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Harvest Turkey Sausage Breakfast Scramble

This Harvest Breakfast Scramble is the protein-packed breakfast that will power you through you day and give you all the fall feels. Today weโ€™re hanging out at home, maybe venturing to the zoo, and going to run a few errands. Iโ€™m also looking forward to the weekend.  This is insanity but the past couple of…

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stretch mark remedies

I’m sharing my tips and favorite products for preventing and decreasing stretch marks after pregnancy and birth. I think itโ€™s worth mentioning that I think stretch marks are a symbol of something beautiful. You carried a baby, you have little lines imprinted on their home. Pregnancy, birth, and the miracle of life never cease to…

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Penelope’s Minnie Mouse Themed First Birthday Party

Hi friends. Howโ€™s the week going? Happy humpday to ya! Iโ€™m already looking forward to the weekend, especially considering the lack of naps weโ€™ve had around here. Iโ€™m convinced itโ€™s just an off-week from all of the festivities of lately. (We can only hope.)  Iโ€™m so excited to share todayโ€™s post with some pics from…

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this and that

Hi friends! Howโ€™s the day treating ya? Iโ€™m so happy to hear you liked the Knockout November workout! I got in two rounds today + 3 sets of heavy barbell squats.  Anyone else moving a liiiiittle slowly after Halloween?? I had to wake Liv up for school! P on the other hand is still partying…

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November Knockout Workout

Hi friends! Hope youโ€™re having a wonderful Halloween. I wanted to get this workout posted so you can start November with a bang! This a total body circuit with a couple of cardio blasts, challenging strength moves, and compound exercises. Itโ€™s perfect to add into your routine when you need a quick and effective workout.…

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Happy Halloween!!

Hi friends! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Iโ€™ll be back TONIGHT with your November Knockout workout (so those who are doing the 7-day Reset can hit it hard tomorrow!) but in the meantime, I wanted to wish you a very happy and safe Halloween. May it be filled with allthechocolate, cocktails and merriment.…

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Friday Faves

Hi friends! Happy Fri-YAY. What are you up to this weekend?? Anything fun or exciting?  Some of our Tucson fam is coming into town (WAHOO!) and weโ€™re all ready for Pโ€™s party this weekend. I canโ€™t wait! Today, Iโ€™m elbow-deep in sangria and guacamole-making, and putting the goodie bags together. In addition to our fiesta…

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Happy birthday, Penelope

And just like that, we have a one year old on our hands. A year ago today, I was at the hospital, snuggling with the newest member of the family. We made it through a challenging 24 hours of active labor together, a room full of nurses sharing our joy, and the biggest smiles on…

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weekend things + happy birthday, pilot

Hi friends! Happy Monday!! I hope you had a wonderful weekend.  (Loving the pumpkins at the Liberty Station Market. I run up to them joyfully in my Hunter boots, latte in hand. #basicfallobsessedpumpkinlover) It was a fun and relaxing weekend, filled with delicious food, including this gluten-free goat cheese and veggie pizza at the LOT:…

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Friday Faves

Hi friends! Happy Friday! Hope you have a wonderful weekend ahead. We are going apple picking (and pie-eating haha), going out with friends, and celebrating the Pilotโ€™s birthday (which is on Monday). Itโ€™s going to be a great one. I wanted to apologize for the tech issues lately with the blog. First my baby site…

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harder parts of parenting

Parenting is such a tricky and personal subject. Before I move into the post, I ask you to please consider the fact that different things work for different people, and to please be considerate of others before commenting. I know youโ€™re classy group of ladies (and dudes!) but just wanted to put it out there.…

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Sweet potato salad + lunch salad trio

Hi friends! Howโ€™s the day going?? I have an awesome lunch or side dish recipe for you today. Itโ€™s a fun twist on potato salad (using sweet potatoes!) and has zero mayo. (Even though I LOVE mayo, I know some people arenโ€™t on board.) Also, Iโ€™m sorry about the blog down time yesterday and for…

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