Blast from the past
After almost four years, Pinkie, my beloved laptop is on the verge of biting the dust.
We had a long life together <3
First my keyboard started being temperamental –I have to turn the battery switch on and off to get it to type, which only does the trick sometimes
and today, the wireless card decided to stop working.
We transferred 20,000 items onto an external hard drive before I get the black screen of death and lose all my files.
Here are some gems we found in the process 😉
Our second date:
Any laptop recommendations?
1) I just got a MacBook Air. It’s amazing and light and I don’t hate carrying it around with me. Plus, it’s really fast since it isn’t based on disc drives (or something like that… my husband explained it to me when I got it but now I’m not quite sure I’m remembering it right… point it, it’s really fast).
2) I just have to know… what’s the story behind the feathered headpiece?! I’m intrigued!
it’s from dance recital- we did a pointe dance to “fever” by michael buble and had these red tutus with flames on them and those crazy feather hairpieces 🙂
Gina, First do a search for a pink laptop, then search to see if a mac or a PC is best for blogging, LOL. Anyway, Sony Vaio would have been my first choice but they are a bit pricy so I purchased an HP and I absolutely love it. Operating systems is something to look into. Some people are i5 and some are AMD (which I am told is more gaming?) Good Luck on whatever you get. I love looking at old pictures.
I know you don’t want to get a macbook based on things you’ve mentioned before, but I say, get a macbook.
And I swear to god I thought Pinky died about a year ago and you bought a new laptop then? Or maybe you were able to save her one last time. Good luck finding something you love.
And I adore the vintage pics!
i got a netbook, but it’s more for travel since i can’t save anything on it
Wow, loving the old pics! Always fun to look through 🙂
I’d say get a macbook. And, if you don’t mind a 13inch screen and no disc drive, *definitely* the macbook air. So fast!
omg the snake picture!!!
i have a macbook! i like it. 🙂
My white Sony VAIO just bit the dust too!
Everyone told me to get a Mac, but it was a liiitttle out of my price range so I bought a Samsung 7 Series. It looks EXACTLY like a Macbook, and is 10x faster than my VAIO, but for a much better price.
Just a thought 🙂
I love my Toshiba. Everyone who I know that owns one never has any problems, and they’re relatively inexpensive.
Macbook! Mine is over 4.5 years old now, and although I’m looking to replace it very soon, I’m pretty sure it could keep going awhile. The only money I’ve spent on repairs was to get a new hard drive. Even then, the service was excellent. My Apple Care had run out, so they encouraged me to save money by buying my own hard drive and told me how to replace it in 30 seconds.
I will never go back to a PC after owning a Macbook and never having an issue.
Wow! LOVING all the throw back pictures! Fun 🙂 Olivia will get a kick out of those one day! 🙂
I have a dell, and it’s been so good to me, but I’m also sort of coveting a Macbook Pro, which I also know would be wonderful. I think the laptop choice totally depends on how will you use it and which one will do that best!
I became part of the macbook family in ’07 and haven’t looked back. Since then my lovely husband has actually upgraded me to a macbook pro, and it’s even better! It was a good deal for me – I got a new macbook pro so he could have my old mac! Hope you can make a deicision. RIP pinkie lol
I just bought a new Sony Vaio with the i5 core processor. I LOVE it!
MacBook for sure! They are so awesome! Those pics are great.
I’ve been very happy with both Toshibas I’ve had. Right now I have the Portege R835-P50 and I LOVE it. IT only weighs 3lbs, has a 8 hour battery life and runs like a dream. I think you’d like it.
I currently have a Dell, and it is a workhorse. I think I’ve had it for 5 or 6 years now. When it bites the dust, I’ll either look for another Dell or a Toshiba – they’re equally as reliable.
No laptop recommendation, but–did you ever find a glider? Costco has a really nice glider, and it is on sale too:
yes, my nana and mom got one- very similar to that, actually 🙂
My vaio just died too! I had soo many issues with it (battery, charger, viruses) that I’m taking the plunge and getting a MacBook. I haven’t decided between an Air or a Pro, but I would recommend a Pro for you since you keep it at home and probably will need a lot of memory. In my classes at university, I would say 80% of people have Macs and I always get bugged by my friends for not having one since they are more problem-free than PCs. I’ve never heard of a Mac dying or losing files, so I would go with one of those!
LOVE LOVE LOVE old pictures!!! Once, I found a roll of film (yes, an old school kodak roll), brought it to Walmart Photo and discovered pictures from 12 years earlier. Your pictures are so cute 🙂
I have a Toshiba Satellite Series 15″ laptop and really like it. The Boy has a macbook. I would recommend either!
My daughter would tell you to get a macbook, my husband would say anything but a Dell! (a friend had terrible problems with a Dell as well! They kept trying to help fix her issues, but it was months and many hours on the phone before it worked for what she needed it to – she is a teacher!) He can’t stand them! I have a Toshiba and like it very much! My son has a Toshiba as well and loves it! He has had issues a few times but warranty always covered it!
Your computer going is the worst! Mine is in the process of going kaput on me.
macbook pro
I just recently purchased a Lenova Ideapad from – I know you might not have heard of that computer or that website, but my Computer Engineer friend suggested it! He said you get the best bang for your buck there and the computers are very reliable. So far I’m loving my computer and he’s right!!! As always, I would read the reviews though before 🙂 Good luck computer hunting!
LOVE all the pix, you look super gorgeous in the second one down !
Question: Is that a real snake??!
Cute pics <3
haha yes!
Get a mac. It will make your entire life easier, faster and more better.
I know nothing about computers but my husband does. He bought me a MacBook Pro because he says that it needs no instruction and I can’t break it. Our parents have PC’s and he is always helping them with virus’ etc.
All these comments are coming in really handy for me. I’ve had a Dell since 2002 and while I do like it, it’s just not as powerful or sleek anymore. Plus my battery died ages ago and I can no longer really use it as a laptop, it’s more like a slim desktop. On Friday I was debating getting a new laptop for my birthday and the next day my shift key popped off. Something is wrong with it because I can’t get it to pop back into place. I think I subconsciously broke it myself.
A friend of my dad’s suggested going the Sony route and I think my dad is trying to convince me of the same. I’m gonna have to go and do some major research.