Focus On: Kettlebells Training
Hey friends hey 😀 How was your day? Thanks again for all of your feedback on the new blog design <3
Today was a good day- but isn’t any day that involves pizza?
Yes, I believe so 😉
I FINALLY busted out the Amy’s gluten-free pizza that I had in the freezer. [The original plan was to eat it last Friday with my tempeh bacon on top, but since I ended up eating half the tempeh bacon cooked, and the rest raw while the other half was cooking, that’s an entirely different story] The verdict: I LOVED it. The crust was soft and doughy, almost like a cornbread type dough and the sauce was more of a sweet balsamic than a marinara. With sautéed mushrooms on top, it was pretty much face-rocking. The only downfall was that it was a little high in calories (430) and fat (20g), considering how small it was. I had a salad an hour or so later to make it a more *whole* meal.
Earlier this morning, I met up with my bro and nana at the Delicious Egg before getting started on the day:
Salad with balsamic, egg whites, black beans, peppermint tea 🙂
After a glorious nap, I was poked with two types of needles.
The not-so-fun kind:
(bloodwork- bleh!!)
and the fun kid:
(acupuncture… yum)
The rest of the day has been pretty chill.
Lots of work
and field trip with Bella to PetSmart
and time to shower and curl my hair. Who knew?!
I used my new curling iron and can totally make a how-to video for you guys- just wanted to practice on myself instead of a mannequin head first 😉
This took 15 minutes!! <—same amount of time it takes to straighten my hair
Well I’m off to make some food and then it’s Zumba time!
Have a lovely night and I’ll see ya in the morning <3
Focus On: Kettlebells
Kettlebells is one of those things I’ve wanted to include in my routine, but felt a little intimidated. All of the studios in Tucson require you to take an intro class before you can take a *real* class, which I’m thankful for, as they look like they’d be easy to cause injury. To err on the safe side, I’ve only used kettlebells for plie squats, upright rows and some core work. Since I wasn’t an expert at this one, I consulted the tweeps to see if someone would be interested in writing today’s “Focus On”- I was so glad when Michelle offered to 😀
Here’s what she had to say:
What is it: Kettlebells training utilizes a cast-iron weight to perform dynamic exercises that increase strength, cardiovascular endurance and flexibility. Many gyms offer Kettlebells classes in a group setting, which I recommend that you attend in order to gain a better understanding of how to properly perform the moves before you venture out and use these on your own! It’s an intense workout that can definitely give you quick results because it is a total-body workout that utilizes so many of the major muscle groups at once.
What to expect: To sweat – a lot! Most Kettlebells classes that I’ve been to have been less than 30 minutes in length (this means that there is usually a 5-minute warm-up, a 20-minute circuit-style workout comprised of a few different moves that are repeated, and finally a 5-minute cool-down/stretch at the end), but expect to work hard. The first moves that most instructors will have you master are things like the traditional swing, snatch, and variations of squats; as you try more classes you’ll learn that many of the movements replicate “real life” movements – I guess at least if you do hard manual labor for a living! Also, because many moves (like the swing) are dynamic, meaning you are moving throughout the exercise, you can expect to use a heavier kettlebell than you probably think you can even lift. For example, I use 10-12 pound free weights, but for many Kettlebells moves I can swing with a 25-pound kettlebell. I can barely lift it in the first place, but swinging it is no problem.
What to wear: Because of the high-intensity nature of the class, you’ll definitely be getting your heart rate up. Wear something that will help you stay cool; a moisture-wicking tank top and either shorts or crops are ideal. There are some ab moves (like the Turkish Get Up) that have you on the floor during the exercise, so if you choose to wear shorts, you’ll want to make sure they give you adequate coverage so you’re not flashing anyone. And don’t forget to wear supportive sneakers and bring lots of water and a towel to wipe your hands off with – you don’t want to let the kettlebell slip out of your hands when you’re sweaty!
The Pros:
– When you’re crunched for time, this is the perfect way to fit in an intense workout that is a combination of cardio and strength training. It may seem like nothing when you’re watching videos of these moves, but I promise you will be exhausted and sore from this workout!
– There’s no tricky choreography to learn. Because each class is usually made up of just a few different moves that are repeated in circuits, you’ll be able to get into the swing of things (literally, in this case!) pretty quickly. It’s also a great class for beginners to try because you can go at your own pace.
