Ants in my chair
Hi friends! (and hi to any new readers out there! So nice to *meet* you) 🙂 LOVED reading your comments about Photoshopping- as always, very interesting points and fabulous discussion.
Here’s a model who would never be Photoshopped – you can’t mess with perfection, really 😉
Work sucked my soul out today, mostly because I had to spent 8 hours sitting in a chair. I am an antsy mover and shaker, and to make me sit still for that long is a feat of mankind. Why is sitting still so much more challenging than moving around? Today was orientation, which was very interesting, but long as ballz.
At least I had a glorious b-fast to start the day 😉
I didn’t have time to make food before I left the house, since I was having outfit crisis 2011 –which ended up in me wearing an Express dress and all of my fitness colleagues in their uniforms… fail- and then I remembered Breugger’s Bagels was on the way. I grabbed an egg white and hummus wheat bagel and it was PERFECTION. It didn’t hurt my stomach either, so I’m starting to wonder if giving myself a break from gluten for song decreased my sensitivity? Has this happened to anyone else?
After talking, learning about company history and doing a fun little skit, we had a lunch break and I enjoyed my first meal from the employee cafe.
A GIANT organic salad with bell pepper, grape tomatoes, cucumber and balsamic + a baked potato
I had asked for a sweet potato but ended up with regular, but it was still delicious. The best part? It was $2!!!!!!! Not even joking.
When I got home, I had one thing on my mind: a protein muffin.
I decided to add in a couple of extra ingredients….
Organic strawberries and chocolate chips, drizzled with pure maple syrup.
No words necessary 😉
Since I haven’t had time to hit up the gym yet, I’m going to roll with that or try my new Tracy Anderson DVD! I’ll be sure to post a review if I do 🙂
So, the Pilot had his final flight tonight in Valdosta!
(there he is, on the left, with our friend Nestle)
They call these “Fini Flights” and it’s tradition to spray the Pilot with water when he gets out of his jet, followed by champagne and shenanigans.
Two wake-ups until he’s here 😀
A house update: we decided to counter-offer the bank. Fingers crossed that they take it!
Well, I’m out like sauerkraut- have a great night and I’ll see ya in the morning <3
Something to think:
“The secret of attraction is to love yourself. Attractive people judge neither themselves nor others. They are open to gestures of love. They think about love, and express their love in every action. They know that love is not a mere sentiment, but the ultimate truth at the heart of the universe.”
Deepak Chopra
Something to read: Thank you SO much to Fitness Magazine for choosing me as their featured blogger for the Fit Stop page! <3 I’m very thankful for such a wonderful opportunity 🙂
on congrats on the pilot almost being done and home that’s wonderful!
Best wishes on the house! 🙂
Congrats to the pilot! Home so soon!
Yay for the Pilot coming home!
I swear I have outfit crisis 2011 every morning! Everything goes smoothly until I have to get dressed…then it all goes downhill! Ugh!
Good luck on the house! Such a true quote on attraction- love it 🙂
Yay for the pilot coming home!! I had the same thing happen with lacyosr. Gave it up and now I’m fine eating it!
Hellooooooooooooooo Nestle!
he’s single…. 😉
I was gonna say the same thing! haaay boy! 😉 Send him my way, lol
holy wow, Nestle! ummm I live in Atlanta…not too far from Valdosta at all! 😉
So excited that you get to see your Pilot soon. “two wake ups” = a great way to countdown!
he’s headed to korea in the fall :/
i didn’t mean to be a buzzkill!
I live in KOREA!!!!! lol
well i have a friend for youuuuuu haha
Another woo hoo for Nestle! Insert whistle sound.
how many calories do you suppose is in the protein muffin? I made one for my snack today and am seriously thinking about eating that during Grey’s since my supper was a major tank, and I only ate half!
I did add almond butter on top! BIG HIT! 🙂
so good right?? i think she said it’s 150 cals
Yay! So glad you’re going to be back with your love soon 😉
Yay the Pilot is almost home!!! And that quote is absolutely beautiful and soo soo true. Thanks for sharing!
Had to protect my cell phone in the pocket by my left boot (…hense the sweet stance). Can’t wait to get home, babe. Love you!
