What would you do?

Hi friends! How’s the day treating ya? The week is off to a pretty great start. Yesterday, I had breakfast with a friend and taught a spin class later that evening, and today, I have two podcast interviews. The show will be back the week of June 3 and I have so many fun and informative episodes headed your way. 


[The decaf almond milk latte at Cartel is my fave]

Lunch was a huge smoothie and piece of sourdough, 

and for dinner, we had this shrimp pasta with sautéed zucchini and bell peppers. I just sautéed the shrimp with butter, garlic, lemon zest, and a little parmesan, and served it with angel hair noodles. It was one of this easy and super quick dinners that the girls loved. They’re huge fans of anything with shrimp right now. 🙂

Dont pin this terrible photo

(Our kitchen lighting at night is gorgeous, I tell ya)  

For today, I have a random question for you: if you went back to school or chose another profession, what would you do?

I’ve thought about going back to school for years now. While I don’t think it’s going to be anytime super soon – there’s kind of a lot happening behind the scenes – I often daydream about the time when it happens. It’s funny because in college, I always thought it was “so cute” when “old” (old = 30+) people were in my classes. Like, “Oh, there’s Jan, raising her hand to show she knows the answer for every question.” And one day that will be me lol.

Gina Harney Favorites 0049

I finished half of my MBA in Valdosta (my Bachelor’s is in Finance from the U of A) and to be honest, right now, I don’t really see myself finishing it. What would I do if I had my MBA? Probably what I’m doing right now: running my own business, but with enhanced skills and knowledge under my belt. I thought it would be fascinating to go back to school to be a Physical Therapist, or possibly go to acupuncture school. Those are my top two right now. 😉 If you could go back to school for anything, and time and tuition didn’t matter, what would you do?

I’m excited to read these comments!

Have a wonderful day.



Heads up: there is a HUGE Beautycounter sale happening right now!

Beautycounter 575x575

It’s 15% off the entire site for friends and family. If you’ve been wanting to try Beautycounter, this is your chance! You can also take a skincare quiz here to find which regimen works for you!I highly recommend the overnight peel, the dew skin, the #1 brightening oil, the charcoal mask, the brow gel, and any of the lip products. I wear the color intense lipstick or a lipgloss every day. Also, with summer on the way, we have awesome sunscreens with clean ingredients. The sunscreen stick is the perfect size to stash in your purse! Check out the full sale here and email me or comment below if you have any questions. 

Overnight peel

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  1. Kristen on April 9, 2019 at 12:31 pm

    Social work, specifically with a focus on counseling/therapy. Literally every job I look at requires an MSW and I’ve always thought that I would make a good therapist.

    • Fitnessista on April 9, 2019 at 2:18 pm

      love this so much <3

  2. Sara on April 9, 2019 at 12:37 pm

    I think I would go to school to become an Dietician. I don’t see myself going back for anything though realistically. I wish I’d had more exposure to all the different jobs, I feel like there are so many things that I wasn’t exposed to while I was in school.

    • Linda on April 9, 2019 at 1:33 pm

      My sister and I had a conversation saying that exact same thing. We feel like there’s so much we would enjoy, but we didn’t know those jobs existed.

      • Fitnessista on April 9, 2019 at 2:10 pm

        yes, i feel the same way! i didn’t even know the u of a had a nutrition program…

    • Fitnessista on April 9, 2019 at 2:19 pm

      i totally agree! there are so many career paths that i didn’t know existed, so i played it safe with business

      • Rosamund Feeney on April 9, 2019 at 3:43 pm

        I went back to school to become a librarian (yes that’s a masters!)
        I had been working in art galleries and teaching kindergarten so it felt like a lot of skills were transferable. I love it as most people in libraries are there as a second career. I think some jobs are like that, you need a bit of experience to work out where you want to be 🙂

      • Melodie on April 11, 2019 at 7:54 pm

        Chinese medicine!! Which would include accupuncture. I’m so fascinated!

    • Ashleigh on April 15, 2019 at 11:47 am

      I went back to school two years ago at 34 to become a nurse and it was the best decision of my life. I met so many amazing people and I have a career I love. When my mom was 48 she went back to physical therapy school and has had a second amazing career. Anything is possible!

  3. Liz on April 9, 2019 at 12:38 pm

    As someone who came to fitness late in life and is now an instructor, I’d definitely go back and maybe do a degree in nutrition and think about starting a gym/healthy eating center

    • Fitnessista on April 9, 2019 at 2:18 pm

      what classes are you teaching right now?

