Staying on Track {Giveaway}
*******This giveaway has already ended. Stay tuned for more!
Hey everyone! How was your day?
I was blown away by all of your awesome comments and sweet compliments on the Zumba videos. Even though it’s a little more challenging than it usually is, I still love teaching much. Dancing makes me happy and is one of the few things that feels good right now, so I’m sticking with it as long as I can. Maybe I can plan some “let’s take a Zumba class” meet-ups when I get back into the traveling thing 🙂
Last night, while nana, madre and I were shopping, I couldn’t believe that all of the Christmas decor was already up. It’s like retail skips right past Halloween into Christmas, which I love, but it just seems so early this year. Just another excuse to get the tree up before Thanksgiving, eh?
[Our 2009 tree]
Holidays are definitely already on the brain for many people, and it was the topic for this morning’s conference call.
After I posted this morning’s post, I hopped on a video conference with the Shape Magazine Senior Associate Lifestyle Editor. The funny thing is that I woke up a little earlier so I could brush my hair and look semi-human, but we could just see and hear her, no one else could see us.
The funny thing is that if I would have zombie-d it, it would have been set up where everyone else could see me. Isn’t that how it always works out?
the video chat was fantastic. The speaker was Bahar Takhtehchian, and she discussed her favorite tips for staying on track during the holidays. She was a joy to listen to, but I couldn’t help but think “I’ve heard all of these tips before. I hope she shares a secret awesome trick I can share with my readers.” But the truth is, the methods to staying on track during the holidays are really all things we’ve heard before. Just like healthy living in general: the idea behind it is simple, but the execution is where it can get tricky.
Here’s a breakdown of some of the things she discussed, along with my own tips in brackets:
-You can still enjoy the holidays while maintaining your fitness and health accomplishments- treats are ok! [I am a huge believer in treating yourself! The only time we can run into challenges is when we tend to celebrate holidays over and over and over again. If it’s Thanksgiving, live it up- but after that holiday, get back into the usual swing of things]
-Make important choices during the day. Enjoy a satisfying breakfast with a combo of whole grains and protein- choose foods that will fill you up and keep snacking at bay. As far as lunch goes, choose something like salad, broth-based soups, salad, whole-grain sandwich (hummus or avocado instead of mayo), and keep lunch lighter since those who are at work are unable to nap after lunch and digest a large amount of food. [I also like to enjoy something healthy before going out to a party, such as some soup or a large salad. This way, I know that I’ve had some veggies and nutrients before the party, and don’t arrive ready to stuff the buffet table into my face]
-Go for healthy snacks, as they keep blood sugar stable and rev the metabolism. Some good choices: fruits, nuts and yogurt. [Amazeballs, egg puffs, smoothies, small salads, veggies and hummus, banana or apple + almond butter, deli meat or tempeh rolled up with some goat cream cheese, Larabars]
-Aim to get enough fiber. Women need 25g per day and men need 38g. Not only does it help with satiety, it can help to prevent disease.
-Stay hydrated (avoid caffeine since it has a dehydrating effect, and we can easily mistake thirst for hunger). Take H2O in a bottle with you, or flavor it with some lemon zest [I also like to add fresh berries, cucumber, mint, or orange slices to add some flavor]
-Keep moving! Use the mall for cardio, walk and chat with a friend (extremely beneficial in such a technology-focused environment), find a class you love (an instructor who inspires you, amazing music make all the difference), work out with a buddy who will motivate you to reach your goals, make small changes.
-Choose wisely and don’t overdo it.
When it comes to the holidays, I really think it’s important to remove pressure from yourself as far as working out and eating perfectly. The holidays aren’t a time to go on a crazy diet or set some lofty fitness goals- it’s a time to kick back, relax and enjoy family, friends and the season. I think that it’s much easier to stick to what you want to achieve when you’re willing to cut yourself some slack. Enjoy dessert, just don’t enjoy it every single day at every chance you get –treats are everywhere, from now until New Year’s. I’ll usually go for the ones that are really *worth it* like my nana’s Bundt cake, or my other nana’s Thanksgiving pies. If it came from a factory, it’s not worth it to me.
