Staying on Track {Giveaway}
*******This giveaway has already ended. Stay tuned for more!
Hey everyone! How was your day?
I was blown away by all of your awesome comments and sweet compliments on the Zumba videos. Even though it’s a little more challenging than it usually is, I still love teaching much. Dancing makes me happy and is one of the few things that feels good right now, so I’m sticking with it as long as I can. Maybe I can plan some “let’s take a Zumba class” meet-ups when I get back into the traveling thing 🙂
Last night, while nana, madre and I were shopping, I couldn’t believe that all of the Christmas decor was already up. It’s like retail skips right past Halloween into Christmas, which I love, but it just seems so early this year. Just another excuse to get the tree up before Thanksgiving, eh?
[Our 2009 tree]
Holidays are definitely already on the brain for many people, and it was the topic for this morning’s conference call.
After I posted this morning’s post, I hopped on a video conference with the Shape Magazine Senior Associate Lifestyle Editor. The funny thing is that I woke up a little earlier so I could brush my hair and look semi-human, but we could just see and hear her, no one else could see us.
The funny thing is that if I would have zombie-d it, it would have been set up where everyone else could see me. Isn’t that how it always works out?
the video chat was fantastic. The speaker was Bahar Takhtehchian, and she discussed her favorite tips for staying on track during the holidays. She was a joy to listen to, but I couldn’t help but think “I’ve heard all of these tips before. I hope she shares a secret awesome trick I can share with my readers.” But the truth is, the methods to staying on track during the holidays are really all things we’ve heard before. Just like healthy living in general: the idea behind it is simple, but the execution is where it can get tricky.
Here’s a breakdown of some of the things she discussed, along with my own tips in brackets:
-You can still enjoy the holidays while maintaining your fitness and health accomplishments- treats are ok! [I am a huge believer in treating yourself! The only time we can run into challenges is when we tend to celebrate holidays over and over and over again. If it’s Thanksgiving, live it up- but after that holiday, get back into the usual swing of things]
-Make important choices during the day. Enjoy a satisfying breakfast with a combo of whole grains and protein- choose foods that will fill you up and keep snacking at bay. As far as lunch goes, choose something like salad, broth-based soups, salad, whole-grain sandwich (hummus or avocado instead of mayo), and keep lunch lighter since those who are at work are unable to nap after lunch and digest a large amount of food. [I also like to enjoy something healthy before going out to a party, such as some soup or a large salad. This way, I know that I’ve had some veggies and nutrients before the party, and don’t arrive ready to stuff the buffet table into my face]
-Go for healthy snacks, as they keep blood sugar stable and rev the metabolism. Some good choices: fruits, nuts and yogurt. [Amazeballs, egg puffs, smoothies, small salads, veggies and hummus, banana or apple + almond butter, deli meat or tempeh rolled up with some goat cream cheese, Larabars]
-Aim to get enough fiber. Women need 25g per day and men need 38g. Not only does it help with satiety, it can help to prevent disease.
-Stay hydrated (avoid caffeine since it has a dehydrating effect, and we can easily mistake thirst for hunger). Take H2O in a bottle with you, or flavor it with some lemon zest [I also like to add fresh berries, cucumber, mint, or orange slices to add some flavor]
-Keep moving! Use the mall for cardio, walk and chat with a friend (extremely beneficial in such a technology-focused environment), find a class you love (an instructor who inspires you, amazing music make all the difference), work out with a buddy who will motivate you to reach your goals, make small changes.
-Choose wisely and don’t overdo it.
When it comes to the holidays, I really think it’s important to remove pressure from yourself as far as working out and eating perfectly. The holidays aren’t a time to go on a crazy diet or set some lofty fitness goals- it’s a time to kick back, relax and enjoy family, friends and the season. I think that it’s much easier to stick to what you want to achieve when you’re willing to cut yourself some slack. Enjoy dessert, just don’t enjoy it every single day at every chance you get –treats are everywhere, from now until New Year’s. I’ll usually go for the ones that are really *worth it* like my nana’s Bundt cake, or my other nana’s Thanksgiving pies. If it came from a factory, it’s not worth it to me.
[Thanksgiving table of dessert justice]
As far as cocktails go, I don’t really have to worry about that this year, but usually I’ll go for something clear with club soda, a beautiful cocktail or fancy pants glass of wine and savor it.
As far as fitness goes, if you’re running short on time, go for a quick and effective workout. HIIT is one of my faves- 20 minutes and you’ll torch a ton of calories and have a higher afterburn effect throughout the rest of the day. For weights, choose compound movements that work more than one muscle group at a time (like lunges with a bicep curl or overhead press).
Definitely look for the forest, not the trees, and in the grand scheme of things, if you’re *mostly* sticking to your usual habits, a few extras here and there are NBD.
