Practice 10k + a giveaway- ENDED

Practice 10k COMPLETE!

Sabino run with liv

(not pushing the jogging stroller, though. The Pilot walked with Liv since he has a PT test tomorrow and wanted to have fresh legs)

I wasn’t sure if I was actually going to do it, but my killer playlist got me through. Even with the steep Sabino incline and a walk break in the middle (and in the snow.. with 40 lbs of sand on my back.. haha), I managed to hit a post-baby PDR and finished the practice 10k in 58 minutes.

I really wanted my practice 10k to be at Sabino because of the incline. If I can bust an hour on this, then I can definitely do it for the race.  I’m fortunate to have a baby who loves the jogging stroller, weather that’s getting much cooler, and many safe, beautiful places to run in Tucson. I feel like I have the Sabino main trail memorized because I’ve ran it so many times, but every time we go, I see something different. I’ll never take the beauty of Sabino Canyon for granted, and with all of the recent summer monsoons, everything is lush and green instead of brown and dried out.


I’ve been running with my new Garmin Forerunner 10, that the company kindly sent me to try out. I instantly noticed how LIGHT and small the new Forerunner is. It’s so much more compact than my 305 that I’d been using, which kind of looks like I can press a button and blast off, or like I have a small video game system attached to my wrist. The new Forerunner just looks like a small sporty watch, with all of the necessary functions for walking and jogging: satellite detection so it can tell you your pace and distance (even cheers you on when you set a new record!), estimate of calories burned, easy to pause and restart.

Here’s a video of the new Forerunner, which gives and idea of how user-friendly and small it is:

the fact that it comes in pink is a bonus, too 😉


I ran with my Forerunner as I have been, and loved the fact that I could quickly glance down and see how I was doing.

I knew I had to make it a little past 3 miles into the canyon, and the miles are clearly marked on large boulders. Every rock I saw in the distance, I would PRAY that it would say mile three and was discouraged quite a few times.


3 mile mark

I walked for a few minutes and flew back down -why is the way back so much easier?!

For the past couple of weeks, I’ve wondered if I’d be able to run the half marathon, despite my training time constraints. Every run solidifies the fact that I’d be mad at myself if I did it. I’d rather do the 10k and feel good about it, instead of be crawling across the half marathon finish line or picked up by the “slow truck.”

How’s that humble pie taste? Kinda like macaroon dough….

Roon dough 4

I made a batch to send to a reader as a thank-you gift, and wanted to share some with a lucky giveaway winner, too.


Garmin was so kind to offer a new Forerunner 10 -just released last week- to a lucky Fitnessista reader, and I’ll also send some chocolate macaroons.

**************This giveaway has ended! Thank you so much to everyone for entering, and congratulations to the winner:

Lauren, the Forerunner and macaroons winner:

Ever since I started running races, my dad has been at every single one, no matter the weather or how it might inconvenience him. But every mile matters to me because my dad has stage 4 cancer, meaning he won’t go into remission. He probably won’t be there to walk me down the aisle. But when I run, whether it’s a tough hill on a training run or when I feel like giving up in a race, I think of him and know that no matter how much pain he’s in, he never complains, so there’s no reason for me to, either. I’m running my third half marathon in a month and every mile will be for him.

And also congratulations to the second and third place winners, who will receive these awesome Garmin water bottles:


Every mile matters to me because…

It means that I am healthy and that I can set an example for both girls and women in my community. A runner does not have to look a certain way, and in fact runners do not all fit that “runner” stereotype. I love racing because I get to continually challenge my own stereotypes about people and LOVE when an older woman passes me by.

Also, I run so I can set an example for my students-create a goal and really go after it, learn to persevere. They know me as the running teacher.



I have to be honest and say that since I have had my children ( Aria, 4 years and Jax, 7 months), I haven’t been into running very much. I always feel like it is too time consuming, and so I usually find myself doing a quick Zuzana workout, or another quick DVD I have at home that I can do in the evening once the kids are in bed. But lately, and especially since the weather is beginning to cool down, I would really love to get back into it. And I would love to show my daughter that being healthy and enjoying the outdoors are very important and enjoyable :)

ps – Gina, I LOVE your blog. I am hooked.

