3/1: things we’re loving this week
A while ago, I wrote a post called “new mom must-haves,” and later realized I probably should have called it “things we’re loving right now.” Of course, all you *really* need is a food source and pair of loving arms to cuddle and change multiple diapers, but the extra things are fun and can make life a little easier. I’m a newbie at this whole shebang and have come to realize that every week something else new or different will work and old faves will be put on the backburner. Prime example: the bouncy seat. Liv LOVED it in the beginning and would just sit in the bouncy seat and look around with the ocean setting playing. Now, 4 seconds in there and she’ll scream for me to pick her up.
Now, she loves the babysitter balance- maybe because she controls the bounce?
I love the babysitter balance, too, because I can bring it in the bathroom with us and she watches me get ready for the day. I tell her what I’m doing (“now I’m going to brush my teeth to keep my teeth and gums healthy!” I sound like the biggest goober all the livelong day, but I like to talk to her and explain what’s going on and different things we do and see) and today was my first time using it in the kitchen. She kicked and bounced while she watched me make a sandwich for lunch, and then I sat on the floor and ate it next to her, while reading her a book. SO much better than eating while she’s napping in the Moby, crumbs falling onto her head.
Speaking of the Moby, it’s been replaced for now by the Baby K’tan.
When I first got pregnant, I thought I’d like babywearing, so I talked my friend Nicole (aka the babywearing cloth diaper natural remedy guru), she suggested the Moby and Baby K’tan. After reading reviews online, I couldn’t decide and ordered both. We love both options, but I recently discovered that the K’Tan is sooooo much easier to use. No multiple crazy yards of fabric, just two large loops and a small support loop, and they also have a mesh option, which could be amazing in the dead of Tucson summer.
Jacque the Peacock
Livi’s first toy “friend.” She smiles when she sees him and babbles away. She’s also a huge fan of her rainforest gym- she loves looking at all of the animals and it’s our spot for tummy time, which she’s rocking out. Liv has some serious neck muscles already.. she can hold her head upright on her own, and the midwives couldn’t believe how strong and alert she was when she was born. After she came out, she was turning her head and looking side to side- they said they’d never seen anything like that. (Or they could have been trying to make me feel good after the whole ordeal? Haha)
I mentioned that we sometimes have a witching hour over here, and Mommy’s Bliss gripe water has been fantastic. Sometimes her cranky pants are brought on by gas, and this little elixir (which contains natural ingredients like fennel and ginger) helps her to feel better. Our doc gave it the “ok” after reading the ingredients, especially since many infant gas remedies can contain alcohol or saccharin.
Also out:
-The Brest Friend is no longer my brest friend, but it was great while I needed it. Many of you let me know that it contains a carcinogenic chemical, and we’re finally to the point where I don’t need a support pillow to hold her in place. The Boppy works better now too since she’s bigger.
Things we’re still loving:
-The pump, in a love/hate way. Pumping is a pain, but it works 🙂
-Bamboobies and nursing tanks (still wear one everyday under whatever shirt I’m wearing)
-Sleepy sheep
-Zip-ups and nighties
-California Baby products (does anyone know of a good baby sunscreen? We’re off to the zoo and an air show this weekend. Also time to order baby noise protection headphones…)
-Amazon. They still own me 😉
Family page Q and A: Tomorrow a Q & A post will be up, so please let me know if you have any questions about my pregnancy, the birth, or things we’re going through now <3 I always love reading stories and tips from other women and mamas, so I’m looking forward to hearing your responses, too!
Love the picture of you and Liv. She looks so much like you!
Look into Blue Lizard for the sunscreen… but talk to your ped. Most don’t recommend any sunscreen before 6 months. Mine usually recommends a sunhat, and light breezy clothes that cover baby up!
Also, be wary of California Baby. Because of their popularity I have heard that they are changing their ingredients to keep up with demand. This is just what I have heard, and I haven’t looked at their new labels yet (I still am using up my supply with the old labels).
According to pediatricians You aren’t supposed to use sunscreen on a baby until they are 6 months old because their skin is still so sensitive . If you have to use it use an organic one- California Baby is great- it’s zinc based so it stays on top of the skin- it doesn’t soak in. We use it on all 3 of our girls. We go to the beach every summer and have not had one sunburn in 7 years.
With our youngest baby (She’s now almost 2) we took her to the beach when she was just a few months old and instead of sunblock we bought an SPF hat and SPF shirt for going in the sun. It worked out great and we still use them.
