Staying on Track {Giveaway}

*******This giveaway has already ended. Stay tuned for more!

Hey everyone! How was your day?

I was blown away by all of your awesome comments and sweet compliments on the Zumba videos. Even though it’s a little more challenging than it usually is, I still love teaching much. Dancing makes me happy and is one of the few things that feels good right now, so I’m sticking with it as long as I can. Maybe I can plan some “let’s take a Zumba class” meet-ups when I get back into the traveling thing 🙂

Last night, while nana, madre and I were shopping, I couldn’t believe that all of the Christmas decor was already up. It’s like retail skips right past Halloween into Christmas, which I love, but it just seems so early this year. Just another excuse to get the tree up before Thanksgiving, eh?


[Our 2009 tree]

Holidays are definitely already on the brain for many people, and it was the topic for this morning’s conference call.

After I posted this morning’s post, I hopped on a video conference with the Shape Magazine Senior Associate Lifestyle Editor. The funny thing is that I woke up a little earlier so I could brush my hair and look semi-human, but we could just see and hear her, no one else could see us.

shape chat

The funny thing is that if I would have zombie-d it, it would have been set up where everyone else could see me. Isn’t that how it always works out?


the video chat was fantastic. The speaker was Bahar Takhtehchian, and she discussed her favorite tips for staying on track during the holidays. She was a joy to listen to, but I couldn’t help but think “I’ve heard all of these tips before. I hope she shares a secret awesome trick I can share with my readers.” But the truth is, the methods to staying on track during the holidays are really all things we’ve heard before. Just like healthy living in general: the idea behind it is simple, but the execution is where it can get tricky.

Here’s a breakdown of some of the things she discussed, along with my own tips in brackets:

-You can still enjoy the holidays while maintaining your fitness and health accomplishments- treats are ok! [I am a huge believer in treating yourself! The only time we can run into challenges is when we tend to celebrate holidays over and over and over again. If it’s Thanksgiving, live it up- but after that holiday, get back into the usual swing of things]

-Make important choices during the day. Enjoy a satisfying breakfast with a combo of whole grains and protein- choose foods that will fill you up and keep snacking at bay. As far as lunch goes, choose something like salad, broth-based soups, salad, whole-grain sandwich (hummus or avocado instead of mayo), and keep lunch lighter since those who are at work are unable to nap after lunch and digest a large amount of food. [I also like to enjoy something healthy before going out to a party, such as some soup or a large salad. This way, I know that I’ve had some veggies and nutrients before the party, and don’t arrive ready to stuff the buffet table into my face]

-Go for healthy snacks, as they keep blood sugar stable and rev the metabolism. Some good choices: fruits, nuts and yogurt. [Amazeballs, egg puffs, smoothies, small salads, veggies and hummus, banana or apple + almond butter, deli meat or tempeh rolled up with some goat cream cheese, Larabars]

-Aim to get enough fiber. Women need 25g per day and men need 38g. Not only does it help with satiety, it can help to prevent disease.

-Stay hydrated (avoid caffeine since it has a dehydrating effect, and we can easily mistake thirst for hunger). Take H2O in a bottle with you, or flavor it with some lemon zest [I also like to add fresh berries, cucumber, mint, or orange slices to add some flavor]

-Keep moving! Use the mall for cardio, walk and chat with a friend (extremely beneficial in such a technology-focused environment), find a class you love (an instructor who inspires you, amazing music make all the difference), work out with a buddy who will motivate you to reach your goals, make small changes.

-Choose wisely and don’t overdo it.

When it comes to the holidays, I really think it’s important to remove pressure from yourself as far as working out and eating perfectly. The holidays aren’t a time to go on a crazy diet or set some lofty fitness goals- it’s a time to kick back, relax and enjoy family, friends and the season. I think that it’s much easier to stick to what you want to achieve when you’re willing to cut yourself some slack. Enjoy dessert, just don’t enjoy it every single day at every chance you get –treats are everywhere, from now until New Year’s. I’ll usually go for the ones that are really *worth it* like my nana’s Bundt cake, or my other nana’s Thanksgiving pies. If it came from a factory, it’s not worth it to me.


