What if she’s a he?

I’m bummed because I had to come home early from work today. I slept like a rock last night, woke up feeling great, ate a solid bfast (brown rice cereal and 2 eggs)

cereal egg

and was in the weight room when I started to see spots. After drinking some lemonade and splashing cold water on my face, I almost passed out. Since I still felt overheated and clammy, my supervisor got the rest of my morning classes covered so I could come home to rest and feel ready to teach Zumba later.

This has only happened a few times, and the midwife said it’s from all of the extra blood that my body is creating and pumping. So I’m at home, chilling, so I can go back in a little while. It’s weird to come home when I’m not sick, just feeling wonky, but better safe than sorry.

Anyone else experience pregnancy dizziness? Remedy ideas? A friend gave me some salty sesame twigs which seemed to help.



With the holiday week, it’s been really exciting to think that next year, she’ll be almost a year old. On Thanksgiving, we saw my baby cousin Tucker, who was born last December. It was so fun to see him in his little walker/jumper, sprinting down my uncle’s hallway, my cousin walking him around in the Ergo, and him covering his face in whipped cream. That’s going to be us next year, and I can’t wait.

Since nesting mode has kicked in with a vengeance, we’re working on all of the house projects and last-minute to-dos before she arrives. The painters are here today to fix our Easter egg rooms, and the nursery is about 90% done.


A question that was brought up in the last post:

“What if the second ultrasound is wrong, and it’s actually a boy?”


This is something that Tom and I (and the family) joke about every now and again. My Tata said that it was a boy, but with all of the Zumba shaking, I “shook his thingy off.” Thanks, Tata. Haha. We actually considered getting another ultrasound just to be super sure, but I really don’t want to get any extra ultrasounds at this point since I’ve had 4 already, and everything seems to healthy so far and according to schedule.

Things can be returned/exchanged.. we just want a healthy baby. Boy or girl, it really doesn’t matter. If the baby is indeed a “he”, we can buy new bedding and clothes- I’ve only washed the newborn – 3 month clothes and everything else still has tags intact and the receipts in an envelope.

Life’s more fun with surprises, anyway 😉

Did you find out the sex of your baby? Any situations where “he” ended up being a “she” or vise versa? My mom and dad thought I was a boy until I was born. My name was supposed to be Bryce….

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  1. Claire @ Live and Love to Eat on November 26, 2011 at 1:33 pm

    Hope you’re feeling back to normal! You guys have a great outlook on every possible scenario.

  2. kara on November 26, 2011 at 1:37 pm

    rest up!! hope you’re feeling a bit better now that you can relax.
    i was supposed to be Brian, if i was a boy! i don’t think my parents found out beforehand, just had names picked out for both.

  3. Natasha H on November 26, 2011 at 1:40 pm

    I knew my son was a boy from the moment I knew I was pregnant. The ultra sounds came up inconclusive for the first one, so I had asecond and they were “pretty sure” he was a boy. So I was freaked, I kept thinking I was wrong, maybe I dont know he is a he….the hormones even made me cry about it once…(WAAAAA what if he is a she….all I have is boy clothes…boo hoo hoo – darn hormones!) All worked out and he was and is a he…..so trust what you feel…..and if she is a he, you will have a funny story to tell him one day 🙂

  4. Shannon (Healthiful Balance) on November 26, 2011 at 1:40 pm

    Aw, hope you feel better! <3

  5. Holli on November 26, 2011 at 1:40 pm

    Nope…a surprise with both my babies 🙂 We loved it!

    Yes, my best friend had an ultrasound and were told it’s definitely a girl….on baby’s birthday, “It’s a boy!” They were totally shocked!

  6. J3nn (Jenn's Menu and Lifestyle Blog) on November 26, 2011 at 1:41 pm

    Feel better!

    I know a guy named Bryce but I have also heard of a girl named Bryce. It’s a cool name. 🙂

  7. Jen @familyfoodfitnessandfun on November 26, 2011 at 1:41 pm

    Hope you’re feeling better this afternoon!
    We found out the gender of all 3 of our boys…but after 2 boys, I was expecting a 3rd boy anyway! My parents thought I was boy too and my name was going to be Kevin. Thank God I was a girl 😉

  8. aislin @ scribbles by a on November 26, 2011 at 1:41 pm

    you’re so positive!!
    my moms guesses were wrong everything time, she ended up with a girl and three boys. and she says the same thing, “all i wanted was to have healthy babies”. personally, i think i’d have to find out, just so the type A super planner side of me didn’t go completely crazy.

