“Before 30” bucket list
Hi friends <3 Thank you so much for your amazing response to this morning’s post. It’s way too easy to get into the comparison trap game and at the end of the day, how fast we run, how much we lift, how well we Zumba… it doesn’t really matter. I’m loving all of your amazing comments. Thank you.
I’ve mentioned it before, but we have so much going on each month for the rest of the summer, according to my brain, it’s Halloween already. After that, we have our 8-year date-iversary and then my birthday.
I’m going to be 29 in the fall, and while I usually don’t pay much attention to birthdays, 29 has always stood out to me. It’s an age that always felt so far away, and ominously close to 30. It’s not that I dread the big 3-0 -I’m looking forward to that decade- but in my mind, I’ve always had a list of things I’ve wanted to do before I was 30. I have a lot of goals, some of them have no relationship to the others in the least (maybe that’s why they’re fun?), and I thought I’d share some of the things that are on my “before 30” bucket list. Some of these are in the works, some have now fallen off the priority ladder as they aren’t as important to me as they used to be, some are just sillyโฆ but here ya go:
1. Travel to Italy
2. Amp up my training certifications. (Taking my NASM PT and Weight Loss Specialist certs this summer. Looking into more options in the fall after IDEA conference)
3. Run 2 more half marathons
4. Have baby #2
5. Take mom and nana on a trip
6. Take yoga teacher training
7. Write a book
8. Watch the classic movies I’ve never seen, like Star Wars and Indiana Jones
9. Parasail
10. Teach a cooking class
11. Learn conversational Italian
12. Become a morning person (yeah, riiiiiiiight)
13. Design a fitness program for youth
14. Finish my MBA
15. Start going to acupuncture again regularly
16. Make a fitness DVD
17. Dust off the piano and play
18. Flamenco dance
19. Build a covered patio for the backyard
20. Karaoke (I used to sing, but karaoke still horrifies me for some reason)
So tell me friends: what are 5 things on your bucket list? Something that you used to really want to accomplish, but not so much anymore?
Don’t forget to check in for Summer Shape Up! How was Workout 2?! Just as fun as Workout 1? ๐
Retry later
I just sent an email to my husband and said, I wanted to put “pick blueberries” on my bucket list. Maybe I should shoot higher! ๐ Your “travel to Italy” sounds so much more fun!
i’ve picked blueberries before (in georgia) and it is definitely worth being on a bucket list. it’s so much fun! of course, more go in my mouth than the bucket ๐
Growing up my grandparents had a blueberry farm with, of course, blueberries, but also tons of other fruits and veggies. Some of my favorite memories are of being out in the “fields” with my grandmother, mom, and sister, picking (and eating ๐ ) all of those berries. So, I definitely think it’s worth a bucket list.
Great list!
A few of my “Before 30” bucket list items:
-Get my group exercise cert
-Have baby #2
-Go on a family vacation to Chicago
-Run a half marathon
My before 30 bucket list:
1) Go to Europe
2) buy a house
3) have a baby
4) adopt a dog
5) get my masters
…looking at it- it looks so expensive! lol
Love this list! I did the same thing for this summer ๐ And I loved workout 2! Those push up/pikes on the ball almost killed me. I’m trying to track on My Fitness Pal to lose a few pounds, and while I’m not religious about it or anything, I like to put in my exercise to see about how much I can eat back…What would you consider entering workout 2 as? Circuit training? I want to get a HRM soon, but their database will have to do for now:) Thanks for everything, Gina!
You’d think that since both of us were Swingin’ Sisters that we wouldn’t be scared of karaoke, but it took a lonnnng time before I became comfortable singing in public again. But now I go to karaoke almost every week and can’t wait to get up there and sing. ๐ Definitely just takes a little time but before you know it you’ll be itching for the microphone, too.
Also, I’m so glad I’m not the only one who hasn’t seen some of those classic movies!
Oh my, that picture of you and Olivia is adorable!
I love your list, I may need to steal a few!
A few on my list is
-get certified in a nutrition course of some sort
-personal training certification
-go on a nice vacation somewhere outside Canada
-*possibly* go back to school
-keep on learning
-take more pilates teacher training and barre teacher training
And that’s all I can think of for now.
Great list! I’ll be 34 next month so a bit beyond the “Before 30” crowd, though you do have me thinking about a “Before 35” version ๐ Workout 2 was fab this morning. The push-up/pike set had my arms on fire (in a good way) and I made it through the whole alphabet with a 10 second breather after ‘M’. Realized I didn’t have anything sturdy enough or the proper height to do those leg lift ab things on the ball so I just did them on the floor with an 8-lb medicine ball between my knees. Is that an ok substitution? Thanks for another gorgeous sweatfest!!
