Sweets for your sweet
I don’t think I’m going to give anything up for Lent this year.
For starters, I’ve already consumed my usual Lent-banned suspects within the past 24 hours: nut butter, wine and chocolate.
Next to that, I’ve found that having a little one means that I’ll eat pretty much anything that’s available and quick. Sweet potato mashed on a tortilla with balsamic, spinach and goat cheese? Sure, why not. (It was actually really delicious!)
Instead, I’m just going to focus on being mindful during the season leading up to Easter:
mindful of those around me and the battles they may be facing, extra focus on thought before action, and mindfulness to let positivity and kindness outweigh complains/negative thoughts.
These are goals that I should keep with me for the entire year, but something I’m going to emphasize for the next couple of months.
Also, it’s Valentine’s day. If I gave up chocolate, I’d last about 4 seconds right now, especially since I’m heading to work and will be surrounded by cookies and chocolate hearts.
In the spirit of today’s holiday, and the fact that dessert will live on until Easter for this girl, I thought I’d share some of my favorite V-day-appropriate desserts. These would be a great component to a Valentine’s dinner with someone you love, or perfect with a cocktail a favorite movie.
(95% are heavy on the chocolate. Necessary)
Vegan almond butter chocolate chip cookiesย (even better, eat them pizookie style!)
My favorite raw chocolate tart
Healthy chocolate sauce with fruit to dip
Berry tart
(nothing will ever come close to the store-bought ones from Beyond Bread)
Valentine’s rice crispy treatsย (I can’t wait to make these with Liv when she’s a little older)
So what are your plans tonight? Kicking back? Reservations somewhere amazing?
I’m not sure what we’re up to yet, but I’m just excited that the Pilot’s flight was canceled. I was planning on watching a movie and drinking some wine after Liv went to bed, but now the three of us will get to enjoy dinner together.
Hope you have a wonderful day no matter what you’re up to!
Remember you’re loved <3
Winter Shape Up:ย Today is Workout #3 + easy cardio! Leave a comment, or tweet/Instagram a pic with your workout deets @fitnessista . I’ll be picking the winners of the scarf and Zuzana DVD giveaway tonight, so enter if you haven’t already!
Retry later
haha – I thought the exact same thing about Lent! I don’t think I could have given up chocolate the Day before Valentines!!! maybe I’ll have a late start this year.. ๐
Happy Valentine’s Day!
I am loving Workout 3! I’m on a different schedule so I did it yesterday and today I ran 4 miles and did a combo of some of your leg strength exercises. I can still hardly move my arms from yesterday!
Happy Valentine’s Day!!
Happy Valentine’s! I totally agree with your thoughts on lent. Instead of giving up food items, I’d rather give up judgement, other things we don’t need, and work on listening more to myself and others more.
No chances I’ll be giving up my chocolate;)
I love your “focus on being mindful” declaration! So many people make Lent, or really even resolutions for that matter, about what should be GIVEN UP. Embracing a new outlook or mindset, just focusing on bettering yourself or thoughts is such a wonderful thing. (And at the end of the day, reflecting on something like being mindful is much more positive then focusing on how much we miss chocolate!) Kudos to you, that really was a great read ๐
I’m not giving up anything this year either! I find that when I give up something, like sweets, it becomes more personal than having anything to do with God or my relationship with God. Plus…my dark chocolate is my sanity recently ๐
Love your blog!!!
I’m really bad about giving things up – especially sugar – but I do try and be mindful of things. My youngest brother just got back from South Korea in the Special Olympics and hearing the stories of those athletes and what they have overcome… it’s beyond inspiring and very humbling.
No V-day plans for me – just off to sit in 3 hours of class tonight. Maybe the teacher will bring chocolate cause now I’m hankering for some!
Nothing crazy for me! Just makng dinner and dessert ๐
Yum! I’ve definitely been eating sweets too much lately, I blame it on pregnancy cravings ๐
I’m working late tonight for parent-teacher conferences, but I have tomorrow off. Instead of doing Valentine’s dinner, my fiance and I are going to do a belated Valentine’s brunch. I have to say, I’ve been excited about it for DAYS!
