Staying on Track {Giveaway}
*******This giveaway has already ended. Stay tuned for more!
Hey everyone! How was your day?
I was blown away by all of your awesome comments and sweet compliments on the Zumba videos. Even though it’s a little more challenging than it usually is, I still love teaching much. Dancing makes me happy and is one of the few things that feels good right now, so I’m sticking with it as long as I can. Maybe I can plan some “let’s take a Zumba class” meet-ups when I get back into the traveling thing 🙂
Last night, while nana, madre and I were shopping, I couldn’t believe that all of the Christmas decor was already up. It’s like retail skips right past Halloween into Christmas, which I love, but it just seems so early this year. Just another excuse to get the tree up before Thanksgiving, eh?
[Our 2009 tree]
Holidays are definitely already on the brain for many people, and it was the topic for this morning’s conference call.
After I posted this morning’s post, I hopped on a video conference with the Shape Magazine Senior Associate Lifestyle Editor. The funny thing is that I woke up a little earlier so I could brush my hair and look semi-human, but we could just see and hear her, no one else could see us.
The funny thing is that if I would have zombie-d it, it would have been set up where everyone else could see me. Isn’t that how it always works out?
the video chat was fantastic. The speaker was Bahar Takhtehchian, and she discussed her favorite tips for staying on track during the holidays. She was a joy to listen to, but I couldn’t help but think “I’ve heard all of these tips before. I hope she shares a secret awesome trick I can share with my readers.” But the truth is, the methods to staying on track during the holidays are really all things we’ve heard before. Just like healthy living in general: the idea behind it is simple, but the execution is where it can get tricky.
Here’s a breakdown of some of the things she discussed, along with my own tips in brackets:
-You can still enjoy the holidays while maintaining your fitness and health accomplishments- treats are ok! [I am a huge believer in treating yourself! The only time we can run into challenges is when we tend to celebrate holidays over and over and over again. If it’s Thanksgiving, live it up- but after that holiday, get back into the usual swing of things]
-Make important choices during the day. Enjoy a satisfying breakfast with a combo of whole grains and protein- choose foods that will fill you up and keep snacking at bay. As far as lunch goes, choose something like salad, broth-based soups, salad, whole-grain sandwich (hummus or avocado instead of mayo), and keep lunch lighter since those who are at work are unable to nap after lunch and digest a large amount of food. [I also like to enjoy something healthy before going out to a party, such as some soup or a large salad. This way, I know that I’ve had some veggies and nutrients before the party, and don’t arrive ready to stuff the buffet table into my face]
-Go for healthy snacks, as they keep blood sugar stable and rev the metabolism. Some good choices: fruits, nuts and yogurt. [Amazeballs, egg puffs, smoothies, small salads, veggies and hummus, banana or apple + almond butter, deli meat or tempeh rolled up with some goat cream cheese, Larabars]
-Aim to get enough fiber. Women need 25g per day and men need 38g. Not only does it help with satiety, it can help to prevent disease.
-Stay hydrated (avoid caffeine since it has a dehydrating effect, and we can easily mistake thirst for hunger). Take H2O in a bottle with you, or flavor it with some lemon zest [I also like to add fresh berries, cucumber, mint, or orange slices to add some flavor]
-Keep moving! Use the mall for cardio, walk and chat with a friend (extremely beneficial in such a technology-focused environment), find a class you love (an instructor who inspires you, amazing music make all the difference), work out with a buddy who will motivate you to reach your goals, make small changes.
-Choose wisely and don’t overdo it.
When it comes to the holidays, I really think it’s important to remove pressure from yourself as far as working out and eating perfectly. The holidays aren’t a time to go on a crazy diet or set some lofty fitness goals- it’s a time to kick back, relax and enjoy family, friends and the season. I think that it’s much easier to stick to what you want to achieve when you’re willing to cut yourself some slack. Enjoy dessert, just don’t enjoy it every single day at every chance you get –treats are everywhere, from now until New Year’s. I’ll usually go for the ones that are really *worth it* like my nana’s Bundt cake, or my other nana’s Thanksgiving pies. If it came from a factory, it’s not worth it to me.
