How Much Cardio Is Too Much?

Running, biking and other aerobic exercise help improve your health and fitness. Find out just how much aerobic exercise is right for you and how much cardio is too much. Hi friends! Howโ€™s the morning going?? I hope you’re having a wonderful week. For today’s post, I updated an older *beefy* one with lots of…

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Summer workout playlist + cardio workout

Hi friends! Happy Thursday! Hope youโ€™re having a lovely week. Ours has been a mix of camps, gymnastics, and dance class for the kiddos, and lots of time at the pool. Summer, you can just stay here forever. Iโ€™m SO excited for this yearโ€™s Summer Shape Up, which starts on MONDAY. If you want all…

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Sweat and Burn HIIT/Strength Workout [Video]

All you need is 20 minutes to get in an awesome strength burn and cardio sweat! I love adding cardio blasts to my strength workouts because I burn more calories in less time, and check both boxes for strength and cardio. Youโ€™ll get the lean muscle-building benefits of strength and the fat loss powers +…

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Spring 2018 Cardio Workout + Playlist

Hey hey! How are you? Howโ€™s the week been so far? Weโ€™ve been getting back in the swing of life after our Disney trip. Itโ€™s back to the usual routine, and Livi gets her costumes for her upcoming dance recital this week. This morning, Iโ€™m looking forward to a Lean Machine workout + getting things…

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Summer 2017 Musical Cardio Workout

Hey friends! Happy humpday! Howโ€™s the week been? Itโ€™s back to raining like crazy over here. I really like the rain -it keeps the grass and trees so lush, and prevents it from getting too hot- but I need some new ideas to keep the kiddos entertained. (Donโ€™t worry about potentially spilling that coffee on…

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Lift and Row Workout

Oh hey, party people. How are ya? How was the weekend? I hope that you had a great one. It was one of those weekends that seemed to fly by! While part of me is like, โ€œWhat happened?!โ€ the other part is like โ€œYES! Weโ€™re closer to Meg and Kyleโ€™s baby being here!โ€ Itโ€™s definitely a different…

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Core and cardio workout

Hi friends! How was your weekend? Hope you had a great one. Itโ€™s been a weird and glorious weekend over here. I canโ€™t remember the last time I spent so much time in the supine position. I read a book in 24 hours, watched movies (Sicario was very intense!) snuggled with my babies ate a…

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January 2016 Musical Cardio

Hi friends! Howโ€™s the morning going?? Hope youโ€™re having a wonderful day! The weather has been absolutely gorgeous, so weโ€™re going to hang out at the park before grabbing some juices. Iโ€™m so excited for the weekend ahead. Itโ€™s the Pilotโ€™s โ€œFridayโ€ so it will be fun to have that one guy we like around.…

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“Work It” Walking Workout

Hi friends! Happy humpday! Hope your morning is off to a great start. I’m excited to bring you a treadmill walking workout today.  Some adventures from lately, as told from my iPhone: Glowing in the spin room under the backlights. Class on Monday was a blast, as usual, and I added some new songs to…

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Sprint Ladder Workout to Boost Your Cardio Fitness

Hi friends! Happy humpday!ย Here are some beautiful beautiful flowers for you this morning and I also have a sprint ladder workout to boost your cardio today. (Some gorgeous roses and lilies from that one guy I like) Prana Yoga Friend Date I took the most beautiful class at Prana Yoga with Jess. She invited me…

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January 2015 Cardio Playlist (+ Musical Cardio workout)

Hi! Howโ€™s the day going so far? I taught a fun BODYPUMP class and took Liv to her gymnastics class, which is basically the cutest thing Iโ€™ve ever seen in my life. The Pilot and I are into our little detox, and while the day has been relatively normal for me, itโ€™s also my โ€œchocolate…

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“No Place Like Orange” Workout

I’m combining my usual Friday Faves post with an OrangeTheory Workout for you, so keep on reading to find this awesome cardio workout you can pin for later! We have lots of holiday cheer on the agenda this weekend: zoo lights, cookie decorating party, holiday party, and getting ready for Tucson travel adventures. Here are…

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