What holiday meal/treat are you most looking forward to? What’s one of your tips for staying on track during the holiday season?
I cannot wait for Thanksgiving. Cranberry sauce, stuffing and pie… and I’m drooling.
When you leave a comment, you’ll be entered to win an amazing prize pack from Shape magazine:
-a one-year subscription to Shape magazine
-a yoga mat
-a stability ball
-a pedometer
-box of Fiber One Brownies
See ya in the morning with 10 Ways to Make November Gnarly <— help me with this title? haha
**************************This giveaway has ended as of 11/3 12:01 AM EST. Stay tuned for more fun giveaways in the near future!
For me, it is remembering that having 1 or 2 treats is just as satisfying (probably more so) than having several. I work SO hard the rest of the year, and always think about what a shame it would be to throw away 10 months worth of work for 2 months of goodies. I always save the sweet treats for some that are REALLY worth it!
Now that we’ve given up meat, I think it will be an interesting holiday season!
Thanks for being such an awesome blogger! I look forward to your blog updates everyday! <3
My favorite part of the holiday season is the turkey, gravy, stuffing and potatoes. Not your healthiest, but always the best tasting. I lift weights a few days a week to stay in shape.
The Fiber One brownies and yoga mat sold me on this one. I’m already a Shape subscriber!
I can’t wait for pecan pie – i just discovered it last year and I haven’t had it since the holidays. My trick is to make sure I get in a good sweat sesh before the day fully begins, even on holidays!
My grandpa makes the most amazing stuffing! And I just look forward to baking and eating sweet treats in general! My favorite tip is to make breakfast and lunch healthy, so you can splurge a little at the holiday feast. If I eat an unhealthy breakfast I feel off track for the rest of the day!
I can’t wait for Eggnog! (It is already out here in Canada but I will wait until December to have some). How about how to make November Noteworthy?
I’m definitely looking forward to the cranberry sauce!
My tip is to drink plenty of water and eat a healthy snack before I go to a holiday party or have a family feast!
Oh I am soo happy that you won! Ur my fav fittness blogger by far!! For the holiday season I stay realistic. Try a little of everything, but don’t over eat. And don’t hate yourself if you have some of Baba’s special homemade apple pie. Life is too short to constantly tell yourself no
I also remember to not forget to go to the gym. If you get in solid workouts that pie won’t leave it’s presence long.
I am looking forward to my Mom’s apple dumplings!!
I’m looking forward to my mom’s date bread, my apple pie, lots of wine and laughter with friends. But not too much wine! BodyRock in the morning, and I feel good to go.
I’m looking forward to everything bc its my first year trying to veganize the holidays! 🙂
Great tips!
I am most looking forward to my mom’s apple pie–SO good!
To keep on track, I just continue to eat healthy, exercise, and enjoy the desserts! 🙂
I love the holidays! I’m looking forward to this year’s festivities because it’ll be a combo Christmas and my boyfriend and my one year anniversary! We ‘dated’ by taking long drives checking out Christmas lights and decorations on the estate houses in our area.
You can try Nifty November? No Messin’ Around November? Nasty (in a good way!) November
Roasted veggies– yum.yum.yum (Brussels, Parsnips, asparagus and other root veggies)
thanks for the awesome giveaway! i love workouts. right now, I am doing insanity with group of friends.
I can’t wait for my dad’s stuffing. I could eat just that and be completely content!
sorry– somehow I hit enter here’s the rest of my comment
and a power walk with my mom and sister 🙂
I am excited for my grandma’s cookies and sweet potatoes!
Ten ways to make November Neat!
I can’t wait for pumpkin and apple pie! My plan for sticking on track is working out consistently and trying to control my eating….harder than it seems because I love to eat. Haha.
I’m so looking forward to vegan mashed potatoes and gravy.
I cannot wait for pumpkin crunch that my Mom makes – I look forward to it every year!
Family, friends, and healthy holiday food is the perfect combination for a lovely Thanksgiving and holiday season. Remaining mindful of eating habits and fitting in exercise is always extra helpful during the holidays. Thank you for keeping up your amazing and inspirational blog. You are a blessing to many including myself!
We have a special family breakfast and we only get it once a year! It’s called Scrapple and it’s so fattening and SO delicious. It’s cornmeal, flour, sausage, and some secret ingredients mixed together into patty and you fry it and eat it with an egg on top. SO simple and SO STINKIN GOOD! My tip for staying in shape for the holidays is to work out right when you wake up before you can make excuses. I don’t feel bad later in the day when I indulge in sweet treat if I know I torched 600 calories at the gym that morning! Plus you have so much more energy the rest of the day to hang out with the family and get holiday shopping done! 🙂
My favorite thing about Thanksgiving is leftover turkey! I love it dipped in horseradish. It is the ultimate on rye bread! I try to just stay consistent with cardio exercise and know that these are treats that are only here this time of the year so to enjoy in moderation! Love your blog and the preggo Zumba was the cutest thing!
everything is my fav, but i’m definitely looking forward to the pumpkin pie! But to stay on track i believe in moderation! 🙂
Big, fat, gooey cinnamon rolls for Christmas breakfast!! Love it!!
