Waited All Day….

to have needles sticking out of my body.


Iโ€™m an artist, really ๐Ÿ˜‰


Every time I have an acupuncture appointment, I look forward to it all day! So peaceful and a lovely hour nap. ๐Ÿ™‚

Before my needle-y nap, I had b-fast with my mom and nana at the Delicious Egg,

taught a class

enjoyed a snack


(smoked salmon, goat cream cheese and spinach on brown rice bread)

and made some goodies.

Blonde macaroons


MOCHA roons (!)

roons (2)

Dehydrated veggies

sp veggies

and Amazeballz ๐Ÿ™‚


It took 30 minutes to make everything and clean up. Not too shabby.

After that, I ran a couple of errands and to TJ Maxx to look for a new suitcase. My pink one (also from TJ Maxx- they have a great luggage selection and fabulous prices) is on itโ€™s last limb and Iโ€™m leaving for a work trip on Friday.

No suitcases today, but I did manage to find a couple of other things ๐Ÿ˜‰

2 dresses (both Max Studio and each $39)

dress dress (2)

and some jeans for the Pilot (Rock & Republic- $99).


I think theyโ€™ll look very nice on him ๐Ÿ™‚ Iโ€™ve had to pick up some civilian clothes for him because theyโ€™re all in the POD. As much as I like the brown flight suit, I think heโ€™ll enjoy having *real* clothes waiting;)

Well Iโ€™m back to work!

Enjoy the rest of your afternoon and Iโ€™ll see you tomorrow <3



Something to think:

True self-awareness, plus the ability to choose our perceptions of life, the universe and everything, is the basis of free will.

Every situation and scene in front of us has so many possibilities in terms of how we perceive and interpret. If someone is 10% selfish and 90% generous what should we focus on, what should we perceive first within them?

Most of us are now well trained to perceive and focus on the negative, the selfishness in others, and to follow it quickly with accusation and judgment. We forget that what we perceive is what we empower within another and, more importantly what we perceive is what we empower within ourselves in that moment. And what we choose to see is usually what we get.

So …. how important is it that we choose to perceive only the best, the highest, the greatest in another, even if it’s only a half a percent? Bosses and parents – take note!! Don’t forget – your perception is your reality. Your perception is what you project. And what you project is what comes back!


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  1. joanna on February 23, 2011 at 10:27 pm

    I couldn’t find your email… But i was wondering if you could suggest an article about the dangers of eating too much soy? O am e veggie and eats lots of soy and just now relaxing that it may not be that great of an idea. Thanks

  2. Mishell on February 23, 2011 at 10:34 pm

    Ooooh . . . those dresses are slammin’ cute.

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