Tiara Countdown is On

Hi guys! Hope you’re having a glorious, relaxing Sunday 😀

I started the day off with a 6-miler! It was the last long-ish run before the Princess Half next Sunday. Yikers!

Before leaving the casa, I had 1/2 banana with almond butter, cinnamon and mesquite.


I didn’t want to go to heavy with the food, after last week’s 12-miler with a rock in my stomach, and since it was a shorter run, that combo worked perfectly.

Here are our splits:

Mile 1: 9:17

Mile 2: 9:15

Mile 3: 9:14

Mile 4: 9:36

Mile 5: 9:01

Mile 6: 9:37

Walked .47 and stretched: 16:04

Not too shabby 😀

Even though I’m definitely starting to feel those pre-race jitters, I’m hoping to CONQUER the half next weekend 😀

When I got back to the casa, I chugged this carton of electrolyte and potassium perfection:
coco water

And munched the bfast cookie I put in the fridge last night:

bfast cookie

-1/2 C multigrain oats

-1 T almond butter

-half banana

-1 T maca

-1 T Chia Goodness (chocolate flavor)

-almond milk

It was everything I could wish for 🙂

I just got Tinkerbell’s vegan GF cornbread in the oven and am about to work on a workout plan and then hit the yoga mat.

No strength training for this chica AT ALL this week! I don’t want to be the least bit sore for next week’s race (my leggies were a little sore today while I was running), so it’s just going to be Zumba, pilates, short runs and yoga. I’m actually a little excited to take a rest from the iron-pumping and jump back into it refreshed and rejuvenated after the half.

Hope you have a wonderful day <3



Something to talk about: What’s your favorite workout song right now?? It’s time to get my playlist ready 😀

Coming up within the next couple of posts:

-Winter Shape Up Re-cap (keep those success stories coming!) + New Workout Move of the Week

-Giveaway and Good News

-A tough post with not-so-good news :/

-New Into To Iron Pumping Plan

Retry later

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  1. Lauren @ BIOCHEMISTA on February 28, 2010 at 12:25 pm


    We are on the EXACT same running schedule!! What are the chances your next move is going to be to Washington, DC so we can be running buddies??? 😉 😉

    Have a great day!



    • Fitnessista on February 28, 2010 at 12:40 pm

      sadly, about 0%. they don’t have an a-10 base there 🙁

  2. Jessica @ Dairy Free Betty on February 28, 2010 at 12:27 pm

    My favorite running song of all time is Sandstorm by DaRule… It just makes me want to runnnnnnnnnn like a crazy person, even if i’m feeling unmotivated!!

  3. Lauren @ BIOCHEMISTA on February 28, 2010 at 12:28 pm

    Oh I wanted to tell you that I searched the other day to your first post and I wanted to tell you I think it’s so incredible how far you’ve home in the health/fitness world in such a short time. I don’t mean weightloss-wise, but your knowledge of health related topics without a health degree per se, is pretty amazing. LOVE reading your blog, keep up the good work and soon you’re gonna be the next Jillian Michaels (minus the diet pill endorsements 😉 lol)



    • Fitnessista on February 28, 2010 at 12:39 pm

      hahah! well thank you 🙂
      it’s amazing how you can teach yourself about the things you’re passionate about <3

    • Yvonne on March 1, 2010 at 9:34 am

      Me too Lauren!! I am new to the blog (about three to four weeks) and I am hooked! I also went back to the beginning when Gina used to eat chicken! I have to say Gina that is is encouraging to see the beginning because now I know I don’t have to change overnight!! I am making better choices but I was worried that it is a slow transition, then I realized that slow is better!!

      <3 Hooked on Fitnessista

  4. Elizabeth on February 28, 2010 at 12:35 pm

    My Zumba teacher uses “Crazy Possessive” by Kaci Battaglia in our class and it IS SO MOTIVATING. I highly recommend it for the end of your run when you need a little push.