[Thanksgiving table of dessert justice]
As far as cocktails go, I don’t really have to worry about that this year, but usually I’ll go for something clear with club soda, a beautiful cocktail or fancy pants glass of wine and savor it.
As far as fitness goes, if you’re running short on time, go for a quick and effective workout. HIIT is one of my faves- 20 minutes and you’ll torch a ton of calories and have a higher afterburn effect throughout the rest of the day. For weights, choose compound movements that work more than one muscle group at a time (like lunges with a bicep curl or overhead press).
Definitely look for the forest, not the trees, and in the grand scheme of things, if you’re *mostly* sticking to your usual habits, a few extras here and there are NBD.
What holiday meal/treat are you most looking forward to? What’s one of your tips for staying on track during the holiday season?
I cannot wait for Thanksgiving. Cranberry sauce, stuffing and pie… and I’m drooling.
When you leave a comment, you’ll be entered to win an amazing prize pack from Shape magazine:
-a one-year subscription to Shape magazine
-a yoga mat
-a stability ball
-a pedometer
-box of Fiber One Brownies
See ya in the morning with 10 Ways to Make November Gnarly <— help me with this title? haha
**************************This giveaway has ended as of 11/3 12:01 AM EST. Stay tuned for more fun giveaways in the near future!
Christmas cookies – allll of them 🙂 I’m horrible at staying on track during the holidays, so I need to listen to everyone else’s tips! I swear, something about the relaxing and indulging mentality…Two holiday seasons ago I was tracking my food and running daily, I was down almost 10 pounds and really proud of myself and my progress, but I spun so far off track during December that I couldn’t quite get it back in the New Year and now I’m up quite a few poundies from that happy weight!
Can you say STUFFING??? My uncle (who is a chef) always comes up with a new version of stuffing for the family to try…last year–chestnut and dried cranberry stuffing. I requested a corn bread based stuffing this year with glazed pecans 😉 mmmmmmm!
Turkey, cranberry sauce, stuffing, sweet potatoes, apple pie with vanilla icecream, and pumpkin cheesecake!!! 🙂
Coming from a European family, we FEAST on Christmas Eve and follow that with a modest Christmas dinner. As such, I am UBER psyched for Christmas Eve pierogies, borscht, salads and PANNETONE!! I’ve already seen it around the stores (soo early) and am psyched for the uber-slice I’ll be indulging it 🙂
What holiday meal/treat are you most looking forward to? What’s one of your tips for staying on track during the holiday season?
holiday meal treats I look most forward to eat is my PB cookies and turkey! I enjoy the left overs on my salad and ooey gooey yum yum cookies with my almond milk! Keeping it simple aaah LOL
A good tip got to place the fork down, oh and drink 2 glasses of water before the meal and a glass after. AAh yes no over stuffing my face here, I will be sooo satisfied ; ) okey dokey That is it!
My favorite meal is homemade mac and cheese!
My one piece of advice is: try to drink lots of water.
What holiday meal/treat are you most looking forward to?
Definitly pumpkin pie and stuffing! oooh or Chocolate crinkle cookies my mom makes at Christmas time! OR starbucks eggnog chai (I limit myself to 1 per week.. way too many calories!)
What’s one of your tips for staying on track during the holiday season?
Everything in moderation. Aim to take long walks with the family after dinners. Enjoy the time with your family and don’t stress over the diet too much 🙂
I can’t wait to eat my grandmas cabbage rolls…they are so good! Ice Skating! I try to go ice skating as much as possible during the holiday season…it’s just so much fun.
mmm excited for pumpkin pie and sweet potato casserole!
When I go home to my mom’s house for the holidays, I obviously don’t have my gym nearby but she has tons of exercise DVD’s. I do these to still get in a quick workout, but it’s also fun to switch things up from my usual routine! I think DVD’s are great for traveling. Netflix has a bunch too if you want to try something new.
I’m looking forward to my eggnog oatmeal topped with bananas! To stay on track, I pack healthy snacks that I’m likely to choose instead of eating those tempting sweets that make their way into the office (i.e. Larabars, Greek yogurt and granola, trail mix… not celery sticks because I’d definitely go for the sweets!)
Definitely looking forward to all of my grandma’s cookies!