Please send me your shipping info so I can forward it to the Garmin fairy 🙂

Thank you again so much for the awesome entries! Stay tuned for more giveaways in the very near future.


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  1. Indhu on September 11, 2012 at 12:40 am

    Every mile matters to me because every mile that I run is a privilege. I know that not many people are able to do that and running reminds to be thankful for all that I have been given.
    Btw, you are an awesome inspiration. Love your workouts 🙂

  2. Allison on September 11, 2012 at 12:41 am

    Every Mile Matters – because it could be my last.. and so many people can’t, so I must. Good for the mind, body and soul

  3. Chelsey on September 11, 2012 at 12:41 am

    I have old injuries in my left knee that make running difficult most of the time. Running is one of my favorite things and it’s getting harder as time passes so I cherish every mile that I can still run pain free.

  4. Rhonda on September 11, 2012 at 12:44 am

    I am fairly new to running but have found a love for it and “every mile matters!”… not only because it burns about 100 calories (lol) but because it keeps me “going-strong”. I can have a bad eating day but after running I know I am back on track and again mentally focused. Earlier this year I ran my first half marathon (Portland, Or “Race for the Roses”) and am planning on running the Pasadena “Rock n Roll” next Spring. Running makes me feel strong, in control and like I can handle whatever life throws at me.

  5. Becky on September 11, 2012 at 12:46 am

    Every mile matters to me because running doesn’t come easy to me and I refused to do it for many years. Now when I’m running I feel like I am conquering my fears and I accept myself now even if I am not the fastest runner.

  6. ELM on September 11, 2012 at 12:46 am

    Every mile matters because it reminds me I can go farther than I ever thought possible! Each mile is an accomplishment for me and I have finally reached a point where I realize that!

  7. Kayla on September 11, 2012 at 12:48 am

    … Because in high school I couldn’t even do the mile run for the presidents fitness test without huffing and puffing. It always frustrated me because I could pass the rest of the presidents fitness test with flying colors, yet struggled to run a mile. The fact that I now not only run a mile, but also have the endurance to run 30 minutes without stopping is a huge accomplishment for me. Every mile I can now run is a small victory for that high school gal I once was.

  8. Kate on September 11, 2012 at 12:50 am

    Every mile matters – running is so humbling. It challenges me mentally and physically. For me, life is all about these individual “miles” and moments.

  9. Kate on September 11, 2012 at 12:51 am

    Every mile matters to me because it helps me keep my sanity! I started running two years ago to take my mind off some really hard things I was going through. Today, now I have completed 7 half marathons and will complete my first full in two weeks (well fingers crossed!)

  10. Kiera on September 11, 2012 at 12:51 am

    This is such a great thing to think about and something I have actually been thinking about a lot today! To me, every mile counts because each individual mile means that I did something to benefit my body and my health. Also, I am all about having goals and working hard to accomplish them and each mile gets me closer to my fitness goals! With each mile, I feel a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction that is so gratifying and makes even the hardest miles worth every second!

    PS I also love that the new garmin comes in pink! Super cute!

  11. tiffany on September 11, 2012 at 12:52 am

    every mile matters because it’s a chance for me to appreciate my body and all it can do!

  12. amanda on September 11, 2012 at 12:53 am

    Every mile counts for me because running feels so good, especially as a mother. I can get an awesome workout, train for a race, releive stress, get me and my girlie out of the house, and just enjoy the feel of the pavement beneath my feet. It makes me feel alive, recharges my patientence, gives me time to pray and reflect on my day, and helps me be a happier person and parent. Every mile is a step toward a better me!

  13. Krista on September 11, 2012 at 12:53 am

    This year was a big year for me…the BIG 40! My goal was to run a half marathon before 40 and for me this made every mile start to count! And, I did it not only 1 time before 40 but 3 times 🙂 Running is my release and makes me feel younger just because I can ; )

  14. Sam on September 11, 2012 at 12:55 am

    Like you, running isn’t easy for me, but the miles I do complete make me feel accomplished and proud of myself. Sometimes, ok a lot of the time, the miles I put in are tough and make me feel frustrated, but at the end of the day they make me a stronger runner and I realize those mentally (and physically) tough runs are nessecary for me to become a better runner.