  5. Elizabeth on February 28, 2010 at 12:36 pm

    When I say motivating, I don’t mean motivating like the message will change your life, I mean motivating like the beat and the lyrics make you want to kick @$$. Just wanted to clarify. 😀

    • Fitnessista on February 28, 2010 at 12:37 pm

      hahah awesome. that’s exactly what i need 🙂

  6. Caryn on February 28, 2010 at 12:37 pm

    I like running to most things by DJ Earworm and “All of the Above” by Maino ft. T-Pain. (there are a few inappropriate words, but i just ignore them and it really gets me pumped!)

  7. Erin on February 28, 2010 at 12:38 pm


    seriously… i almost hated it when i first heard it.. but it’s so ridiculous and has such a catchy tune.. plus its under 3 minutes long so I’m always motivated to push super hard for the length of it. it’s like a 7-man group of wanna be hiphip dudes from toronto. haha give it a listennnn

    • Erin on February 28, 2010 at 12:40 pm

      ps the cd is called “time to win”.. it’s a sign 😉

    • Fitnessista on February 28, 2010 at 12:41 pm

      hahah YES! thank you!

  8. Nicole on February 28, 2010 at 12:39 pm

    Hey Gina!

    My favorite running song right now is Ghosts and stuff by Dead mau 5. I atcually just download the ultra dance 11 cd on itunes. They are all great for running! If you decide to check them out, be sure to tell me what you think 🙂


  9. Gabriela @ Une Vie Saine on February 28, 2010 at 12:41 pm

    If you need some good workout music, check out DJ Earworm! He’s like Girl Talk, but WAY better. His podcasts are free on iTunes, too!

    • Fitnessista on February 28, 2010 at 12:52 pm

      awesome, thanks!

  10. Mara @ What's For Dinner? on February 28, 2010 at 12:43 pm

    I tend to work out to classic rock, lots of zeppelin and allman brothers 🙂 I’m a weirdo, i know.

  11. Melissa on February 28, 2010 at 12:44 pm

    DJ Earworm’s most recent mix (United States of Pop). AMAZING. And I’m nervous about your upcoming post :/

    Quick question – how quickly did you run after you had the banana/almond butter? I find if I dont have something right before my run, I tire out 40 minutes or so in. Also – do you plan on using GU or Clif shots?

    • Fitnessista on February 28, 2010 at 12:52 pm

      i had it about 30 minutes before the run, and i was bueno. i’ll probably have some millet bread, too, before the half but will eat at least 2 hrs before
      there will definitely be some luna moons or clif shots in the camelbak for around mile 8 or 9

  12. Kilee on February 28, 2010 at 12:45 pm

    Hey! I am happy to hear that you rocked your 6-miler. I just did one on Friday and I can honestly say that it is my favorite distance to run. Not too long, not too short. I agree that taking time off from weightlifting before a race is important, and that it’s good to mix things up before jumping back into the strength training plan. So excited to hear what you have in store for this next week!

  13. Amisha on February 28, 2010 at 12:50 pm

    Kesha – Tic Toc. It just makes me want to move.

  14. Erica on February 28, 2010 at 12:51 pm

    Right now I love “Frozen” by Tami Chynn and “Marina Gasolina” by Bondo de Role.

  15. LindsayRuns on February 28, 2010 at 12:52 pm

    I’m in a throwback mood right now, so most everything reminds me of college. My favorite running songs are “It’s Goin Down” by Yung Joc (high bpm which is perfect for light stepping) and “Yeah!” by Usher. Also “Around the World” by ATC and “Breathe” by Telepopmusik to get my club music fix.

  16. Erin on February 28, 2010 at 12:54 pm

    Hey Gina!

    I have been visiting your blog for a little while now and I love it! You can see the passion you have for health and helping others! I am trying to lose my last 10 pounds (after 35), what do you think of Zumba for my form of cardio? I cannot for the life of me make myself get on the treadmill :(. I cannot wait to see the Winter Shape up Re-cap tomorrow.