We are staying in tonight. I’ll probably whip us up something special and spend the rest of the evening cuddled on the couch. ๐
Your intentions to be mindful sound awesome. It’s pretty similar to what I did for New Year’s. Yesterday’s workout had me poring sweat! So day off for cardio for me today! But I’ll definately be hitting the yoga mat for an hour when I get home. ๐
Got my Workout 3 and easy cardio on the elliptical in! Now, off to indulge in a few cupcakes ๐ Happy Valentine’s Day!
Everything sounds amazing and I love your take on lent this year! I didn’t realize how early it actually is until I realized it happened before Valentine’s Day this year! Definitely not giving up on chocolate now ๐
Since I have an early meeting tomorrow, the hubby and I are staying in and ordering a pizza tonight, then going to extend the party and go out for sushi tomorrow ๐
I’m so glad you’re bucking the diet as Lenten promise trend. My social media feeds are full of people claiming they are giving up carbs/sugar/chocolate/whatever for Lent — but really, they’re giving it up for their booty. Your mindfulness pledge is MUCH more meaningful. Kudos!
I’m doing the same kind of positive focus for lent this year. I just couldn’t decide what to give up and actually consumed 2 of my ideas yesterday (nut butter, bread & butter pickles!). Fail! I think a positive focus is more spiritually rewarding anyway.
Happy Heart Day xoxo
Had a hard time motivating myself today but just finished workout 3 and easy cardio on treadmill. Tonight my husband and I are couchin’ it and watching a Neflix movie.
I’m not giving up anything for Lent either. I believe in moderation ๐ I do think I will adopt your idea of being more mindful of those around me who are struggling. This might be a great time of year to do some volunteering as well.
No plans tonight..hubby is working late and the kids are busy. Guess I’ll be on the couch with box of chocolates and wine ๐
Just finished the Stairmaster work out…HOLY MOLY! SWEATY!
Honestly, I never really liked the idea of giving up food for Lent – to me it just seemed like a lot of people used it as an excuse to restrict and hopefully lose some weight along the way. I think that doing something extra like devoting more time to prayer and meditation, or focusing on positivity are way more meaningful and enriching than giving up chocolate.
Happy Valentine’s Day to you and your fam, Gina ๐
I did workout 3 and jump rope this morning. Workout 3 was awesome again and I’m really loving jumping rope.
Happy V day Gina! I’m watching a redbox at home with the husband and making salmon, pesto pasta and a salad beast. ๐
I am staying in with the boyfriend consuming lots of delicious take out and quality tv! Happy Valentine’s Day girl xo,
did workout 3 again! the pull ups kill me every time!
My Valentine’s Day plans include a cycle class at the gym. I didn’t buy any chocolate this year, so that will be easy to avoid today!
Workout three was killer!! It’s so fun at 630 am ๐
I’m totally on the same page as you about Lent – I love the attitude of being mindful v. just giving something up. (and just a note on your wrap, it sounded good to me, and not even that unusual – is that bad ๐ ? ) Happy Valentine’s, girl!
omg that berry tart!!! i’m such a fruit-aholic. the bf got me some chocolate covered strawberries and they are just too good.
no plans though, relax, laundry… the usual around here! it will be far too busy to go out anywhere tonight
I’m doing the same thing with Lent! I’m going to add in an activity (reading the Bible each day) instead of taking something away… I should be doing this everyday already, so hopefully it’ll stick! ๐ Tonight, I’ll just be watching a movie solo and drinking a little vino ? Hope you and the pilot have a great night! ๐
I just got back from the gym a little while ago and that workout was tough! I think my arms will be a little sore tomorrow ๐
Oh, I could never give up vino, chocolate or nut butter. I think I’d go crazy ๐
I did Workout 3 yesterday so just stuck with cardio today (elliptical hills and bike)!
