10 ways to make April Amazing

If you’ve been reading the blog for a while, then you know I haven’t had much luck with April Fool’s jokesโ€ฆ I’m not the best at “real” jokes for that matter. Sure, I can think of witty things every now and again, but jokes that are carefully crafted with a brilliant punchline: page the fail whale. As far as the April Fool’s jokes go, I blame it on being traumatized when a middle school boyfriend broke up with me on April Fools Day.

“You’re not my girlfriend anymore.”

[Wounded] “โ€ฆReally?”

“April Fools!”

So.not.funny. Especially with those 6th grade hormones. You don’t mess around with those.

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No jokes over here, but instead, some REAL ways to make it an amazing month ๐Ÿ™‚ April is one of my very favorite months to enjoy in Tucson: beautiful weather before it gets scorching hot (which I still love), spring races, flowers blooming, baby birds being born in the condoโ€ฆ the list goes on and on. I always feel motivated in April to start fresh and create a clean slate for the upcoming summer. It’s a great time for personal transformation!

Here are some of the things I’ll be enjoying in April:

Amazing april

-Plant something. There’s something to be said about an abundance of fresh herbs throughout the summer, especially when you can go outside and snip a few to use for dinner that night. I’m a huge fan of caprese salads with fresh basil, and rosemary in our grilled chicken and veggies. I planted some herbs this weekend, along with some flowers. Liv and I are going to do our best to keep them alive. Herbs seem to be a little more hardy than flowers (somehow the parsley I planted last year and never consistently watered is STILL alive! Defying nature) but we’ll see how it goes.


-Get a new swimsuit or sandals. Our Easter bunny growing up always surprised us with a new swimsuit, sandals and a DVD or book- I always looked forward to seeing them in my Easter basket! For this reason, April always screams “fresh sandals and swimsuit” to me. I’ve continued the tradition with Liv.. and the Easter bunny also brought some for me. I have no idea how it happened.

-Spring clean! One thing I like to do each spring and fall is oil the teak furniture on the patio. Since we’ll be having lots of outdoor parties this spring and summery, I like to make sure everything on the patio is clean and ready to use. Find something that could use a little freshening-up and make it sparkle. It feels so good when it’s done and can be enjoyed.

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-Put some spring in your workout step. Now’s a great time to revamp or entirely change your current fitness plan. Your body gets used to completing the same tasks over and over, and needs additional stressors or changes for results to occur. Change up your muscle split, incorporate yoga or a new class, and in addition to awesome results, you’ll be less likely to get bored with your routine and stick with it!

-Do something for YOU. I often put this on my monthly lists, but it’s so, so important to take time for you and the things you love. Treat yourself to a long bath, massage, night out with girlfriends, a good book, something that you’ll enjoy, just for you.

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-Outdoor sweat seshes. If weather is starting to warm up where you are, try to take your workout outside. Outdoor runs are so much more fun than the treadmill, and the fresh air is so invigorating. If anything, take your yoga mat out on the patio for a practice.

-Add fresh herbs into your grocery rotation. They’re such an easy way to add bold flavor without additional calories. Pick up something new at the grocery store and test out a recipe, highlighting the herby star of the show- you may find a new fave.

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-Scope out farm box or CSA options near you. We had a farm box for quite a while, but we had some pickup issues that led me to cancel it. [If the Pilot was flying and I was working, no one could get the box, and even when I called to say we’d be there the next day, it was thrown away] Instead, I’m going to venture out to the farmer’s market more often and check out some other CSAs here in Tucson.

-Revamp your budget and find ways to save for something you’ve had your eye on. We’re planning a family vacay (with everyone!!) in July, so it’s fun to have something to save and look forward to.


-Go for a swim. Even if it’s an indoor one, keep in mind that summer swimming weather is right around the corner.

I hope you have an amazing April! What are you looking forward to? What changes are you going to make starting right now?

I always love to hear what you’re up to ๐Ÿ™‚

See ya later today with the April weekly workout plan.



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  1. Ashley @ Life and Fitness on April 1, 2013 at 10:08 am

    I love your idea of doing yoga outside. I’ve been contemplating signing up for a beach yoga class this summer and I think I might actually do it this year! It adds such a different element to the practice.

  2. Lisa on April 1, 2013 at 10:12 am

    Great ideas! I definitely need to participate in some things this month!
    I like the yoga outside, I’m not a yoga lover, but I’d love to start doing my pilates outside!!
    And I’m going to grow some fresh herbs this Spring and am pretty excited I’ll have those on hand now:)

  3. Erin @ Axell's Kitchen on April 1, 2013 at 10:21 am

    I am looking forward to warm weather and taking my little man to the park to play!! He has never really gotten to play outside before- so I am super excited!