    • Fitnessista on February 28, 2010 at 12:55 pm

      hi erin!
      thank you so much!
      zumba is EXCELLENT cardio! i burn just as many calories (if not more) than i do spinning or running. and it’s more fun 😉
      definitely give it a try!

  17. Kailey (SnackFace) on February 28, 2010 at 12:58 pm

    When I saw your tweet about your run this morning, I was just rolling out of bed and wishing I had been as productive. Shoooo.

    OK, I have a song suggestion, but it’s dirty times 10. But that’s also why it will keep you running–you’ll laugh hysterically when you hear it during yo run! Here’s a link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bFD2W8r5Z8

    Have a faaab Sunday! xoxoxo

    • Fitnessista on February 28, 2010 at 1:00 pm

      hahah if it’s coming from you, i know i will love it 😀

  18. Run Sarah on February 28, 2010 at 1:00 pm

    Congrats on the awesome run! You will rock the half next week! Love Keisha – Tic Toc lately,such a fun song!

  19. Amanda on February 28, 2010 at 1:01 pm

    I have a few go-to songs when I need a little push –

    Celebration – Madonna, David Guetta, and Akon
    I’m So Paid – Akon
    Murder on the Radio – My Favorite Highway (an all-time favorite)
    World Hold On – Bob Sinclair
    Lifetime – Better Than Ezra

  20. Jessica @ How Sweet It Is on February 28, 2010 at 1:03 pm

    I am loving all the Ke$ha songs, but I think I already have said that on your blog. 🙂 I really like ‘Throw it on me’ me Timbaland – it’s from a year or 2 ago but has a great beat.

  21. Paige on February 28, 2010 at 1:06 pm

    Right now my go-to workout tunes (they change a lot) are Sexy Chick by David Guetta, Ass in Yo Face by Ebony Eyes, Love Today by Mika, Starstruck by Lady Gaga, and Take Me or Leave me from Rent. Looking at these I feel very schizophrenic…oops. As for your future posts – I’m glad you have a good news one to balance out the bad news one. 😀

  22. Megan on February 28, 2010 at 1:10 pm

    great job on your 6-miler!

    As for my favorite workout song… at the moment it’s Im a be by black eyed peas AND telephone by lady gaga

  23. Ange Peters on February 28, 2010 at 1:27 pm

    You’re going to do so well on your first 1/2!!! I just signed up for my first 10K since giving birth to my daughter 8 months ago. I just started training for it and I’m so excited!

    I have a question about your super yummy bfast cookies…what is the texture like? Are they wet & doughy or do they firm up a bit?

    Thanks….love your blog!!

  24. Holly on February 28, 2010 at 1:27 pm

    I know I am not commenting on the post where you actually made the Cherry Bomb shake but I just made one (using some of your changes) and it was SO good. I love your blog and really heed the advice you offer. I love seeing your food choices when you go out to eat. I travel a lot for work and it is so nice to know I can eat healthy and enjoy eating out at the same time!


    • Fitnessista on February 28, 2010 at 1:52 pm

      hey holly!
      thanks so much 🙂
      i’m so glad you liked the cherry shake… i love that thing
      thanks for reading my little blog!

  25. Anna @ Newlywed, Newly Veg on February 28, 2010 at 1:29 pm

    This might sound a little strange, but I put some of the instrumental music from the Olympics score on my i-pod for my half, and it made me feel SO motivated! My favorite one was called “The Olympic Spirit”!

    • Fitnessista on February 28, 2010 at 1:51 pm

      that’s an awesome idea! 🙂

  26. Stephanie on February 28, 2010 at 1:37 pm

    Hi Gena – I just made a new gym playlist. Check out some of these faves:
    Somebody to Love – Leighton Meester w/ Robin Thicke
    Zero – Yeah Yeah Yeahs
    P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing) – Michael Jackson
    Sad Sad City- Ghostland Observatory

    It’s not as pop-y as you usually go but each song has great beats that really keep me moving!!

