7/12: Friday faves
-Goat’s milk Greek yogurt!
So delicious and an awesome amount of protein.
Lately, I’ve been enjoying it with fresh berries, almonds, a drizzle of local honey + lots of cinnamon.
-Handmade dresses. Remember my airy fairy yoga friend? She made this dress! She brought in some of her pieces to work, all dyed and sewn by hand. Here’s the one I purchased:
Check out the back! It will be an awesome swimsuit coverup,
or I’ll wear it out and about with sandals and pray I can pull it off 😉
-A little date night. We went to North for appetizers and drinks, and it was wonderful. North has been entirely rebranded and revamped — the atmosphere is much more inviting
and they have a fantastic new menu. We shared a vegetarian version of the chef’s board and I had a lovely glass of syrah.
-Almonds all the day. Blue Diamond was a sponsor at Fitbloggin’ and I came home with almonds galore. I’m especially crazy about the new coffee flavors and enjoyed some poured in my cereal yesterday:
-Speaking of swag, my friends at Yes To surprised me with a package of their new body washes and CC creams to try out:
-Also fun: the new LUSH beach gift set. The ocean hair spray smells so heavenly and the salt scrub is like a margarita 😉
-Upcoming vacations! We have a couple of amazing ones in the next couple of months. I can’t wait to take Livi to see Minnie Mouse and attend the IDEA World Convention next month. It’s my first time.. and I’ll get to meet Shaun T. and Chalene! Beyond stoked.
-Going upstairs to watch the monsoon storms with lovebug. I’ve been teaching her the different storm sounds so she won’t be afraid, and she has an awesome thunder impression already 😉
What are you loving right now? Any fun weekend plans?
Hope you have a very happy Friday!
I love her thunder face! Such a great idea to teach her sounds so she’s not afraid. Have a great weekend, I’m headed up to Connecticut for a bridal shower. It’s crazy to think my wedding was last week!
That’s such a good idea so she’s not scared. You’re so clever 😉 I’m headed to the farmer’s market in a bit (one my baby wakes up and I can do a Starbucks run!), get some fresh produce!!
That dress is adorable!
I’ve only tried goat cheese yogurt from TJ’s – I really wanted to like it because I LOVE goat cheese but I don’t know… it just tasted off. Maybe I’ll like this brand. Who knows. Your little one is so big already! Gorgeous ladies! xoxo
I’ve never had goats milk yogurt – does it taste like Greek yogurt? That dress is so cute!!
yep, it’s tangy and lovely!
that dress is gorgeous xx
Gina, that dress is super hot – you can totally pull it off! I want one!