Practice 10k + a giveaway- ENDED

Practice 10k COMPLETE!

Sabino run with liv

(not pushing the jogging stroller, though. The Pilot walked with Liv since he has a PT test tomorrow and wanted to have fresh legs)

I wasn’t sure if I was actually going to do it, but my killer playlist got me through. Even with the steep Sabino incline and a walk break in the middle (and in the snow.. with 40 lbs of sand on my back.. haha), I managed to hit a post-baby PDR and finished the practice 10k in 58 minutes.

I really wanted my practice 10k to be at Sabino because of the incline. If I can bust an hour on this, then I can definitely do it for the race.  I’m fortunate to have a baby who loves the jogging stroller, weather that’s getting much cooler, and many safe, beautiful places to run in Tucson. I feel like I have the Sabino main trail memorized because I’ve ran it so many times, but every time we go, I see something different. I’ll never take the beauty of Sabino Canyon for granted, and with all of the recent summer monsoons, everything is lush and green instead of brown and dried out.


I’ve been running with my new Garmin Forerunner 10, that the company kindly sent me to try out. I instantly noticed how LIGHT and small the new Forerunner is. It’s so much more compact than my 305 that I’d been using, which kind of looks like I can press a button and blast off, or like I have a small video game system attached to my wrist. The new Forerunner just looks like a small sporty watch, with all of the necessary functions for walking and jogging: satellite detection so it can tell you your pace and distance (even cheers you on when you set a new record!), estimate of calories burned, easy to pause and restart.

Here’s a video of the new Forerunner, which gives and idea of how user-friendly and small it is:

the fact that it comes in pink is a bonus, too 😉


I ran with my Forerunner as I have been, and loved the fact that I could quickly glance down and see how I was doing.

I knew I had to make it a little past 3 miles into the canyon, and the miles are clearly marked on large boulders. Every rock I saw in the distance, I would PRAY that it would say mile three and was discouraged quite a few times.


3 mile mark

I walked for a few minutes and flew back down -why is the way back so much easier?!

For the past couple of weeks, I’ve wondered if I’d be able to run the half marathon, despite my training time constraints. Every run solidifies the fact that I’d be mad at myself if I did it. I’d rather do the 10k and feel good about it, instead of be crawling across the half marathon finish line or picked up by the “slow truck.”

How’s that humble pie taste? Kinda like macaroon dough….

Roon dough 4

I made a batch to send to a reader as a thank-you gift, and wanted to share some with a lucky giveaway winner, too.


Garmin was so kind to offer a new Forerunner 10 -just released last week- to a lucky Fitnessista reader, and I’ll also send some chocolate macaroons.

**************This giveaway has ended! Thank you so much to everyone for entering, and congratulations to the winner:

Lauren, the Forerunner and macaroons winner:

Ever since I started running races, my dad has been at every single one, no matter the weather or how it might inconvenience him. But every mile matters to me because my dad has stage 4 cancer, meaning he won’t go into remission. He probably won’t be there to walk me down the aisle. But when I run, whether it’s a tough hill on a training run or when I feel like giving up in a race, I think of him and know that no matter how much pain he’s in, he never complains, so there’s no reason for me to, either. I’m running my third half marathon in a month and every mile will be for him.

And also congratulations to the second and third place winners, who will receive these awesome Garmin water bottles:


Every mile matters to me because…

It means that I am healthy and that I can set an example for both girls and women in my community. A runner does not have to look a certain way, and in fact runners do not all fit that “runner” stereotype. I love racing because I get to continually challenge my own stereotypes about people and LOVE when an older woman passes me by.

Also, I run so I can set an example for my students-create a goal and really go after it, learn to persevere. They know me as the running teacher.



I have to be honest and say that since I have had my children ( Aria, 4 years and Jax, 7 months), I haven’t been into running very much. I always feel like it is too time consuming, and so I usually find myself doing a quick Zuzana workout, or another quick DVD I have at home that I can do in the evening once the kids are in bed. But lately, and especially since the weather is beginning to cool down, I would really love to get back into it. And I would love to show my daughter that being healthy and enjoying the outdoors are very important and enjoyable :)

ps – Gina, I LOVE your blog. I am hooked.

Please send me your shipping info so I can forward it to the Garmin fairy 🙂

Thank you again so much for the awesome entries! Stay tuned for more giveaways in the very near future.