    Stephanie 🙂

  27. Samantha on February 28, 2010 at 1:40 pm

    Sorry to see you have some not great news on the horizon. But yay for good runs and feeling ready to tackle your half next weekend!

    Some songs I’m listening to lately (although as others have said, not as pop as is your norm:
    Smile-Uncle Kracker
    All in the Junlge-The Hours
    Live Like We’re Dyin-Kris Allen
    Beautiful-G Love
    Halfway Gone – Lifehouse
    Do It For Me Now-Angels n Airwaves
    Love, Sex, Magic-Ciara/Justin T
    Say Hey (I Love You) – Michael Franti-
    Paralyzer-Finger 11

  28. Karyn on February 28, 2010 at 1:52 pm

    bad romance by lady gaga and tick-tock by ke$ha. i don’t listen to music while i run but these two always seem to get stuck in my head during one!

  29. mary ann on February 28, 2010 at 2:07 pm

    Youre making me nervous about the “tough” post ahead… NOT MY BUBBLY FITNESSISSTA!!! i hope all is well and Im sending positive/lovin energy your way whatever it is!

    • Fitnessista on February 28, 2010 at 2:29 pm

      thank you <3

  30. Lauren @ eater not a runner on February 28, 2010 at 2:07 pm

    So exciting! You are definitely going to rock it 🙂

  31. Rosemary on February 28, 2010 at 2:09 pm

    Great run!! I like to listen to John Mayer trio live lately.

  32. Krit on February 28, 2010 at 2:25 pm

    I’ve been reading your blog for a while now and I love it! I’m definitely intrigued by how you eat ~ it all looks so good! I’ve lost 170 pounds and you help keep me motivated. I’m doing the Disney Princess too so I’m loving the song suggestions 🙂

    • Fitnessista on February 28, 2010 at 2:29 pm

      wow girl, that’s AMAZING! keep up the great work.. i’m so proud of you
      make sure to say hi at the half!

  33. La on February 28, 2010 at 2:28 pm

    My music is ALWAYS Gaga+Rihanna+Beyonce. That combination, with a little Madonna thrown into the mix, always has me out the door! This morning, though, “Toxic” by Britney Spears showed up on Pandora and suddenly I was feeling the early 2000’s pop scene! Britney and Christina and Pink have been blasting all day and it’s SO AWESOME!

  34. Courtney on February 28, 2010 at 2:43 pm

    De-lurking to let you know my current “power song” on my Nike Plus is Hard by Rihanna…such a kick butt motivating song that keeps me going when I hit the wall!!

    adventures in tri-ing

  35. Keri on February 28, 2010 at 2:45 pm

    Hi Gina,
    My fav song right now is Make Her Say by Kid Cuddy. Its a remix of Lady Gaga’s Poker Face…love it.
    I also just wanted to let you know that I am not a frequent commenter but I LOVE your blog and look forward to every post. Thanks for all the tips. I recently got certified as a GFI and am currently studying for the (ACE) PT test. You are such an inspiration.
    Good luck in your half next week!

  36. Ava on February 28, 2010 at 2:47 pm

    I made it by Kevin Rudolph, Lil Wayne?
    Nothing on You by B.O.B.
    Carry Out by Timbaland & Jason Timberlake
    Your love is my drug by Kesha
    Blah Blah Blah by Kesha
    Jump By FloRida & Nelly Furtado
    How Low by Ludacris
    Shots by LMFAO & Lil John
    If we ever meet again by Timbaland & Katie Perry
    Cinema Italiano by Kate Hudson
    Break your heart by Taio Cruz

    lol just made my own playlist for the gym.. totally pumps me up

  37. Allison @ Food For Healing on February 28, 2010 at 2:56 pm

    tough post with not so good news 🙁 i’m sad!
    but best of luck this week with getting ready for the Half! thats exciting. you’ll rock it

  38. Meghan @ Spreading the Health on February 28, 2010 at 3:08 pm

    Let’s see…right now I’m liking Love Drunk (by Boys Like Girls), Hey Soul Sister (by Train) and In My Head (by Jason Derulo). I LOVE finding good workout music. 😉

  39. ida on February 28, 2010 at 3:15 pm

    Rhianna Rude Boy

    I’m sure you’ll have a great 1/2 next week.
    i’m looking forward to all the good news you have, I hope the pilot isn’t going anywhere.

