2/24: Meals and fitness for the week
I could totally get on board with the weekly date nights that have been happening lately 😉 I think it’s been 3 weekends in a row now? On a roll! Last night we booked a babysitter, and even though we had no official plans, we thought it would be fun to go out and do something after Liv was asleep. We ended up seeing Zero Dark Thirty (which was very intense) and then getting drinks/appetizers at Claim Jumper.
(Malbec for me, Blue Moon for the mister)
I wore my new StitchFix blazer- LOVE it. I can already tell it will be getting a lot of use this spring.
Speaking of spring, and now that Winter Shape Up is officially over, I’m been trying to think of a good spring/summer fitness goal. I’ve still got nothing! I guess for now, I’m just going to continue to empathize strength training -if I have time for a short workout, I’m choosing strength since I get plenty of cardio from teaching and short HIIT sessions- and fitting in outdoor workouts whenever possible. I love being able to take Liv with me in the jogging stroller, so hopefully I’ll be able to train for a couple of races before it gets too hot.
Here’s what’s on the fitness plan for this week:
SUNDAY: Runday! 5 miles-ish with my favorite little buddy in the stroller
TUESDAY: Strength (back and biceps) + HIIT (15 min jump rope)
WEDNESDAY: Teach Zumba and Dance
THURSDAY: Teach Buff Booty and Glide (between the two, I consider it legs day)
SATURDAY: Shoulders, chest, triceps + HIIT (20 minute Stairmaster)
Meal and prep ideas:
-Make amazeballs (I’ve been craving the PB&J ones)
-Thai chopped veggie salad (will post the recipe!)
–Chicken crust pizza (I’m going to make a few crusts and freeze them, so when I want one, it will be easy to heat and eat)
–Crustless quiche with roasted veggies
–Butternut squash and black bean enchiladas
What’s on your fitness plan for the week? Are you trying any new classes or recipes? Feel free to link away in the comments!
Have a happy Sunday <3
Congratulations to the Champion winners! Thank you so much to everyone who entered and for all of the fantastic feedback. I’ll be using your suggestions to make Summer Shape Up even better 🙂
1) Jaimie: I loosely followed the WSU and loved it! The only suggestion I would have would be to include video clips (instead of just pictures) for some of the less familiar workout moves.
2) Lindsay: I thought that it was overall great and I really can’t think of anything that I would change.
3) Sara: Hi Gina! I’m one of the “silent” participants in the WSU because I am a couple weeks behind! But I followed the Week 1 workout calendar last week, and Week 2 this week, and I have been loving. it. so. much. I’ll be honest, it’s a challenge for me! I’m a runner, and doing a lot of weights / intervals is just not my forte, but it has been amazing to see how much stronger I have gotten in just two weeks. I love your positive, encouraging, balanced approach to fitness on the blog.
4) Crystal: I didn’t follow the shape up workouts. I am just getting back to working out after having my son and I assumed they would be too challenging. Though I have been working out by attending a Stroller Fitness Class and doing the Couch to 5k workout plan. I have been following the shape up as far as meal planning/prep and eating like a PRO. That slogan alone has been really helpful.
5) Ashley W.: I didn’t participate in this winter shape up sadly because I am in training for my first half-marathon so I have been running like crazy and haven’t really been doing as much cross training but I have been looking at all the workouts and they seemed badass.
6) Ashleigh: I love WSU and SSU. The workouts are wonderful! My only feedback would be to sometime list the workouts separately in a jpeg, so I can drag the workouts onto my desktop and print them to bring to the gym.
7) Laurel C.: Honestly, I think the WSU program was perfect for me as a supplement to my usual running routine!
8) megs: I really enjoyed the WSU– first one that i really followed along with. I appreciate the variety in the workouts with out having to think too much about it! Only suggestion for improvement- sometimes the check in links were hard to follow, I feel like it would have been easier to just check in on the daily post.
9) Tori L.: I loooooved your winter shape up! You definitely keep workouts interesting, challenging, and fun. The only thing I didn’t really like was I felt confused at times on which blog posts I needed to comment on to check back in on and be entered for prizes.
10) Krystal: Love this blog! It motivates me just to read it. You seem similar to my personal trainer, so I always share with my bootcamp group your blog on our forums. I like the picture cues (like the one above) best for when doing your work outs in the gym. I don’t always comment, but I follow you on facebook, instagram, and your blog, of course. Thanks Gina for inspiring me, introducing me to Stitch Fix and, for always giving me something to read.