[Thanksgiving table of dessert justice]

As far as cocktails go, I don’t really have to worry about that this year, but usually I’ll go for something clear with club soda, a beautiful cocktail or fancy pants glass of wine and savor it.

As far as fitness goes, if you’re running short on time, go for a quick and effective workout. HIIT is one of my faves- 20 minutes and you’ll torch a ton of calories and have a higher afterburn effect throughout the rest of the day. For weights, choose compound movements that work more than one muscle group at a time (like lunges with a bicep curl or overhead press).

Definitely look for the forest, not the trees, and in the grand scheme of things, if you’re *mostly* sticking to your usual habits, a few extras here and there are NBD.

sleigh two men

What holiday meal/treat are you most looking forward to? What’s one of your tips for staying on track during the holiday season?

I cannot wait for Thanksgiving. Cranberry sauce, stuffing and pie… and I’m drooling.

When you leave a comment, you’ll be entered to win an amazing prize pack from Shape magazine:

-a one-year subscription to Shape magazine

-a yoga mat

-a stability ball

-a pedometer

-box of Fiber One Brownies

See ya in the morning with 10 Ways to Make November Gnarly <— help me with this title? haha



**************************This giveaway has ended as of 11/3 12:01 AM EST. Stay tuned for more fun giveaways in the near future!

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  1. Lauren on November 2, 2011 at 12:52 pm

    Hi Gina!

    I’m most looking forward to my mom’s green bean casserole at Thanksgiving. (The kind with the crispy onions on top :))Probably not the healthiest, but I could eat the whole pan full of that stuff!!

    Love your blog, thanks for all the great tips!

  2. Ashley B on November 2, 2011 at 12:53 pm

    As a vegetarian I no longer really look forward to the meals for the holidays. I look forward to sitting in front of a fire with my family and catching up with those I haven’t seen. Of course, a slice of pie and peppermint anything doesn’t hurt:) I keep up with my regular food/exercise schedule until the actual holiday itself and then spend 2 days taking long walks and letting myself relax.

  3. Kaitlin on November 2, 2011 at 12:54 pm

    Jumble cookies are my favorite holiday food. It’s a recipe that was orally passed down from my great-grandmothers, until my grandmother wrote it out, or an approximation of it, anyway. I walk with my sisters as much as I can during the holidays. It provides an opportunity to catch up on life (I see them 1-2 times a year), and it gets us out of the house where it’s prettier and quieter.

  4. Rachel W. on November 2, 2011 at 12:55 pm

    I can’t believe it’s November and the holidays are here!! Christmas music playing at stores allllready!! I completely agree with splurging on desserts…it better be out of this world delicious to be worth it! How about MOVEmber ??

  5. Diana on November 2, 2011 at 12:55 pm

    One thing that always works for me during holidays is to eat slow and listen to full signal……however….My mom always end up putting a second helping on my plate….and when she does….I just thank her but tell her Im full…but I WILL definitely take it home LOL…Its a sure way of not over eating and not offending my mother….or mother in law 🙂 BIG BONUS!!! Also one thing you can make sure you get some regulate exercise in….is to ask friends to join you at your spin, zumba or yoga class….if they are tight on cash… for buddy passed at your gym or studio…some offer a month pass…maybe you will get a permanent workout buddy!!! 🙂 Enjoy your day !! And Happy holidays!!!!

  6. Molly@This Life Is Sparkling on November 2, 2011 at 12:57 pm

    I agree with just enjoying the holidays and not going on a crazy diet. Splurging one day (Thanksgiving) is not going to hurt. I agree that you just have to get on the right start the next day!

  7. Nina on November 2, 2011 at 12:57 pm

    I am looking forward to meals with my family over the holiday season! I love spending time with them and eating all of the delicious food. I am going to try to just be a little more mindful this holiday season (so 1 cookie doesn’t turn into 10…) and I am also going to cut myself some slack!

