Ways to ease anxiety during the busy holiday season
This post is sponsored by Rescue and includes a fun giveaway opportunity from me to you.
As you guys know, I’ve struggled with anxiety on and off throughout my life. I’m an anxious person by nature (it comes with the Type A territory) and usually find myself two steps ahead, wondering about “what’s next?”
Over time, I’ve also learned ways to manage my anxiety so it doesn’t get the best of me during stressful times. The holiday seasons are busy enough, but add in a move (and then another move) with two small children and two dogs, and it could be a recipe for stress-stravaganza. By putting the pieces in place to make sure I take care of my mental health, I’m able to enjoy the present moment and all of the beautiful events so much more.
Here are some of the ways I manage anxiety and stress during the holidays:
1. Meditate, even if it’s just for 5 minutes. Meditation changed my life. For so long, I tried to meditate, but wasn’t quite sure what I was doing. My brain would go crazy talking to itself and I’d give up. Finally, I learned HOW to meditate. All of my tips are in this post! Find a quiet spot that’s just for meditation, set a timer, and find a comfortable seated position. Close your eyes, and pay attention to your breath, focusing on deep inhales, and long cleansing exhales. Having a mantra helps me immensely, and helps me to push out the to-do lists and “what-ifs” that might pass by. The secret to meditation is not blocking your thoughts. It’s accepting them, letting them go, and bringing awareness back to your breath.
2. Practice yoga. I notice a huge decrease in anxiety levels when I make yoga a part of my life. It forces me to breathe and focus on the right now, instead of being two steps ahead in the future. Even though my fitness schedule is pretty full, and I can tell yoga has been lacking and am determined to bring it back into my life.
3. Keep moving. I find that I get the most stressed when I’m still. Moving around often throughout the days makes me feel good and is a great way to get out some anxiety.
Even if I take a break from work to walk the dogs or do a quick Fitness Marshall dance on YouTube, it’s always worth it.
4. Make a plan. This one is HUGE. If I have a plan, my mind doesn’t feel like it needs to wander, constantly keeping check of the priority checklist. I make my list, check things off as I go, and have non-negotiables for each day that must be done. Everything else can be pushed back if it needs to be.
5. Treat yourself. Make sure that you have something to look forward to that you enjoy each day. It’s so easy to get caught up in the chores and necessary tasks, that you can look back on the day and be like, “Whoa. I didn’t do anything fun.” I’m not talking about dropping everything to lounge at the beach (even though, let’s be real, that sounds AMAZING) but little things: a great workout, a cup of coffee with a friend, time to read a book that sucks you in, a dance party with the kiddos.
6. Talk to someone. If you find that your anxiety is overwhelming you, or just want an outsider to listen to you and determine reasonable solutions, I’m a huge advocate of talk therapy. Find a therapist nearby to talk to you; I don’t think you’ll regret it.
7. Find things that help you to feel calm and centered, and embrace them. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep, sunshine, water, nutrition, and exercise.
Sometimes you get into stressful situations, and there’s nothing you can do about it. Find a strategy that works for you to bring you back down to earth, and keep the stress from taking over. I was so thankful when my acupuncturist recommended the Rescue Remedy products. It was when P was very little and we were both dealing with medical issues, and I spent an entire acupuncture session crying. I told him my anxiety was really affecting me. He knew I was already talking to a therapist, and suggested the Rescue Remedy products as a way to calm myself down when I started to feel really antsy or stressed. Thankfully, they had a huge selection at Sprouts and I was able to pick up a bottle that day. Since then, I’ve carried it with me in my purse and use it when I’m feeling particularly stressed or anxious.
I love Rescue Remedy because it’s a great “in the moment” product. The second I start to feel anxiety, I spritz a little into my mouth, take a few deep breaths, and BOOM: more calm and centered. Of course, talk with your doc before adding anything new into your routine. These remedies were developed by a doctor 80 years ago, and are non-habit forming.
Rescue has a ton of products available (even a line for pets!) and they’re made with flower remedies.
Here are the ingredients:
5x (HPUS) dilution
Star of Bethlehem – Orithogalum umbellatum (for comfort and reassurance)
Rock Rose – Helianthemum (for confidence and composure)
Cherry Plum – Prunus cerasifera (for self control and stability)
Impatiens – Impatiens gladulifera (for patience and tolerance)
Clematis – Clematis vitalba (for focus and motivation)
27% Grape Based Brandy or Sunflower Based Glycerin as preservative (<— since it contains alcohol, keep out of the reach of kiddos)
And now, it’s giveaway time!
A lucky reader will win some of the things that help me feel calm and centered during this busy season:
-An Erin Condren planner of their choice
-A bottle of Rescue Remedy spray or drops
-A cheeky sleep mask
Enter via the widget below and I’ll pick the winner this Thursday night at midnight and announce in Friday Faves.
My friends at Rescue sponsored this post, and I chose to personally sponsor the above giveaway. Thank you so much for your support regarding the sponsored posts that help support our family. Thank you so much for being here.
My favourite de-stressing thing is journalling. When I get it all written down on paper, I find I can more easily see the situation and it helps me process past it.
I exercise and learn to say “no” when needed.
I stress less by keeping a consistent workout routine and taking some quiet time for myself, like going for a walk or reading a book.