  4. Leah on April 9, 2019 at 12:40 pm

    Similar to you, I have a BA in Finance and an MBA – but with a concentration in Leadership & Change. This was my favorite part about getting my MBA, the coursework for my concentration was all related to Interpersonal Communication, Leadership, etc. I got to read awesome books like “Lean In” (I had already read it but the second time through is even better) and other non-textbook reads that really resonated with me. I’m currently studying to get my PMP (Project Management Professional) so that I can take on higher level roles and lead large, well planned projects. Long story short, my end goal would be to own my own business, I’m obsessed with real estate and I would love to flip houses/own properties that we (myself and hubby) could manage through retirement. It’s scary to start, since there’s large investments required from the start with some risk, but you have to spend money to make money my friend! At least that’s what I’m telling myself.

    • Fitnessista on April 9, 2019 at 2:18 pm

      haha i tell myself the same thing 😉 and i always remember that there’s no reward without risk

  5. Sam on April 9, 2019 at 12:46 pm

    I would go back for meteorology/atmosphere sciences! 🙂 I’ve seriously thought about it, considering I’ve been teaching for 7 years and have never really enjoyed it, ha.

    • Fitnessista on April 9, 2019 at 2:18 pm

      love that!

  6. Amanda on April 9, 2019 at 12:52 pm

    I currently work as a test engineer and have a BS in Mechanical Engineering. I like my job (most days haha). It can be very high stress, but also rewarding. I do a lot of volunteer work with STEM outreach events. I think that it is super important for young kids to see females in engineering careers. That being said, it might be cool to go back to school to get a Master’s in education so I could maybe combine both disciplines to focus solely on STEM outreach.

    • Fitnessista on April 9, 2019 at 2:18 pm

      it’s so important for kids to see females in engineering careers!

  7. Stephanie Brown on April 9, 2019 at 1:01 pm

    Love this! I feel it speaks to what I have been thinking for a while now since my son was born 10 months ago. I work a M-F corporate job in public relations (which in its defense is pretty flexible), but have asking myself lately what my other interests are, or what can I do while he is little that offers more flexibility and more opportunity to be “present” at home? I enjoy health/wellness/nutrition but have also been interested in real estate for some time. Who knows!

    • Fitnessista on April 9, 2019 at 2:17 pm

      it’s fun to explore all of the different options 🙂

  8. Katie O'Leary on April 9, 2019 at 1:06 pm

    I’ve seriously considered going back to do midwifery or at least become a doula. I also have always thought I’d do my DMA (doctorate of musical arts) at some point. But I love the idea of getting a personal trainer license and yoga teacher training. Too many amazing choices!

    • Fitnessista on April 9, 2019 at 2:12 pm

      i think midwifery would be AMAZING. you’re right; there are too many great choices 🙂

  9. Sarah Jane on April 9, 2019 at 1:07 pm

    I am currently a Registered Dietitian and LOVE it. I don’t think I would change my career choice, but I am currently working in Public Health, so have thought of maybe getting another master’s degree, this time in Public Health. But that probably won’t happen, I feel like I am learning enough “on the job” that I don’t think the MPH would really help me out that much and who knows if I will stay working in public health.
    My husband went back to school and just graduated this past summer as a Physical Therapy Assistant. It is just a two year program vs. getting a doctorate to be a PT and he loves it. As a PTA he gets to do more of the actual hands on work with the patients vs. the admit and discharge paperwork mountain that his PT that he works under does.

    • Fitnessista on April 9, 2019 at 2:12 pm

      RD was something i thought about, too, but i have literally zero science pre-reqs under my belt from business school
      thank you for letting me know about the PTA program; i didn’t even know that was a thing!

      • Kaitlyn on April 10, 2019 at 6:35 am

        To piggyback off of this…My Mom recently left her teaching career and went back to school for her PTA degree. She loved school and is now specializing in pre- and post-natal physical therapy (pelvic floor stuff)! She was super nervous to make the career switch (especially so “late” in life, as she says), but it was totally worth it to her.

        • Fitnessista on April 10, 2019 at 2:07 pm

          that is SO reassuring to hear! that’s what i would want to study, too

      • Amanda on April 15, 2019 at 6:10 am

        I’m a PTA and the schooling is much shorter. To be a PT is a Doctorite program now. You don’t have as much paperwork and still make a good salary. I also work PRN for a few different companies which means I have flexibility and can set my own schedule which is amazing and affords me to be a baker for a local tailgate market which is my true passion.