  4. Jasmine on April 1, 2013 at 10:22 am

    So how was your easter? Did you get to celebrate with Liv? We had a small egg hunt for my little girl, 11 months. And she got a sweet basket from grandma.

  5. Erica { EricaDHouse.com } on April 1, 2013 at 11:00 am

    Love ’em and plan to do them all!

  6. kt h on April 1, 2013 at 11:07 am

    What a fun post! Where I live, April brings fantastic ski conditions. The skies are blue, the sun is warm, and the snow is ideal for zipping about. It also stays light until after 9pm, so a post dinner ski is always a possibility.

  7. Sarah @ Yogi in Action on April 1, 2013 at 11:10 am

    Great list! Our April is still too cold for many of the things you’re suggesting- but I’ll definitely be putting these down for things to do in May.

    I am anxiously awaiting weather where I can do ANYTHING outside though!

  8. Grace @ PracticingGrace on April 1, 2013 at 11:35 am

    I need to plant and CLEAN. I have a bag of clothes that I’ve set a side to give away for over 8 months!! Need to get to it

  9. Ali @ Peaches and Football on April 1, 2013 at 12:00 pm

    I’m definitely on the hunt for some sandals! It’s early here (still have snow) but I couldn’t find any that worked for work based on our new company dress codes. Major bummer to not have any cute sandals all of summer last year!

    I also am itching to get some kind of garden started. I think I know where I want it to be and I’ll just start small this year and see what grows well in the soil.

  10. Erin @ Girl Gone Veggie on April 1, 2013 at 12:30 pm

    I love this list! April is a month of calm before huge change for me. I graduate in May, get married in July and move across the country a few weeks after!

  11. Amber @ Busy, Bold, Blessed on April 1, 2013 at 12:49 pm

    Wow, you just made me flashback to a horrible middle school memory… my boyfriend broke up with me and then a few days later a mutual “friend” said he wanted to get back together…. but he didn’t. I’m not sure if it was April Fools or not… but dang that was cruel and not funny at all.

    Anywayyyyy… April for me means cleaning up my eats, taking more hikes, and spring cleaning (need to force myself to do the last one)!

    Also… I wish my easter bunny brought me new bathing suit ๐Ÿ˜‰

  12. Leigh-Ann on April 1, 2013 at 1:08 pm

    My 22nd birthday is tomorrow!! I’m definitely looking forward to that ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. Amanda on April 1, 2013 at 1:14 pm

    Gina, check out Bountiful Baskets in Tucson. It’s like a CSA but you can order on a week by week basis and they have an Organic basket option. http://www3.bountifulbaskets.org/?page_id=6

  14. Amy on April 1, 2013 at 1:20 pm

    April is going to be a month of preparing for vacation. I need to get sandles for everyone and 2 swimsuits/shorts/swimshirts for everyone too. On the 29th we’ll fly down to Puerto Rico for 2 weeks of vacation fun. We’d talked about going on a vacation some where with beaches for our anniversary last year but I was still recovering from the accident and the beach with a walking boot didn’t sound fun. Originally the plan was to go to Hawaii but we were able to get 2 weeks hotel plus flight for all 5 of us for less than just the flights would have cost us for Hawaii for a week.

  15. kaylie on April 1, 2013 at 1:33 pm

    I really want to plant something this year! My thumb is a little more black than green, but I’m ready to give it a shot… this is the first spring I’ve had my own home to landscape! I’ll probably start with a hydrangea potted on the porch, which will be a lovely reminder of our wedding anniversary (my bouquet had hydrangeas!).

  16. Chelsea on April 1, 2013 at 1:39 pm

    Gina, I love these tips! Some great ways to put some “spring” into life this month. Now that things are warming up in the Midwest, I’m super excited to break out the planters and get started in the mini herb and flower garden ๐Ÿ˜€

  17. Monique @ burpeestobubbly.com on April 1, 2013 at 1:48 pm

    April=Birthday month, so I always have LOTS of things planned! Today was a great day for a jog outside (60* in Boston!) and the rest of the month is full of fun workouts with all my teaching.

  18. Meghan @ After the Ivy League on April 1, 2013 at 2:01 pm

    I definitely plan to freshen up my fitness routine this April! I’m actually hosting a challenge via ChallengeLoop for anyone who wants to focus on trying new things for the month of April! It’s called the So Fresh and So Clean challenge if you’re interested in joining!