  8. Melissa on November 2, 2011 at 1:00 pm

    To stay on track, I have to stay on my routine as much as possible and allow for treats that I don’t eat but once a year. Like my aunt’s home made pies. I also try to do a bit more working out if I know there is going to be a food fest.

    One other thing for me, I’m a WW Lifetimer and I keep going to meetings to keep myself accountable!

  9. Adriana R. on November 2, 2011 at 1:00 pm

    My mothers homemade cookies. It’s not only that we get to eat them (though that is my favorite part!), but we now make them together. It’s something that I look forward to and hope to perfect so I can one day take over the responsibilities!

  10. Lauren on November 2, 2011 at 1:03 pm

    I LOVE my mom’s stuffing and i’m so excited to gobble it down on Thanksgiving. I’m a vegetarian/sometimes vegan now so i’m looking forward to modifying her recipe just a bit. It’s going to be a Thanksgiving for experimenting.

    My key for staying on track is to stick with my weekly workout routine – no matter what or how many other “must dos” are on my list. I schedule it like i’d schedule anything else. I also treat myself to a few indulgences and just have 1 bite (sometimes 2) and that’s it. It fills the craving but doesn’t leave me regretting my decision or deprived.

  11. Haley B on November 2, 2011 at 1:08 pm

    My aunt makes fudge every Christmas, so I’m looking forward to eating that!

  12. Kaylyn F on November 2, 2011 at 1:10 pm

    During the holidays I always look forward to my moms Christmas Baking!! It is to die for!
    Last Christmas was the first year that I managed to stay on track and I did this by still maintaining my workout routine, and when the time came to indulge I would only have a little bit of it and enjoy very bite.
    My main goal was to keep exercising, drink lots of water and eat healthy meals 80% of the time 🙂

    Ps. It’s Christmas at Starbucks here in Calgary, Alberta – love it!

  13. Candice on November 2, 2011 at 1:16 pm

    Amazing giveaway! I usually splurge on any dessert my mom makes. So delicious. And great ideas on saving your treats for something worth it.

  14. pk on November 2, 2011 at 1:17 pm

    Definitely pumpkin pie and cheesecake!! yum!

  15. Anisha on November 2, 2011 at 1:17 pm

    I usually have trouble “allowing” myself to take days off working out and indulging, so I’m determined to fully enjoy the holiday season this year, without guilt or anxiety!

  16. Ashley on November 2, 2011 at 1:17 pm

    I can never say no to a (small) slice of my mother’s famous pumpkin cheesecake!

    I travel home every year so I have limited time to spend with my family. I make sure I workout early in the morning so I have the rest of the day to enjoy the time I have with them, without feeling the pressure to get a workout in.

  17. whitney on November 2, 2011 at 1:17 pm

    I’m so excited about the holidays, but I can’t pick just one thing! I’m running two half marathons in Nov and Dec so that will help me stay on track.

  18. sophie on November 2, 2011 at 1:18 pm

    pumpkin pie! it helps to work out really early in the morning, when there isn’t anything else going on to get in the way.

  19. Cali on November 2, 2011 at 1:20 pm

    To stay on track during the holidays, I don’t eat any store bought treats (just homemade ones!) and when I have the time, I do a little more cardio than usual (60 mins instead of 45). It adds up, and then I can eat more!

  20. Crystal on November 2, 2011 at 1:20 pm

    Pumpkin pie! I can already here it calling my name, but I am going to earn it by doing a local Turkey Trot 5k on Thanksgiving day with my siblings and friends.

  21. Amy on November 2, 2011 at 1:21 pm

    I find that holiday road races help keep me on track. I drag my husband out of bed very early on Thanksgiving morning for our local 5 miler – he whines the whole way to the starting line but we’re both so happy we did it when we’re on our second helping of my mom’s mashed potatoes!

  22. Ashley @ Good Taste Healthy Me on November 2, 2011 at 1:24 pm

    Honestly I eat as normal as possible but on Thanksgiving and Christmas day it is FAIR game! I may end up with a tummy ache but twice a year is totally worth it! 🙂

  23. lizzie on November 2, 2011 at 1:24 pm

    10 Ways to Make November Noteworthy!

    ” ” Noticeable!
    ” ” Nice!
    ” ” Nutritious!
    ” ” Nifty!
    ” ” Notable!

