12 months
Better late than never, right?
And in lieu of the usual 12-month sticker on a onesie ordeal -getting Liv to stay still and smile at the same time is a near-impossible feat- we went to the professionals for this one.
It was nice for Tom and myself to focus on dancing around and making crazy faces without having to snap the photos, too 😉
Here are 12 things about 12 months:
1. Liv has officially transitioned from baby to toddler! As much as I loved the cuddly newborn stage and evolving infant stage, the theme continues on that each month is more fun than the last. I love getting glimpses of her beautiful personality each day.
2. Livi has been chatting up a storm and her little voice is the cutest sound I’v ever heard (not biased, of course). She’s always been amazing at copying pitches and sounds, but now she uses the words she knows and can repeat most two-syllable words. Some of the new ones: baby, agua, ouch, bye-bye, bubbles, giraffe, dada, mama, ear, rabbit, bella, dog, Elmo and turtle. It’s apparent how much she’s taking in from her surroundings (as soon as the bottle warmer beeps, she says, “Baba? Baba?” until I get it for her) and it’s so much easier to communicate. On the same note, I’ve officially had to retire my use of the F-bomb while driving.
3. She’s getting her one-year shots today, and each time I see that lip tremble before the high-pitched screams erupt, my heart shatters to pieces on the floor. I always have to give myself the mental “don’t cry” pep talk as I snuggle her afterwards.
4. I was planning on doing a little list of her favorite toys, but really, there are two main things she’s crazy about right now: babies and Elmo. She has an arsenal of baby dolls and takes great care of them- talking to them, hugging and patting them on the back, covering them with kisses and arranging them together. When she sees something Elmo-related, like the banner I ordered for her birthday, she points up and says “Elmo! Elmo!” I’m convinced that many scientific studies went into the development of Elmo… she looooooooves him.
5. Some favorite foods: this month has been the month to try lots of new things. She’s had Indian food, pizza, Annie’s cheddar bunnies, lasagna and cake with frosting, and loved all of them. Since she’s joined in with all of our meals and snacks, it’s been fun to give her bits of whatever we’re eating. At first, she wasn’t crazy about the cake with frosting (we actually had to convince her she could eat her smash cake and the one in the photos above), but this past weekend, she shared a piece of cake with me at a friend’s birthday party and kept doing to sign for “more,” so I’m thinking she liked it.
6. She’s pretty much “over” purees. We’ve done a mix of Baby Led Weaning and purees since she’s first tried solids, and it’s interesting to see how her preferences have veered more towards the solid side. She won’t usually eat purees with a spoon anymore, and a pouch is slammed like a fruity drink or smoothie. I have a ton of purees in the freezer if any Tucson friends with babies would like them.
7. She can walk, but crawling is still the preferred mode of travel.
8. Baby class is still a lot of fun, and at home, she’s started to sing along to songs with us. Little miss adores music, especially when there are live performances at events and restaurants. At brunch on Sunday, she wanted me to take her up front so she could jump/dance to the blues band. She’d only stop to clap her hands and snap her fingers (she does the snap motion but no sound.. yet)- everyone got a kick out of the tiny dancer.
9. We’re trying to plan a summer vacation and I’m really excited about it. Last year, I thought our family trip to San Diego would be stressful, but it ended up being the most relaxing one we’ve taken. It definitely requires more planning and organization, but it’s totally worth it.
10. Likes: petting the dogs, ABCs, saying “uh oh” before dropping something, baths, shoes, clementines, her Twilight Turtle, blowing kisses
11. Dislikes: always the same, even though she likes yogurt this month
12. As Liv’s second year begins, the monthly updates on the blog will end. I’ve loved writing them and know we’ll love looking back to read them. From now on, I’m going to keep writing away in her baby book and the family page will focus more on toddler and family-friendly recipes, toys, books/music, parenting tools, and any topics that come up along the way- hope that’s cool with ya 🙂
Thank you so much for reading over here and if you have anything else you’d like to see on the Family page, please let me know! <3
More One Year Posts
Her party at home with the fam
Past monthly updates
I love how you have to be careful not to say the f word when driving! My friends son was acting out one time (He is a little older then Liv) and doing the arching of his back thing and would not stop screaming. He had been doing this for a good 20 min so she said the F word under her breathe. Low and behold that is what got him to stop screaming and he said it ALL the way home! Goes to show you that kids REALLY do listen!
on a side note are you trying to teach her spanish? I saw that you said she can say agua. do you hope for her to be fluent like you?
we teach her words here and there. i’m hoping she’ll learn it from being around the fam. i’m horrible about speaking it in everyday life, but my nana teaches her a lot
I suggest trying to teach her Spanish, instead of trying to “pick it up”. My mom did that with us girls (hoping we’d learn from being around the familia) and though I can understand the majority of it, I fail miserably at speaking it. [High school and college courses did not help] Only my older sister can speak fluently and can carry on conversations with our abuela where mine is broken Spanish and pantomiming.
hahah my spanish is pretty terrible, too, (and i minored in it) but i understand it perfectly 🙂
hahah! wow
They make reusable food pouches now – you might try those so you do not have to waste all your purees! We use the Little Green Pouch and really like them.
they’re all frozen in baggies and the baby bullet containers. otherwise, that would have been perfect! i’d just have to defrost them to transfer to another container, and don’t want to defrost and freeze again
I’ve heard of people using the extra baby food in oatmeal for the fruit ones and add the veggie ones to soup. Or get those reuseable pouches and defrost and use in those.