    • Fitnessista on November 26, 2011 at 1:44 pm

      that’s why i found out, too- i like to plan! otherwise, i think it’s one of the few things in life you can really be surprised about. i hate surprises, though 😉

  9. Ali on November 26, 2011 at 1:43 pm

    Omg this post was meant to be! We were JUST talking about this topic over breakfast. I think it’s hard for couples who prepare everything, already call the baby by it’s so called “name,” etc. But truthfully, I’m with you, I just want a healthy baby, boy or girl. Think about how great of a story you’d have to tell your child! God brings about some pretty cool miracles 🙂

  10. Megan @ On the Road Again on November 26, 2011 at 1:44 pm

    I have that same fear right no, except I wasn’t as smart as you and already detagged and washed all of the clothes and bedding! Guess i’m just overexcited. I figure if our she’s a he, we’ll just have fun shopping for all new stuff! Hope you start feeling better.

    • Fitnessista on November 26, 2011 at 1:48 pm

      exactly- baby shopping is fun anyway 🙂

  11. Elizabeth @ reads recipes runs on November 26, 2011 at 1:50 pm

    Good call on the resting, I hope you’re feeling back to normal in no time!! My sister in laws due date is a few weeks before yours and even though the ultrasound said boy she has this feeling it was wrong! It will be interesting to see if she is right or not. They have an older little girl, so she’s hanging on to those clothes and the new stuff just to be ready either way 🙂

  12. Sana on November 26, 2011 at 1:57 pm

    🙂 You will have a loved baby no matter what happened to the thingy!

    • Fitnessista on November 26, 2011 at 2:02 pm


  13. Marina on November 26, 2011 at 1:58 pm

    I’m a regular reader, but I don’t usually comment. However, when I saw above that you call your dad Tata, I just had to. I’m from Croatia, and croatian name for a dad is “tata”, so I’m wondering where does your tata come from 😀

    Btw, I want to thank you for showing your zumba video, because after seeing how much fun you’re having, and how awesome you are dancing with your baby, I just had to try zumba! I did two classes in two days, and I adore it 🙂 tnx!
    Hope you feel better soon!

    • Fitnessista on November 26, 2011 at 2:03 pm

      hi marina! from croatia- how awesome is that?!
      tata is a spanish term for grandfather 🙂
      i’m so glad you loved zumba!!! <3 take care and have a wonderful weekend

  14. Vicki Morgan on November 26, 2011 at 1:59 pm

    The sonar does,,,look like a boy,,oh geezeeee.I never encountered this myself,but I had a friend that did.It is always all good as long as there is a healthy baby and mommy 🙂

  15. Cara on November 26, 2011 at 1:59 pm

    My SIL was told she was having a girl, the tech had never been wrong in 6 years. Out came my nephew! For some reason we knew he was going to be a boy and never really bought a lot of girl stuff. And trust me, 14 years later he is ALL boy!!!

  16. Susan on November 26, 2011 at 2:12 pm

    Um, maybe the dizziness is from exercising too hard? Idk, especially since you’ve “only” gotten dizzy a few times already. Yet you keep working out hard…http://www.khou.com/news/Mommy-rexia–131631443.html

    • Fitnessista on November 26, 2011 at 2:43 pm

      I’ve taken it pretty easy- especially this week. Each time it’s happened has been in the weight room, when I was just walking around.
      Thanks for your concern, though!

    • Fitnessista on November 26, 2011 at 2:45 pm

      That article makes me extremely sad to see women starving themselves and their babies, and I’m not quite sure why you posted it.

    • Krystina on November 26, 2011 at 4:08 pm

      If you’re trying to imply that Gina is “mommy-rexic” then that’s really shitty and rude.

    • Carly on November 26, 2011 at 5:49 pm

      What a hater.