OMG. You’ve never seen Star Wars or Indiana Jones?! Whoa. My dad and I are actually going through Star Wars (1-6) right now. Watch the originals first, and then go back to watch the prequels. It’s how God intended. ๐
Before 30? Wow. Good question. I would definitely say I’d like to run a half marathon (I’ve only done one 5k, but I’d like to be a better runner!), Quit my day job to focus on my writing and blogging full time (That’s actually the goal by the end of the year, but we’ll see), Get a dog, Write a cookbook (some of my friends have been after me to do one for awhile, but I don’t have enough recipes!), Buy a house. Or build. I’d really love a place to call my own with a big garden.
Someone else whose missed out on the classics too! A lot of my friends are HUGE Star Wars fans and I was actually told to leave when they found out I’d never seen it before. I still have 4 years before the big 3-0, but my biggest are; Becoming BCBA certified (Board Analyst), traveling abroad, getting my student loans paid off, going back to Disney World and becoming better at German.
Please do a fitness dvd! That would be so cool. What arm workouts would you suggest to get rid of that awkward armpit flab? I use to have kind of chubby arms and they’ve gotten more toned, but I can’t get rid of that fat underneath. Thoughts? Thanks!
I made a before 30 list this year too. Some of my items are become a Mom (since then I found out I was pregnant!), go on a yoga retreat, learn to play the piano, refinish a piece of furniture and run another marathon.
I love reading bucket lists! I few on mine are start a family with my soon-to-be husband (we are getting married in August! Can’t wait!), travel to Europe, and learn to waterski. The last one is pretty random haha. As for workout 2, it was TOUGH! Especially the push-up/pike set. My arms and abs were toast after that, so ABC abs didn’t go so well. Hopefully that part will go better next time!
I’m turning 29 in August and have been working on a 30 list (much different now than the list of things I always thought I’d do by 30 when I was younger), but also found myself stuck right at 20! Can’t wait to see what else you come up with!
I am turning 30 in May, and before that I would like to:
-run a half marathon
-publish a paper
-visit amusement park (since riding rolercoasters is getting harder with age)
-go to Thailand (this is actually happening)
-pass test DAF (test of German knowledge)
First of all, YOU HAVEN”T SEEN STAR WARS OR INDIANA JONES?????!!!!!!??????? Some advice: First,pretend that the Star Wars prequels and Indy’s Crystal Skull movies never existed. Then, seek out an OLLLD VHS copy of the original star wars without the digital additions. I haven’t forgiven them for changing the original Ewok song at the end of Return of the Jedi!
On my bucket list:
Take an aerial silks class
Learn to country two-step
Take a bike-tour vacation, preferably in Sonoma Valley!
Take a pottery or painting class.
I just turned 30 in April without completing a lot of my bucket list, so I’m making a goal to get things done by 35 or 40 (based on logistics of completing them with a toddler in tow).
– finish a full marathon
– vacation in Italy, France, and Corsica
– get my master’s in occupational therapy
This list is great!! I just made a summer bucket list (up on the blog).
I just started acupuncture, it’s great!
I love #4 ๐ it immediately jumped out at me! Great timing to add to your gorgeous little family. The other one that stood out is #8 on your list… how do you have brothers and not seen Star wars and Indiana Jones?? Too funny.
My bucket list?? Get rid of this 9-5 desk job and do something I’m much more passionate about… I’m on my way towards that (I hope!), I’ve registered in a culinary nutrition course in the fall. I can’t wait! I would also love to travel overseas, I hope that happens soon!
Love your bucket list!!
My number one – LIVE ON A BEACH!!!
30 was a harder B-day for me than 40 – not sure why cause my 40s have been great!!!
Love your list! I’m going to be 30 in August…ugh!
Some of the items on my bucket list…
-Try Crossfit
-Get certified to teach Zumba
-Go to Italy
-Take a cake decorating class
-Possibly go back to school for nutrition
Indiana Jones is great! Star Wars…eh. haha. There are a few classics I really want to see, too, like Breakfast at Tiffany’s and Roman Holiday.
I don’t have a before 30 bucket list, but some of my top things to do before I die are:
-re-learn Spanish
-travel to Europe
-feel confident in a bikini
-learn to play the piano
Btw, I’ll be 29 in the fall, too. ๐
Dibs on being the first to read your book!!!
All the things on your bucket list sound like fun!
On my bucket list:
1. Get married
2. Go to Europe
3. Save enough $$ so I can be a stay-at-home mom (see #4)
4. Have a baby
5. Move closer to family
Luckily my boyfriend is on board with all 5 things on my bucket list, I’d be in trouble otherwise!
Great list! I found turning 29 was harder then 30 for some reason. And since I am 33 in a month from today, I sure won’t be doing these before I turn 30! lol
A few “bucket list” things I’ve wanted to do for a long time:
1. Go to Yosemite Park (this has been on my list since I was 22)
2. Teach Cross Country Skiing @ Resort/Hill
3. Take a photography course.
4. Run 5k under 29:16
5. Run a second 1/2 marathon (which I thought I would never want to do before my first).
I’ve had baby #2 already – so that’s off the list ๐
Good luck!