[Thanksgiving table of dessert justice]
As far as cocktails go, I don’t really have to worry about that this year, but usually I’ll go for something clear with club soda, a beautiful cocktail or fancy pants glass of wine and savor it.
As far as fitness goes, if you’re running short on time, go for a quick and effective workout. HIIT is one of my faves- 20 minutes and you’ll torch a ton of calories and have a higher afterburn effect throughout the rest of the day. For weights, choose compound movements that work more than one muscle group at a time (like lunges with a bicep curl or overhead press).
Definitely look for the forest, not the trees, and in the grand scheme of things, if you’re *mostly* sticking to your usual habits, a few extras here and there are NBD.
What holiday meal/treat are you most looking forward to? What’s one of your tips for staying on track during the holiday season?
I cannot wait for Thanksgiving. Cranberry sauce, stuffing and pie… and I’m drooling.
When you leave a comment, you’ll be entered to win an amazing prize pack from Shape magazine:
-a one-year subscription to Shape magazine
-a yoga mat
-a stability ball
-a pedometer
-box of Fiber One Brownies
See ya in the morning with 10 Ways to Make November Gnarly <— help me with this title? haha
**************************This giveaway has ended as of 11/3 12:01 AM EST. Stay tuned for more fun giveaways in the near future!
Sweet potato pie! I usually try a small amount of everything at thanksgiving. That way, i dont feel stuffed or deprived.
Definitely looking forward to anything my mom makes. LOVED Thanksgiving with the in-laws last year but this year I want my mama’s cooking 😉
I would have to say warm apple pie is my weakness during the holidays. I have a monthly membership for yoga and knowing that I’m paying for it every month keeps me going : )
I’ma big gingerbread fan – cookies, lattes, and actual gingerbread. In fact, I made some last night to kickstart the holiday season 🙂
Our holidays start early, next week is Eid, and food plays a big part….
I cannot wait for mashed sweet potatoes! My favorite! Also looking forward to getting my cardio from shopping.
I’m definitely looking forward to Christmas this year. I work at a treatment facility for kids, and its so much fun to share christmas with them. They get so into it, and their joy is totally contagious.
My tip for staying on track through the holidays is to incorporate activity into the family activities. It helps that my family is really active anyway, so we can all go for a walk/run, skiing, or to the gym together.
Looking forward to the holidays also and putting up the Christmas tree early this year! Already purchased my Thanksgiving cranberry sauce…yummy!
I’ve been dreaming about Thanksgiving dinner since the beginning of October! Most specifically for my future mother in law’s turkey which she brines herself and my aunt’s salad mix to which everyone jokes I eat the entire bowl of it. lol
I cant wait for the holiday season!! After being in Florida all the time i am excited to go back up north for the cold weather and hopefully snow!! Im also so so so excited to have my moms awesome cooking!!
Going for a walk between dinner and dessert on any holiday is a great way to stretch and step away from the food etc for awhile
We always make this pills bury crescent roll to go with dinner and I can’t wait to have it…..and stuffing
I live for sweet potatoes and marshmallows! I stay fit by walking 20 mins after each meal. Great for digestion:)
One holiday treat I am looking forward to is gingerbread pancakes with amber maple syrup!!!!!!!! They are phenomenal, then the entire house smells wonderful afterwards. One of my tips/things I do during the holidays to try and keep on track and get some exercise is A LOT of walking. But, not just any walking-walking around wonderfully lit up neighborhoods! One of my favorite things is going to look at Christmas lights, so I could walk miles while looking at them. 🙂
My fave holiday treat is homemade pumpkin swirl cheesecake- holy yum!! I also love stuffing! So so good.
Seasonal candies….yeah for pumpkin spice Hershey kisses! Hot yoga for detox!
Holidays are all about family for me. My sister just had a baby and it will be her first Christmas…how exciting! As far as staying on track – in general my fiancee and I eat healthy all week so that we can feel okay about having dinner out on Friday night. The “cheat” food tastes so amazing, because we are not eating it all the time and it really feels like a treat. I think you can do that around the holidays. Eat well around the special days and then when the big party comes, have what you like!