  15. Lindsi Court on September 11, 2012 at 12:55 am

    I may be one of those weird ones, but every mile matters to me because I LOVE TO RUN! I love that it is such an individual sport, but one you can drag a buddy along if you’re feeling like making it a team sport. So little equipment involved (unless you’ve got a sweet new garmin!), just lace up those shoes and you’re off. I am a mom of 3, the third being added just this June, so I really savor every mile I am able to put in after I have my sweet little babies in my arms and not my belly. With every mile I feel stronger, healthier, and really like i can conquer the world (or at least my own challenges that will inevitably pop up that day). And with every added mile I get to soak up that much more of my favorite put-some-pep-in-my-step music (is this why I run in the first place?) as I rock out in my own little world…until I at last arrive home to my other little world. The one with little people, with lots of little sticky fingers, who like to make LOTS of little messes. Not a bad world either:)

  16. fallon on September 11, 2012 at 12:55 am

    Every mile counts for me whether its walking or jogging. Just like you, running doesn’t come as easily for me and I have to tell myself I can do this. I’ve learn that speed will discourage me from wanting to run. I rather not focus on speed and just enjoy the outside atmosphere. It helps with my miles and then I forget what I’m.actually trying to accomplish!

  17. casey on September 11, 2012 at 12:57 am

    The way every mile matters to me goes beyond to scope of running, although I really enjoy that too ;), because it stands for values & how hard I’m willing to work for something. Such as, can I do one more rep, an extra 10 pounds in a lift, make sure I write that thank you note, call my friend/relative/neighbor who needs to hear from me, or did I do every possible thing so that my client would have a positive experience…all those examples are to me, to prove to myself why every mile counts. Thanks for the give-a-way!

  18. Ali on September 11, 2012 at 12:57 am

    Every mile matters to me, because I feel that it represents freedom. We have the freedom to choose health, fitness and fun. Every mile is a statement of vitality, energy and life. Running is accessible to all, you don’t need a gym membership, fancy clothes or a yoga mat. That Garmin looks amazing! I also love that it comes in pink 🙂

  19. Melissa on September 11, 2012 at 12:58 am

    Every mile matters to me because there was a time when I had no idea how many miles I would have left. I was diagnosed with leukemia 4 years ago (when I was 23) and in the beginning we had no idea what would happen. Because of a miracle pill called Gleevec I now live a happy, mostly normal life. The funding for the research and development of Gleevec was provided by The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. When I am running I remember that every mile is a gift given to me by the people who donated the money to fund my life-saving drug, and the amazing doctors who developed it.

    Since my diagnosis I have run two half-marathons and raised over $20,000 for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. I hope to complete a triathalon next year. You can check out my video recap of The Nike Women’s Marathon here – – Sorry for some of the sideways shots, my husband recorded parts of the video on his phone. 🙂

  20. Liz on September 11, 2012 at 1:00 am

    My friend was just hit by a car as she was crossing the road. She had numerous injuries along with a broker leg. Her femur snapped in half. She’s doing okay but has a long recovery ahead of her.

    I decided to adopt a more thankful attitude towards my half-marathon training. I love running and I’m so glad that I can!

  21. Lara on September 11, 2012 at 1:05 am

    In high school, I was, uh, pretty chubby. PE was total hell, namely “the daily mile” that everyone had to complete before every class. I literally cried through so many of those classes, because I couldn’t run the mile lie everyone else…I had to run/walk it (which mainly meant walk it).

    Years later, when I finally started regular exercise, a single mile became enjoyable. My experience was transformed. I remember going back to my high school track and running a solid four miles with a smile on my face. It was hugely meaningful to me to change my experience and memory of “THE mile.”

    That’s why every mile matters to me…even ONE mile is one more than I could do before 🙂

  22. katie P on September 11, 2012 at 1:07 am

    Hi Gina
    Like you I have not always been a runner, but 2 years ago I decided that I was going to try to lose 35 lbs that I had just laying around 😉 NBD. So I started off slow and challenged myself to increase my runs from 3km 2 times a week ( which at first was freaken hard) to 3 kms 3 times a week to now, which is usually 10 kms 4- 5 times a week. I love running now ( most of the time) and I crave it if I’ve had a stressful week or day. I can’t believe how much I have changed my self and my thought process about exercise and running through my daily jogs. I am down 35lbs and have tried all sorts of different workouts to keep changing things up. Last year I joined a crossfit gym, started doing different spinning classes, and began lifting weights with my hubby. Running made me love fitness and taught me how to live my life as “clean” and healthy as I can. But I still do throw in the odd macaroon!!! Love your blog, keep up the good work 🙂

  23. Breyerlover on September 11, 2012 at 1:09 am

    I just found your blog!! I live in Tucson too and almost went to Sabino today but was discouraged by the rain… Every mile excites me because I’m fairly new at this and kind of sucky… So it’s one miles closer to being better 🙂 excited to follow ur blog now.