  10. Lorna on April 9, 2019 at 1:08 pm

    I would go back and get my Masters in molecular biology. I already have a BS in Biochemistry and MB! In a completely different job field, I would do whatever schooling required to be a forest ranger. I love being outside and national/ state parks.

  11. Amy on April 9, 2019 at 1:20 pm

    I’m actually back in school now at age 33 and sometimes I feel sooooo old even though in the grand scheme of things, it’s not old at all. I was planning on going back to PT school but the time commitment of a doctorate as well as the cost for it was not something I was willing to go into debt for the rest of my life. I am actually back at school to become a Physical Therapist Assistant and I absolutely love it! It’s very challenging but much more manageable. I do already have my Bachelor’s in business but most of the people in my program already have their Bachelor’s as well but in a different field.

    • Fitnessista on April 9, 2019 at 2:10 pm

      ok i didn’t even know that was an option! i’m going to look into that, too 🙂

      • Robyn on April 9, 2019 at 5:15 pm

        Ditto pta school! I shadowed a bunch of physical therapists and physical therapy assistants and they all said the same thing – the pts get stuck doing all the paperwork and the ptas get to do all the fun hands on therapy. Ptas are pretty well compensated and the program near me is off in the summer and I think 8am to 2pm some quarters and 8am to 5pm others.

  12. Crystal on April 9, 2019 at 1:27 pm

    If time and money didn’t matter, I would go back and study all the things I wish I had more time for: classical literature, art and design, eastern philosophy, the list goes on. If I actually go back to school for something practical, it would be counseling psychology.

    I used to think the same thing about “nontraditional” students, but like you said, I’m sure that’ll be me someday 🙂

    • Fitnessista on April 9, 2019 at 2:10 pm

      oh i love that so much!!
      haha and yes. that will definitely be me 🙂

  13. Amber P. on April 9, 2019 at 2:17 pm

    I am a physical therapist right now and if I had to go back to school, I would get my PhD so that I could teach anatomy to physical therapy students at a university. If I had to go back and start over, I would be a physicoan’s assistant. That’s what my sister does, and I work closely with a lot of them. You are basically a doctor without the requirements of med school and residencies/fellowships!

  14. Kirsten on April 9, 2019 at 2:20 pm

    I would love to study nutrition!

  15. Kayla on April 9, 2019 at 2:37 pm

    It’s so funny that you say your top picks are physical therapy and acupuncture. I had started taking the prerequisites for pre-PT a few years ago, my undergraduate degree is in theater so I hadn’t taken any of the science courses required. I ended up dropping out of my pre-PT program to pursue a career in marketing and eventually went to business school for marketing… although in the end it hasn’t felt very helpful for my career just yet. Part of me think I might go back for another degree someday, potentially in acupuncture or sometimes I dream of the MFA route in writing. But for now I’m grateful to be done with grad school

  16. Adrienne on April 9, 2019 at 2:45 pm

    I’m a speech language pathologist working mostly with kids with autism and I couldn’t imagine not doing that. With a 4 and 2 year old, I do that 3 days a week and have them home 2 days 🙂

    BUT being a registered dietitian is amazing to me (though soooo much school!) and I’d love to become a fitness instructor…and go to culinary school… hahaha
    I have some hobbies, for sure 🙂

  17. Laura on April 9, 2019 at 3:09 pm

    If I could snap my fingers and be a NICU nurse, I’d LOOOVE that. After our personal experiences in the NICU, I’d just love to be one of those nurses. If only it was an easier/cheaper road!!

    • Melissa on April 11, 2019 at 1:49 pm

      If you already have your Bachelor’s (in any field!) you may be eligible to do a “second degree” nursing program. These are typically 2 year programs either offered through a 4-year college or even a community college and you would be an RN! I have known a number of people to take this career path to becoming a nurse 🙂

  18. Megan @ Skinny Fitalicious on April 9, 2019 at 4:10 pm

    I went back and got my nutrition degree two years ago (also have a double major in business and Spanish). Definitely wasn’t easy especially while I was supporting myself and working full time, but I’m so glad I did it. I would love to get my masters someday!