That protein muffin looks to DIE FOR. Did you use goat’s yogurt again in place of the pumpkin? So trying the chocolate + strawb idea asap 🙂 Looks foodgasmic!
Yay for the pilot returning soon!
i used applesauce and it works great 🙂
best of luck with the house situation. So happy to hear that your husband will be home again soon.
that protein muffin looks fab.
Sitting is really hard for me too! I sit all day at work and i am always so ansty and moving around lots
A few things:
1. Bella is beautiful.
2. You can never be over-dressed, right? 😉
3. Glad the pilot will be back soon!
4. Congrats on the Fitness shout-out!
the only thing that can be overdressed is a salad 😉
Glad to hear you’ll be reunited once again 😉
I am sooooo excited for you and Pilot!!!! Re-united and it feels so goooood! (That’e me singing)
I’ve also been told I am gluten ‘sensitive’ and also find I can eat it with no problems. I think sometimes doc’s can use it as a cop-out because it seems that everyone with a tummy ache gets told they need to be gluten free these days. Sometimes I wonder if they just say that when they are not exactly sure what is going on. I have been tested for celiac and do not have that so am by no means saying that everyone would be fine eating wheat, but for some people that are ‘sensitive’ I kind of wonder. I eat it (but not in every single meal) and feel great this way 🙂
thought you’d be into this
there’s another goat cheese thing on there too
Those melty chocolate chips looks so amazingly delicious! I want a bite 🙂
My friend is gluten-free. I can’t really speak for her exactly, but I know she doesn’t eat gluten free when she goes out to dinner most of the time and it doesn’t effect her too much in the long run.
I have been loving the protein muffins lately! What are you using in your mix? Since it’s not orange, I’m guessing no pumpkin?!? Tell the secret!
i use applesauce instead 🙂
Yes, people who tend to be sensitive to gluten or other foods for that matter often have trouble if they consume it regularly but do okay if they rotate it in and out of their diet. So you can have your wheat bagel occasionally, but too often will cause an inflammatory reaction in your gut and you won’t feel so great. Wheat is difficult for most people to digest, so gluten sensitivities are pretty common these days. That’s why it’s important to rotate whole grains!
Super happy for you and the pilot and fingers crossed for your counter-offer! 🙂
good to know- thanks!
That gluten situation happened to me!! I tried out gluten free because of intense stomach pains, was pretty serious about it for a few months, and then brought it back full blast. I haven’t had any of the pains since!
Is hotness a requirement to become a pilot these days?! I mean really, Gina… you’re killing me here 😉
Man, I need me a pilot. They certainly are seksi 😉
Ok I’ve been married 10 years (posted about it last weekend) but Nestle is a stud 🙂
“so I’m starting to wonder if giving myself a break from gluten for song decreased my sensitivity? Has this happened to anyone else?”–
Ok so after 5 years of being EXTREMELY strict with my gluten and being totally GF, in the past 6 mos I have been able to tolerate small amts of gluten again. Like a bite or two of a brownie with regular flour in it or some kind of baked good (If Im going to eat gluten, you can better believe it’s gonna be in dessert form!) I believe I healed my gut to the point that small amts dont bother me anymore. Not I am not pushing my luck and eating loaves of bread but a tiny bit, well, yes, it’s been fine so far!
Congrats on the magazine feature!
And best of luck with the counteroffer!
I so agree with you on Nestle 😉
I have been married for 8 years, and yes, Nestle is very nice to look at. Thank him and the Pilot for serving.
Glad you get to see the Pilot soon. My bf had his last flight of training today. Of course he also got sprayed with champagne and beer dumped on him. Gotta love the smell of sweat flight suits with all of that added in! Hope he makes it hope safely!
I’m the same way. I suck at sitting still. Even in yoga! The hardest part for me is staying still in poses!
great job on being featured! you deserve it!
So glad your Pilot will be home soon — fingers crossed on the home deal!!!
wet t-shirt contest pilot! yowza! 😉 Good luck trying to sleep!
Sitting still never goes over well for me. I have a 3 hour summer math class and it kills me every time. All that food looks delicious and good luck with the house!