  40. Amy on February 28, 2010 at 3:16 pm

    My favorite right is a version of Zombie by Andrew Spencer. LOOOVE the beat!

  41. Georgia on February 28, 2010 at 3:19 pm

    Black eyed peas “I gotta feeling” and.. (this is embarrassing) Waterloo by ABBA. Somehow it makes me want to get into a beat with running. I don’t even think about it.

  42. Julia on February 28, 2010 at 3:25 pm

    I’m not at all trying to snippy, but I thought I should point out that potassium is an electrolyte, so it isn’t really correct to say electrolytes and potassium. (I’m almost finished with a chemistry degree.)Coconut water is my preferred post-run drink, too!

    • Fitnessista on February 28, 2010 at 3:40 pm

      you’re right, i could have phrased it better

  43. Karen W on February 28, 2010 at 3:42 pm

    Have a great run at the princess! I did it last year. BEST.MEDAL.EVER!

    • Fitnessista on February 28, 2010 at 3:49 pm

      i did it last year, too! i LOVE that medal 🙂

  44. Emily on February 28, 2010 at 3:53 pm

    Rodrigo y Gabriela make me run very fast – esp. Tamacun! I feel like I’m flying 🙂
    Best wishes Gina, I hope the good news helps make up for the not-so-good.

    • Fitnessista on February 28, 2010 at 5:21 pm

      i love them!!!!
      thank you, <3

  45. kristi (sweet cheeks) on February 28, 2010 at 4:00 pm

    you are going to do AWESOME at the half merry!!! If I ever do a half, that is the one I want to do. Sounds like such a blast!!

  46. melissa on February 28, 2010 at 4:02 pm

    def take it easy this week! if you can run 10mi you will be able to finish the half no problem! i over trained my first HM and should have cut back more but i still met my goal time…just painfully and i paid for it injury wise a few weeks post race. my get pumped workout song right now is this: ‘odessa’ by Caribou http://storage.comfortradio.org/02-26odessa.mp3

  47. Brittany on February 28, 2010 at 4:12 pm

    I’m doing the Princess Half Marathon next weekend too!! It’ll be my first half, and I’ve been training for about 4 months. I can’t wait!
    I’m actually pretty nervous because I’m flying into Orlando the night before at 11:08, so I’m pretty much guaranteed to not get more than about 3-4 hours of sleep.
    I’m going to be relying on major adrenaline!

    Anyway, I’ll definitely look for you there 🙂

    • Fitnessista on February 28, 2010 at 4:53 pm

      oh my goodness!! definitely try to get some shut-eye on the plane
      i’m excited to see you! 🙂

  48. Heather (Heather's Dish) on February 28, 2010 at 4:16 pm

    my favorite running song right now is still tik tok by kesha…such a fun one! hope you enjoy your wonderful week of no strength training 🙂

  49. Kristin (Cook, Bake and Nibble) on February 28, 2010 at 4:16 pm

    I like Tik Tok by Ke$ha, not a fan of her in general, but its great to work out to =D


  50. Laughter-Loving Stacy on February 28, 2010 at 4:17 pm

    Oh my gosh! If you can run 12 miles, then, um- this Half Marathon is going to be a piece of cake. I’ve ran four of ’em and when I train I don’t run more than 7 or 8 miles, haha! I run 12-16 to train for my first marathon in June!

    You’re going to do great! 🙂

    • Fitnessista on February 28, 2010 at 5:20 pm

      thank you, stacy!

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