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Raw Apple Tart with Almond Meal Crust

Hi friends! Howโ€™s the day going? โ€™Tis the season for cooking, because Iโ€™m going crazy over here. Hope you donโ€™t mind. In this case, though, itโ€™s uncooking. These little beauties are actually totally raw, vegan, free of refined sugar, and totally delicious.

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Fall 2016 Playlist and Treadmill Workout

Hi friends! Happy humpday! Hope youโ€™re all enjoying the week. Thanks for the awesome comments on the Thanksgiving turkey post. Let me know if you give it a try! Itโ€™s been a bit of a crazy week over here. Remember how Livi was sick last week? She ended up having pneumonia, which was absolutely terrible.…

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Fitness must-have: wireless headphones

Iโ€™m excited to share this find of the week, because it is already improving my quality of fitness life. For quite a while, Iโ€™ve been working out sansย headphones.ย I wasn’t totally lacking music,ย because the gym softly plays upbeat jams throughout the facility. Thatโ€™s been the soundtrack for many strength and cardio workouts. My beloved headphones broke,…

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Chef Kyle’s Perfect Thanksgiving Turkey

+ 3 tips to make it the most delicious roasted turkey youโ€™ve ever had, even for a newbie like me. For my entire life, I was pretty much out of the kitchen for Thanksgiving. Even when I finally got into cooking, shortly after marrying the Pilot and just before starting this little blog, I was…

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Penelope’s 12-month update

(Better late than never, right?) 1 year… and in the blink of an eye, she went from a snuggly baby, to a full-up toddler.  A little trip through memory lane: and now, you can often find Miss P chasing her sister around the house, belly-laughing, repeating words, sharing real hugs and kisses, and gently petting…

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I don’t know about you…

but Iโ€™m feelinโ€™ 32. <โ€” new remix of the beloved Taylor Swift song haha.  Thank you so much for all of the wonderful birthday wishes this past weekend! It was a great day spent with the fam, and I got to sleep in until whenever I wanted!! Dreams do come true. I hope you had…

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Friday Faves

Hi friends! Happy Friday!! Also happy Veteranโ€™s Day! Thank you so much to those who serve and have served our country. I am so thankful to you. What are you up to this weekend? Itโ€™s my bday this weekend (wahoo!) and the Pilot has planned quite a day. He also already promised me my #1…

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How to Combine Baby-Led Weaning with Purees

Hi friends! Howโ€™s the day going? So this has been a common request over here on the family page since we combined baby-led weaning with purees for both of our kiddos, and it worked out well. As always, talk with you pediatrician to help determine the best feeding strategy for your family. Most pediatricians will…

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Quick slow cooker turkey meatballs + playlist highlights

An easy, healthy crockpot dinner option using ground turkey, seasonings and oatmeal! These turkey meatballs are awesome on their own, with pasta, on a sub, or atop some greens/veggies. Hi friends! How are you? Hope youโ€™re having a wonderful morning. Sorry for disappearing on ya yesterday. I officially have a bit of the funk (I…

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my second time on the reformer

Hi friends! How are you? How was the weekend? Hope you had an amazing one with lots of relaxation in there. First of all, I want to say thank you so much for all of your heartfelt comments, Facebook comments, messages and emails following my Family page post. To be totally honest, I was kind…

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i made it

[Warning: TMI, the reals, and not-so-rainbows ahead. Proceed with caution.] When I hit my personal rock bottom earlier this year, I wrote this little note in my planner so I could look back and realize that everything’s so much better now. P was 12 weeks old.

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Friday Faves

Hi friends! Happy Friday! What are you up to this weekend?? Any fun plans? We are going to spend some time relaxing here at home, take the girls to Lego Land or somewhere fun, and meet up with friends. Nothing too crazy, and Iโ€™m looking forward to a down weekend after two weeks of celebrations.…

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