  19. Emily on April 9, 2019 at 4:11 pm

    If I went back, I would like to be an acquisitions editor (so some type of Masters), or I’ve looked into getting my MLS to be a librarian. But what I really want to do is be an interpreter for the deaf. I have a couple friends who do that, I had a deaf uncle, and I know some sign language. But I checked into it, and the Masters program available near me is 4 years long. !!!! I cannot do that now. All on campus, none of it online. My oldest will be a Jr in HS this Fall. I have to consider her future school plans now instead of mine. Maybe someday I’ll pursue it.

  20. Heather on April 9, 2019 at 4:47 pm

    I have BS in Bioengineering and work as a Business Analyst for medical software company. I love what I do and the people I work with but last fall I started taking classes in Deaf Education and Communication Disorders. I love it. My son is Deaf and I am the president of our state’s parent board so even if I never work in the field there is so much I can learn and use. It had been a rough season. I had the busiest months at work ever and completed two classes last semester and I am finishing this semester with two more while hubs travels a lot for work. My boys are supportive and they love watching me gain skills.

  21. Jessie on April 9, 2019 at 5:53 pm

    I would go back to school to be an occupational therapist or something in the health field. This was an interesting post. I think about the same thing. I have a bachelor’s degree in English education.

  22. Sarah F on April 9, 2019 at 6:54 pm

    Such a fun question. I originally did a B.Comm, and then became a CPA, and am now doing my schooling for my Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation. I keep telling my friends to remind me before I start another designation that school is hard!

    I think if I could do it all over again, I’d do a degree/masters in Literature/English, and try to make it as an author. I love reading and would love to one day write a novel of my own.

  23. Juliana on April 9, 2019 at 6:57 pm

    Acupuncture school dropout here. I had a LOT of issues with the way the schooling was designed when I went. I was at PCOM in San Diego if you ever have questions. They may have changed some things since I left but the main reason I didn’t finish was the way I was treated as a student.

    I’d probably go back and get my PhD in Egyptology. I still think about doing that sometimes and the real issue is that none of the programs I’m interested in are anywhere I’d ever want to live. Plus it doesn’t pay much HAHA.

  24. Katie on April 9, 2019 at 7:09 pm

    If I had to choose a new career right now, I would go for Physical Therapy for sure! I don’t ever see that happening, but it’s still fun to think about.
    My degree is in engineering, and I am 33 and working as an engineer. From a practical standpoint, I’ve considered getting an MBA, simply for the extra knowledge. But, I’m not sure if I really need it/am motivated enough to see it through properly.

  25. Reghan on April 9, 2019 at 7:54 pm

    A Registered Dietician or a Realtor. I want to buy/flip houses and run them as rentals (my partner and I have this as a long term plan, since the rental situation in our town is bleak and the real estate market is hot!) 🙂 That’s the plan! Don’t know if I’ll ever get my Realtor licence but we can buy/flip houses without that part of it too lol

    I am also currently getting my Personal Training Certification but I never did do any post secondary education. I’m making up for it! I also have a M-F office job so that keeps me busy now!

    • Fitnessista on April 10, 2019 at 2:07 pm

      which PT cert are you getting?? so excited for you 🙂

  26. Julia on April 9, 2019 at 8:15 pm

    I would like to go back to school for two more English graduate courses (I have my M.Ed.) and then I could teach English courses at a local community college, which would be fun and still allow me to be a SAHM who homeschools… that’s the hope, eventually!

  27. Sue on April 9, 2019 at 11:32 pm

    I would go back to school and become a nurse, I retired from being a store manager after 34years. I am currently in my second career as a pharmacy technician and love helping others but would definitely become a nurse if I could do it all again!

  28. Kristin on April 10, 2019 at 8:10 am

    If I could go back I would defiantly do something in nutrition. I feel like there is a big disconnect with people not knowing what foods are healthy and which type of diet/lifestyle they need to follow that will be sustainable for them. Also I think it’s so interesting to learn how the body reacts when a healthy eating plan is implemented.

  29. Laura on April 10, 2019 at 8:30 am

    This is a great question! I would love to study astrophysics, meteorology or physiology. Or just take one math / science class per semester, just because I miss challenging my brain in the way that it once felt challenged. I am a concert marketer by trade, and beyond my budget spreadsheets there aren’t many opportunities for advanced mathematical formulas.

