Patriotic Sea Creatures
Hi guys! How are ya?? Hope you had an awesome Sunday 😀 Thank you so much for your kind words to the pilot– I’m very proud of him <3
Sorry I didn’t get to post again yesterday- it ended up being a busy day!
I made it to Bikram, finally, and had an awesome practice. 🙂 Bonus: I got to yoga it up with my beautiful friend Erin.
My cousin, the pilot and I picked up some bagels for lunch:
(Hummus, tomato and lettuce on a good grains bagel)
and went to SEA WORLD!
Sea World has a special place in my heart – I love marine creatures 🙂
Little snugglebugs:
We had such a blasty 😀
On the way back to my aunt’s, we picked up some groceries and made quite a little 4th of July feast.
Sweet potato rounds with goat cheese and chives:
The pilot’s handiwork (jalapeno burgers and Dijon-tarragon chicken)
He is the grillmaster and makes MASSIVE burgers 😀
and also grilled organic portobello mushrooms for me 🙂
Little beggars:
Even VIESA was begging! I was shocked.. usually she’s above that
And then of course, we had a family fireworks show.
‘Twas a lovely night 🙂
I’m gonna go sweat my booty off in Bikram, hit up Whole Paycheck and the mall one last time, and then we’re getting on the road to Valdosta.
See ya later today! <3
Something to talk about: What’s your favorite theme park? As much as I love Sea World, I’d have to say that Epcot is my favorite. I love walking around, people-watching and seeing the different “countries.”
Note: To all of the Sun Warriors out there who participated in last week’s promo, the Sun Warrior protein has shipped, OpenSky just hasn’t sent the tracking info out yet. No worries if you haven’t gotten a shipping confirmation email or tracking number- your goodies are on the way. (Thank goodness, my Sun Warrior stash has been depleted since last week! I was starting to wonder if the goodies had shipped but was so glad that Danny sent me an email to let me know that everyone’s purchases are on the way)
Retry later
The snuggle buddies are too cute! I love them! Thanks for sharing!
Looks like a great day.
My favorite theme park is Six Flags. They have THE BEST roller coasters.
I love seaworld! My favorite thought is Kennywood here in Pittsburgh – probably a nostalgia thing for me. 🙂
Thanks for the sun warrior info – I was wondering if I actually ordered!
I”m hitting whole paycheck today also!
Enjoy the day!
yay for sun warrior! I am so pumped to try it out. Woohooo!
Hope you have a wonderful day Gina!
I’ve never actually been to Sea World, but I’ve been to Cedar Point in Ohio a few times and it’s always a good time! I’m not a big roller coaster person but my cousins usually persuade me to go on every single one when we’re there.
It looks like you had a great 4th of July!! 🙂
Awww Sea World….what fun!!! It’s been years simce I’ve been there!! Glad you had a fun 4th of July weekend! 🙂
Mmmm….sweet potato and goats cheese!
I actually have not experienced that many theme parks, only one to be exact. Canada’s Wonderland! It’s great, but I will have to venture south of the boarder and try some more.
oh good, i was getting worried about my sun warrior! thanks for the update!
What a fun day! I am moving to San Antonio in 3 days and there is a Sea World in town, its def on the “to-do” list. I have been to the one in Florida, but a million years ago. Also, my favorite theme park is Universal Studios! That place has the sweetest rides 🙂
Glad you and the family had such a wonderful holiday and I BIG BIG BIG THANK YOU to the pilot!!!
I love Sea World too, but I agree that Epcot is the best. I love trying different foods in every “country”!
Sounds like you had a wonderful 4th! It is so great to see you back with your Pilot.
I just want to say that I am truly grateful & thankful for all that the Pilot does to keep us safe, The Pilot is certainly a hero in my heart!
Have a wondeful day and a safe drive home!
Love sea world, but we grew up with Disney…love all the parks there!!
Glad you had a great 4th!!
ah, i love sea world! i haven’t been there in years but before i went to college and wanted to be a marine biologist i was obsessed w/ the place! but now i love disneyland more. it’s always held a place in my heart since i was a kid going there every summer. it’s been a few though…
Epcot is my favourite too! I love Mexico the best, with Norway a close second (and the trolls!).
I’d have to say that park that brings back a lot of childhood memories are three local-ish parks to where I grew up in PA: Lakemont Park, Bland’s Park, and Idlewild Park. Usually we would be with our parents at the park and sometimes there would be school picnics at either of the first two. So, just a lot of memories, but not a lot of big attractions.
Now that I’m in Ohio, I been to Cedar Point a handful of times… but I keep getting more scared of more rides the older I get, hha!
I’ve never been to sea world and I am dying to go!!! I love Busch Gardens though!
Yum! Those sweet potato bites look really tasty!Glad you had a great holiday– you and the pilot are beautiful, as always!
As much as I love the animales, i’m a total roller coaster junky! Love me some universal and busch gardens!! Btw I love how the pilot is so considerate to your food choices, that tends to be one of me and my bf’s biggest problems.
I haven’t been to a theme park in ages, I wouldn’t even know which one to pick. The closest theme parks around me is probably Six flags and i haven’t been in years. Have a safe ride back to Valdosta!