Headed to the Maroon 5 concert tonight-cannot.wait. ๐ Hope you have a lovely Valentine’s Day with the Pilot and Liv!
Did workout #3 yesterday and it was killer….did done jump rope HIIT too. My schedule is off this week so today I did a massive clean of my house and incorporated all of your exercises from all 3 workouts and some burpees thrown on too. In my cleaning/workout sesh I burned 509 calls in 48 minutes. Great workout and my house is clean too!
I did workout 3 first thing this morning, which was such a good idea because if I leave a workout until the end of my day, 9 times out of 10 it doesn’t end up happening. Yesterday was an accidental rest day for this very reason. At least I didn’t make the same mistake two days in a row (this time) ๐
My husband and I just came back from an amazing Valentine’s Day dinner (we live in London, England). It was our first Valentines after getting married in September and he took me to a restaurant called Hunan- it doesn’t have a menu and once you arrive they check what you do and don’t like then bring you a constant stream of exciting little dishes! Each meal here is an adventure and this is exactly what we hope the rest of our married life to be too ๐ Enjoy all of your evenings ๐ G x
Happy Valentine’s Day! I went and saw Safe Haven with my dad! My fiance had to work and lives an hour and a half away so we’re celebrating on Saturday!
Did work out #3 for the first time tonight and oh my goodness…my legs.
Already seriously regretting giving up sweets!! I am a teacher and there were so many good treats at work today. Trying to stay strong!!
Extra time with your love = best vday gift ever!
I did workout 3 this morning. I’m loving it!! My pull-ups are already getting better! Happy Valentine’s Day! Thank you for your blog. You are really inspiring and motivating, which I definitely need right now.
Staying in and celebrating VDay with the kiddos tonight even though it’s our wedding anniversary too. We’ll celebrate for real on Saturday. I’m taking my rest day today since there is no chance at all to workout. I’ll be doing workout 3 tomorrow!
Did workout 3 again! plus an extra total body circuit from TIU, santabata and 20 minutes light bike! Feels amazing. Workout 3 is WAY harder than it looks! but it hurts sooooo good!
Yay for your vday surprise! We’re indulging in some chocolate covered strawberries tonight. I like your intention for Lent ๐
Aaaand I’m still sore from workout 3 on Tuesday, but I did it. I only did 2 rounds of each this time because I’m running a half marathon on Sunday.
Hubby is cooking ME dinner tonight for the first time in the 5 1/2 years I’ve known him! Can’t WAIT. I made chocolate covered strawberries for dessert to help him out a little. (Sometimes he helps me make dinner, but this is his first solo flight.)
I’m not giving anything up for Lent this year either – it’s the way to go!
I love the look of that flourless chocolate cake…oh my goodness!
PS. This is still Anna! I just have a new site now so it’s not The Guiltless Life anymore…in case there was any confusion!
Yay I’m glad your V Day plans worked out! We’re celebrating V Day on Saturday night at a fancy smanchy restaurant and then staying overnight at a hotel afterwards ๐
I think that’s a great idea to instead set yourself a goal for the lenten season- now is as good a time as any.
I keep forgetting to check in! This is my official check in:) workout 3 was great/hard yesterday. I was still sore from Tuesday but I also felt so much stronger which was awesome! For valentines day we had some friends over for dinner so we didn’t have to get a sitter. Steak for dinner And fondue for dessert. It was one of those times when I ate way to much. Looking back I was practically shoveling fondue into my mouth. Sigh. Haha. But it was a fun night!
Yesterday was a rest day, which seemed odd because I usually like to get a workout in on holidays where sweets are involved. Just for some balance. BUT I thoroughly needed and enjoyed the rest! Today its stairmaster/cardio time!
I ended up doing workout #3 and easy cardio this morning. My arms are going to be sore. And I like it. ๐
I gave up nut butters.
I made sure to finish every last drop of each jar prior.
This is going to be a long Lent.
did Workout #3 yesterday morning – my back and triceps are feeling it today! in a very good way ๐ thanks for the great workouts and motivation!