Gripe water is sooooooo awesome!!!! Best.stuff.ever! Lol, I suggest it to all new moms! We still use it for teething!
Amazon owns me too 🙂
For sunscreen I like MD Moms baby silk towelettes, they are kind of pricy but it is worth it and great for an infant. Also if you don’t want to go the sunscreen route just put her in loose long sleeves and pants and drape a musslin blanket over the stroller.
I used Mustela sunscreen on my girls and loved it!
I am newly preggers and still trying to get my head around all that goes into breastfeeding. If you are exclusively breastfeeding why do you pump so much? Is it to help with supply or just to have extra on hand?
Thanks 🙂
It’s probably to have a lot on hand. I hated pumping so I rarely did it when I was breastfeeding. But it is nice to be able to have it on hand when you need a break 😉
Oh she looks like such a little angel – what a sweet picture of you holding her. That’s great that she’s so strong! She takes after her mom 🙂 Maybe all the working out you did while pregnant translated to her, haha. I do have a question for you – are you using cloth diapers yet? I recently mentioned something about cloth diapering to my mom and I was really surprised when she said she was originally considering using them when I was born (I’m 24 now) but she ended up sticking with disposable diapers after she tried those out.
This blog post written by a doctor recommends Aveeno baby sunscreen: http://www.15minutebeauty.com/2012/02/5-years-of-favorite-products-aveeno.html?m=1
Aveeno is apart of Johnson and Johnson company and they have recalls all the time and I just don’t trust them. They aren’t natural or organic at all
You’ll drive yourself crazy if you obsess TOO much about the ingredients in sunscreen. I found that I had to loosen my grip on the whole “all natural thing” on this one particular purchase. Sunscreen, by it’s very nature, is not natural, and EVERY brand no matter how natural/organic they claim to be (Soleo, California Baby etc etc) contains some combination of Zinc Oxides, Titanium Oxides etc). I actually use Aveeno baby sunblock, and it has been just fine!
I love the bjourn babysitter, my daughter used it so much she broke it. We took it everywhere, the beach, to friends, it’s so portable.
I love the K’tan, it’s my favorite baby gear! I have to wash it in the middle of the night because I can’t go without it during the day, it’s like a security blanket!
Question for tomorrows post: how are cloth diapers going? Are you using the ones you originally chose? What do you use for the diaper pail solution?
Thanks Gina!
I’d love to hear your thoughts on working out and breastfeeding. Is it affecting your supply at all? Do you feel more hungary? What’s your goals? Do you want to lose a lb a week. Just curious because I’m bfeeding and the whole ” I lost all my babyweight bfeeding” is not working for me! So just want to know how is it going for you
I would like to know, now that you’ve been a mom for several weeks now, what are some things you really wish someone had told you ahead of time? Also, my hubby is a firefighter and works 24 hours at a time and he plans on taking a couple of weeks off when our baby comes (which is any day now). Then he has to go back. How did you prepare to be alone when the pilot returned to work? I”m very stressed about it already.
hi kristen 🙂 i’m sure gina will answer this tomorrow but i wanted to share my experience. my husband worked 6 days a week and 16 hour days on the weekends (it was insane to say the least) for the first year after our son was born. i was a little nervous but i just did it. we didn’t have a choice and i didn’t know anything different so i just took it a day at a time and persevered. when things got tough, i just took a deep breath and said a prayer and just kept going. baby and i just got on our own little routine and took things slowly. looking back, i think it made me a much stronger mom, though sometimes too independent from needing my husbands help.
i know there’s not a lot of advice here but i just wanted to give you some encouragement that you will do great 🙂
hi kristen 🙂 i’m sure gina will answer this tomorrow but i wanted to share my experience. my husband worked 6 days a week and 16 hour days on the weekends (it was insane to say the least) for the first year after our son was born. i was a little nervous but i just did it. we didn’t have a choice and i didn’t know anything different so i just took it a day at a time and persevered. when things got tough, i just took a deep breath and said a prayer and just kept going. baby and i just got on our own little routine and took things slowly. looking back, i think it made me a much stronger mom, though sometimes too independent from needing my husbands help.
i know there’s not a lot of advice here but i just wanted to give you some encouragement that you will do great 🙂
**sorry, i have no idea why it posted twice.
I’m wondering if you’re using the belly band and hip narrowing things after giving birth? Do you think they work? Or just a gimmick?