Exercise! Make time for it, even if it’s just 20 mins. It’s the best way to let go of the stress of hosting, in-laws, shopping, Btw– none of those things normally stress me out! There’s just something about the season that creates a lot of pent up anxiety…
I’m really looking forward to enjoying some soy nog. 🙂
It can be tough to fit in exercise over the holidays, so I like to incorporate at least one long walk with my family during the day. It helps the food digest and gives us an opportunity to enjoy each other’s company.
As Canadian Thanksgiving has already passed, I’m holding on until Christmas goodies. I used to love & devour all baking that crossed my path, but now that I’m older I find myself holding out and waiting for my favorites. In no particular order those are MIL’s homemade Mars bar, mom’s Chow Mein noodle cookies, and good old fashioned butter tarts 🙂
I’ve finally reached the stage where I crave the gym, so this year I’m not too worried about straying too far off track.
I soooo look forward to my grandmother’s snickerdoodles! She has given me the recipe but my cookies never taste like hers! It must be all the love that she puts into them. And for the keeping on track part I try to just have a taste of treats. It;s not fool proof because if it’s outrageous then I can’t stop with just a bite but it makes me be a choosier eater.
I am most looking forward to Christmas cookies! yum!
can.not. wait. for christmas cookies!!! we spend weeks beforehand baking over 20 different kinds of cookies. but it isn’t really the cookies.. it’s the time spent with my family making them. cookies are just a fun result. =)
I always look forward to mashed potatoes (whipped light and fluffy) with turkey gravy made from the drippings…there is nothing like it. Black olives are a must on our holiday table, also. Pumpkin pie and whipped cream always finish it just right!
I never really worry too much about treating myself to yummy goodies, as I go with moderation. Staying active and eating sensibly keeps the body healthy, and sweets are good for the soul!
Looking forward to seeing my long distance boyfriend on Thanksgiving! We are celebrating just the two of us 🙂 and “how to make November not suck”? haha 🙂
“If it came from a factory, it’s not worth it to me. ” I feel the same way! I look forward to cooking and being cooked for. What always works for me during the holidays is to make a nice plate and not go back for more. There’s always another opportunity to have delicious edibles over the holidays, I don’t want to have to be rolled out of the dinning room and wake up with a food hangover :S
I used to have a really difficult time saying no to sweet treats but I realized that some treats just aren’t worth it just because they are there. I now try to indulge only on items that are super special like homemade goodies
I’m mostly looking forward to wine and yummy desserts. I love your NBD approach and advice. My advice is pretty much the same. If it’s something you really want then have it. If you’re not quite sure, skip it and have it tomrrow. Food isn’t going anywhere. (That’s from my hubby.) 🙂
Hi! I’ve been reading your blog for about a year now, but i’m a fist time commenter. 🙂 Just wanted to say that I LOVED the videos you posted earlier today; you really do your thing! i’ve never tried Zumba but that made me want to! Oh, and for the title – how about 10 ways to make November Notorious?
My grandmothers ham loaves. They sound gross I know but they are to die for!
I always participate in the Turkey Trot 5 k the morning of Thanksgiving and usually try
To go walking after we eat.
I LOVE reading magazines, especially health magazines, so i cannot let this chance down! Plus i love yoga and brownies..:P
i’m going to try making pumpkin hummus this year!
when i go home for winter break, i take advantage of the safer area and run outside more! plus, i love running in holiday weather. 🙂 although i’m from socal, so it’s not THAT different from the rest of the year.
I’m hoping to do better at staying on track this winter too! I always go into a baking/cooking frenzy 🙂
Thank you for the tips for the holiday season! It is also important to take time to enjoy your family and the beautiful Earth that we are living in! #BeThankful
I totally agree about eating around the holidays! They are meant for surrounding yourself with family around a table filled with wonderful food. Let’s not beat ourselves up for having treats once in a while 🙂
I am looking forward to making Paula Deen’s Pumpkin Squares – I make them all the time around the holidays and they are sooo good!