    • Theresa on November 26, 2011 at 9:06 pm

      I actually have only passed out almost once and I was sitting down at work. It was pretty bad, and unfortunately I can’t chalk it up to exercise! My dr. said it’s totally normal due to blood pressure changes throughout pregnancy…It really can happen to anyone.

  17. Mary on November 26, 2011 at 2:21 pm

    I used to see spots in my late preg, usually in the morning, too…sudden drop of BP due to the extra blood volume. Very normal. Good you took a break, and it will be fine!
    I was 7 or 8 and remember talking with a friend, playing what if…, and I said if I have a boy, his name will be Ryan. Came true!

  18. Anna on November 26, 2011 at 2:26 pm

    My mom thought I was a boy. My name was going to be Brandon. They even had a sign that said “it’s a boy” to put outside my dad’s office. Thankfully they made created a girl portion of the sign just in case 😉

  19. TanyaS on November 26, 2011 at 2:42 pm

    I was sure it was a boy, but at our 2nd ultrasound the technician told us “there was an absence of being male”. He was right, Baby Girl made her arrival and after that ultrasound I had no inklings throughout my pregnancy of having a boy.

  20. Leslie Wingate on November 26, 2011 at 2:45 pm

    Your Tata is HILAR! lol

    Nope, mine were both what the u/s said at 18-20 wks. 🙂

  21. Diana on November 26, 2011 at 2:48 pm


    Forgive me if you take this badly but would you really need to change bed clothing or clothes if you found out it was a boy? Why couldn´t a boy wear pink clothes or a girl wear blue clothes. It just seems to me that you are already assuming things about your child based on gender. Stearing it in a certain direction. I think you should give your child all the possibilities in the world to discover him or herself instead of relying on old gender stereotypes.
    I´m not trying to be critical, I´m just curious of wether you have given any thought to why it´s important that your child would have clothes of a certain colour? I remember you changing the clothes once already when you found out it wasn´t a boy.
    would you automatically put a girl in dance classes and a boy in football training or could you imagining doing it the other way around?

    I really like reading your blog and reading about your pregnancy, I myself have an 8 month old and get so nostalgic reading about pregnancy.

    • Fitnessista on November 26, 2011 at 2:54 pm

      It’s not about the colors, but rather the style of the bedding and clothes. Tights with ballet slippers on them, dresses and sparkly kitty cat onesies may be a little much for a baby boy. I have bought quite a few unisex outfits and gender neutral colors, too.
      I totally agree with you about letting a child figure and determine their own path in life, without imposing gender stereotypes at a young age. We want our children to be exposed to as much as possible, and if our little girl ends up playing football, or our boy loves ballet, that’s awesome 🙂 happy and healthy is all that matters.

      • Diana on November 26, 2011 at 3:11 pm

        Well, that´s nice to hear! =)

        • Sara on November 26, 2011 at 4:52 pm

          My sister had to put my niece in girly stuff just because, up until about the age of 2 she looked like a boy. Just had a ‘boy’ face and attitude. She had an idea to dress her in greens and neutrals, and functional overalls and so on, but got sick of people assuming Jasmine was a boy. Once the hair grew in, there was no mistaking it, but by then she was fully ‘girlified’ by mass media anyway (Disney Princesses? Barbie? Can’t escape it. Even Dora the Explorer wears pink).

          • Diana on November 26, 2011 at 5:06 pm

            But why is it so “horrible” if somebody believes your girl to be a boy? It´s happend to me as well. Sometimes they think my girl is a girl, smetimes they think she´s a boy, sometimes they ask what sex she is. But I can´t see why it should bother me if someone thinks she is a boy.

            And yes, I do think that sooner or later she will probably want to be a disney princees. The day that she can voice an opinion she will get to chose, but as long as I decide I will buy clothes that are comfortable and cute, other than that I don´t care if they are from the girls or boys section. I dislike the fact that there are such section, I think it should just be mixed up.

          • Conni Jo on November 26, 2011 at 7:32 pm

            I personally think that girls look “cuter” in dresses and such. I do not think baby boys should be in skirts and dresses- call me a crazy conservative. Now, if my girls turn 18 and decided to chop their hair off and wear combat boots- I’m all good with it. It’s not horrible for someone to believe your baby girl is a boy, but when the child gets older, it could definitely get confusing for them. Why mess with their gender identity?
            When I want to buy a dress, I go to the girls section- where the dresses should be.

