Winter Shape Up 2013 Intro Post
Let’s get this party started, shall we?
I’m so, so happy to hear that you appreciated the early meal plan and workout posts. I’ll continue to post them over the weekend so everyone can plan! Have you done workout 1 already? Be sure to check out the end of this post for your chance to check-in and enter our first WSU giveaway.
For the friends who are new to Winter Shape Up, here’s how it works:
-Each week, for the next 4 weeks, I’ll be posting meal ideas, sample grocery lists and a workout plan. These are just suggestions and can be always be adjusted or modified to suit your personal needs and schedule. If you have a class that you like to do each week at the gym, by all means keep it in, but just remember not to do the same type of workout on consecutive days. For example, I wouldn’t take a hardcore bootcamp class the day after Workout 1- avoid strength training the same muscle group two days in a row. If you need help shuffling things around, please hit me up in the comments or tweet me @fitnessista
Your 4 week focus:
-Visualize a goal.ย What’s your intention behind Winter Shape Up? Looking to shake up your routine? Burn fat? Get stronger? Write it down what you’d like to accomplish and remind yourselfย daily for the next 4 weeks. If you made an inspiration board, this is a great time to update it and check it regularly! If you’re looking for fat loss/muscle gain, be sure to get your body fat checked towards the beginning of the Shape Up, or take some pics and measurements so you can gauge progress. Keep in mind: this isn’t a weight loss plan. Weight is a poor indication of overall health- try to focus on foods and habits that will encourage fat loss if that’s your overall goal. All in all, focus on strength and confidence <3
-Nutrition. Eat like a PRO: meaning you’re going to emphasize PROtein and PROduce. Each meal and snack should have a serving of protein, and some type of produce. Snack consistently throughout the day (5-6 meals) on whole foods and make sure to drink lots of water.
-Consistency.ย The greatest way to achieve a new fitness or health goal is consistency. Stick with it and remember that the little things definitely add up! Be gentle with yourself throughout the challenge, and endeavor to be consistent in your actions to achieve your personal goal for the 4 weeks.
(And smile during weighted squats haha)
-Be a cheerleaderย for yourself and other Winter Shape Up participants. Make sure to check in each morning with your workout, pics of your healthy eats and to cheer each other on! The comments are a great option, or if you’d like to tweet/Instagram, use the hashtag #wintershapeup
How do I enter for prizes?!
We’ll have at least a few giveaways each week, ranging from athletic apparel to luxury items, snacks and fitness gadgets. There will be a link at the bottom of the morning post with your chance to check-in for the day’s workout/activity and any applicable giveaways. I’m really thankful to all of the companies who offered prizes, and just as a head’s up: I’m not being compensated in any way for the giveaways. These are all companies I contacted to see if they’d help hook you up for being so awesome. On the same note, Winter Shape Up (and all of my workouts/meal plans) are FREE- always will be. All I ask in return is to share with your friends if you enjoy ๐
How do I keep track of all of the deliverables and info? It seems like a lot!
This page that you’re currently reading (the Intro post) will be your home base for ALL things Winter Shape Up-related. Each week’s meal ideas and workouts, plus any giveaways will all be linked here. If you’re joining in, keep this page in a safe place (bookmark it, Pin it) so that you can easily access all of the info. I’ll also add a link to this page at the top of the blog (on the upper right side bar).
Here we goooooo! Anything I missed?
Are you joining in?! Are you as stoked as I am?!
Have a healthy, happy Winter Shape Up!
Winter Shape Up Week 1:
For your tempo work: pick a steady, quick pace. Now, make it faster and maintain it for a few minutes before bringing it back down to your usual pace.
Winter Shape Up Week 2:
For your jump rope HIIT, try 20 seconds on, 20 seconds off for 10-15 minutes total.
For your hills, do minutes 5-20 of this workout
Winter Shape Up Week 3
Winter Shape Up Week 4:
First giveaway: Garmin Forerunner 10
Did you do Workout #1? When you’ve finished it, leave a comment on this post (<— click to head to the right spot) with your thoughts on Workout 1! A lucky Shape Up participant will receive a Garmin 10- my favorite running watch, in pink or green.
Excited to start! Thanks Gina!
so excited!!! i’m working from home today and have been religiously checking my iGoogle to see if you’d posted the deets! Headed to the gym this afternoon for workout 1 and hiit ๐ ๐ ๐
I’m excited for this years winter shape up! I will even be following along while I’m on vacation in the Bahamas! My goals are to stay on track, and check in! ๐
I thought this was an awesome circuit! I’ve been “shaping up” for over a year now and only have 4 pounds left to go after losing 37, so hopefully this will get me there :)! If anything, I’ll be more toned and will have a whole host of new recipes!