Retry later

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  1. christy on September 10, 2012 at 10:46 pm

    Running used to be a way for me to quit smoking and get back in shape. I quit smoking and got back in shape, but became consumed with the number of miles and races. I was slowly pushing family and friends time to make room for running. It sounds crazy but I would cancel out plans with friends or family just to get my runs in! As the miles added up, I became more and more miserable. I realized that I was behaving as if my self worth was determined by my racing time or mileage of the week. I forced myself to stepped away from running 2 years ago to make time again for friends, family, and other adventures. That was the best decision. Today, I still love running and run maybe once every week. 2 years ago, if you asked me this question, I would say (secretly to myself), every mile matters because it meant I was more worthy, more lovable, or a better person (yikes!, I cringe thinking about it). But today, regardless of how far or how fast I run, every mile matters to me, because it reminds me that I run because I choose to, it doesn’t mean I’m better or worse, I just run because I want to–no strings attached. Weirdly, before I would have to bribe myself with a pedicure, chocolate, you name it, to go out for a run, now I just put my shoes on and go when i want to and stop when I want to!
    Sorry Gina, this was a long comment….. I rambled a bit.

  2. Liz on September 10, 2012 at 10:47 pm

    every mile matters because you don’t have to run a marathon to be in good shape, every small amount of activity adds up to something big!

  3. Diane on September 10, 2012 at 10:47 pm

    Every mile matters because running is tough for me! Pushing myself at something that doesn’t come naturally is half the fun! Plus, knowing that I’ll feel good at the end of the run, and am doing something good for myself motivates me 🙂

  4. Carlee K. on September 10, 2012 at 10:47 pm

    Every mile counts to me because at the end of the day, it is not about how fast you completed those miles, but it is about the fact that I actually ran those when I could have been sleeping, eating, etc. Instead, I chose to go and challenge myself, mentally and physically and the payoff could not be more worth it. Recently, I talked to my friend who trains for marathons and she was telling me to organize my thoughts every two miles and to think about a certain category or subject for two miles, and mentally, this helped her and her running. I started doing this for every mile that I run and making each mile count, organizing my thoughts and prayers when I am running so that I am not just mindlessly running, but that I am fully focused and driven.

  5. Jen on September 10, 2012 at 10:47 pm

    When I was a kid, I couldn’t do the mandatory mile run in gym class. I remember walking and crying and feeling so horrible about myself. As an adult in the middle of a weight loss journey, I kept thinking I could never run, but I followed couch to 5k and celebrated the first time I ran a full mile and every time I added a new mile into my PDR (which btw is now 13.1 since I finished my first half mary this winter). Every mile matters because it reminds me that I can overcome with a little (a lot) of sweat equity 🙂

  6. Lauren on September 10, 2012 at 10:48 pm

    Every mile matters now that I’m coming off several months of consecutive injury! I have an even greater appreciation for my health and my love for running!

  7. Natalie on September 10, 2012 at 10:48 pm

    Every mile matters for me because even though it may be hard while I am doing it, I always feel so much better afterwards. It is a great way to get my mind off of school and other things.

  8. Nikki on September 10, 2012 at 10:48 pm

    Every mile matters to me because I feel more accomplished and stronger after every mile (at least when they are over)!

  9. Nora on September 10, 2012 at 10:49 pm

    As a brand new runner, every mile definitely matters to me as I am constantly setting new records on how many miles I’ve run at one time. I am always amazed when i can convince myself to run one more mile. Its amazing what the mind can make the body do! I decided to start running as a way to get healthier and am running my first 10k in December. This is huge for me because I ran my first few miles at a 14min pace. I’ve worked hard and am now running at closer to a 12 min mile. Hopefully by December I will be running a 10 min mile which is my goal for the 10k. I want to take my running outdoors but am a bit nervous to leave the comforts of the treadmill. Having this garmin would help push me to run outside. I would especially love knowing how many miles I’d run and my speed.

  10. Meagan N. on September 10, 2012 at 10:49 pm

    Because every mile proves I can do hard things. I am so NOT a runner.

  11. Nora on September 10, 2012 at 10:49 pm

    PS love your blog 🙂

  12. simi on September 10, 2012 at 10:50 pm

    Every mile matters because its a mile closer to where I used to be before I had a baby. Every mile is a reminder of what made me stop running in the first place… having a baby (not complaining).

  13. Sarah @ undereverything on September 10, 2012 at 10:50 pm

    I’m still not a very strong runner (and I have a feeling that it’s not something I’ll ever really love), but every mile does make it a bit easier the next time. Learning to run well is such a process that every time I pound another one out, it’s a huge accomplishment.
    My goal is to eventually be able to run around my very hilly neighbourhood without dying. It might take a few more miles…

  14. Sarabell on September 10, 2012 at 10:50 pm

    Every mile matters to me because it’s proof that only I can control where I’m at in life. I allowed myself to gain a lot of weight and get to an unhealthy place. Every mile matters because it proves that I did do this to myself, by not making better choices, but that it IS possible to overcome this!