  24. Amanda @ Binks & Franny on September 11, 2012 at 1:10 am

    Every mile matters because, much like you, I’m a mom who wants to set a good example for her daughter. Running has never come naturally to me but I’ve challenged myself over the years and can now complete a very hilly 10K in under 48 minutes. Aside from (hopefully) instilling a love for fitness and the great outdoors in my little one, I love showing her a living example of what you can do when you put your mind to something and just how transformative perseverance and hard work can be.

  25. sarah on September 11, 2012 at 1:13 am

    I fairly recently broke my leg, which led me to finding out I have severe osteoporosis at 20 yrs old. I used to love running & do it a lot, but now the amount I’m allowed to run is very limited:(. But every mile I am able to run , really feels like it counts.

    This is a fabulous giveaway! I’m dying to try your famous macaroons:).

  26. Anu on September 11, 2012 at 1:17 am

    I’ve never been a runner either so every mile is a huge achievement for me and something I’m always proud of.

  27. Tara K. on September 11, 2012 at 1:18 am

    Every mile matters to me because I’m less than four weeks from running my first 10k, at almost 45 years old! I spent my first 43 years hating running, so this is kind of a big deal. 😉

  28. Paula on September 11, 2012 at 1:20 am

    Every mile matters because every mile I run makes me stronger and more confident in my ability to overcome the mental game that running is. I just completed my first half marathon this past weekend. That is a huge accomplishment for me, and I’m learning to ignore the negative thoughts in my head saying “you can’t do this, it’s too hard.” we’ll, I just did, and in 2:12 too! 🙂

  29. Erin @ Girl Gone Veggie on September 11, 2012 at 1:21 am

    Every mile matters to me because next July I am getting married to the most incredible guy in the entire world and I want to look my best! I’ve just started taking up running to get into wedding shape and I am in love with the journey. Is it hard? Yes. Am I slow? Mhhmm. Do I embarrass myself by sweating like crazy and huffing up a storm? Absolutely. But I love running so much and am so glad I started. Every step I take is a step closer to that aisle, of starting my married life off on the right foot, one of health and happiness! That Garmin would seriously help with my runs!

  30. Jacqui on September 11, 2012 at 1:24 am

    Every mile matters to me because every mile is another moment that I am taking charge of my health. I am still very young, but years of pushing myself in school and in the first year of my career left me completely exhausted and unhealthy. While I am still slowly building up to a healthy lifestyle I can sustain for a lifetime, every mile I run reminds me that all the hard work in my career doesn’t mean anything if I can’t be healthy enough to enjoy the triumphs with my family. I’m working toward my very first race right now and this watch would be an awesome way to take my training to the next level!

  31. kari on September 11, 2012 at 1:26 am

    Every mile matters to me because I’m im the midst of my first year of medical school, and every mile or minute or second is really a piece of sanity that helps me keep focused and level-headed through this stressful time. Thanks for the giveaway!

  32. Kelsey on September 11, 2012 at 1:27 am

    Every mile matters because life can change in an instant. Those moments of small silences and grace during outdoor exercise are so important to well being. When you take steps you make leaps in terms of improving your lifestyle and quality of being. I would love help in achieving my goals with the help of this giveaway.

  33. Dawn on September 11, 2012 at 1:29 am

    Every mile matters to me because when I run, that’s the only time I feel like I can think through the stress and issues going on in my life. Btw, love the new look of the blog!

  34. Robin on September 11, 2012 at 1:31 am

    Every mile matters to me because it shows me I am mentally strong even when I think I’m not. I don’t “enjoy” running but pushing myself even when I don’t want to run that extra mile does wonders for my drive elsewhere.