I’m excited to get started!! ๐
I am so excited!! I tried workout 1 this morning and I love the variety, it is fun! And so Full-Body. I can feel each part ๐
Are the prices for Europe /Switzerland too? I ask beforehand, cause I already won 2 giveaways but then the win was cancelled since I live in Switzerland.
Thanks for this great challenge!!
Can’t wait to get started! This is great timing before my wedding in May!!! Just the motivation I need ๐
Awesome! And love that “eat like PRO” – catchy!
Awesome workout! Looking forward to this challenge! In 18 weeks I will be on the beach in Hawaii and it is sure time this girl gets her butt in gear! Time to tone baby! Love the eat like a pro tip and the garmin looks like an awesome work out gadget!
I’m so excited to participate this time around! I really needed a kick in the butt, and this definitely qualifies!
yay!!! I’m excited…I’m just recoving from the flu, so I may be out this week. But I will for sure be jumping in when I’m healthy again ๐
My Spring goal is to get ready to feel awesome in a bikini. My winter goal is to have energy and overall feel great! So I”m working on both. This plan will help add some variety to my “I will not run outside” and “I can barely (maybe once a week) convince myself to go outside even to get to the gym”. Right now I’m big into yoga dvds and youtube workouts.
M1: 2 egg whites with avocado wheat toast (protein check, produce check)
M2: Banana Oatmeal homemade muffin (protein in oatmeal and flax seed, produce is banana)
M3 (will be) black bean quinoa (protein in black beans and quinoa, cooked produce onion and green pepper)
M4 (will be) green smoothie (protein peanut butter, produce OVERLOAD kale, spinach, apple, banana, cucumber)
M5 (will be) pork with pistacio couscous and salad (protein and produce check check)
Bootycall: 5 minute wake up yoga with Tara Stiles
Workout this afternoon tbd… will check back in.
So excited! Looking forward to the next 4 weeks ๐
So excited! Will be doing workout 1 this afternoon after work! Going to Mexico in 2 months time so this is great timing so that I will feel my best while I’m there! LOVE LOVE LOVE the eat like a PRO tip! Catchy:)
All done workout 1!
Feel sweaty and great!
Gina your arms look amazing!!! I’m sure much of it has to do with carrying around Liv. Please give us tips on how to get them (who are sans baby?)
SO exicted!!! did yesterdays workout and loved it ๐ feelin the burn!
LOVE THIS! Thanks for continuing to do these!
For some reason I thought I missed the Winter Shape Up! I participated two years ago and loved it.
I’m like scary excited for this shape up challenge. I’ve been a Fitnessista for about 2 years now and have yet to complete one of your shape up challenges! Thanks for the awesome guidance <3 And I love the eat like a PRO line!
I love a winter shape up, reminds me of how I need to get it going for summer time ๐
I am so excited to try your tempeh taco recipe tonight. I made a huge batch of Cranberry Orange and Almond Butter and Jelly Amazeballs yesterday afternoon as snacks for myself, toddler and husband this week. They are amazing!!!
I’m taking my favorite shift and lift class tonight instead of workout one and will be trying workout one on Thursday! So excited to give it my all for the four weeks<3
I’m in for the Winter Shape Up! I’ll be following a different workout plan (super similar to yours). My habit goals for the next four weeks:
3 days of strength training weekly (2 different workouts alternating)
2 days of HIIT weekly
2 Active Recovery Sessions weekly
Consistent healthy meals focused on whole foods + eating slowly instead of wolfing down my food!
Sunday was my rest day, workout 1 has been completed today!
Todays meals:
1. 1 whole egg, 1/3 c eggbeaters, homemade green chile, homemade pico de gallo, 1 slice sourdough toast
2. 1 slice zucchini protein bread with 1 slice roasted turkey, shredded carrots and diced celery, schmear of cream cheese and mustard
3. Salad Beast with mixed greens, roasted chicken, various diced veggies, pumpkin seeds
4. Refried beans, diced veggies, grilled steak pieces
5. Almond Banana protein shake with chopped veggies blended in
Feel great about this plan Gina, thanks so much for making it availalbe to us for free!
Love you and the site. I love your tips and I am excited about the Winter Shape Up! Workout 1 was awesome!
I’m in for this Winter Shape-up! So excited to get started! I will be switching it up a little bit since I do have classes at my gym that are Tabata -esque and I love my Spin Class. Ready to clean eat all this week too!
I am ready to kick some butt! Thanks Gina!
I’m so excited to jump start my fitness goals for my wedding in May! Cant wait to try workout 1 this afternoon.
Looking forward to this! Thanks for the opportunity!