          • Conni Jo on November 26, 2011 at 7:38 pm

            Also, Gina, what a great attitude you have about it all! Girls are great (I have 3). Though, I would have loved to have a son, I was just happy that all my babies were healthy!

    • Courtney on November 27, 2011 at 10:29 pm

      Just with my personal opinion, the baby’s gender is a sense of security for them. They know either “I’m a boy or I’m a girl”. If you take that sense of security away by letting them “choose” whether they want to be boy or girl I think it will be very traumatic for them. Now if a girl likes playing sports or a boy wants to dance, that’s fine as long as they know what gender they are and don’t get that confused.

      • Diana on November 28, 2011 at 6:22 am

        I´m not saying you should let them choose wether they want to be a boy or a girl. My girl will know that she is a girl. But she will also be told that she can do whatever she wants to do, that there are no “girl colours” and “boy colours” she can wear whatever colour she likes and try whatever activity she wants. It´s not about removing somebodys gender identity but rather about trying not to narrow her possibilities. I agree that when your older it would be confusing if people mistook your gender, but when you´re one or two your sex really shouldn´t matter.
        Sara wrote in her reply to me that her sisters girl had a boy attitude, that´s because we assume that girls should be in one way and boys in another way. We also in general reward our children when they behave like they should behave according to their sex. We put expectations on them. Girls should be cute and helpful, boys shouldn´t cry, etc. I would never tell my daugther for exampel to go clean her room because girls need to have clean rooms (like my mother did =) ) She needs to clean her room but not because she is a girl. When we make children conform to stereotypes we limit them. Telling boys not to cry is teaching them not to express emotions, constantly telling girls that they are cute and that their clothes are pretty teaches them that it is so important to be pretty, and as you know lots of girl develop eating disorders and depressions etc. My girl will be a girl i just want to widen the definition of what a girl can be and do. I want her to feel that she can be herself and not try to be more “girly” if thats not her, if she feels thats the way she wants to be then thats great to. I just feel you shouldn´t treat girls and boys differently, my girl will get dolls to play with but she will also get cars, after that it´s up to her to choose what she think is more fun.

        (I know there are some spelling errors, forgive me, I´m not American nor a native english speaker)

        • Joanna on November 29, 2011 at 12:25 pm

          Well said, I totally agree!

        • Jenn on November 29, 2011 at 12:26 pm

          I agree with everything you’ve said and I think you said it more eloquently than most could… even not being a native English speaker! I hope your children have very rich lives which I’m sure they will having such an open, warm mama!

  22. Alexis on November 26, 2011 at 2:49 pm

    My cousin had 3 ultrasounds that all said “its a girl”… on the birth day, it was a boy! Luckily she already had one son, so she just pulled out the bedding and clothes from him and returned/exchanged all the girly stuff that she had bought.

  23. Averie @ Love Veggies and Yoga on November 26, 2011 at 3:08 pm

    A few decades ago before ultrasounds were common or had the accuracy they do now I think it was pretty common to have a grandmother, aunt, or even the pregnant mama herself be totally “convinced” she was having one sex but that upon delivery, it was…surprise! the other sex. Without ultrasounds and just going on gut instincts, there’s a 50% margin for error 🙂

    I really think that after all your ultrasounds, you ARE having a girl…but as you said, if you are having a boy, things can be returned and re-done. But I really think it’s a girl 🙂

  24. Mandy on November 26, 2011 at 3:12 pm

    I had some dizziness/spots episodes in my late pregnancy (30-41 weeks)… eating some sugar and drinking lots of water helped every time. They really didn’t make much sense, but gave me and the hubby a few scares. 🙁

    On the upside, since he’s out, I haven’t had any. Nor an appetite for that matter (going on 4 weeks now.. so unusual. My babybrain doesn’t have room for food apparently).

    At about 36 weeks I had to call quits on the gym and most exercises as even just walking for extended periods of time started to hurt, so I just took it easy from there on out, with light walks when the weather permitted and.. well, nesting.