    Haha, that’s all I got girl. 🙂 Although, I kinda like “gnarly.”

  24. Grace on November 2, 2011 at 1:25 pm

    I limit myself to only splurging on things I looooove, otherwise I’ll go to town on cookies for no reason. Can’t wait for root veggies, hot cocoa, and carrot cake.

  25. Lauren on November 2, 2011 at 1:27 pm

    I agree, stay as much with your routine as possible. But, if you enjoy a homemade treat every once in awhile, it’s NBD. Also, if I know I’m going to have a big meal, I try to get a good workout in when I know there will be lots of yummy food. 🙂

  26. Mandy Koenig on November 2, 2011 at 1:28 pm

    I have started family walks on the holidays. It’s normally a bummer to bundle up and get outside in Ohio in Nov/Dec., but for some strange reason when you bundle up the whole family and make a tradition out of it, its more like an adventure.

  27. krista on November 2, 2011 at 1:28 pm

    i just need to know how to stay on track when your sick!! three little guys in school, I get every bug out there!! yuck.

  28. Courtney on November 2, 2011 at 1:29 pm

    I can’t believe the holidays are coming up so soon! Hopefully, I will be more conscious of my portion sizes this year!

  29. Lindsay on November 2, 2011 at 1:30 pm

    I think the holidays are hard because it’s so easy to get off your normal routine! As far as all the yummy eats, I try to avoid things I could have any time of year (like dinner rolls) but indulge in things that truly are a treat (like my grandma’s pecan pie). I love food so it’s not always easy!

  30. Laurie on November 2, 2011 at 1:32 pm

    Wow, I can’t believe the holidays are almost here!!! I can’t wait for turkey and dressing, veggie casserole, desserts, etc. 🙂 I try not to indulge too much, but I feel its the one time of year I can splurge a little bit!

  31. kathy on November 2, 2011 at 1:33 pm

    Christmas already?! I know what you mean. Walked into a store to buy some Halloween candy and the first thing I saw was a decorated Christmas tree. What’s with that?? Christmas is beautiful, but what happened to all the other holidays in between??

  32. Beth on November 2, 2011 at 1:34 pm

    I have to go with “make November Nifty,” My mom has this adorable friend who is in her early 80’s and calls everything she likes “Nifty.” You can’t not smile when she says that!

  33. Irene on November 2, 2011 at 1:36 pm

    I am most looking forward to Christmas cookies!!!! I used to *love* the peppermint mochas from Starbucks, but I’m not drinking caffeine any more and I really miss all the cozy fun drinks. Those used to be among my favorite treats. I’m going to get at least one decaf peppermint mocha this season, even though its not quite the same. I definitely try to fit in extra exercise around treat times like this and that tends to help. Since I tend to have a little treat almost every day, the holidays don’t throw me off too much. I just make my treat something special like *one* holiday cookie and try to keep the rest of the time pretty much normal. It works out. Knowing I’m going on vacation in January and will be wearing a bikini is going to be the best motivation I’ve ever had not to over do it this year!

  34. Lacey on November 2, 2011 at 1:36 pm

    I’m looking forward to some Tofurkey this year. I try not to eat the fake meats so much throughout the year but I love Tofurkey! I’ve found that eating breakfast before all the holiday meals is the best way to prevent overindulging 🙂

  35. Erin O. on November 2, 2011 at 1:37 pm

    I am so looking forward to some pumpkin pie! So many ways to make that treat healthier too 🙂 I haven’t had much luck staying on track during the holidays, but one thing I like to do is eat mostly veggies and a big green salad FIRST, then try small samples of the other food.

  36. Raya on November 2, 2011 at 1:37 pm

    I am most looking forward to seeing my family on Thanksgiving!!! They are all on the east coast and I miss them! Treat wise it’s probably pumpkin pie. I could bathe in pumpkin! And as for tips/tricks to stay on track..I don’t have many. In fact, I’m kind of a mess in that area lol.