Hi Gina,
I’ve been a fan of your blog for awhile. I’d love your advice on my personal fitness situation . . . I have approx. 15 lbs to lose but am also in the process of trying to get pregnant. Much of what I’ve read suggests giving up intense workouts when trying to conceive. I’m a pretty active person, workout 3-4 days a week (soul sweat dance, zumba or elliptical intervals) and walk all day at work (I’m a chef @ whole foods). I think I eat fairly healthy (lots of eggs, whole grains, fresh juice and salads); work makes it pretty easy! I’m definitely interested in the winter shape up but wondering if/how I should modify . . . any advice is appreciated!
Hey Andrea,
I’m sure Gina will have wonderful advice. But just so you know… I worked out 5+ times a week with very hard workouts (HIIT/CrossFit/Yoga)… basically everything and I had no problem getting pregnant. In fact, I ran a half marathon at 4 weeks pregnant (didn’t know I was at the time) and I’m 19 weeks now. As long as you’re at a healthy body weight and you’ve been working out that way for a long time, your body shouldn’t have an issue with getting pregnant. That is just what I experienced. Good luck!! ๐
Hey Gina! Although I’m not too focused on losing weight and I exercise pretty regularly, I’m definitely on board because I wanted a little shake-up to my usual workout routine. I did the Week 1 Weights shape-up workout you posted today (3x!!) along with a 20 min run and I’m feeling great. Can’t wait to see what’s next! ๐
I’m not too sure how to structure my workouts for the week. I have three fitness classes I’d like to keep doing but am not too sure how to fit it all in! I take a Zumba class Monday and Wednesday, and a Zumba strength class Thursday. Let me know if you have any tips for me! Thank you ๐
maybe do zumba monday, workout 1 tuesday + hitt, wednesday zumba, thursday zumba strength, friday off, sat workout 1
I’m so excited to start! I’m a little off on starting, because I’ve yet to try workout 1! I can’t wait to increase my strength! Thank you for putting this on for us!
I’m loving the eat like a pro tip (added spinach to my leftover bolognese and ate it with a huge fruit salad!) and the warmup is great – I usually just walk it out on the elliptical for 5 minutes and call it good! thank you for the inspiration ๐
I “observed” the winter shape up last year, but I’m very excited to participate this year. Even though I’m 19 weeks pregnant, I can still join in! The goal is to eat healthy and gain GOOD weight ๐
Had to modify the workout a little because I’m nursing a back injury but was still ridiculously intense! Great workout!
Thanks so much!! Definitely exceited for the Winter Shape Up!!
Just finished Workout 1. I am getting back into working out after having my first baby. Trying to balance it all is tough but it is great to have a set plan.
Did it yesterday, since I take a R.I.P.P.E.D. class every Tuesday.
Planning to modify the week to :
Sunday: Workout #1 + HIIT
Monday: Cardio
Tuesday: R.I.P.P.E.D and Street Jamz class
Wednesday: OFF
Thursday: Workout #1 and Street Jamz class
Friday: Cardio
Saturday: Workout #1 + Tempo
So excited for Winter Shape Up – first workout was a killer! For my 15 minutes of HIIT I did the HIIT the Beach workout from the Tone it Up girls’ Beach Babe DVD. Yesterday I did a 5 mile run for my steady state cardio – after all that I am super schweaty and SPENT (in a good way)!
looove the winter shape up! just completed it for today! those plie squats and plank twists are a dooooozy! gonna be a good month already i can tell! ๐ bring it on!
Just did workout 1…. Next hiit.
Did Workout #1! A friend is coming over shortly to do the HIIT!
I just got that garmin for christmas from my bf! Such a great watch- I love that its not too bulky! What a great giveaway ๐
I did this workout with colleagues–we try to work out together twice a week after school (we’re teachers) and it was nice to have something to do indoors on a crappy snowy day!
I did workout #1 this am 2x through because of time constraints, going for 1 more + HIIT now!Excited to jump into the winter shape up. Thanks, Gina!
Just what I need to refresh my routine- thanks so much, so far so sweaty!!
Workout 1 all done. I’ve watched from the sidelines during the previous shape-ups I decided to put myself in the game. Very sweaty…and perhaps even a bit nauseous. ๐
Hi Gina! simply love your was the first healthy food blog that i discovered on the internet and have lost 6 kgs since then through healthy eating nd exercise. (a lot of cardio plus some strength training) however i am 49 kgs now (5’1ish and 24 yrs old) and still havent gotten rid of my belly fat :-/ my most difficult area since i was a teenager. wht would you suggest i do to tone my post weight loss body and get rid of ths jelly belly ? i dont turn into a stick figure with a pooch ๐ i hv startd liftin light weights recently nd was wonering if ths winter shape up will be a good fit for my current fitness goals? i would love to hear suggestions from other readers too who have faced similar prb! ๐
All done with w.o 1! I did all the grunting and sweating, and my 6 year old son watched and joined in on the fun walking 2 mph on the treadmill. So fun, and I have a little workout buddy!
I did the workout and loved the burn! I’m using the winter shape-up to get ready for my wedding. Thank you for everything!