11) Mari: I actually started WSU, but then I had to stop because I got the flu! So I haven’t worked out at all in a couple weeks. But I’ve been following along to keep up my motivation. Your workouts look AWESOME and I can’t wait until I can get in a great sweaty workout! I’m just going to start from the beginning tgis weekend. I appreciate all you do and your hard work creating these workouts and great community. Thanks, Gina!
12) Megan A.: I’ve been following your blog for awhile now, but this is the first shape up I’ve participated in. I loved it! I had become bored with my workouts and this helped me change them up. I found them a bit difficult to locate and make my way back to, but it could just be that I initially read them in google reader and then access them on the site.
13) Katie: I honestly loved everything about the workouts! It was surprising to me that the first week of workouts didn’t take too long and and after completing day 1 I didn’t think I would be sore at all – boy was I wrong! I also loved the “strong superman” move in workout #2. The only thing that I didn’t “like” was that the picture of the 3rd workout couldn’t be expanded. I can’t wait for the summer shape up!
14) Lisa M.: LOVE, LOVE, LOVE having the pictures demonstrating the moves!!! Now if I can only do that plank one…
15) Bethany Henderson: Loved the workouts and videos! They were killer and I lost about 4 pounds! Loved how different they were because I get bored easily….now i do jump rope HIIT all the time. Love doing it while I’m watching tv!
16) Jay: The workouts are awesome. I don’t know what to call it but I really liked the workouts numbered with your picture doing the move with the number of reps. It really helped me conceptualize what I was to do. When a move is new/weird/tricky a video was very helpful. I like the “notecard” of the week’s off and on days too. Honestly, I have no complaints. I’m grateful for all of your help and support. I’m so glad I found your blog. I plan on checking in daily still, I find it keeps me motivated! Please keep up the great work, I appreciate it! J
17) Nelly: I teach almost everyday (bootcamp, flow, toning, cycle, abs &ups) but I always checked your website for ideas and moves! I would LOVE this bra because i am always working out and since having my baby my boobs NEED extra support!
18) Lisa: I think you did such an awesome job with WSU…it was easy to follow and so much fun!!!
19) Danielle: Following you on Pinterest!
20) Rachel: I loved all of the workouts, and the collages made them really easy to follow or print off and bring to the gym with me! I also loved all of your meal plans and fuel ideas! (baked bfast cookies are genius!!)
21) Lauren: Although this last week has been a rough one for me, I have truly enjoyed this winter shapeup. I turned my coworker onto your blog and we have pushed each other at the gym every step of the way. Thanks for not only giving me a rockin bod, but thanks for the bonding opportunities. I really liked the format you gave us for each exercise. It was easy to print off and take with me so I wasn’t struggling with notecards. As long as each week has form cues I think that’s an excellent format! Thanks again Gina!
22) Leah O: I loved the format for this WSU. It was a great mix of video and pictures. I’m sure its super time consuming making a video with all of the moves each week so I thought it was a good idea adding in the warm up for week 1, it was fun to be able to do it “with” you. Maybe next time there could be 1 more warm up video that you can go with everyone? It would be neat if next time it were possible to film the workout video and schedule it so that everyone tries to do it at the same time or maybe try some live streaming or something? I don’t know how any of that works so it might be impossible lol. One thing I really liked about last years Summer shape up was the way you presented the meal plan in a schedule type format. I’m an all or nothing type girl so everything has to either be written out for me step by step or I just do my own thing. I loved everything about wsu though and ultimately wouldn’t change a thing! Its kind of fun that they are a little different each time
23) Emily: I love how your workouts don’t include fancy, expensive equipment. I’m a SAHM of two and I appreciate that.
24) Tricia: I think you do an awesome job with WSU…it is easy to follow, yet challenging and easy to apply to every level. Thanks for the time you put in!
25) Erin: I just have to say major props to you for putting so much work and effort into this and doing it for free. I think what makes winter shape up so successful is that anyone can do it, you don’t have to pay money or subscribe. I love that.
Send me an email (fitnessista at gmail dot com) and we’ll get your prizes on the way! <3
I loosely followed the WSU and loved it! The only suggestion I would have would be to include video clips (instead of just pictures) for some of the less familiar workout moves.