  19. Lucie@SwissFitChick on April 1, 2013 at 2:08 pm

    Thank you for all these great tips!! I can’t wait to hit my workout out in the park. I love to do my Interval Cardio/Strength workoits outdoor ven though everyone thinks I am weird I do not care. And spring colors – yellow, mint, pink!!

  20. Lucie@SwissFitChick on April 1, 2013 at 2:08 pm

    Thank you for all these great tips!! I can’t wait to hit my workout out in the park. I love to do my Interval Cardio/Strength workoits outdoor ven though everyone thinks I am weird I do not care. And spring colors – yellow, mint, pink!!

  21. Sonia the Mexigarian on April 1, 2013 at 2:52 pm

    i am going to be incorporating more variety in my workouts. like adding in weights again. soo need to strength train. the garden has to be worked on as well. hope that my herbs can grow ๐Ÿ™‚

  22. Jo @ LivingMintGreen on April 1, 2013 at 3:43 pm

    I’m really looking forward to prepping & planning my backyard organic garden – my husband & I have poured so much love into it over the years. We started out with dry, crumbly grey dead/weed infested soil but we brought it back from the dead – it’s now nutrient dense, rich and alive! Our plants love it. We grow all kinds of heirloom tomatoes (they’re our children! haha), asst lettuce, herbs, strawberries, cucumber & root veggies. I’m sooo excited just typing this. ๐Ÿ™‚
    I’m also looking forward to walking/biking/running to work each morning & soaking up as much sun as possible. ๐Ÿ™‚

  23. CourtStar @ StarSystemz on April 1, 2013 at 4:03 pm

    I am actually starting to record my workouts, how much weight I am lifting and my reps so I can set some new goals. My routine is working out well for me but I am getting bored so I am looking to add some challenges along the way! I just finished spring cleaning two weeks ago, let me tell you my house feels so much more welcoming without the piles of paper + junk mail! I also rid of a TON of clothes, I mean if I am not wearing it I should be making room for NEW clothes! It feels so good! I also saged my house afterwards to rid of all the negative energy, that was uplifting as well. HAPPY APRIL! Love + Shine CourtStar

  24. Emily on April 1, 2013 at 4:45 pm

    I once tried to April Fools my husband by announcing I was pregnant. At the time we were only dating and still in high school so, yeah, that didn’t go over well.

    I love cooking with fresh herbs! Even something simple like parsley can freshen up a dish.

  25. Amanda @ .running with spoons. on April 1, 2013 at 5:54 pm

    I really love all these ideas! The winter definitely put me in a bit of a funk, but the warmer and longer days have been working wonders in terms of lifting my mood and making it easier to smile. Right now I’m most looking forward to doing some spring cleaning (I hate clutter!), being able to take my walks outside, and planting a small balcony garden.

  26. Ashley on April 1, 2013 at 5:56 pm

    I really need to do some re-vamping for april. Maybe some re-arranging of the room will do the trick!

  27. Gina @HealthLoveandChocolate on April 1, 2013 at 6:48 pm

    I love all of these ideas! Spring cleaning is definitely on the top of my list though…

  28. Allison @ Train Eat Repeat on April 1, 2013 at 6:53 pm

    I’m looking forward to the snow melting!!!! and it finally being spring, so I can take my runs outside! only 54 days until my half marathon ๐Ÿ˜€

  29. Kelly @ Femme Fitale on April 1, 2013 at 9:40 pm

    Great post, Gina! I’m a big “April” fan too, and love the sense of rejuvenation and novelty that it brings! I’m usually in Canada this time of year, so April is a month that we all yearn for over our looooong winter. I’m in Australia now, and kind of miss that springtime feeling.

    I’m looking forward to getting back to the gym & participating in a baby bootcamp. I haven’t worked out since mid February when our little guy was born, so I’m pumped to get moving again!!!

  30. Karissa on April 7, 2013 at 9:30 pm

    LOVE this post Gina- your “10 Ways to Make [insert month here] Amazing” posts are awesome, and always give me great ideas.
    I need to finish my spring cleaning- I am an organization freak, so I get a big “high” from cleaning thoroughly and organizing everything! ๐Ÿ™‚
    I actually want to have a mini herb garden here in my apartment- growing a little basil plant now, and it’s finally not dying!
    I tried yoga for the first time yesterday and loved it! Here’s to new things and jump starting fitness this spring! ๐Ÿ™‚

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