Archive for 2012
Tie Fail
So many fun adventures today! A world beat class (which was amaaaaaazzing) hike at Sabino Canyon and dinner with an intimate party of 17. I was SO excited to take world beat this morning. As I mentioned before, there’s no recorded music, only live drummers, and we dance to international rhythms including African, Latin and…
Read More →“Everywhere you look”
It’s a full house over here 🙂 (+ my nana and stepdad) The Pilot’s side of the fam came in from the southeast yesterday afternoon, and when they got here we did what most people do with out-of-town guests: took them to a bar. Ok, so not a *real* bar, but to the squadron…
Read More →Friday Faves
1. The meal of my childhood. On Sundays after church, everyone would go over to my nana’s house for homemade tortillas, chorizo, tamales, beans and eggs. It’s something my mom would often make on the weekends, too.. I knew it would be a good day when I woke up to the smell of chorizo. Now,…
Read More →Things that go “smack” in the night
The other night, while I was feeding Livi, I heard an intense SMACK into one of our living room windows. “Wake up! I heard a noise!” I went into the bedroom and shook the Pilot, who sleeps with earplugs in (thank goodness he didn’t have to fly in the morning), and he woke up, grabbed…
Read More →Postpartum eats
The first couple of weeks from the hospital were a mix of different emotions: happier than I thought was humanly possible, at the same time feeling a little wonky from the hormones stabilizing, extremely exhausted, and so full of love for my husband and new daughter. There wasn’t a difference between night and day, and…
Read More →Slow cooker chicken coconut curry
Last time I made Thai food, I almost burned our faces off with the spiciness factor. This is coming from a girl who eats jalapenos straight-up. It was borderline too much for me too handle, and way too spicy for the Pilot, who likes spicy foods, but not the same way I do. This time,…
Read More →The witching hours
Most of the time, evenings are pretty pleasant around here. Tom gets home from work, and Livi and I are both ecstatic to see him. We give Livi a bath, jammie/lotion/brush hair, feed her, story time, and put her to sleep. It’s nice because she’ll usually go to bed fairly early (around 7-8) and we’ll…
Read More →New Ballz and Snack Links
It’s about time I expanded my amazeball horizons. I’ve been brainstorming snack ideas that I can have in the fridge, grab and eat, and couldn’t believe how long it had been since I had an amazeball. They’re a great dose of healthy fat and protein- 2 usually does the trick for me. Instead of making…
Read More →Kids and phones
Source Technology has come a LONG way since I was a youngin.’ We played outside or indoors with toys and arts and crafts, occasionally Sega Genesis (I was always Tails in Sonic the Hedgehog), no Facebook to worry about, and we wrote notes back and forth instead of texting. When I was in middle school,…
Read More →Banana Split Protein Shake
This is the reason why I never make oats in the microwave: OATSPLOSION! No matter what I do, how long I cook it for, how much water I add… it always ends up being time to clean the microwave. I was willing to make the sacrifice and try out these new-to-me oats: the half that…
Read More →Blast from the past
After almost four years, Pinkie, my beloved laptop is on the verge of biting the dust. We had a long life together <3 First my keyboard started being temperamental –I have to turn the battery switch on and off to get it to type, which only does the trick sometimes and today, the wireless card…
Read More →Back in Zumba action
Zumba, how did I miss thee? Let me count the ways: 1. The loud music made my heart sing 2. It felt good to bellydance sans a giant belly 3. Sometimes a girl’s gotta shake her booty to a wicked reggaeton and the list goes on. My friend Melissa taught class, and even though I’m…
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