  15. A on September 10, 2012 at 10:50 pm

    I went from running a half marathon to getting injured and getting mono within weeks of each other. After a lengthy recovery process, running 9 minutes today was amazing–almost more satisfying than finishing the half!

  16. carolyn~ on September 10, 2012 at 10:51 pm

    The only reason that every mile counts is a little victory to me as the mileage clicks up. I may not be fast but it is so rewarding to start with run walk and after weeks of trianing the miles become easier and I kind of even look forward to it. I am just building up my mileage again after a little summer break due to vacation and family stuff…

  17. Amy on September 10, 2012 at 10:51 pm

    Every mile matters to me because it’s one more mile that I hadn’t done before. With a three year-old and one year-old, I want to make the most of my time away from them. I look forward to the upcoming years when they are able to ride their bikes along with me on my runs!

  18. lay-j on September 10, 2012 at 10:51 pm

    To me “every mile matters” because I think too often in life we are “told” by our peers/parents/boss/society – whether it be running/losing weight/work/relationships or whatever, that we cannot do this or that. Every mile matters to me because it solidifies that yes, I absolutely CAN do this! Just one foot in front of the other. I and no one else is in charge of my life/health/well being/choices in life. Keep moving forward is a great credo to live by in running and all aspects of life.

  19. Natalie @ fresh life findings on September 10, 2012 at 10:51 pm

    Love thIs giveaway! Every mile matters to me because I ran and trained for my first half marathon for my aunt who had leukemia. When I ran the race she had just passed away and I ran it for her. Every mile mattered to me.

  20. Rebecca on September 10, 2012 at 10:52 pm

    Every mile matters to me because each new mile gained shows me that I am strong and able to complete what I put my mind to. I am training for my first half in November!

  21. Anna g on September 10, 2012 at 10:52 pm

    Every mile matters because I am grateful for the ability to be able to run each one. You never know what life will bring and there is always the chance this is your last one- so give it your all!

  22. Abby on September 10, 2012 at 10:52 pm

    Every mile matters to me because ever since having my daughter 15 months ago being fit and healthy has taken on an entirely different meaning than it ever had before. I grew up in a household where my moon was on a different diet every month and complained about her “saddlebag hips andtoo large rear end” nearly every day. Unsurprisingly I grew up with same insecurities despite being at a perfectly normal weight. Having my daughter follow in these footsteps is my worst nightmare! I wasn’t her to look in the mirror and see only the strong healthy beautiful girl that she is and I know the only way that will happen is of I do the same. So now instead of worrying about being a specific number on the scale or only eating so many calories I strive to fuel my body with the best foods and exercise so i can be strong and have the energy to chase my daughter around as she grows:) I’m so much happier and my body loves me for it! I’m in the best shape I’ve ever been in!

  23. Cindy on September 10, 2012 at 10:52 pm

    I have been wanting one of these so bad!

    Every mile matters to me because I want to prove something to myself. That I can do whatever I set my mind to.

  24. Natalie on September 10, 2012 at 10:52 pm

    Every mile matters to me because I struggle with self-confidence, and running helps me realize how STRONG I can be! I recently ran my 3rd half marathon and over the last 2 years, running has helped me gain the confidence I need to know that I CAN succeed as long as I stick with it and work hard!

  25. Alexandra on September 10, 2012 at 10:52 pm

    What an amazing give away! Every mile matters to me because I am coming back from several injuries due to overtraining. now I’m getting back out there and need to remember to just enjoy the experience and not try to jump back to high mileage too soon. Every run counts and is making me into a strong runner once again

  26. Kaitlyn @ Keeping up with Kaitlyn on September 10, 2012 at 10:52 pm

    I’ve attempted running many times in the past few years and I just give up on myself. But tomorrow my friend and I are going to train for a 5k together. While its only 3.1 miles, each mile matters to me, because it will show that i was able to push through and survive. Three miles might be a walk in the park, to me it is much much more. I’d love to be able to have this Garmin while I train and use it during my 5k. I am determined to push through this time, and with my friend by my side, I know we can do it!!

  27. Amanda on September 10, 2012 at 10:53 pm

    Every mile matters to me because I have been struggling to get my baby weight off ( gained 70 lbs!!!) and I have been fighting my inner demons that I was calming with food and being lazy. I am now back on track two years later, eating healthy and working out and I am at a place where I now feel comfortable to be out in the beautiful outdoors running 🙂

  28. Talia on September 10, 2012 at 10:53 pm

    Every mile matter to me because running is very hard for me! Nothing beats the accomplished feeling after running a longer distance than you ever have before!