    At 41 weeks I was miserable and even picking up my mother from the airport and walking to the baggage pickup was almost impossible. Ah, late pregnancy is no joke. Hopefully your little bean will make her (or his!) entrance on time so you get spared that. 🙂

    We were pretty sure that our boy was actually a boy (and he was!), but I honestly wouldn’t have cared either way. A baby is a baby – they differ in temperament, but gender differences don’t show up until much later, and by then you’re accustomed to them and so very much in love anyway. Now, if you do have a boy and only have pink clothes, don’t show his future fiancee the baby pictures or he might hate you… 😉

  25. Eleah on November 26, 2011 at 3:14 pm

    In my opinion, it shouldn’t matter if the baby is female or male. I’m a bit new-age with the idea that babies should be gender neutral, though. Pink/ blue/ green/ orange/ yellow- any baby can sport any color.

    • K on November 27, 2011 at 10:19 am

      I would sincerely hope that in 2011, eschewing gender stereotypes is no longer considered “new age”! It’s so baffling to me how much it seems to trouble other people that we won’t know he sex of the baby until he/she gets here! I so agree that we need to really chill on reinforcing the dominant gendered ideas on babies. Gender doesn’t have to be dichotomous, either. My toddler nephew is into tea sets (and Tonka trucks) and happily wore whatever hand-me-downs came his way. I feel that the whole baby industry is so geared toward cultivating unnecessary need and pushing incumbent parents into thinking the responsible parenting involves much more consumption than is necessary. That said, Gina, your baby will be beautiful and incredibly loved. My own opinions and choices reflect my own parenting philosophies and I absolutely respect and support yours. Know that this “family section” has been a proverbial treasure trove of wonderful discussion, admirable candor, beautiful honesty and good humor for all of us other pregnant women sharing the journey.

  26. Laury @ thefitnessdish on November 26, 2011 at 3:16 pm

    Oh, Gina the dizzy spells are scary! It happened to me quite a few times when I was pregnant and exercising. By the time I was at where you are at in my pregnancy and I would get dizzy I just really toned down my workouts. A lot. Michael yelled at me for even continuing exercise at that point. He was wishing on me that my water would break on the elliptical because he though that would be hilarious and would “show me” hahaha. I assured him it was healthy for me and by the last 3 weeks I just did really low impact cardio, really low impact. Also very light strength training, which I hated at the end my belly was so in the way. The best remedy is planting your toosh on your couch, feet up, lots of water. Moving every day, but just little walks, bouncing on the balance ball, yoga squats, stretching. Also, prenatal yoga poses helped too just to relax and meditate. It sucks as a fitness person, but at the same time it’s really nice to just embrace it and rest and have a legit reason to put your feet up 😉

    I love your attitude about if it turns out being a boy. I got teased SO much about that too. I washed and put away all the tutu’s and dresses and my entire family was teasing me about Ella being a he! I had the same attitude though. A healthy baby is all you can hope for!

    (PS- got your thank you card, very sweet!) xx

  27. Nicole P on November 26, 2011 at 3:29 pm

    Your TaTa is awesome! When we found out it was my first appointment and I was already 20 weeks. The doctor was just listening for heartbeats and she was like “Oh wait” and her face was concerned and I was like “What’s wrong?” freaking out on the inside, and she goes “I think we have 2 heartbeats!”
    They gave me an ultrasound then and there and went ahead and told me it was a boy and a girl. I was overwhelmed to say the least, I got my world rocked!

  28. Dori on November 26, 2011 at 3:41 pm

    My mom didn’t find out for me or for my brother, she wanted to be surprised — which was a lot more common back then. I’d want to know! But she said she ALWAYS knew I was a girl and always knew he was a boy. She never had any doubt for either, she just felt it.

  29. Janine @ ThePurpleGiraffe on November 26, 2011 at 3:48 pm

    Hahaha, your Tata sounds amazing, that’s so funny “shook his thingy off” – I hope that you feel better soon, you’ll be back on your feet in no time!

  30. RachelG on November 26, 2011 at 3:54 pm

    My name was supposed to be David! lol.