I’ve gotta say, I haven’t been to many theme parks, though my favorite I’ve been to is Universal Studios. Six flags is fun too, but I tend to go with really little kids, and can’t go on anything fun!
Have a safe trip!
Gina I absolutely love your dedication to health and fitness. A true health conscious person makes times to exercise and eat well when away from home and you inspire. 🙂
My fave is the Magic Kingdom! Love to feed my inner five-year-old.
I just took a Bikram class for the first time and I recalled you saying you’re considering getting certified to teach it. I absolutely adored it and from what I know of you from reading your blog, I think you would make a freaking kick ass Bikram instructor … and you should then move to NYC and teach it, of course 🙂
I adore Sea World! I loved the killer whale show the best 🙂 Just all the amazing marine creatures in general!
I’m a total adrenaline junkie so my favorite theme park is Six Flags Magic Mountain. I can assure I rode every single roller coaster in one day 😀
Though the Harry Potter World might just change my mind 😉
ME TOO- i can’t wait for harry potter!
What a great time! I love sea world – need to go back soon! My favorite theme park is probably six flags over GA!!
How fun to go to Sea World! I adore theme parks so much. I would have to say Universal Islands of Adventure or Animal Kingdom in Disney are my favorites. Although, I really want to go to Cedar Point in Ohio and ride all the crazy rollercoasters there!
Glad you had a fun time and I hope you have a safe trip back to GA.
Goat cheese on sweet potatoes?? Why have I never thought of that… it looks amazing! Do you cook the potatoes first, then top it with goat cheese once you take them out of the oven?
yep, i mostly bake them, then add the goat cheese and put back in the oven for 10 min or so to warm the goat cheese up
Sea World is definitely my favorite theme park, without a doubt!
P.S. – You and the pilot are absolutely adorable! You are one gorgeous girl!! 🙂
I love theme parks! My favourite is probably Marine Land in Niagara Falls, or Canada’s Wonderland in Toronto. All of the big ones like Disney World and Six Flags require me taking vacation time to go south of the border, BUT I hope to get to the HP park sometime soon! 😀
You two are just so darn cute! I am not a huge fan of “theme” parks but zoos – oh yes. 🙂 I’d love to hit up Sea World before my children are too old for that or before I die. That would be cool too.
Wow, nice spread! Glad you had such a great day. My favorite theme park is probably Epcot 🙂
What a FUN weekend!
I’m the type that feels bad for the animals at animal parks, so I’m not a huge Sea World fan. But I def agree with you on Epcot – I love it!!
OK can you really blame Vies for begging? YUM. 😉
I loved Epcot, too, but I’m also partial to thrill parks…I haven’t found a roller coaster that’s scared me yet. 🙂
I’m a Disneyland girl through and through! We used to go every Christmas eve when I was younger. It’s so magical and fun there!
I didn’t get to see one single firework this weekend! Sounds like you had a great holiday. Those burgs look DELISH! Oh and I looove Epcot too!
Epcot is my favorite theme park, and Cedar Point in Ohio is my favorite amusement park. Cedar Point has the best (and most) roller coasters, and I’m a roller coaster junkie. 🙂
Looks like you had a ton of fun with the fam! 🙂 Glad the pilot is finally back 😀
I always loved the different countries at Epcot too, especially Morocco! 🙂
LOVE the new idea for sweet potato makin’, thanks!!! (everything is better with goat cheese!)
Oh my gosh…I love Epcot too! I have a hard time convincing everyone that it is the best park around! I love all of the countries.
I am surprised most of you love and support Sea World. Haven’t you watched The Cove? Wouldn’t you want those beautiful animals to be free and happy and not have to slave day after day…This is not cool.
I’m sorry Gina, I LOVE your blog, but I’ll have to disagree with the Sea World part.
totally understand- i’ll watch the cove for sure
I was going to say the same thing. I’m not sure I can ever go to Sea World again after watching it. Or a zoo for that matter. It really made me think about all animals in captivity.
I used to love, love, love Seaworld, but then I watched The Cove (which is a brilliantly made and mucho entertaining film).
The dolphins and orcas are not happy in their tanks, though they seem to be smiling. The tanks are too small, the people are too loud, things are just generally not good. I know you’re an animal lover, so I really recommend you check out the film! You could do a lot of good by promoting or discussing the issues on your blog! I hope you do! 🙂
thank you for letting me know, i’ll be sure to check it out <3
I have to agree with Epcot! I went there when I was younger and absolutely loved visiting “China” 😉
That looks like an awesome day!
My favourite, uh, “theme park” is a little fall county fair near my grandparents’ house that we go to every Thanksgiving. It’s really lame, but I still love going!
I used to love SeaWorld too, but after watching “The Cove”,….not so much 🙁 It looks like that movie had quite an impact on a lot of people.
gah. looks like i need to watch that movie
Wow, how did you make those sweet potatoes? They look delicious!
Did you broil them and just top with goat cheese and chives?
hey gina! echoing what others have said about sea world and knowing your love for animals, you may want to check out this article. i love love love sea creatures too but the conditions they are kept in make me so sad for them.
thank you for sending this to me… i just read it. and am crying :/
no problem, sorry it made you cry!! but i think its for the best for all of us to be well-informed about animals in human control. eat a macaroon, it will make you feel better : )
i couldn’t agree more.. i’d much rather know and be sad than not know