  29. Shay on September 10, 2012 at 10:54 pm

    This is my first year running. I have always been a fairly fit person but never believe that I could run…and frankly I’m still not good at it. Every mile matters to me because it helps me prove to myself that I can do things that are hard, and that I can push through mental barriers.

  30. Melissa on September 10, 2012 at 10:54 pm

    Every mile matters, regardless of what fitness goal you’re working towards. Each step of each mile gets you one step closer to that goal!

  31. Alicia A. on September 10, 2012 at 10:54 pm

    Every mile matters for me as I have taken almost 10 years off from running. I started training again in the Spring and am looking forward to every race and mile I run. It is not impossible to start again. It has been hard to get into a routine & the pain some days seems unbearable, but completing each mile is a wonderful feeling.

  32. Emily Stember on September 10, 2012 at 10:55 pm

    Fitness has become an incredibly important part of my life in the past year and a half. I’ve developed a love of weight lifting, running and I aren’t exactly best friends. I don’t necessarily enjoy running (I’d rather go to the dentist) but I do it. And every mile matters to me whether I run it, bike it, swim it, or walk it because that mile could be a lot of things. For example sometimes I set out to do a three mile run and end up doing four because I want to push myself. The first three miles matter because that was my goal, my promise to myself that I was going to run those three miles, and I came through for myself. The fourth mile however is a bonus, and an extra mile always makes me really proud. Really proud that my legs could do it, and really proud that my mind was strong enough to get me through it.

    And then there are days when I don’t even want to leave the house, when a four mile run seems impossible, a bike ride sounds unappealing, and I’d rather just stuff my face with chocolate and lay around. And even if I can will myself to do is a mile jog or five miles on my bike or a stroll around the wharf, those miles matter. Maybe I promised myself I’d do more, but if a mile jog was all I could mange because I was sore or because I hit a mental roadblock, that mile still means a lot to me. That mile tells me that yeah, life gets in the way sometimes but I’m still going to find time not only for myself but for my body. Whether you’re running a marathon, or jogging a mile, it all matters because it’s for you. And that’s the most beautiful part of fitness.

  33. JennyO on September 10, 2012 at 10:55 pm

    Every mile matters because I am not a natural runner at all. I was always the girl walking the mile in elementary school. Now that I am I mother, I want my child to be active so I have started running. I signed up for a 5k to get my boot in gear.

  34. Meagan on September 10, 2012 at 10:55 pm

    I have tried running before and usually burn out before I get anywhere…so I am tacking couch to 5k this time and hoping that slow and steady will get me where I want to be. It’s been 4 weeks now and each work out leaves me feeling stronger than the one before. Every mile matters because, even if I don’t run the whole time, I know I’m doing something positive for myself and my health. A garmin wouldn’t hurt my progress either 😉

  35. Cassie on September 10, 2012 at 10:55 pm

    Every mile matters to me because it’s one more mile logged in the spirit of health and fitness! Plus, it just feels good to have a challenge and clear my head!

  36. Tara on September 10, 2012 at 10:55 pm

    You are such an awesome mom. I wish more mom’s out there wanted to set good examples for their children as you do.
    For me, I am slowly learning that every mile matters. I have always been an all or nothing kind of girl and that’s a very frustrating path to be on. I always felt defeated and felt that if I couldn’t be great from the very beginning that I should not even start. How crazy is that stinkin’ thinkin’?!?
    About a year and a half ago I mentioned to some friends that I would love to play softball and while that was true, when they actually asked me to join a community team at the age of 29, I was very scared. I had never really played team sports growing up because of my ‘all or nothing’ attitude. But I joined and even though I am not the greatest, I was at every practice and every game no matter what and tried to hush my insecurities. Well, every mile matters so to speak because I didn’t give up, despite my self and nay-sayers and 3 seasons later I’m still playing. I love the game, have a blast, get exercise in weekly and work daily on becoming better at softball because it’s important to me. Every mile matters means not giving up, even when you feel you aren’t as good as you’d like to be in that moment. Count the baby steps!

  37. Morgan on September 10, 2012 at 10:55 pm

    Every mile matters because I have my eye on the prize of being able to run my first 5K.. small goal for most but huge for me!

