40 fun, free, and super low-cost activities to do with the kids

Sharingย 40 fun, free, and super low-cost activities to do with the kids while weโ€™re here at home.

Hi friends! Howโ€™s the morning treating you so far? The Pilot was gone this week (heโ€™s back today) but I just want to send a high-five to the amazing soul who recommended Pretty Woman for movie suggestions. I hadnโ€™t seen it in years and it was just as wonderful as I remembered. Richard Gere is a treat. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I watched the movie with a can of rosรฉ and all was right in the world for a couple of hours.

For todayโ€™s post, I originally had planned to share an Easter basket gift guid,e but with everything going on (and the fact that finances are tight for so many and weโ€™re not supposed to be out and about shopping), I decided to nix it. Instead, I thought I could share some ideas for how to entertain the nuggets during this time while weโ€™re all home. I donโ€™t know about you guys, but I have to plan one thing Iโ€™m going to do with the kids each day, not only for their sake, but for mine. It makes each day a little different and while itโ€™s usually something super small, it gives me something fun to look forward to doing with them and breaks up the monotony of it all.

I donโ€™t want anyone to feel pressured by this list in any way. Iโ€™ll be the first to admit that I’m struggling with balancing Livโ€™s school work, my personal work load, keeping P from injuring herself, class Zoom times, and dance Zoom calls (I can’t even begin to imagine what medical frontline, single parents, and those with two essential workers in the house are going through). So please donโ€™t take this list as a โ€œOh hey, here are some more things to add to your plate!โ€ Weโ€™re all just trying to make it through the day.

While there’s a lot going on and I feel heightened mental stress from juggling everything and keeping the news far away from them, I remind myself that they’re having a jolly great time right now. It already took a lot of convincing for P to go to preschool in the morning and at this rate, she’ll never want to go back haha.

40 mostly free activities and ideas to do while home with the kids. fitnessista.com

I just thought it would be fun to have a bunch of ideas in one spot so that during a lag in the afternoon, I can glance at this list and pick something to do! I would love any of your favorite activities right now, especially if theyโ€™re free or less than $15!

40 fun, free, and super low-cost activities to do with the kids

– Do chin faces (in the pic above! I used eyeliner. We all got a kick out of this one.)

Face painting (I ordered this set from Amazon and theyโ€™ve asked to have their faces painted quite a few times)

– Hide and seek

– Charades (Iโ€™ve written ideas on pieces of paper, or print out pictures so P can โ€œreadโ€ them, and itโ€™s a crack up. They love charades!)

– Any board game or simple card game! The girls love Pretty Pretty Princess, Old Maid, Uno, Candyland, Jenga and Donโ€™t Break the Ice

– Fly a kite

– Go for a scavenger hunt in the neighborhood

(Screenshot from Betsy’s IG account!)

– Paint rocks and leave them during your walks for others to find

Toilet paper roll ball drop

– Choreograph a dance to a song you all love

– Outdoor water play. We have a unicorn sprinkler but the regular hose can be just as fun

– Make โ€œhugsโ€ to send to grandparents and friends

– Write to a pen pal

– Cook or bake something together

– Chalk art in the driveway

(We’ve also done a few of our neighbors’ houses because they asked for us to cheer up their driveways and my nana’s)

– Give your pets a bath

Glow stick baths. You can also add music for a bath party or let them eat a popsicle in the bathtub. Bath time has become a daily occurrence around here because I can fold all of the laundry and catch up on emails while they play their little hearts out.

– Watch amusement park rides on YouTube

– Sleep in the living room in a tent

– Make s’mores

– Have a picnic in the backyard or the living room floor

– Play โ€œfancy restaurantโ€ for dinner, with your best clothes and a fun menu

– Host a movie night at home with โ€œtickets,โ€ popcorn, and concessions

– Make paper airplanes

– Make foil boats and see how many objects you can put on the boat before it sinks in water

Make slime

– Create a quick sensory bin with kinetic sand, rice and beans, or water beads. Add some small toys or figurines and youโ€™re done!

– Family bike rides or scooter rides. We do this every.single.day and the sunshine and fresh air helps all of us.

Go Noodle or Just Dance videos on YouTube

Thank you to the friends on IG and Facebook who chimed in with these ideas:

– Create Barbie clothes and accessories with pipe cleaners

– Journaling or creative writing prompts

– Jellybean estimation and then FaceTime family and friends before announcing the amount!

– โ€œTreasure huntโ€ – give them a list of random items to find in the house and a shopping bag

– โ€œClean the houseโ€ – a spray bottle with some vinegar and a rag

– Tortilla pizzas

– โ€œCleaningโ€ plastic toys with soapy water

YouTube Art Hub for Kids

– Make caterpillars out of paper towel rolls

– Finger knitting

Salt dough ornaments

So tell me friends: favorite low-cost or free activity to do with the kiddos?ย 

Have a wonderful day and Iโ€™ll see ya tomorrow!



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  1. Alaina on April 9, 2020 at 11:19 am

    You are welcome

  2. Jessie R on April 9, 2020 at 3:56 pm

    Great list! The chin faces picture gave me a good laugh the other day ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Mayacook on April 9, 2020 at 4:48 pm

    Creating Barbie clothes with baloons os a hit here (there are great videos on YouTube)

  4. Tammy on April 11, 2020 at 6:50 am

    Love this list! Will definitely try some of these out because I’m running out of activities to keep my 4 year old busy! Like you, I’m worried my boy won’t want to go back to preschool as I also had to do a lot of convincing in the mornings to get him there.

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