– While it may seem like a hard-core, guy-oriented class, it’s really not. In fact, most of the women in my classes have been better than the guys because we tend to do more cardio in general, so we’re not as exhausted during the class. It looks tough though, so you’ll impress the dudes with this workout.
– You will see results in your strength and in your body composition pretty quickly. Because you are engaging so many muscle groups in ways that they’ve probably never been used before, so you’ll see definition pretty fast. I credit this class for my buff arms!
The Cons:
– You can get injured easily if you use improper form. This is why it’s so important to take a class with a knowledgeable instructor before trying any of these moves on your own, because they’ll be able to correct you if you’re swinging incorrectly. It can be especially hard on your lower back, so if you have back issues, this may not be the workout for you.
– It’s not an accessible workout for people who don’t have access to a gym that offers Kettlebells classes. And unfortunately, unless you can get that experience, I cannot recommend that you purchase a kettlebell on your own, or any DVDs (like Jillian Michaels’ Shred It With Weights), for the reasons stated above pertaining to the risk of injury.
Thanks again, Michelle!
Have you used kettlebells or taken a class before? What was your experience like?
Retry later
I took a kettlebell class before. I took a couple. It is definitely a great workout. I could tell my form was off thought – because it was painful.. Not sore muscle painful.. like something isn’t right painful. I expressed the concern to the instructor.. but he didn’t really help me out. I decided it wasn’t my thing.. at least not in that place. Maybe I will find another place!
That’s definitely not your fault Cait, that sounds like a really bad instructor.
I’m sorry you had that experience. And it’s not just you. Lots of folks who’ve never been certified are using kettlebells and hurting clients.
Kathy, below, posted some links to articles I’ve written on teaching progressions we (RKC Certified Instructors) use to help people learn good form. And for most people it really does take either a structured learning progression, or a really good instructor to walk you through how to learn.
Awesome post about the Kettlebells 🙂
I have a Kettlebell and am just starting to learn how to use it. I want to find a class in my area but haven’t had much luck 🙁
I love kettlebells! I took a class once, and I now feel comfortable using the DVD’s at home.
P.S. Gina I hope you’re feeling okay! Some of the comments on your blog lately have me wondering. . . Hopefully it is something good 😉
Either way I hope you are feeling great. Still loving the new blog layout! It’s even more exciting now to come and read your blog!
thank you!
yes, i’m feeling great 🙂
Good! Glad to hear that 🙂
Great post! I love kettlebell training and learned to use them when one of my trainer friends at the gym offered. My gym doesn’t currently offer kettlebell training but I’m a certified group exercise instructor so I’m hoping to (at some point in the future) teach a class. I totally agree that they can be inaccessible for people that don’t have gyms to go to – it’s not really the first piece of equipment you’d think to purchase for a home gym! Right now, I incorporate them into my own workouts. Windmills are my favourite because they make my core hurt oh-so-good!
I absolutely recommend taking a class or workshop with an RKC certified KB instructor. It is really important to master the basics. I highly recommend Lauren Brooks if you are in the San Diego area. She also has great dvd’s and has some stuff on youtube as well. She is the kbellqueen.
I can’t wait until my hair is as long as yours and I can curl it! I’m on a mission for long hair.
Please tell me the brand of your curling iron, your hair came out GREAT!
it’s the itools style winder 1″
I just ordered one! Can’t wait to try it out!
I really can’t say enough good things about kbells, since beginning training in Feb. I have lost 20lbs and gotten a lot stronger. My boyfriend has lost 30lbs and is in the best shape of his life. Our gym (PUNCH) is tough and offers amazing work outs that are effective and efficient but also a very supportive environment. They change it up so its always a challenge! Great post!
I loooove using KettleBells! I have a set at home that I use with Jillian Michaels and Bob Harper workouts! They are awesome and give you such a different workout then weights ever can.
I like kettlebells! I’ve never taken a class…but I bought one after learning about primal play (which is kind of super crazy and intense, and yet appealing at the same time). Alas, I use my actual kettle a lot more than my kettlebells. Oh well.
So, I’ve loved stalking your site for the past month. Your nutrition tips are excellent and I also enjoy the workout info. That said, THANK YOU THANK YOU for keeping the site clean. I can’t look at Body Rock because it feels rather pornographic. I appreciate that you do not dress in creepy outfits. It is a great role model for other women to show that though a healthy body is super important, you do not derive your entire worth from a six pack. Thanks again.
Gina, I love your blog!! I was curious, are you going to do another Summer Shape Up this year?
yes in june!