  38. Jessica C. on September 10, 2012 at 10:55 pm

    Like you, running doesn’t come easy to me. Until 6 months ago, I snubbed running with a ‘i am not a runner’ mentality because frankly, I was terrified of running. The more i thought about it, I realized that I was actually terrified of failing. I finally came to terms with my fear, and began running short distances. It hurt! My legs and lungs burned! But, after a few tries, the short distances didn’t hurt as much. I went a bit further. A few days later, the Map My Run app’s robotic voice told me I hit one mile without stopping. I was still alive and still running! Wow! I CAN do this. I ran two miles that day and had a huge smile on my face. Next, I tackled a 5K on my own, just to see if I could. Now, I’m running 3.1 miles in under 30 minutes and I’m registered to run my first official 5K at the end of the month. I never thought I would ever be able run any distance, but now I know I can. Every mile counts because every mile builds the confidence I need to conquer my fears!

  39. Sarah on September 10, 2012 at 10:56 pm

    Every mile matters because I have brownies to work off! 🙂

  40. Melissa on September 10, 2012 at 10:56 pm

    Go for you! I am the type of person who needs to run the race distance atleast once, probably why I haven’t done a marathon yet. I love running Sabino, but I always have trouble with my garmin in there! I was just wondering if you experience the same thing?

  41. Coleen on September 10, 2012 at 10:56 pm

    When I ran track in high school, I was a sprinter. If we ever had to run anything over one lap I felt like I was going to die. I could run 200s over and over and feel great. When I finally decided to try longer distances a few years ago(and 20 years out of high school) it was very slow going. I finally decided to run a 5K. For me, every mile truly mattered. I knew I only had to run a little over 3 miles but it was a big deal deal for me. I was so proud of myself when I ran that first race without stopping. I have run a few 5Ks since then(and PR’d every one) and now hope at some point I can try a longer distance race.

  42. Melissa on September 10, 2012 at 10:56 pm

    Haha good* for you 🙂

  43. Melissa on September 10, 2012 at 10:56 pm

    Haha good* for you 🙂

  44. Melissa on September 10, 2012 at 10:56 pm

    Haha good* for you 🙂

  45. dana a. on September 10, 2012 at 10:57 pm

    Every mile matters to me because as a new runner, even 1 mile is awesome for me! I really want to run a 5k, the whole thing through, and am working hard toward my goal. Also, I have a sister who cannot physically run (she was born with a congenital heart defect) and so I run for her and for others in my life that cannot do so. They give me strength to keep running!

  46. Eva on September 10, 2012 at 10:57 pm

    To me, every mile matters because I have always had self-esteem issues, in regards to my appearance and my self-worth, but running has allowed me to realize that I can do things when I put my mind to it, including getting fit, looking beautiful in the best body that I can achieve through running, and has allowed me to be more confident both in my personal and professional sides of my life. I got through an MBA and a 5 year long distance relationship with my Marine, now my husband, all through putting on my shoes every day and running some distance, even if it was just a mile.

  47. Becky @ on September 10, 2012 at 10:57 pm

    Every mile matters to me right now because I’m pregnant and staying fit and healthy through pregnancy is important to me. I may not be able to run far or very long right now, but I am still healthy and able enough to get moving.

  48. jenny on September 10, 2012 at 10:57 pm

    Every mile reminds me that its one step (literally) at a time. I tend to get overwhelmed with huge goals but the little goals in between make anything possible!

  49. Kelsey Y. on September 10, 2012 at 10:57 pm

    Why every mile matters to me…
    Mostly because running was something I started out of blue, something I never thought I would improve at. In the beginning, it was run 5 minutes and walk 5, which is fine looking back at it (at least I was out), but I wanted to be a “runner”. So I pushed hard at it…and when I started college, I made use of the treadmills during the wintery Duluth months, and as summer came, I took it outside. I finally felt proud of something I had done for me.

    Now, running is one of my favorite exercises. Best benefit? The clear mind after a run. And no matter how the run goes, I’m always telling myself how great I am doing, how strong I’m becoming, and how this run will make the others feel so much better.

    For 2013, I’m planning to run the Garry Bjorklund Half-Marathon in Duluth, MN. Its a challenge I finally feel like I am ready for. I’ve been saving to buy a GPS running watch to help myself train better. This Garmin looks awesome!

  50. yolande on September 10, 2012 at 10:58 pm

    I find that every Mile Matters because with each step I take I strip away my cares, worries and stress. I feel like pushing myself to be active and run daily and living a healthy lifestyle gives me the motivation to tackle bigger things in life and running is something I can do with no assistance needed. Every minute and every Mile Matters because, its just me and my footsteps. Running wasn’t always easy for me and the fact that I run distances now that I never thought possible at one time is comforting. Its reassuring to know that I can tackle anything in my life ONE MILE AT A TIME , because after all life is like a journey or marathon , not a sprint , sprinters don’t count the miles.

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