  35. Angela on September 11, 2012 at 1:37 am

    It’s about the journey! Running can so easily be translated to the rest of life. It’s not about the time goals or PR’s, its about what you did to GET there. Did you work hard or did you fake it? Every mile gets you closer to who you eventually want to be (and a PR! 🙂

  36. Annabelle on September 11, 2012 at 1:37 am

    Every mile matters because each one sets an example for my daughter that her mom is strong. Running pushes me to be more determined, positive, and at peace– the qualities that I want my daughter to have, whether she finds that on the track or somewhere else.

  37. Lauren B. on September 11, 2012 at 1:39 am

    Every mile matters to me because with each mile I achieve a greater peace of mind. Last month I started working on a challenging 9 month project for work, and running helps me regain my sanity and give balance to my life.

  38. Morgan on September 11, 2012 at 1:39 am

    Every mile matters because each one grounds me. Every time I am out for a run, I find peace within myself and return home feeling happier!

  39. Emily @ Greens, Eggs, & Hamstrings on September 11, 2012 at 1:40 am

    I grew up running with my mom and I always took it for granted. Lately, I’ve started training for my 1st marathon and I’ve realized how much every mile matters – it’s so challenging but I’m always thankful that my body is able to run every mile (sometimes I don’t think I’ll make it home but I always do! .. so far, anyways!)
    p.s. Those macaroons look delicious!

  40. Grace on September 11, 2012 at 1:42 am

    Every mile matters to me because it reminds me that I’m healthy, alive, and blessed to be able to run. Running makes me a better person, which in turn makes me a better student, daughter, sister, and friend!

  41. Megan on September 11, 2012 at 1:43 am

    Every mile matters because they make me stronger, happier, and healthier!

  42. Lacey on September 11, 2012 at 1:43 am

    Every mile matters because my pug enjoys long walks and it helps keeps me active! Thanks for the giveaway!

  43. Jasmine W on September 11, 2012 at 1:49 am

    Every mile equals strength. Through the power of my stride and the spring in my step, I am able to push myself a little further and a little harder towards becoming a stronger individual. As I grow and begin to find myself through the basics of running, it allows me to regain a stronger mind, a stronger sense of calm, and a stronger me. Something I hope to see grow within my little ones. =)

  44. Jasmine R on September 11, 2012 at 1:50 am

    Every Mile Matters to me because it means self control. Many women in my family are heavily overweight, so if I can control the amount I exercise, eat, the way I think and how I view my own body than that means I am in control of who I am and that I don’t have to follow the same trend as my family members. It means controlling myself and breaking the cycle so my little girl can one day feel that she has the power to be who she wants to be. Not trying to sound so intense haha, got a little deep there. Thanks 🙂

  45. Wendy on September 11, 2012 at 1:52 am

    Every mile matters to me because I find it easy to set fitness goals with running and that keeps me motivated. I have a two month old daughter and right now running is my time to recharge my batteries. I am excited to bring her with me in a few months.

  46. Diane on September 11, 2012 at 1:59 am

    Every mile matters to me because it’s proof that I can push myself to do something amazing and it makes me feel accomplished. Not everyone is able to run, or even walk, so it’s important to be grateful for the little things

  47. Maggie on September 11, 2012 at 2:01 am

    Every mile pushes me to explore new territory within my own city and neighborhood. Every mile makes me feel stronger than before!

  48. Rika on September 11, 2012 at 2:03 am

    Every mile is a step towards progress, your goal!

  49. Laura @ She Eats Well on September 11, 2012 at 2:04 am

    Every mile matters to me, because I really think of it as a gift that I am able to run. I certainly don’t mean that it is easy, but rather, that I get to run, especially when I am running outside in San Francisco, or any city I am visiting and exploring. Every mile matters because with each run, I get endorphins that I don’t think I could live happily without!

  50. Katheryn on September 11, 2012 at 2:05 am

    Every mile matters to me because I’m blessed to be able to run and I don’t have much time to myself. I am a SAHM to three kiddies – ages 8, 5, and 3 months. Hubby works many many hours in the film industry. Running and other exercise is my only me time. I’ve trained and ran 3 marathons and 7 half marathons, and am grateful every day that I have the ability to do so.

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