a flash of light (March 8)
Friday afternoon, I had my first midwife appointment. I was super nervous about it, and I also had to go alone, since Tom came home from work early to stay home with Liv. (They don’t allow children in the clinic during flu season.)
Right away, I knew I was in the right place.
The midwife introduced herself, and told me that they believe pregnancy is a perfectly natural thing; it’s not an illness and they don’t treat it as such. Also, their job isn’t to tell me what to do. Their job is to give me as much information as possible so we can make the best decision for our family. And then, the prodding began. I knew it was coming, but I definitely forgot the not-so-fun parts of midwife appointments. Lots of poking and pressure and prodding. And BLOODWORK. Apparently at my next appointment they’re taking 9384 vials of blood. The midwife said they’ll leave me a little bit to live, and then she chuckled. I really liked her. She also told me to eat lots of seafood but not tilapia because “it’s the trash of the ocean.”Â
We talked a lot -I love they take time to talk to you and answer questions instead of rushing you off- and I had my first ultrasound. She said they don’t expect to hear fetal heart tones so early (I was 8 weeks at my appointment) but that they would be able to see the pregnancy. I watched the screen intently, and held my breath as she pushed and moved the wand around. Then, finally on the screen, was our little gummy bear. She said everything looked normal and healthy so far, and then there was a flash of light: the baby’s heartbeat. Tears fell down my cheeks as soon as I saw it.Â
She gave me printed copies to take home, I booked my next appointment, and that was it! I couldn’t wait to see Tom, and we also couldn’t wait to tell Livi.Â
I said, “Livi, we’re going to your favorite place!”
She said, “DISNEYLAND!”
“Uhh, not quite. Your second favorite place?”
We rode the carousel, played arcade games, and told her the news over some churros. She started clapping (she’s been asking for a brother or sister for months) and said she was excited, and couldn’t wait to teach it how to use the potty. Such a funny, sweet girl. Thinking about her and her little brother or sister makes my heart explode, so I can’t imagine how it will feel in real life.
Later that night, Tom and I went out to celebrate. We had a casual dinner at Fish Market, and a night at Shout House. It was perfect.
Fingers crossed that everything continues to progress normally. We’re so excited, little baby.Â
Gah – reading these updates with tears in my eyes. How cool that Liv is so excited for a sibling. Such a special time for you <3
thank you so much, becky <3 xoxo
your hair looks amazing in these photos! I’m sure its pregnancy glow but do you also still have your extensions or did it grow out? An idea for a (non-family page) post – your experience with extensions now that it is in the past. I know a lot of people would be interested!
thank you!! the extensions are clip-in, so you don’t have to worry about them growing out. that’s my real hair, though. i started using the lee stafford for hair that doesn’t grow past a certain length last year, and it made my hair grow so much faster! i have a post about extensions ready to go, just need to make a video to add with it! i’ll try to have it posted next week 🙂
Livi is so funny and cute! My little sis and I are 4 years apart, and my mom said when they told me I’d be a big sister I started acting very maternal with my dolls, the dog, my baby cousins, etc. Being a big sister is the best <3
yes! she’s been carrying her bitty baby doll around the house and taking care of it. so sweet
Awwww Livi is soo cute!!! LOL at her teaching them to go potty. she totally rocks…only locals say “mission”. You are teaching her well.
LOL think about these cute moments when Livi and her sibling are fighting in a few years. I tell ya…my two oldest fight like they are the same age. (oldest is 17 and middle is 7). The little one is the instigator.
Congratulations on your little one! How exciting and wonderful for your family. I read your announcement and posts and cannot help but get emotional- this is how its supposed to go and I can only hope and pray this is the case for me some day. My husband and I started trying last October and got pregnant in November. It was at our first ultrasound that we found out I had miscarried. We were devastated and are still grieving. It helps to read your posts and see that the worrying is normal and when its meant to be, it will happen so thank you for that. And again, congratulations on your little one 🙂
Congratulations again!
I’ve never had anyone tell me that about tilapia! I’m 20 weeks and have been eating it occasionally throughout my pregnancy. Oops?
Your little gummy bear! I love it! Too funny.
That sounds so great! I wish we had more options where I live, but I’ll just be using a regular OB. However, I did find a Bradley instructor to help me get through the natural delivery!
that’s awesome!!
Im becoming a broken record, but another TEARS post. We are starting to come around to the idea of having our first, and this is just pushing me more and more into the YES pool. So, so sweet.