I love kettlebells:):):) Super fun and every workout needs some fun;)
I love the new blog design! Super swanky:):)
I LOVE kbells! When I was working with a trainer a couple of years ago, he was OBSESSED with kbells and ropes…some of the hardest workouts I have ever been put through. The exercises you can do with kbells are endless, but if you havent taken a class or had a certified kbell trainer walk you through exercises, you wil probably end up paying for it with some serious body aches 🙁
Your curls look great! Is your new curling iron one of those new kinds that is “clip-less”? I saw one one a beauty vlog…basically you just wrap a section of hair around the wand and hold it in place for a few seconds and then let go. Supposedly it’s better for your hair since there is no risk of breakage as your hair can’t get snagged on anything. Did you spray your curls with anything to help them hold their shape throughout the day?
LOVE the curls, i’m so jealous of your hair!
I still want to get acupuncture, i should book an appointment!
I have never even held a kettlebell, but it definitely looks like it would be a good workout. I do like my weight training, I just don’t do enough.
First, your hair looks gorgeous.
Second, so does the new blog design! I absolutely adore it. And you look 100% fierce in that sidebar picture.
I took a kettle bell class in the fall (it was a charity donation class for breast cancer, which is an amazing idea!) and it kicked butt! It was an hour in length and it was about 6 exercises followed by some cardio exercises and follow by another set of different ones and so on and so forth. Definitly something I could get used to! P.S accupuncture does wonders for me! I have a horrible shoulder and came to love the feeling of it! Oh ya, I love the new lay out!!
I love the curls! And it’s awesome that they only took 15 minutes. That is a great curling iron.
I have been wanting to try kettleball for a while but they haven’t made it to the base gym and I can’t spring for a membership to somewhere else right now. Hopefully soon.
I’ve used Kettle Bells before in my Bootcamp class! and love it!!
Gina your hair looks AMAZING!! You need to be doing a Pantene commercial or something…seriously you have enviable locks! I covet those perfect barrel curls…beautiful!
Kettlebells….I have never done them. Can you believe it?! I know, I need to give them a try. I am all about weight training in addition to yoga and modest amts of cardio, but need to try the k’bells. For sure. Thanks for the post.
And the needles. Hope everything is okay with the bloodwork. Hugs 🙂
Ooh Amy’s makes the best frozen pizzas!! And I actually JUST started training with kettlebells and love it. I just go to a class so the instructor can tell me what to do and my form doesn’t get all crazy =P
I’m liking the new blog, not really sure why people were “offended” by you in a tank top. Really people? My 2 cents though, I’ve definitely seen you do some really cool things with weights, maybe you should try some different poses? That way people could see more of the killer guns! Maybe one of you with weights above your head like in the kettleball picture in this post? Her arms make me positively green with envy! Plus then nobody could possibly be offended, it would just be your back and your guns. 🙂 Seriously, though, regardless of what you decide for the look, the Fitnessista will stay in my RSS feed. Keep rockin’ it, lady.
I LOVE the curled hair! I would also love a video tutorial too – I am seriously the worst when it comes to curling hair. That probably explains why I never do it haha 🙂
Also, I love your blog, the new layout, AND the picture on the left! People can say or think whatever they want, but they wouldn’t be reading if they didn’t love you and your blog. I say you look super toned and athletic in that picture, and that encourages me to go lift more 🙂
Oooo this is the first I’ve seen the new layout. Lookin good girl
Hey! Hope you are having a great day. I JUST got done doing one of Tim Ferris’ kettlebell workouts. They are hardcore! I took a kettlebell class the first time I tried it and having an instructor there was invaluable for my first time. Have a great night and hope that your new job is going great!
Thanks for this post, I’ve always been intimidated by kettle bells but this helps a lot! I also would like to say I love the picture on the left side 🙂 It adds personality to the blog! I’m in my 3rd year of photography school and I don’t think it looks awkward or anything like some of the other comments have said. It gives the impression that you’re healthy and girly and just trying to have a fun time on here.
i’ve never done kettlebells and have wanted to for a long time…sounds like such a good workout!
I’ve used kettlebells with my trainer a bunch of times. I’ve never taken a class, but it would be awesome considering the couple moves I’ve learned really do work my body.
First off, I love your new blog! Looks great. And, I also like the photo! I used to do a killer kettle-bell workout back in “the day” and I attest, you get results FAST! My only word of caution is not too overdo it – it’s really easy to because they are so fun to use, but yes, it is INTENSE so definitely take a day off of the bells in between workouts and do something like cardio or yoga or both…
did you hair last very long? did you use any product?