    • Fitnessista on April 10, 2019 at 2:06 pm

      i feel the same way – i miss feeling challenged like that. it’s been a loooooong time

  30. Christina on April 10, 2019 at 8:49 am

    So I am actually back in school after not being happy with where I was! I went back to get my masters in public health. One requirement to graduate is you have to do a practicum the last semester (like an internship) and I worked in a lab that researches ticks. As I was nearing the end of my program, I started panicking because I realized I didn’t want to do public health (or at least the options available in my area i.e., restaurant inspector). Mentioning this to the head of the lab, she offered me a spot in her lab to do my PhD in ecology. This was a dream because I had a little too much fun in undergrad, and wth my gpa no way could I get into a graduate program the traditional way. It was also daunting because I was 28 – and a five year PhD when I had not had kids yet didn’t seem ideal. However, it’s the best decision I have made. Also! We have an undergraduate intern in our lab who just turned 49 with five children (two are adults) and she is kicking ass- the beauty of going back to school when you’re older, in my opinion, is that you recognize what’s important and are truly trying to get something out of it- not just trying to make it through (most of the time).

    • Fitnessista on April 10, 2019 at 2:06 pm

      that’s incredible how destiny has a way of sorting things out 🙂
      i totally agree- i think i would get so much more out of school now than when i was just studying to get good grades on tests. i don’t think i retained a ton of the information

  31. Kyla on April 10, 2019 at 8:49 am

    Sociology or psychology! I’m a dietitian and I absolutely love what I do but I think it would be fascinating to further study why people make the decisions that they do. It would certainly add another layer to my career!

    • Fitnessista on April 10, 2019 at 2:01 pm

      yes, it would absolutely add onto your career! <3 so awesome

  32. Josie on April 10, 2019 at 10:06 am

    I LOVED reading all these comments! Such a great question. I think it would be fun to be a librarian. All those books! We love our library and the librarians are so great!

    I really want to be a Notary Public. It’s a certificate, but it’s a tough one! I have the information, it’s just making the time to study and scheduling my exam. I’m also going to get my SHRM-CP certificate. That will help me with my current role in Human Resources. I really like what I do! My Bachelor’s is actually in Religious Studies; all the different types of religion are really fascinating.

    • Fitnessista on April 10, 2019 at 2:01 pm

      i agree! i would probably get caught hiding somewhere reading though 😉
      i didn’t know that it was so tough to get a notary public! i guess that’s why they’re kind of hard to find
      also, your bachelor’s is fascinated! different religions have always intrigued me – so good that you got to learn about all of the different types

  33. Rachel on April 10, 2019 at 10:13 am

    This is unrelated haha but what is your current go-to smoothie recipe?! I’m a little burned out with mine.

    I’m just finishing my masters in Occupational Therapy! I’ll be done in September, and can’t even think about going back for another degree after that ha 🙂

    Hope you have a great day!

    • Fitnessista on April 10, 2019 at 1:59 pm

      i pretty much always do the same thing:
      1 cup ish almond milk
      1 scoop protein powder
      handful of spinach
      1 tablespoon chia seeds
      1 tablespoon almond butter
      1 pack four stigmatic hot cacao mix
      and ice!

      • Fitnessista on April 10, 2019 at 2:00 pm

        also, I LOVE that you’re going to school to be an OT. OTs have changed our life, and i’m so thankful to you for the work you do to help kiddos and families

        • Rachel on April 11, 2019 at 10:20 am

          Yum, that sounds good! Thanks 🙂 What is your favorite protein powder?

          And I’m so so happy you had a good OT experience! So many people don’t know what we do haha I am so excited to get started!

  34. Alex on April 10, 2019 at 10:28 am

    After working in business for 5+ years I decided to switch careers and am currently getting my masters in Occupational Therapy. I also considered physical therapy but ultimately decided on occupational therapy because I was drawn to the holistic approach and the focus on mind + body. I think it can seem daunting to go back to school and change careers but I believe it’s never too late to find your passion!

    • Fitnessista on April 10, 2019 at 1:59 pm

      i am SO thankful for OTs!! thank you for the work that you do! <3

  35. Heather H on April 10, 2019 at 1:05 pm

    I made a career change and recently graduated from OT school. I now work in an outpatient pediatric clinic and love it! I was an elementary special education teacher for 9 years and often wondered if I was making the right decision because I still loved teaching. I’m so glad I made the jump to OT. It was a tough few years teaching, raising two littles, and going back to school but I did it. I love the client centered approach of OT, the flexibility, and how we can work with people across the lifespan in so many different settings! Good luck making your decision.