I love the blazer, it looks so good on you! And so happy for you to have your date nights, this is so important and fun.
I will do heavy lifting with my trainer twice next week, then I do my daily morning runs before work and will probably join a TRX Bootcamp class and a GRIT (les Mills) class. Let’s see 🙂 I totally need to try your kale chipc recipe. When I do them spontaneous, they fail. Every time. Thanks for sharing! ANd congrats to all the winners!! Can’t wait for SSU!!
Cheers to date nights! Gotta keep the love alive!
What did you wear your blazer with? I got a blazer for Christmas. It is similar to yours except it is black instead of gray. Every time I put it on to wear it out I just feel too “business-like” if that makes any sense haha. I should probably just stop being a wimp and go for it.
haha i was going to post my outfit on the fashion page, but still can’t decide if it “goes” together. i wore the grey blazer, a navy and white striped tank, black skinnies and silver sperries
Congrats to all the winners! Lucky ladies!
Love the pb and j amazeballs….thanks for reminding me about those!
The blazer looks cute! I am in marathon training- so this week will include a lot of running 🙂 I have 12 miles planned for my long run on Saturday. I hope to mix in strength training as well! Happy Sunday! Hope you enjoyed your run with your little sidekick.
Homemade burrito bowls are such a good idea. Saving money but not missing out on great food-double win.
Would love if you shared your strength workouts you do this week. I’m in need of some inspiration when it comes to strength!
The jacket looks great! Do you know who makes it?
tart is the brand
ohh found the black and white one here:
Thank you!!
I think I am going to repeat WSU again for these next four weeks! Back to week 1…let’s see if I can do that plank combo move this time 😉
Woah I can’t believe I won! I’m so excited! Thanks so much! I love that blazer, btw, it’s so cute!
I’ll be repeating the WSU! I’m excited to see how much I’ve improved the second time around. Can you post week 4 to the intro page? It will be easier to find everything in one spot. Thanks!
yes, i will do that today!
I love having weekly date nights too, though my bf and I rarely get out on a weekly basis for them (and we don’t even have kids!). It’s just so hard to fit it in sometimes. Thanks for the reminder to plan for the week! It’s always a smart thing to do.
I love the blazer on you! I’m excited to get my next Stitchfix and hopefully it will be better than the first two, which were totally disappointing. I’m living vicariously through yours though!
aww that’s such a bummer! make sure to give them thorough feedback in your comments when you checkout
Love that blazer! So cute. I keep forgetting I want to try your chicken crust pizzas. Thanks for the reminder!
YAY, YAY! Exciting!
Cute blazer, I need a fun go-with-everything blazer like that. . . .
I will be repeating the WSU next week.
The most exciting recipe I’ll be doing this week is a cooking light mini meatloaf and garbanzo feta salad. YUM.
I just bought a white with navy striped blazer like that from old navy. Love!
cute! old navy has amazing clothes lately!
are you going to do a monthly overview of what you got in your stitchfix box? I am dying to know!
sure i can add that to the fashion page this week!
Very cute blazer! You should def post on the fashion page. I been wanting to see Zero Dark Thirty…hope to see it soon. This week I will be doing week 10 of 12 of James Wilson’s program. I love to follow programs as im not good at making up my own but once I’m done with a program i like to change to a new program. Keep it interesting….Excited for SSU as I loved WSU.
I’m going to try your kale chips recipe..they look great…I usually just do salt pepper garlic powder cayenne.
Also going to try your PBJ amazeballs and will try the chicken burrito bowl. Thanks for all the great ideas.
Fitness and meal prep done for the week! http://justjacq.wordpress.com/2013/02/24/meal-prep-sunday/
Yay, I won! 😉 Another reason why I love this blog! <3
In response to Ashleigh’s comment above about printing out the workouts — What I do is ‘right click’ and ‘copy’ your workout pictures and ‘paste’ into Word where I can add my own helpful comments before I print. Then I save at home in a binder to use again and again and again… 🙂
I really loved the last interval challenge you posted – I add it to other strength workouts I have and it works great! The 20 minutes seem to fly by since you are always watching the time/intervals.
Wow i love it! Those meals are truly mouth watering and can definitely give me a boost in my early morning exercise.Its all about taking care of our precious bodies by choosing the foods that actually give proper nourishment. We have to discipline ourselves by nurturing it in the proper way by eating the right way and proper exercise.