KEEP THE TITLE! I think gnarly is a great word!
I am a busy Massage Therapist, mom, runner, avid gym goer in Ohio. I love your site!! I look forward to reading it daily. Congrats on the baby.
I recently lost my grandfather and I am looking forward to sharing love & laughs with my grandma this year. We love to talk food and to share recipes.
Make it a great day!
The holiday meal I’m most looking forward to is Christmas dinner because I’ll be home. Most specifically, I can’t wait to enjoy some fondue or racklet, which is what my family usually has. Also, cookies, lots and lots of cookies… in moderation. 🙂
I’m really looking forward to seeing my brother – my best friend! It’s great to see him and his wife over the holidays
When it comes to staying on track, I try not to hover around the appetizer table. I make a plate, grab a glass of wine, and walk away. I try to remember how wonderful the upcoming meal will be so I don’t want to fill my belly with appetizers!
What holiday meal/treat are you most looking forward to? The holiday meal that I’m most looking forward to is Christmas dinner. For ten years straight, I’ve had christmas dinner at my in laws house. Not only is the food delicious but it’s also very relaxing because we’re all together. This year is going to be especially wonderful because my husband and I just found out last week that we’re finally PREGNANT! We told my in laws last week and they are ecstatic! They can’t wait to be grandparents and can’t wait to spoil their grandbaby!
What’s one of your tips for staying on track during the holiday season? Generally, I run alot during the winter season. This season will be a little tough because of the baby. Friday is my first appointment, so I’m definitely going to bring up running and exercise during my visit. I would like to get back into it. I know I can’t push as hard as I used to, but I want to at least get out there and stay healthy and enjoy the beautiful Florida winter! Baby bean will also like it too 🙂
Make November Nifty!! I loved watching your zumba videos earlier and reallllllly hope I can take a class of yours one day! My plan for the holidays is to try to avoid the daily temptations and just go for the biggies- my Nannie’s peanut butter balls are a must! 🙂
I’m looking forward to apple pie!
As far as the holidays, its all about balance and moderation. Having everything I desire, but not too much. And if I have a hefty lunch, a light dinner is fine.
I also think attitude is important. Going into the holidays with a forgiving attitude and trying to not feel guilty afterwards are ideal. I signed up for a 5K in December and a Half Marathon in May, so I have extra motivation to exercise, too. I gotta get running or else the Marathon is gonna kick my butt!
Christmas cookies!!!! Definitely my favorite part of the season. Just have to give away at least half of every batch I make.
I’m always one to over do it during the holidays. My goal this year is exactly what you said… to enjoy those special days, but only on those days! I’m not going to let a few unhealthy choices cause me to give up until January! That was always my problem before. Thanks for the advice! 🙂
I adore any kind of pie. And gravy, lol.
Great tips for the holidays. I can’t wait!
Even though those tips are mostly known by all (or let’s hope), it still helps sooo much to hear them every year. Thank you for sharing them as it just refreshed my memory 😉 Love your site!
Hi! Love your blog! A good tip for getting Christmas exercise: take your fam or friends for a walk around your neighborhood to look at all the christmas lights and decorations!
We don’t have the pressure of Thanksgiving all the way here in Oz but unfortunately Christmas seems to last for a month and it ties in with bikini season.
Last year I started a brand new weight loss program the day before my first Christmas party of the season and managed to lose 4kg in the weeks over Christmas by avoiding alcohol and only providing healthy food when I hosted my whole family for Christmas Day. This year I’m looking forward to allowing myself the occasional treat – the highlight of which will probably be my Bailey’s chocolate truffles.
I look forward to Christmas all year, every year. I bake all of my family’s Christmas cookie and enjoy sampling the dough and cookies straight out of the oven. One thing I really miss is my Grandma’s stuffing at Thanksgiving. I live a good drive from my family and have chosen to not go home for Thanksgiving, just to make sure I get home for Christmas.
I’m looking forward to being around my family for Christmas, it’s the time of year when I get to see both sides! I don’t enjoy cold weather but, I love all the Christmas decorations, music, etc.!