What soap and or body wash do you use on your little princess?
california baby 🙂
Aww! I love that she has a little friend already! That is so cool. Thanks for all the awesome tips lady!
Gina, I have loved reading all of these posts. My little man is due one month from tomorrow and it’s been so nice to see what works and what doesn’t work for Livi. So I thank you! You have been a huge help! PS: Livi is adorable!
I would love to know how you handle Tom not being around like a parent with a 9 to 5 job. Also how is her nighttime sleeping going, do you have a routine yet or when do you plan to start a bedtime routine?
With having a 3 week old son as a first time mom, I love reading how things are going with you all!
i’ve heard/read several places that you shouldn’t use sunscreen before 6 months so you may look into that. we use aveeno baby but i know there’s better, more natural stuff out there.
we used a wrap like the moby when my son was younger but that baby k’tan sounds awesome!!
Just looking at precious Livi brightens my day. Super cute 🙂
I kinda wish you had a baby before me hahah. The K’Tan, I never knew about! I hated the moby and all the fabric and it got So hat for me and Ella! And that elixer stuff??? My baby was so freaking gassy and it was SO hard burping her. That witching hour was ROUGH! I will have to keep these on the backburner for next time 😉
Ugh I hated the Moby too!!
For sunblock, Kiehl’s or Neutrogena Sensitive Skin formula. 🙂
HAHAHAH! I just checked out eh K’tan website (I may buy one for my cousin who’s pregnant) and saw the pet ones! TOO funny! Like Munchkin would ever allow me to use that! Ha!
I love the little glimpses of Livi! She’s so sweet. I would love to see some more. 🙂
I have a couple of questions! What has surprised you most about motherhood? What has been most difficult?
I love reading your blog!
I’m currently researching items for our baby (20 weeks along) 🙂 and was wondering if you could recommend your carseat and stroller?
Thanks and keep the posts coming 🙂
Have you heard of the book Baby Bargains? It’s the best for figuring out all that stuff. We got the Chico Keyfit 30 and the City Mini. Love them both!
Yea! I love it…but I’m also trying to get opinions from moms 🙂 I love the City Mini and it is on my short list. Thanks for the info 🙂
My Q&A for you:
My husbands family, like yours, live further away than my family. One of my (tiny) fears about us having a baby is the fact that grandparents will be so eager to see the new one right away, and I feel we cannot host right away. It’s not that I wouldn’t want to share with them, but I do not want to offend them by asking them to stay at a hotel, or not come right away (Mom-in-law is off like a shotgun when a new grandbaby arrives).
How do we deal with distant relatives and the whole hosting/having guests in the house right away thing?
I think it would be a time of adjustment for the three of us getting to know each other and establishing routines, something that is out the window when we have guests.
Hi Sarah,
We had the same problem with my family. Our baby is due any day but I had a chat with my mom a while back. I told her that I’ve gotten alot of advice to not have too many guest the first few days home. That we need a few days to just be with our new family. Plus, we have 2 dogs to introduce the baby to and we don’t want them too overwhelmed with a new baby AND a houseful of people. We kinda want us all to get a tiny bit used to each other before everyone comes over. Surprisingly, my mom understood. They are staying in a nearby hotel for a couple of nights.
I would definitely talk to them in advance so as not to spring in on them during all the excitement of labor. Hopefully they will understand and respect your wishes. Good luck with everything!
As others have mentioned, doctors typically say no sunscreen before 6 months. We live in Hawaii where it is sunny all the time so I was very upset by that! But we just used a big hat and made sure she was covered up. We also avoided the hours when the sun was at its strongest as much as possible. I researched and researched to find options that I would feel safe with, but in the end I decided it was best to avoid it – especially for the first few months.
Hey Gina, don’t know if this is too much to ask for a new mom, but i would love to see all of your family posts in a list. I’m sure I will want to re-read this post in a few months and I don’t know of a good way to find it!
Are you serious?? Instead of asking her to reformat her blog for your convenience, maybe you could just bookmark this post?
hey girl,
we’re re-doing the family page and will make it all easier to navigate <3
I’m so looking forward to your Q & A post. Here is my question: What so far has been harder then you expected and what has been easier?
I keep bookmarking your family posts for when it we get farther along in our pregnancy and need a reference!