I was using kettlebells with a Jillian Michaels DVD and was loving it! Then I got to level 2 and *really* hurt my back….as in, could barely walk for over a week. Too much squat/swing motion, I think. Now I’m afraid to use them again!!! Boo!
All of the kettlebell instructors I’ve talked to have mentioned that Jillian Michaels uses really bad form on her DVDs. I don’t know if she is even certified in kettlebells…
All of my Kettlebells instructors have said the same thing about her video. I got it as a gift and returned it because even though I have experience, I didn’t want to get hurt. I love Jillian in general, but I’d steer clear of this one.
G, I really recommend Lauren Brooks’ videos. Her blog is here:
She even has a kettlebell vid for pregnant ladies! Her videos are produced locally, so they’re not as flashy as Turbo Fire but she gives a good workout and gives you the foundation for the moves on her videos.
The only trouble is now I have too many workouts and not enough time! Bodyrock… Insanity… Turbo… Zumba…. yoga…. GAH!
I am NOT a kettlebell fan. I’ve used them quite a few times and while my form is apparently fine, I just don’t feel “right” using them. I think they’re a back injury waiting to happen.
Plus, apparently I have sweaty hands so i’m also worried that i’ll drop them.
Just my two cents. Seems like i’m in the minority, but that’s A-OK. 🙂
Please do a hair-curling post!
Hi folks – I found a great online resource for learning the swing (NOT to say that it takes the place of real life instruction.) This guy has some great blog entries about how super effective KB’s are for overall fitness and fat burning. Plus he and several other of his KB certified crew have nothing positive to say about KB *form* in the Jillian Michaels dvd’s – she is great at some things but not an expert at this in any way according to them:
And here is the very helpful video he did on the right form for the swing (to keep from getting hurt like Krista mentions above):
And the advance swing:
Awesome post! I never knew kettle bells were such a great workout. My gym doesn’t offer a class but its something I’m interested in doing. Any suggestions?
Great info on Kettlebells.
Also…is it just me, or does it seem that many Gluten Free products are higher in calories than their non-GF counterparts. I’m a recent GF gal, and my new diet is steering me away from most processed health foods (including the GF ones), but of course there should always be room for GF pizza. I look forward to trying Amy’s brand.
Your hair looks great curly! What curling iron do you use?
itools style winder 1 in
As a personal trainer, do you have anything in your literature that advises against upright rows? Since certifying with AFAA I don’t do them anymore since AFAA doesn’t recommend them with their high risk of injury. Just wondering if that’s only AFAA or also the other companies?
I’ve been doing kbell workouts for a year now and I think it’s crucial to have a trainer who is RKC certified. Form is critical to prevent injury (the woman in the photo on the right seems to be swinging hers WAY too high). Kbells seem to be the one of the latest fitness trends and I think there are a lot of unqualified people out there “teaching.” Swinging heavy weights around is no joke.
LOVE the new blog design, and your curly hair! Also, if I can back muscles like that, I am sold on kettlebell workouts! I’ve tried them before but they are located at a weird place at my gym. I need to “man up” and just use them where they are, or take them to a spot where I feel more comfortable…I lose my balance a lot while lifting free weights, ha.
That pizza looks amazing! I might have to try to Dukan diet if i don’t lay off the nachos before my wedding…
I love kettlebells – I found a great instructor that teaches it outside right on the water – talk about motivation! Form is so important in kettlebells – I have seen a lot of the personal trainers at my gym teaching bad form, and I talked with a friend who takes a group class at her gym, and she says it always hurts her back. It should never hurt if you’re doing it right! Make sure your trainer is certified in kettlebells – with a real kettlebells certification (not just one through their gym).
You are always eating salad but never give any dressing recipes. What kind of salad dressings do you use? Do you have any healthy recipes?- Thanks, Lauren
KBs are my newest fitness obsession!! Great post 🙂
LOVE LOVE The KB but dang, talk about wrist bruises:/. I even have a KB in my car..devoted! You can do so much with them.I did take 4 classes before going on my own:) Could be a great self defense piece too…just sayin..
Love your curly hair!
Yeah mee too on the Curling tutorial.. I try and mine just never comes out good.. so I always get it done by a salon before I go out.. maybe its the curling iron who knows..but yours came out really good and light curls just the way I like it!