I look forward to my Mom’s brisket @ Christmas
And leftover turkey for sandwiches. I try to have
Lots of veggies or a big salad so I don’t go overboard:-)cc
My hardest challenge is the savoury snacks! I have no trouble sticking to a small slice of pumpkin pie and calling it a day, but oh, mashed potatoes and rolls with butter! So normally I pick one thing that will be my lover for the night, and then go with healthy stuff for the rest of my plate. 🙂
I LOVE my dad’s Thanksgiving feast and am bummed we won’t be spending turkey day with them this year. His stuffing is fabulous and I love eating the leftovers for days after. I think the key for me to stay on track during the holidays is eating in moderation. I am not a believer in having forbidden foods, and I find that makes me just want them more so I just have a little of the things I want.
I look forward the most to my grandma’s candied sweet potatoes ! they are so good! I just try to balance it out a little exercise a little pie!
mmmm turkey and mashed potatoes with gravy alllll over!!!!
I just set up for portraits to be taken in April and that’s REALLY motivating me to kick my butt in gear so I can look a lot better than I do now. I’m really worried about the holidays though – I wish I HAD a way to stay on track. Or maybe even get on track. But here’s to day 1 of on track.
I’m looking forward to some turkey with gravy and homemade stuffing 🙂
I stay on track during the holiday season by trying my best to stick with my normal routine of bringing my gym clothes to work with me and working out right after I’m done working. I also teach Zumba class twice a week so that helps a lot too!
As for your title, how about “neat,” “nurturing,” “number one,” or “nutritional/nutritious” (LOL….)
I love thanksgiving mashed potatoes and leftover potato pancakes for breakfast the next day! I try to stay on track by signing up for races and starting each meal with a salad!
I look forward to Pecan Pie! During the holidays, I always sign up for some sort of race so I have something to train for and keep me on track 🙂
I am most looking forward to my grandmother’s cheese ball. I have such a weakness for savory foods! And foie gras of course!
My trick for staying on track is inviting family to the gym with me or getting up early to workout. Oh and portion control… the hubby is great at sharing treats with me so neither of us over eat.
I love the side dishes! Mashed potatoes, mashed sweet potatoes, green beans, macaroni and cheese, the turkey is just an afterthought. At Christmas we traditionally have pierogi and kielbasa, yum. Desserts, I could take those or leave ’em. I hate pie with the fire of a thousand suns, but I have a ton of fun making pie! Just don’t make me eat it, hahaha.
As for staying on track, I say everything in moderation. I try to balance my life the rest of the year, so a little indulgence won’t hurt, but I try not to go overboard because I know I’ll definitely feel it later.
I love my own pumpkin marbled cheesecake with a gingersnap crust! I usually sign up for a race on Thanksgiving Day, but I’m sure I eat much more than what I burn during the race!
I’m with you. I can’t wait for the stuffing, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie that comes with Thanksgiving…all homemade, of course!
I am most excited for my Mom’s stuffing, and seeing my *new* inlaws back in town for the holidays!
I like to stay on track with my normal hip hop/step class routines and the “holiday”burner classes that my local gym offers!
I am most looking forward to seeing my family! One thing that helps me is to make sure to only choose things that I truly want and that I know will taste amazing 🙂
The sides!! I love the to mix the mashed potato and gravy with the cranberry sauce and feast! I try to eat small meals throughout the day prior to the big event so I’m not starving when it’s time to eat.
I cannot wait for my aunt’s lasagna that she makes only for thanksgiving, it’s so rich and cheesy, I love it. My tip is to not even focus on how many calories/how much fat what your eating has, just eat it, enjoy it, and move on. Be present with your family and enjoy your blessings. Also, drink a lot of water the next day.
I can’t wait for pumpkin pie! I’m hoping to stay on track this year by training for my first half marathon.
I’m not big on sweets and usually cook everything I eat, so I don’t really change my eating habits. I am having surgery in december so I am going to have to change them..and not workout probably for a while :\ This is awesome I love SHAPE magazine, would love a subscription 🙂
How about Nurturing November?
I’m really looking forward to seeing my family this holiday season. I moved 1500 miles away from home last year and it’s nice to get to go home and just relax!
I love nearly everything about the holiday season from Thanksgiving straight through the New Year. My favorite meal is probably Christmas dinner but I have a super soft spot for Christmas cookies!