So happy the pilot is home for good soon 🙂 Out of curiosity, I know you did a post awhile back about your wedding day, but did you ever dish about how he proposed?
Hey Gina! I am a long time reader…but have never posted 🙂
So happy your hubby is almost back home with you! Best feeling ever!
I just wanted to comment on the GF thoughts, I discovered I can’t have gluten a year and a half go….but for me…the longer with out it, the less I can handle. If I even have a salad dressing while dinning out I feel it!! I am likw that with a lot of food though, I am slowly becoming mostly raw due to the way most wheat/meat/packaged foods makes me feel. I have a feeling that years of yo-yo diets and border line eating disorders have messed up system for good.
I have had friends who are “GF” but are able to have it once in a while and be fine…… It’s a funny thing…..
Good luck on the house and really can’t wait for you to be back with the Pilot!!
I’m glad your Pilot will be home soon.
Me and my boy recently started a long long distance relationship, and I can’t wait to see him this weekend, after 3 weeks.
I am the same with gluten … I find that if I try to cut it out most of the time it’s not really bad if I have it once in a while!!! Yay for having pasta and bagels sometimes 🙂
Yay for reuniting with the Pilot! I am the same way about sitting still! I have two days of Professional Development next week.meaning..sitting still and I am SO not excited!
Yay!! I’m so happy for you to see your man again! 🙂
Oh that happened to me with the gluten. I went GF for half a year and have now eaten gluten again for almost 2 years without any problems. It was the weirdest thing, but I’m so glad I did it. 🙂
You were adorable in the Fitness mag ariticle! You’ve have been the “change that changed” for me. I’d say I’m 90% vegetarian since I’ve started following your blog and major suprised at how easy it is to cut out gluten and still have delicious meals and snacks. I used to be a gluten addict lol 😉 My body is loving me inside and out lately. Take THAT plateaus! Keep up the awesomeness 🙂
love that protein muffin… def gonna have to make that!
I’m gluten intolerant, and have been on a gluten-free diet for almost a year. I find that I can have a bite of cake or half a cookie or something, but I still find my symptoms will creep up. However, from what my doctor has told me, once my gut has healed enough I will be able to tolerate VERY small amounts of gluten again. Perhaps you have been eating gluten-free long enough to have healed well enough to tolerate regular flour?
“Two wake-ups until he’s here” – this reminded me of counting down to Christmas when I was a kid haha! 😀 That’s so exciting that the Pilot is home so soon!
Can’t go wrong with an express dress! Yayy for the pilot coming home!!!
I love that you said “two wake-ups” until he’s home. When I was looking forward to something as a kid, I always counted down “sleeps” until the event. 🙂
Ok, Gina – You’ve been holding out. Who cares about fashion friday, when you could feature a hunk or two of the week? lol. I mean really!
congratulations to you gina! also, just a reminder on the blogger award thing that i emailed to you ~ not sure if you saw it?
yay for the pilot coming home! I’m so happy for you two. 😀
LOVE that muffin…I may have to try that combo! Hope work goes well today! <3
Great write up in Fitness Magazine! So happy the Pilot will be back with you and yawl can make your nest together. I know you are past ready. Bella looks so sweet and innocent in that picture.
That is such a great quote. I can be very overly critical of myself and friends and this is one huge change I have been trying to make in my life. Thanks for the reminder.
ughh totally feel you on the antsy pants sitting in a chair! i do it everday and it can be torture, however i do get in a lot of blog readin’ time 🙂 my boyfriend and i are long distance and we countdown sometimes by the number of sleeps left until we see each other again…i like the 2 more wake-ups til you see your pilot again very exciting!!! actually now it’s just 1!!!
Another thing Deepak Chopra says that I really like is something like (I can’t remember the exact quote, so I’ll paraphrase) what people say about you shows a little bit of themselves. I really like that! It’s so true!
it’s precious that they have spray-down traditions. so great you’ve found a good breakfast! I have trouble finding healthy options that I like when eating out
I was wondering why you guys weren’t gonna counteroffer on the house. Glad you did! Thought maybe the bank said all or nothing & that was why… Good luck!!