I had a freezerful of purees to get rid of once (thanks to the awful recipes in the Jessica Seinfeld book). I finally wound up putting them in soups and smoothies. They worked great.
I’ll miss the updates but you gotta do what you gotta do. Please still put in pics now and then.
She is just adorable! Love the photos! And the update was so fun to read – it sounds like she’s at such a fun age!
What a dainty little cake eater! Happy Birthday Liv! 🙂
I agree with the suggestion of adding the purees to soups and smoothies. I’d add them to pasta/tomato sauce as well. Or oatmeal. Or in baked goods. Don’t let them go to waste!
i definitely won’t waste them- thank you for the great ideas!
I cannot believe this was your last monthly update, time really is flying! Reading your posts make me so excited to have kids one day 🙂
as for the purees: I add savoury ones to soups and sauces (even as a topping sauce for pizzas), and sweet ones in place of mashed bananas, fat or apple sauce for vegan baking, so you might want to try this instead of giving them away. Even though I have to say I would happily take them, I love the texture of purees! 😉
How cute is she, I love seeing pics of peoples babies 🙂
Love this post! I’ve enjoyed reading all of the updates through Livi’s first year!
This is a great post, she is going to love reading this someday!
You’ve given me so many ideas of when I become a mother someday 🙂 cannot wait!!!!
My goodness, she is a doll!
You do realize that she is going to be a stunning young lady one day? What the heck is Tom going to do?! She’ll be asked out left and right.
I’m excited for you guys to start this next chapter in your lives. As amazing as this past year has been, it’s only going to get better. She’ll be able to do more and more. It’ll be a lot of fun!!
She is fricken adorable 🙂 I’ve loved reading about her updates and can’t believe how much she’s learned in 1 year. Babies are incredible.
I started reading your fitness blog when I was in college about 5-6 years ago and I enjoyed it so much, then you got pregnant and started the family page and sometimes I catch myself (if I’m low on time) skipping straight to the family page to see if you have a new post rather than checking the fitness/food first. I am now 12 weeks pregnant as of today and I feel like I can always check previous posts of yours and feel so excited about my pregnany like you were about yours. I can’t wait for my little nugget to come out, boy or girl and share the same memories you share with Liv. You seem like an amazing mother and I look forward to reading more about your family as well as the fitness that goes along. 🙂
thank you, erin! congrats to you!!! it will be here before you know it- i’m so excited for you 🙂
Just a suggestion but I would love to see a post on baby signing! Also you are such a great model to myself as a new mother (my LO is 4 months) and I love reading your experiences and what not to help me remember that I am not the only one dealing with certain issues and its great to read what has worked for other moms and babies!
thank you so much! i can definitely do a post on the resources we’ve used
Just curious if you’ve transitioned Livi off of formula yet? Is she still taking bottles or is most of her food, well, food food? Is she drinking milk? If so, what kind? My daughter is almost ten-and-a-half months, and this whole transition/aim to just eat food after the first year mark is a little daunting. Any advice/input on your experiences with Livi would be great. Thanks! And Happy Birthday to your sweet baby girl and congrats to you and your husband on a great year of parenting 🙂
she’s still drinking formula, but not as much (3 bottles a day- 2 full-sized one, and one small one before bed)
i picked up some hemp milk for her but am not in love with the ingredients (carageenanan), so we’re not sure what we’re going to do. i may try making hemp milk, or trying another brand. we’re not comfortable giving her cow’s milk (she eats cheese and yogurt) since we both don’t drink it
thank you so much and congrats to you, too <3
I’ve loved these updates! Sad to see them go, but I completely understand! Livi is adorable and very lucky to have such loving parents. So excited to see her little personality come out even more 🙂
You’re the Fitnessista, you make the rules:) Thank you for sharing the journey thus far. Happy belated to the little Princess! The pictures are adorable. First time commenter, been reading for 6 months, Love it here!
Seriously one of the cutest babies!!! Can’t believe how fast time flies!!!
The fact that she takes such good care of her dolls is such a big credit to what great parents you and the Pilot are!
If a toddler is hugging and kissing her dolls she must have learned love and affection from parents who treat her the same way 🙂
As a preschool teacher – I couldn’t agree more, Maggie. 🙂
I’ll miss the Olivia updates too but completely understand.
thank you, that makes me so happy to hear! that little girl gets a lot of love from so many people who love her so much 🙂
I LOVE your family page updates. I’ve read your blog for awhile and ‘watched’ your whole pregnancy (haha creeper) and I have to say this evolution of fitnessista is my jam. I wish you had more family posts! She is an absolute doll.
Funny …I watched your daughter grow now 1 yr mark I have been following your blog ! She is precious ! & you are a great mom !
Pati !
Liv saying “uh oh” before she drops something reminded me of when my daughter was that age (she’s 13 now!), & she used to say “No no no!” before doing something she knew she wasn’t supposed to. :S
I love the top picture in the middle!! 🙂 Happy birthday to her! My daughter was born in September of 2009. I love your blog – it reminds me of mine and inspires me.
I meant 2011. I don’t know what I was thinking. 🙂 I’m laughing to myself right now.