Reader’s Request: Blogging Tips

Hi guys! How are ya? Hope youโ€™re having a great night <3

This particular Readerโ€™s Request is one that Iโ€™ve received many, many requests for. I finally decided to give it a whirl โ€“ this post always intimidated me for some reason!! I included my favorite blogging tips and some that my friends use as well Smile

1. Purpose. Have a clear idea of what you want your blog to be about and how youโ€™ll make it unique. What makes you different from the millions of other blogs out there? I think a big one for me is the fact that my life has many different aspects (trainer/fitness professional, military wife, raw foods chef, dinner party fanatic), and the language that I use in my blog, which is how I speak in *real life*. (Side story: โ€œrock my face offโ€ is actually the Pilotโ€™s phrase. He used it when I first met him, 6 years ago, and I thought it was the goofiest phrase everโ€ฆ until I stole it, haha). A perfect example of purpose is Kathโ€™s blog- we know exactly what to expect when we click on her blog, and itโ€™s awesome.

oats (2)

2. Use pictures to tell a story. Iโ€™ll take a lot of pictures throughout the day, but if one doesnโ€™t make sense with my post, Iโ€™ll save it for later. Have a theme idea for each post, or use subject headings a la Carrots n Cake or Pure2Raw to break it up. A great example of blog storytelling is the amazing Mama Pea. Every post has a clear theme and story, with witty jokes, heart-melting pics and delicious recipes. Sheโ€™s kind of a genius like that.

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3. Write because youโ€™re passionate, not for the dollars. Blogging is my full-time job, but when I get a paycheck, itโ€™s a surprise to me. โ€œI worked?! Oh yeah, I guess that can be considered working.โ€ I donโ€™t even think about the blog as *work* because I have a crazyseriousabundant love for it. Every.single.blogger who has told me โ€œIโ€™m starting a blog so I can make โ€˜xโ€™ amount of moneyโ€ has failed. If you blog about what you truly love and are passionate about, the financial icing on the cake will come.


4. Use your blog as a means to grow and develop yourself. Blogs are like little flowers that grow and blossom over time (hi, cheeseball) Smile Your writing style, audience, picture quality, theme, everything will change- just roll with it and let your blog evolve. An excellent example of this is my good friend Jenna. Her blog has changed dramatically since I started reading it and even though I thought it wasnโ€™t possible to love her blog any more, I totally did.


5. Teach your readers, and be their friend. Whenever I read a blog, I like to leave the page feeling like Iโ€™ve learned something, even if itโ€™s something small like chia seeds work the same as flax eggs, or that bangs are in for winter. Every single Choosing Raw post has taught me something. Also, remember to be encouraging and positive to your readers- treat them like friends, especially since they come to virtually hang out with you, a la HEAB.


6. Keep a notebook of blog ideas at hand. I always have a notebook with me for blog ideas, my dayโ€™s to-dos, grocery lists, etc. This way, if I get an idea, I can jot it down instead of trying to remember it.

7. Encourage discussion. The comments are there for a reason! Blogs are so much more fun when thereโ€™s conversation going down. Ask questions, provoke discussions, stir the controversy pot a little. Caitlin always gets my brain going, even before the am coffee has kicked in.


8. Be your fabulous self! Authenticity always wins. I myself love to read blogs because of what the authors are up to. Anyone can post a pic of a hummus and veggie sandwich, but Iโ€™d rather hear more about what the sandwich-maker has been doing, or blips of their personality. Ange always lets her beautiful personality shine through her posts.

Any blogging tips youโ€™d like to add to the mix?? When you read a blog, what keeps you coming back?

I hope you guys enjoyed this post and found it helpful! Remember to hang in there if youโ€™re a new bloggy- your niche, voice and readers will come. If you love it, stick with it!

Have a lovely night and Iโ€™ll see ya in the morning <3



Retry later

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  1. Sara on December 17, 2010 at 11:40 am

    Loved this post!!! Thanks so much for your honest tips and advice about everything!! As always your blog and voice inspires me to go outside my comfort zone…blogging is in my future! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Lana Wilson on December 17, 2010 at 11:42 am

    Thanks for the great tips!!!

  3. Claire @ Un Bello Aperitivo on December 17, 2010 at 12:33 pm

    I definitely agree with the evolving thing…I started off with one blog and when I found myself evolving, I started a new one. Thanks for the post; it sheds some light on a few things I’d like to change!

  4. Genevieve on December 17, 2010 at 12:36 pm

    I really admire your dedication to your blog. As someone else put it, your regular updates are certainly one of your blog’s really cool features (that, and the fact, that you’re a very funny, creative and positive person that isn’t afraid to be herself :). I tried to blog for a while, but English being my second language, I thought it was difficult. Makes me appreciate even more your constant flow of ideas ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. michele on December 17, 2010 at 12:36 pm

    Hi Gina, Great, great post! I am drawn to your blog for a few reasons 1 being you have the same healthy eating style as me and 2, I feel like we would be great friends and I don’t even know you! You are the reason I am thinking of starting a blog and btw, How do you get people to start reading in the first place??????

  6. Cyndie on December 17, 2010 at 12:44 pm

    As someone who started their own blog a couple months ago, I like it when experienced bloggers share their tips.

    My problem is, I don’t have a nice camera and I don’t have a specific niche.

    I think some bloggers are successful when they share a LOT about their lives. Sometimes overshare. It’s what people want to read, but it’s kind of a sacrifice in a way.

  7. Diana (Soap & Chocolate) on December 17, 2010 at 1:08 pm

    I come back to blogs where I can really feel the personality of the author coming through. It’s a combination of that plus good writing. I’m a snob like that! Not that I don’t enjoy reading blogs in general – I’m curious about all kinds of people, but if I think about the ones I come back to very consistently, it’s because I’ve connected to or enjoyed the personality that is coming through. Case in point, whenever I’ve met a blogger in real life whose blog I really like, I end up liking the person just as much! There is a direct relationship. I rarely like a person in real life MORE than I like their blog, if that makes sense. So the tip you’ve listed as #8 is a biggie for me, as a reader!

    Happy weekend ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Tracy on December 17, 2010 at 1:30 pm

    Thank you for this post! All terrific advice, I also love blogs that are honest and what you see is really how the person is in real life outside of blog world ๐Ÿ™‚ Happy Holidays and keep on blogging! ~Take Care

  9. Claire on December 17, 2010 at 2:33 pm

    This is not on topic for this post (although as a side note – great post!), but I couldn’t find a way to email you and was wondering if you have found that maca powder helps clear/prevent break outs since it targets hormonal fluctuations? Thanks so much if you have any info on that!!

  10. Caree @ Fit-Mama! on December 17, 2010 at 3:02 pm

    Thanks for the tips Gina! Still feeling mine out since I am pretty new to the blogger world! one question though — I made a video last night (haven’t posted any videos yet) and my kids are in it…my hubby is a little skeptical because of all the weirdos out there. What is your advice regarding that??

  11. Lauren on December 17, 2010 at 4:05 pm

    Thnx Gina, I recently started a blog and your tips came just at the right time!

  12. kaila on December 17, 2010 at 9:17 pm

    great tips! thanks girl!

  13. Doriana on December 17, 2010 at 9:59 pm

    Oh my god. There is a worker at the World Market in my town who looks JUST LIKE THE PILOT! I swear-carbon copies. Except he has an Australian accent. ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. ronnie on December 18, 2010 at 1:20 pm

    I’m a new blogger trying to figure out my path as well. Thanks so much for the tips. I check on you daily because of your personality. You’re a friend in my head!

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