  31. The Mommy on November 26, 2011 at 4:00 pm

    We found out with both girls what gender they would be. Both times we were told “girl” 🙂 . I also kind of tapped into a baby-gender seeking sense I must have because I KNEW well-before, I’ve also got a 6/7 streak of correctly guessing the genders of my friends’ babies 🙂

    My parents thought I was going to be a boy. Being an 80s baby, my name was supposed to be Billy Dean (after my mom’s youngest brother and my dad). MJ’s “Thriller” album hadn’t come out yet (I was born in ’81, the album came out at the end of ’82), so they were ahead of the Billie Jean curve 🙂

  32. Michelle on November 26, 2011 at 4:39 pm

    When I was pregnant with my second, my doctor did the ultrasound and said it was a girl. We picked out a name (Cameron Marie) and told my daughter ( two at the time) she was going to have a baby sister…well, I gave birth and the nurse says “that’s not supposed to be there.” I freaked out and was like, “what’s wrong with my baby?”. She says, “nothing, but it’s a BOY!”. We were in shock for months afterward! My son Luke is nine years old ( sniffle, it goes by tooooo fast) and I love having a boy. And I know at least five other women who have had this happen, so it’s pretty common.

  33. teresa on November 26, 2011 at 4:43 pm

    I was 100% adamantly wrong with every single one of my kids, and was shocked every time (3 kids, 2 boys one girl). Never had an ultrasound with any of them those, so I was going purely on my (incorrect) instinct. Funnily my father brought over a huge collection of little pink clothes the day my daughter was born. He had been collecting them throughout my pregnancy (during which I had told everyone that the baby was a boy for sure) because he “had a feeling.” I thought that was so cute.

  34. Jensine Crandall on November 26, 2011 at 5:20 pm

    I’m sorry but that video was totally inappropriate. Anyone who reads your blog knows how well you take care of yourself. Just look at the pictures of you-you are GLOWING. You worked out before your pregnancy, so it is fabulous that you can still keep it up. Since grandfathers are a theme in this post let’s end it with my grandpa’s wisdom, if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.

    • Sara on November 26, 2011 at 10:57 pm

      I agree and was kind of shocked. I remember Gina saying she was monitoring her diet to make sure she was getting ENOUGH calories, not so that she wouldn’t gain much weight. This is a great blog to encourage pregnant fitness and nutrition clients to read. Lots of sensible examples (I wouldn’t say ‘suggestions’ because Gina is just basically saying what she does, rather than what everyone should do), and the comment sections often bring in further good tips from knowledgeable girls.

      • Fitnessista on November 27, 2011 at 12:08 pm

        thank you, friends <3

  35. Kelly Michelle on November 26, 2011 at 6:46 pm

    haha, my parents knew I was going to be a girl and had everything prepared as such. For some reason though the Dr. thought it was funny when he took me out to say looks like a healthy boy. (clearly I wasn’t) my poor mother. I’m thinking she had probably just been through enough already without that “joke”

  36. Katelyn @ Chef Katelyn on November 26, 2011 at 6:59 pm

    Ahahahaha. Whaddup, Bryce.

  37. Erin @ Girl Gone Veggie on November 26, 2011 at 7:45 pm

    I hope you’re feeling better!! I have to admit I wondered if you maybe might still be carrying a boy because of the contrasting opinions between doctors but the last one seemed really sure that they knew what they were seeing which is really good. My parents knew I was a girl but the hospital had ran out of Its a Girl birth announcements where they write your name, weight, and height, so they used a blue Its a Boy one and crossed out boy and wrote girl. My dad still has it! ;p

    • Fitnessista on November 26, 2011 at 8:14 pm

      i love that!
      and thank you, yes, i’m feeling 100% better

  38. Ali on November 26, 2011 at 7:56 pm

    I hope you are feeling better! I think that is so funny that your parents thought you were going to be a boy! It would be a surprise, but I think you have the best perspective ever, boy or girl so long as its healthy!

  39. Michelle on November 26, 2011 at 8:11 pm

    My fiance’s sister is having her third boy (according to the two ultrasounds she’s had). I’m secretly hoping for a girl! (And I think she is too, but of course the most important thing is for her to have a healthy baby, regardless of sex).

    Btw, I think the video the reader posted was completely inappropriate and irrelevant to your blog. You have done nothing but demonstrate a healthy attitude and diet (meaning what you eat is healthy and beneficial to your baby and overall well-being) towards your pregnancy.