Yay! I’m pretty stoked for the holidays. My BFF is coming back from Australia for a month, so words cannot do my excitement justice.
i am looking forward to my mom’s mashed potatoes and all the christmas cookies. my tip for staying on track is to do some kind of activity every day, whether it be running 5 miles or walking around the mall feverishly : )
Love your site! A new yoga mat, that would be Christmas to me!
I’m looking forward to Pecan Pie! My Favorite!
I am looking forward to the holidays, pumpkin pie is my weakness. I am hoping to stay on track this year by planning meals and snacks so I will be less likely to eat all the bad things!
I live on the opposite side of the country from my family (for university) so I’m looking forward to going home and seeing friends and family (and a break from all the studying!)
Thanksgiving dinner is my all time favorite. We do a Jewish Thanksgiving in my house, and it is heavenly—lots of the usual suspects (turkey, cranberries, etc.) but with a few of our favorite family recipes, too (knishes, kugel). Best of both worlds!
I stay on track by indulging in the good stuff (homemade treats are worth it, boxed cookies are not) and by sticking to my workout routine. One of my favorite things to do is go on a long run or to a spin class on Thanksgiving morning. It wakes me up, and it makes me feel ok with digging in a little more than I normally would!
Hi! I’m defintely most looking forward to the entire Thanksgiving meal- I’ve been dieting for a figure show and it will be right before Thanksgiving. That being said I’m looking forward to everything I HAVENT been able to eat— my mom’s amazing homemade stuffing, pumpkin pie…. lots of fruits and sauces- yum! Its the little things when you have been confined to lean chicken and raw veggies 🙂
Tips for staying under control for holidays: eat a GOOD breakfast to prevent overeating and also to jump start the metabolism for the *big* meal….. and just indulge without feeling guilty! Relish the good eats and get back on track the next day 🙂
My favorite holiday treat is christmas cookies and red velvet cake 🙂 I like to make exercise a priority and just enjoy the holidays with my family and not worry about everything I’m eatng. Thanks for the giveaway 🙂
I love your approach to eating during the holidays. My favorite tip is to eat the dessert that is “worth it” to you. You’re so right – what’s the point in eating something out of a box? Especially when you can have Nana’s bundt cake. 😉 I’m looking forward to homemade pumpkin pie! Drool.
November ideas (I kind of love gnarly!):
– How to Make November Number 1!
– How to Make November Neat-o! (Corny, I know. Haha.)
– How to Make November Noteworthy!
I have to say I’m most excited about Christmas. It’s my favorite time of year b/c I love family get togethers, I love Christmas music, and most of all I love watching my son open his gifts on Christmas morning and get so excited!
My tip for staying on track: Don’t over eat. Everything might look good but still stick to rations. Pick a few things to eat at the first sitting and save the “leftovers” for another sitting. Don’t eat until your so stuffed you can’t move. 😉
I am looking forward to my pumpkin pie and turkey. To stay on track during the holidays, I maintain my workout schedule.
I am counting the days till my mom starts baking my favourite aniseed cookies for the holiday season 🙂 They’re a speciality in the region of Germany where my mom’s from. Everyone in my family loves them but she won’t share her recipe :/
I can’t wait to start baking up a storm!!!! Pumpkin breads, pumpkin pies, pumpkin cookies – yum!!!
I love to make cinnamon rolls from scratch on Christmas morning… they are time consuming but to me it feels like one of those ‘labor of love’ type of things where even the work is fun, and they taste AMAZING! So I’m looking forward to both making and eating those :).
Hey Gina – Thanks for all that you do on the blog! I def look forward to my mom’s Christmas cookies! I have the best memories making them with her. As far as tips go… make sure to stay active, even just taking a long walk with the family on Thanksgiving. It all adds up!
What helps keep me on track? Bringing my ass to the gym and not losing track of my hard work! Holiday treat that I’m looking forward to? Anything and everything with pumpkin! Does it count if I have it on a daily basis now, but am still looking forward to it for the next two months??
I’m looking forward to Thanksgiving dinner. I will eat small portion of everything so I can still enjoy it all!!!