The Mayans were laughing
Hi! Happy Friday <3
So many fun and good things happening lately, and lots to look forward to.
-Last night we met up with some friends at the zoo to check out the Christmas lights.
The light display around the zoo property was absolutely gorgeous -some even blinked to Trans-Siberian Orchestra music- and Liv especially loved the jazz band and carolers… she was dancing in the BabyHawk.
(Please divert your attention from how crazy all of our eyes look and check out that penguin beanie! I die.)
After we came back home and Olive was in bed, I met up with some friends at Armitage for part 1 of Lisa’s going away party.
I’ve mentioned her so many times on the blog, but finally here is a picture of this gorgeous girl:
Lisa has been here from Australia since March and I’m going to miss her like crazy. She’ll be back, though 🙂
-Yesterday, I taught my first DJ dance cardio class! My friend Melissa came up to me in the locker room to say she was so excited to assist me, and I had NO idea I was teaching. Of course, the one day I don’t check the board for changes, there’s a pretty important one on there. Figures. I spent my morning choreographing in my brain and when I went in to teach, I felt great. It was so much fun -the live DJ set my soul free, especially when he played some Pitbull for me- and I’m so excited to have another dance cardio class under my belt.
-Cookie baking extravaganza begins today. First on the list: peppermint bark, since I’m the most excited about it 😉 I was trying to plan it so that the cookies would still be here for the actual holiday, but since the holiday weekend is here, might as well have a variety of treats for visitors. I’m also going to make a flour less maple almond butter cookie- will definitely post the recipe when I test it out.
This morning, both dogs are at the groomer’s. I was waiting for Caroline to really adjust and be settled before making her an appointment, but it was definitely time for the little lady to have a good bath. I talked with the groomer and she’s worked with rescue dogs before, and opened early just so Caroline wouldn’t need to be put in a kennel while she waited her turn. I’m happy Bell is there with her, too.
Breakfast, just to add in one more non-iPhone photo 😉
I hope you have a very happy Friday! See ya later on the Family page.
Something to think:
You may have seen this image floating around:
A little spoof on the Mayan prediction that the world was going to end today. I think while the Mayans were making their calendar, they probably got a kick out the fact that they’d freak us out in many years to come just because they needed an ending point and chose December 21, 2012.
I really like what many of the newscasters have said this morning: instead of thinking of it like the end, think of this day as a new beginning. I’m going to spend the next couple of weeks being mindful of the type person I’d like to be when I grow up as well as my intentions and goals for the new year.
Ahahah love your theory on the Mayans!
Omg that beanie is adorable! My fiance and I both love penguins, we will definitely be having something like that for our future kids one day!
And yeah, the Mayan end of the world thing got blown so out of proportion. Today’s date was just where one of their calendars stopped recording, they kept on going on a new recording for thousands more years. Although it is kind of cool to think of Mayans way back when thinking about people way in the future, on this very date, probably wondering what they were doing, and here we are thinking of them!
Hahaha that news forecast is great! It’s rainy and gloomy here….looks feasible tonight. The family photo is adorable–glad you all enjoyed yourself. And thumbs up to the red lipstick
I’ve been trying to comment. The site has been acting up. I hope this doesn’t show up multiple times.
Anyway, it’s sweet that the groomer opened early for Caroline. Bell was probably trying to make her feel better by saying,”Don’t worry sis. When this is over, mom and dad will give us chicken!”
I was baking today too. It finally feels like Chriatmas. The weather is cold (we even had a few tiny snow flurries) and the inside has the comforting smell of baked goodies! Makes me smile:)
Hope you and your family have a wonderful weekend and Christmas. This will be our first Christmas with a little one also!!
i’m sorry for all of the site issues! :/ haha when no comments were showing up i figured everyone just hated my post
i can totally picture bell giving caroline a chicken pep talk 🙂
hope you’re having a wonderful weekend!
Looks like a fun time- I love going to see Christmas lights!
Just FYI, I took an Anthropology class about the ancient Maya- and my professor told us that it is only correct to refer to these ancient people as “Maya”- “Mayans” technically doesn’t exist. Random fact for the day. 🙂
Haha – love that you put “when i grow up”! I feel exactly the same at 34. A great sentiment though.
I’ll also be baking like a domestic goddess today. Looking forward to the flour less cookie recipe if you do post it as my Mum can’t eat flour and i’m sure she’d love some Christmas cookies.
Ha. That end-of-the-world picture. I saw that before and it made me giggle.
Yay for pretty Christmas lights and time with friends and family! Looks like you had fun!
I love your black and white cardigan! Do you mind sharing where you got it?
thank you! it was in my latest stitchfix box. i’ll update this comment when i find the brand
So funny on the Mayans! And I haven’t seen the weather forecast picture, but it’s hilarious. Seeing your picture of the goodies made me want to bake chocolate chip cookies again. Oh boy, now I’ve got a sweet tooth for the night. & your picture of breakfast looks tasty. What was it though?