    • Fitnessista on April 10, 2019 at 1:58 pm

      i just want to say thank you for the life changing work you do!! An OT helped me immensely after my thumb incident (i served the digital nerve in my thumb) and with our SPD kiddo it has literally changed our world. thank you thank you

  36. Courtney Ramsey on April 10, 2019 at 11:44 pm

    I love this. I am a Family Nurse Practictioner obviously I was initially an RN. I practiced nursing for 10 years, mostly ICU, and decided to go back to school. I started my Master’s Program with two kids and then had our third kiddo in the middle of it. My other two were 6 and three at that time. When I was going through it, I thought that I would never make it, but looking back, I realize it wasn’t THAT bad. Although I don’t know that would do it again. (The school part, not career move)
    Honestly though, you have a supportive family and I think if you find something that you really want to do, then you can do it. However, if you are content with your trajectory of life right now, then go with it. You have a blog that I really enjoy reading, it seems that your schedule for work is relatively flexible, and you have two great kiddos. I don’t think you could make a wrong decision in this situation.
    Great topic!

  37. Colleen on April 11, 2019 at 9:10 am

    What a fun question to think about! I consider myself lucky that I truly love what I do – I have a Bachelor’s in Psychology and a Master’s in Human Resources Management, and both have served me well in my HR career. However, I am a true book nerd at heart and would LOVE to work at a bookstore or library, or even just go back and get another Master’s in English or something literature related. I <3 me some books! haha

  38. Jen on April 11, 2019 at 10:00 am

    I would 100% go back to school to be a vet. I feel like I missed my calling, but it’s also hard to give up an established career (and paycheck) to go back to school for something else. Maybe one day, though!

  39. Lisa on April 11, 2019 at 11:03 am

    That’s a great question! I’d go back to school to get a masters in Forensic Science. I love true crime shows and have a BS in Biology and Chemistry, so I think I’d be a quick study. Plus it’s soooo interesting 🙂

  40. Jen on April 11, 2019 at 3:19 pm

    Once upon a time I was a legal assistant and I LOVED it! I left that job in 2008 because I had two kids under the age of 5 and a newborn. My plan was to come back when that newborn started Kindergarten. Fast forward to 2013 and 2 weeks before that newborn was supposed to start Kindergarten, we found out #4 would be coming. I already knew that I wouldn’t be returning to the legal assistant game though, after a few years at home, I never wanted to go back!
    Baby #4 just turned 5 on Monday and last year I went after my new passion and got certified through NASM as a personal trainer and went to work in November after being home after nearly 11 years.

  41. Elizabeth on April 12, 2019 at 12:09 pm

    My finance is 40 (today!) and applying to PA schools right now. He’s been taking pre-requisites slowly for the past 4 years. I wanted to go to medical school in undergrad but biology was not really my thing haha. I’ve thought about getting my MBA and focusing in health care b/c I work in health care administration. I also listen to the podcast “How I Built This” about famous entrepreneurs and so many of them seem to come up with their great ideas in business school at Harvard or Stanford so I feel like I’d only like to go there lol. BUT, sometimes I also think about what I would do if I did a 180. I think I’d like to go to massage therapy school or something to do with fashion. I have a friend who has a degree in engineering from Michigan and 3 years out of school she went back to school to become an interior designer.

  42. adrianna on April 16, 2019 at 11:12 pm

    this post is so great! i sort of ‘went back’ after practicing primary care optometry for 3 years…went back to get my residency in pediatrics/binocular vision to focus and strengthen that specialty and work with kiddos! great decision and it makes work a lot much better. more fun, less stress, not monotonous, but we all have our days 😉
    if i could go back and do it all again though, i’d absolutely study nutrition and teach fitness classes. its really where my passion is, what i spend most of my time reading about and doing in my free time. RD + instructor sounds like a true ‘if you do what you love work doesn’t feel like work’ or whatever ha. i did finally get my spinning certification, so a side hustle i love works!

    • Fitnessista on April 16, 2019 at 11:30 pm

      i love that you got your spinning certification! and your profession sounds pretty incredible 🙂 i totally understand how passions and interests change over time. it’s happened to me so many times haha

  43. Jennifer on April 18, 2019 at 7:14 pm

    If money was no option I would love to go back to school for food science. I find the field so interesting, but I remember hearing something like 6+ years of school is common. And then I remember I would love to also study food history, and art history, and physical therapy and then I am back at square one.

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