    • Fitnessista on November 26, 2011 at 8:13 pm

      thank you, michelle <3

  40. Marguerite Miller on November 26, 2011 at 8:32 pm

    I never found out what I was having when i was pregnant! I wanted to be surprised! I always felt my first child was a girl…and she was!! And for my second child I always felt he was a boy, but then wondered as his due date was getting closer, was he really a boy, or did I just really want a boy? And thankfully, he was a boy! I had had a dream a month or two before he was born, and we changed his name after that dream! My kids are now 24 and almost 22!

    We did hear about a woman who planned for a boy and had a girl! We heard this in out child birth classes! The only thing that matters is that she or he is a happy healthy baby! You can adjust everything else easily! Counting down the weeks with you!!

  41. char @ char on a mission on November 26, 2011 at 8:40 pm

    I love your attitude. It’s so true. Once the baby is there will it really matter if you had a he instead of she!? I really doubt it because you’re going to have an adorable little baby ready to keep you up all night 😉

  42. esmemerrie on November 26, 2011 at 10:28 pm

    I was also expected to be a boy! My parents were going to name me Quinn… I wish they would have been progressive enough to name me Quinn despite my sex change 😉

  43. Melissa on November 26, 2011 at 10:50 pm

    Hi! I love your blog! I’ve been a longtime lurker. Congratulations!

    They actually thought I was going to be a girl. My dad didn’t even consider girl names because he knew the ultrasound had to be right and they were definitely having a boy!
    Years later when my best friend was carrying her first, she was supposed to be having a girl. She went all out on pink pink pink! I was the only one who bought her any clothing that was gender neutral: green, orange, yellow, white. She ended up having a boy and the only clothing she didn’t have to exchange was what I bought her. 😉

  44. Suzanne on November 26, 2011 at 11:40 pm

    Glad you are feeling better! 🙂

  45. Leanne (Bride to Mrs.) on November 26, 2011 at 11:49 pm

    If I was a boy my name would have been Brice too! Cuuuuute 🙂

  46. Aly on November 27, 2011 at 9:19 am

    Hi Gina,
    Definitely run it by your midwife, but maybe keeping a salty snack on hand would help with blood pressure? I forget why is exactly because my brain is mush right now, but I know they rec salt if your blood pressure is on the lowish side. I’m not sure if that would help given that this is pregnancy related. Anyway, glad you’re feeling better.

    • Fitnessista on November 27, 2011 at 12:05 pm

      i think you’re right, but i’ll definitely ask
      i ate a banana to see if it helped, but what really helped were the super salty sesame twigs my friend gave me. they made me feel so much better

  47. Caitlin on November 27, 2011 at 10:10 am

    Earlier in my pregnancy I got the dizzy spells. Resting and drinking more water helped. I hope you feel better soon!
    I’m due in a week with our first girl. I keep having dreams she will be a he! I agree with you that we just want a healthy baby but the thought of having a completely girly room and all the dresses that would have to be exchanged ugh!

  48. Samantha C on November 27, 2011 at 2:31 pm

    A friend of mine had her baby 2 weeks ago. The ENTIRE pregnancy she was told she was having a girl. It was their first baby so they went ALL out of everything being over the top and pink. She ended up giving birth to a baby boy!!! They were shocked but a few people were saying I told you so because they kept telling her she was having a boy!.

  49. Debbie on November 28, 2011 at 12:47 pm

    My sister had two ultrasounds and her doctor assured her it was a girl…so she painted the room purple and had everything ready…she ended up with a 10 pound baby boy! Good thing she already had a boy and girl twins…we had to repaint the room while she was in the hospital and pull out all her boy stuff! She said she felt like she lost a girl somewhere. That is why I didn’t find out the sex with either of mine. I am with you though…as long as the baby is healthy…it will be a funny story to tell!

  50. Lizzie @TheWeekdayVegan on November 29, 2011 at 10:00 am

    My mom thought for sure I was going to be a boy since I kicked her so much! It’s funny because I still love to kick–kickboxing, defending myself from my older brother as a child, etc.

    It is crazy to think back in the day that no one could know if it was a boy or girl–my grandmother had my mom, and then a minute later still felt contractions and a baby boy came out–twins! She had NO clue, just thought she had a really big baby!

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