Hi Gina! Fabulous new layout and design!

    Every mile is a memorial to my morbidly obese father and a step closer to my promise to him that I would lose the weight. I promised him that I would not leave my family thirty years too soon and provide a solid example and be a role model to my future children. Every mile is one more step away from the grief, shame, rage, and disappointment that he felt and that I feel towards myself.

    Every mile is a testament to my determination. Every mile is a motivation to do another. Every mile is just 5280 feet of self-love.

    Thank you for your spirit and service to us, Gina and family!

  38. dorry on September 11, 2012 at 12:19 pm

    this is a perfect question for me to answer today! while running near the 9/11 memorial this morning, and looking up at the beautiful new towers they are building, I was flooded with emotion about the lives lost 11 years ago today, and every ounce of my body was filled gratitude to be healthy and alive. every mile matters because I have the ability and the freedom to run.

  39. Beth on September 11, 2012 at 12:19 pm

    Congrats on your practice 10k. Every mile matters to me because it reminds me of how I’ve overcome self doubt to become a person I really like over the last few years. Five years ago I couldn’t run a mile and was calmly convinced that running 5ks or 10ks or marathons was something that other people did, not something I’d ever be able to do. Fast forward since then, and I’ve run 6 half marathons, one full marathon and I’m training for my second. It’s a reminder to me to never set limits on what you think you can accomplish.

  40. Meredith on September 11, 2012 at 12:20 pm

    Usually, life tells you ‘no’ more often than it tells you ‘yes.’ Struggles at work, difficulties at home, life can be tough. Running gives you the opportunity to turn all of that around, and change the day’s perspective. As each mile goes by, you prove to yourself that you can do more and be more. And more is always better, right?

  41. theorist on September 11, 2012 at 12:21 pm

    Every mile matters because it is a mile spent doing something I will never regret. When I run I feel equally aware of my limitations and aptitude. I don’t run because I like it or because I am fast. I run because I am grateful that I can.

  42. Heather@YSP on September 11, 2012 at 12:22 pm

    Every mile matters to me because I can still barely run two miles. So every STEP matters to me. It’s my only ME time.

  43. Robyn on September 11, 2012 at 12:22 pm

    Every mile matters because it proves that I can accomplish things that I set my mind to do. I’ve had injuries and health issues, not always being able to run makes me thankful for every mile I can. I’d love to win the new garmin and your macaroons!

  44. Nikki @only25hoursinaday on September 11, 2012 at 12:24 pm

    Every mile counts for me because running is something I NEVER thought I’d do – now I’m addicted! Even though I’m pretty slow and running is definitely a chore for me, I really love the mental and physical benefits – I feel so accomplished and proud after I complete a run.

    Additionally, I always want to set a good example of being active and loving exercise for my son.

    PS: You look AWESOME in that first picture! So fit and healthy!

  45. Sarah on September 11, 2012 at 12:27 pm

    Every mile matters to me because every mile gives me more self confidence, knowing I can do something and pushing myself to do even more and amaze myself. I’m not the best runner, but running often parallels obstacles in life for me. When you think you can’t do something or it’s difficult, you push yourself and get through it in a healthy way. The feeling you get after it’s all said and done is…well as all you runners can agree (and those of us who have dealt with life obstacles, let’s be real, that’s all of us)…more than words can say.

  46. Kate on September 11, 2012 at 12:28 pm

    I came to running a little more than a year ago as a way to lose weight (and increase my fitness levels, though I”ll admit that wasn’t my first goal). Even though I’ve lost my extra weight at this point, running is still really hard. So, for me, every run and every mile is a chance to show myself that I can do what I set out to do, and by going faster or farther or on hillier routes, I can always be working towards a new goal. Aside from that though, running outside has been a great source of stress relief for me as I’ve left my job and started grad school.

  47. Cayce on September 11, 2012 at 12:28 pm

    Every mile matters because after a full day of doing for others, every mile is something I do just for me.

  48. SR on September 11, 2012 at 12:32 pm

    every mile matters because it’s not always about the destination, but rather about the process to get there. You tend to notice and learn new things along the way too, and learn to adjust yourself to the conditions ( whether its running or handling any situation).

  49. Angela on September 11, 2012 at 12:33 pm

    Every mile counts because I never know how many I get. Due to a birth defect in my legs I can no longer run faster than a 10 minute mile, or on inclines, with out pain or the possibility of my knees dislocating. I enjoy running so I’m grateful to still be able to do it all, even at a slower pace on flat ground.

  50. Alicia on September 11, 2012 at 12:33 pm

    Every mile matters to me because it reduces stress and is a time when I can just be alone!

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