To stay on track I try to remember that Christmas and Thanksgiving are just one day each. You can’t blow a year’s worth of healthy eating on one day.
stuffing with tons of home made cranberry sauce and macaroni and cheese from scratch!
I stay on track by having a nice, healthy breakfast, keeping myself armed with healthy snacks (when I know I’ll be away at the family’s house for a few hours) and being smart with holiday meal portions so I can taste all of my favorites, rather than overloading on a few things.
As far as exercise goes, besides my 5-6 day normal workout routine, I like to take walks after the thanksgiving and christmas meal. It feels nice to get the blood flowing, gets everyone involved and is always fun with the dogs 🙂
Stuffing is my favorite!!!
Gina come Zumba in Chicago!!
I would love that- chicago is amazing!!
Great tips! This will be the first year in a long time that I’m not in the middle of training for a marathon over Thanksgiving. Eek! Hope I can control myself!
definitely my mother in-law’s cornbread stuffing. sinfully delicious!
I think that those tips are could never be repeated enough! Even though we may feel like we know them, a little reminder every now and then is awesome. I love your balanced and laid back approach to the holidays, it is so so important not to stress out about this stuff. I always make sure that I maintain my work outs over the holidays, and honestly, I am a raw foodie, so my eats don’t really change much either. But I remember the days when it used to be a free for all, that is for sure! I was a sweets person. I never cared to much about the holiday meal, but the abundance of cakes, cookies and chocolates always made me excited! Now I live for persimmon season!
I love the holidays! I am excited for my moms mashed potatoes! So simple yet so good!
I’m dying to sink my teeth into some stuffing! Stale bread + salt + fat…what’s not to love? hahah
I am most looking forward to pumpkin pie. I have been buying pumpkin like it is going out of style to make pumpkin protein shakes, pumpkin oatmeal, etc., but I can’t wait to splurge and have some homemade pumpkin pie. To balance out treats I stick to my regular exercise routine during the holidays with no excuses!
I am most looking forward to Christmas (Thanksgiving was a few weeks ago in Canada). I listen to my body cues to stay on track. After a few days of over indulging in treats I start craving fruits and veggies. It all evens out.
My brothers girlfriend makes the best mac n cheese for holidays. I ALWAYS look forward to it.
I am always looking forward to Thanksgiving and cheesecake. Cheesecake has become our new family tradition — I make it once a year for Thanksgiving dessert <3
Can’t wait for some pumpkin pie! I’m the only one in my house who likes pumpkin so it’s a treat! Oh and how about ‘Nifty November’ or ‘Number One November’? 😉
I’m most looking forward to pumpkin pie! To stay on track, I plan on letting myself indulge in a few treats and keep the rest to a minimum. Pot lucks destroy me otherwise.
I am most looking forward to Thanksgiving dinner. I love getting together with family and friends over a delicious meal. My tips for staying on track during the season are to drink lots of water, limit alcohol consumption to 1-2 drinks per sitting, don’t take home leftover dessert, and stay active! Thanks for sharing your tips.
I am most looking forward to going home in general (I’m a college student), but on Christmas Day morning while my family opens presents we have pull-apart cinnamon sticky buns! They are SO soft and warm on the inside and the butter and brown sugar is the perfect crunchy topping. When paired with coffee or fresh orange juice they are pure bliss!
I’m looking forward to the holidays since I’ll be on break from law school and have more time to hit the gym for strength training, cardio, and yoga!
OOH! I would love to win! yeah!
I make sweet potato biscuits at Thanksgiving, and I look forward to them every year! I could easily make them anytime, but it seems so much more special when I just get them at holidays. Baked with lots of butter and even more love! 🙂
I am soo looking forward to Thanksgiving!! I love the turkey, smashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie!!! To stay on track I will have to remind myself that I can enjoy it for just one day and not feel guilty about it.
I cannot wait for Christmas! And decorating Christmas cookies!
My peanut butter fudge cookies! They’re vegan and delicious and I bake them every year!
Im looking forward most to turkey and stuffing. This is the only time of year I eat this. As for staying on track, this year I will keep exercising. If im going to eat, Im going to exercise. Otherwise, Im still figuring it out.
Three things. Sweet potatoes, squash, and pumpkin pie 😉