  37. SC on November 2, 2011 at 1:40 pm

    These past couple months have been the first time I’ve been really far away from home, and I always feel most homesick whenever it’s Saturday afternoon. My parents and I used to have tea time every weekend when I’d come home from school, and just drink tea, eat snacks, and talk to each other, so rather than looking forward to the actual holiday, I’m actually looking forward most to that time over the long Thanksgiving weekend when I can go home and drink tea with my parents. Another one of our weekend traditions is to go for long hikes in big woody parks, so I imagine that’s how we’ll compensate 🙂

  38. Mandy on November 2, 2011 at 1:40 pm

    I love stuffing. Always make a vegan version so I’m not left out.
    I’m going to just try to keep working out, not let the cold and dark get me off my schedule. And stay away from the copious amounts of sugar I usually consume.

  39. Erica on November 2, 2011 at 1:41 pm

    I am looking forward to spending time with my family and friends! This is the first year living in another state without family members and I am eager for Thanksgiving to get here! I love my mother’s broccoli and cheese casserole and pumpkin pie :). I always run a Turkey Trot Thanksgiving morning, which always is great motivation before Thanksgiving and the reward is even better: treating myself to a wonderful Thanksgiving Feast!

  40. christina on November 2, 2011 at 1:41 pm

    With the holiday’s approaching I look forward to spending time with my family, even if that means a little extra spurlge here and there. I dont sweat and extra cookie or piece of pie, but I do always manage to start my day with a little yoga/breathing & meditation to relax 🙂

  41. Caitlin on November 2, 2011 at 1:44 pm

    For me, the thing to look forward to most is the Christmas Eve pig roast we attend at our Cuban friends’ house each year. Fresh roasted pig, rice/beans, and plantains!

  42. Michelle on November 2, 2011 at 1:44 pm

    Because I’m Paleo and don’t eat bread/grains (90% of the time) I am definitely looking forward to my stuffing this Thanksgiving!! And the earlier the holiday decor, the better! I wish Christmas carols were on the radio already! 😉

  43. Kimberly on November 2, 2011 at 1:48 pm

    I’m looking forward to all the different turkey…smoked, fried, and raosted….mmm, can’t forget the gravy 🙂 Plus my Grandma’s peanut butter pie is the best.

  44. daisy on November 2, 2011 at 1:49 pm

    My grandmothers rice pudding. yummy.

  45. Courtney on November 2, 2011 at 1:49 pm

    I’m looking forward to my mom’s pumpkin crisp. Healthy Tip: Sign up to participate in a Turkey Trot or some other organized event on Thanksgiving. You’ll be less likely to overeat and even if you do, you’ve guaranteed that you got some exercise in before you wimp out later on.

  46. Sara Mattson on November 2, 2011 at 1:50 pm

    I am looking forward to all the pumkin things!

  47. Karina on November 2, 2011 at 1:51 pm

    My husband and I will be alone for Thanksgiving, since we have no family around, so I’m not too worried about overindulging then. Christmas will be hard because we’ll be flying home and in 7 days will have THREE huge Christmas parties. Eeek!

  48. Annie on November 2, 2011 at 1:52 pm

    I am so looking forwards to making my mom’s recipe for sugar cookies with buttercream frosting–making lots of fun designs!! This year I will stay on track with my usual oatmeal for breakfast and early morning workouts at the gym (which I just started 7 weeks ago and am keeping strong)–my motivation is to look great in my bikini for our vacation in the Caribbean at the end of December!

  49. Kim B on November 2, 2011 at 1:53 pm

    My fav holiday food is my mom’s sweet potato casserole…it’s actually from “Cooking Light” which is great but I definitely don’t stick to their idea of a “serving size”…it’s too good!! I stay on track by not missing my workouts even when things get super busy!!

  50. Yin on November 2, 2011 at 1:54 pm

    I’m looking forward to my grandma’s savory pumpkin dish. I don’t know what she puts in it but it’s SO good! One tip for staying on track: eat a little bit of everything.

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