Oh man, I was so good about talking to my first baby like that. All my poor second child heard was me chase after the first one that wasn’t yet 2 years old. LOL She is soooo beautiful, Gina.
I’m lovin’ all of your family posts! You’re a great mama!
I don’t have kids, but I enjoy reading the information in case someday I need it! I don’t have a clue on any of this stuff.
Liv is SO pretty!!!!
thank you! she’s a sweet angel 🙂
How’s the stroller???
Glad you’ve found a pillow solution, from B.F. to Boppy…and you’re using what works for you now.
The Moby was never in rotation with me b/c it was too hard to wrap on my own, quickly. Never even heard about K’Tan.
Gripe Water. Saved.my.life.
I’d like to know if it sucks to do the food/fitness blog posts now but the ‘family’ posts are simple. I know when I had a baby, my mind was pretty much on ‘all baby, all the time’. Photographing your meals is drudgery (to me) in a normal day, I can’t imagine squeezing it into your compacted days! I’d feel like, “Does anyone really care what I had for breakfast or how long I spent on the elliptical?!? I have a BABY and that’s all so much more interesting!” (Not saying the food/fitness posts are dull, just I know I’d be having trouble producing them with baby-mind!)
Hi Gina! First things first, little Liv is so adorable and I think she looks a lot like her gorgeous mama. On to the questions: I would love to know how your body expectations have changed. I have been in awe of your attitude if just letting your body find it’s way back to your healthiest weight, but is it hard as a fitness professional? I think you look amazing, but I have heard so many moms say “your body is just never the same”. Thoughts?
That picture of you holding Liv is so adorable! It’s amazing how much stuff they have for babies and moms now. Sure wish they had all of it when I had my son 10 years ago.
Always sharing the gems. One day when I have a little peanut these tips will come in useful.
Amazon totally owns me too, haha.
Being that I live in Florida, I had a nice long chat with my pedi about sunscreen early on. This climate just isn’t really amenable to waiting until 6 months, unless you live like a hermit! Up to 6 months, I tried to only use the sunblock on her legs (I used a big floppy sunhat and long sleeved UV shirt to protect the rest of her. And if you don’t want it in her mouth, then keep it off of her hands!
I kind of said this above, but as far as brands go, it just totally depends on your baby. Every single brand has a different formulation of bizarro ingredients that you can’t pronounce. You can’t stress too much about it. It’s going on their skin, not in their bottles, so you kind of have to trust that the advantages of protecting that delicate baby skin outweigh any harmful effects of the stuff that it contains! Just patch test a tiny bit on her leg the day before so that you can check for any adverse reactions!
thank you, that’s a great tip! i’m going to try a floppy hat and keeping her covered this weekend, and see how it goes. we’ll definitely need spf protection out here, too, so i’ll talk to the ped next week
How did you modify the physique57 workouts specifically? I have all the DVDs but was looking for tips for using them during pregnancy.
We got these headphones for Manus to take him to concerts etc. We got them in green camo. http://www.amazon.com/Baby-Banz-Hearing-Protector-Earmuffs/dp/B002SW3EZ6
So….a few weeks ago you asked everyone to discuss the “mattres mambo” after birth. Just wondering how it is going for you guys. I’m expecting my first & very curious about this particular aspect of life with baby!
She’s so cute! I love the little wrap, she looks so precious sleeping in there close to you <3
I talk to Hailey all the livelong day, too! We can be goobers together 🙂 I lived the k’tan too! Though now we’ve moved exclusively to the bjorn.
I hadn’t heard about the My Brest Friend! Do you have a link? That is so scary! I used that for months after having my baby and I loved it! 🙁
here ya go! http://www.ctnow.com/lifestyle/parenting/mommy-minute/ctn-report-finds-toxins-in-popular-baby-products-20120112,0,7082365.story
i loved it too :/
Burt’s Bees has a baby sunscreen stick that worked great for us! We were living in Florida when my son was born and now we’re in Hawaii, so it’s kind of hard to avoid the sun, as I imagine is probably the case in Tuscon. Our friends use California Baby for pretty much all their son’s skin care, though, and they love it.
Hi Gina!
Olivia is such a beautiful baby! All your family posts are so informative. Quick question: are you and Tom
Still using the cloth diapers? Did you write about this and I missed it? I’m so curious to see how you liked them!
Kiss Olivia for me! She’s so huggable! Haha