I am dealing with an injury (tennis elbow) and I am not able to exercise so I am feeling down. Then I get overwhelmed b/c I still need to Christmas shop AND take my finals next week!
However, I plan to go back and workout tomorrow morning and enjoy it!
And, ironically what helps me? Coloring books and baking (not at the same time!).
Thank you for this post.
Having something to look forward to definitely helps me too.
I love starting every day off with a workout to keep me calmer for the rest of the day
I take vacation time beginning on the 22nd so I have time to wrap before family arrives and I can enjoy their visit.
I’m not sure I do a great job of staying stress-free during the holidays (which is why I need to win this giveaway!). I did make a spreadsheet this year of everyone I need to buy for and gift ideas, so that has helped a little!
Being in the moment is absolutely a great way to combat anxiety and depression! Anxiety is thinking too far in the future, and depression is thinking too far in the past. What we can affect is right here right now, and when we are focusing on now, we can do the most good and avoid most anxiety and depression.
Love these tips. I also struggle with slowing down and not being so anxious.
Anxiety is not my friend, yet she always wants to hang around! Thanks for the helpful tips!
I set aside time to relax with my Kindle!
I follow you on Insta!
I love using essential oils!
I take a hot bath to relax and unwind.
I very much have the “must have plan to be able to face the world” personality. I think the biggest thing that’s helped my stress levels long-term is just being open with friends and family about expectations. Having an accurate understanding of what I’m walking into helps me be able to know ahead of time what I need to worry about, and more importantly, the things I don’t need to waste my emotions on 🙂
My dog always helps me feel less stressed. That happy face and some dog cuddles at the end of a busy and stressful day really do that trick!
I am totally a type A stressor! Buying for difficult people is the worst, so I always try to get them done first so that the rest of the month is more relaxing and enjoyable!
Yoga is such a good way to bring me back to focusing on the present!
Yoga for the win! I also think you hit the nail on the head w/ #4. Thank you so much for telling us about this product. I had never heard of it before. My daughter suffers from anxiety & even gets anxiety/panic attacks from time to time. I would love to have her try this. Thank you!
I love to unwind with a bath and a good book and Dr. Teal’s epsom salt soak. I have found setting reminders on my fitbit has been helpful too. Reminds me to get up and take a walk and clear my head.
I stress less by planning my to do list daily and working in one fun Christmas activity every day.
I would love to feel less stressed this holiday season. It is also a first anniversary of an unhappy event. I am glad that you have found ways to de-stress. You have a lot going on! Embrace it, at least it’s happy stuff 🙂
I used to be more calm until i had children and now i find myself feeling alot more anxious about situations and things like if i am doing “enough” ugh that one always gets me. Thank you for this post i never knew about Rescue.
Yoga! It’s definitely been my saving grace. Even just 15 minutes helps me stay calm and enjoy the moment more.
I’m going to have to try this product out! Thank you for the suggestion!
Thank you! I find that especially as the days are shorter/it get’s darker earlier over here in the northeast, i need more ways to manage my anxiety.
I enjoy walking, reading or sleeping to help manage my stress. It always helps to have something to look forward to, like a nice trip/vacation.
Thanks for this helpful post during this stressful, but also wonderful (!) time of year!!
I #stressless by immersing myself in the Christmas season: lighting pine scented candle, reading Christmas books, and spending time with family.
This is a great giveaway! I agree with you about yoga. I always feel more centered when I make it to class 3x a week. I am about to start yoga teacher training so my goal is to increase my home practice as well.
I enjoy watching my favorite tv shows. Watching tv calms and relaxes me.
I #stressless by prioritizing the most important things and practicing letting go of the “not so important” things. “Let it go” is the mantra I repeat.
Going for a daily run or walk outdoors never fails to make me feel calmer and more present.
This is such a great giveaway! Thanks for offering it.
I relax by talking with close friends and family or my husband. Thanks for this!
Making sure I exercise and get my supplements in help me keep stress away
I keep stress levels low by taking a lot of time for myself. I’ve found that spreading myself too thin or spending time with people that I have to see vs want to see has really made a negative impact on my mindset. Sometimes that means a glass of wine while wearing a onesie and watching Muppets Christmas Carol 😉
Definitely by exercising!
Exercise helps me tremendously!
I find that running really helps me when I feel anxious.
I am currently a graduate student in a physical therapy program and extremely type A. Within the past year I found the app Headspace which provides guided meditation. Taking this time to myself and practicing being present and accepting my thoughts without judgement has been a huge game changer for my anxiety!
I find that doing something positive always helps when I’m anxious. Go on a walk, or to a movie or find someone to talk with about it!
I absolutely need my daily to-do lists, too. Otherwise my mind is constantly going over everything that needs to be done and I get anxious about how I’ll get everything done in time. I need to add in some of your tips, too! I think that I need to start adding other things into my to-do list (like meditation and yoga) so that I make sure to prioritize those, too.
And I follow you on Instagram!
I find myself #stressless if I plan ahead with schedules and a to do list and actually stick to it. So many things are pulling at us this time of year and exacting a bit of control always helps.
By making time to workout-and wine!
These are awesome tips! I get anxious in general and am always mindful of how to decrease that. This holiday season I definitely plan on making sure to get plenty of quality alone time.
Exercise always helps and taking a few moments to just breath!
I love rescue remedy!!