Gina, I wasn’t able to do workout 2 because the password was never emailed to me for this week ๐ any way to view the workout?
Wow, what a great idea! You’ve really got me thinking, especially since I’m 29! Hmmmโฆbefore 30โฆdefinitely return to Italy. Maybe pick up a side job, like a Stella and Dot stylist for example. I’ll have to brainstorm some more. Good luck with your list ๐
Workout 2. Killed. My. Abs. Well maybe not kill, but it did give them a run for their money! So thanks to you for that.
My bucket list would include:
1) get my Masters of Occupational Therapy (starting a program this fall!)
2) run a third half marathon
3) become certified in something nutrition or training related
4) plan and hold an educational kids camp for nutrition and physical activity
5) get a kitten of my own ๐
I know goals are supposed to be SMART, but as of now I have no set timeline to accomplish these!
I haven’t seen all the Star Wars or Indiana Jones Movies either. You are not alone. Also, I would buy your fitness DVD in a heartbeat.
Fellow Tucson resident here: Casa Video (Speedway between CC and Tucson) has at least 5 copies each of all of the original Star Wars and Indiana Jones movies. It’s $3.50/movie, can be cheaper with frequent rental cards, and they have a deal almost every night of the week.
Now go check that off your list.
I’m also turning 30 this year like a lot of the other ladies on here.
I told my husband that this year on my birthday I want us both to blow off school (me teaching and he attending) and do something really memorable. The zoo in December? A day trip to Chattnooga Aquarium? Ride horses? I love animals so doing something with animals would be awesome.
My bucket list is really before I turn 35…
1. Have a few kiddos.
2. Get a puppy and/or kitty to add to my furry family.
3. Get a house.
Hope we all can find ways to live our lives to the fullest every day and take those baby steps to our big dreams!
What a great post! My big items: Have a baby, buy a house, take at least one cooking class per year, travel to Europe (hopefully Germany/ Switzerland/ Austria), and try working as a professional in the fitness field!
It would be so awesome if you made a fitness DVD! I’d buy it in a second!
Exciting list!
I’m 27 and my list includes:
– fully commit to pursuing my yoga career
– travel to Europe
– buy a house
– have a baby
It’s funny, I was just thinking about two hours ago when I did my SSU workout 2, I would totally listen to a Fitnessista podcast ๐
Workout 2 was good, except the stability ball I used was a little flat, so I had to improvise for a few of the exercises.
I’ve never had problems getting older until this year when I turned 35. I don’t know what it is about this age, but it was hard to handle. A few of my high school Facebook friends expressed the same feelings, so I know I’m not alone. I don’t have a huge bucket list, but I would like to travel more, spend more time around water. I’m starting a four-year PhD program this fall at ASU, so that will be a huge accomplishment by the time I’m 40.
You need to see Indiana Jones and Star Wars – they’re part of Americana! You have seen The Princess Bride, right?
My five: see all 50 states, surprise my kid by pulling up to Disneyland/world without him having known where we were headed, sell 100,000 copies of one of my books, learn German, give up Walmart for good!
Coincidentally my husband and I just wrote a “Boise Bucket List” of things we want to do here before we move for P.A. school. Workout two rocked my shoulders!
We’re the same age! I turn 29 in November. I’m not sure why, but this fact made me ridiculously happy. ๐
My before “30” items —
1. Go to Hawaii
2. Run my second half marathon
3. Go to a pumpkin patch and corn maze
4. Visit my far-flung best friends
Love your list!! Can’t wait to hear what you all check off!
Wow, I seem to be the only one who makes a bucketlist bezween 35-40, woops!! ๐
– playing piano
– travelling to South Africa and California
– accomplisjing as much PR’s as possible in my fitness journey
– learn to dance Latin American dance styles
I went parasailing yesterday and it was amazing! We were 800 feet up in the air and it felt like we were flying. So, so incredible! I highly recommend it. ๐
When I turned 30 a little over a year ago, I made it my goal to do a bucket list for my 30’s decade. 30 has been my best decade so far and I’m only 31! My 30’s bucket list:
1. Get dream job (check!)
2. Buy house (check!)
3. Find someone to spend my life with/get married
4. Adopt a child
5. Get a rescue puppy (will be a check on Saturday and I’m so nervous and slightly terrified it’s going to be awful!)
6. Skydive
7. Storm chase (check!)
8. Tour Europe
9. Live a happy, healthy life (working on it!)
I forgot completing a half, which I did! It’s been a big year for me…
1. Run a half marathon
2. Buy a house
3. Have a garden (clearly can’t have this without #2)
4. Learn how to ski
Well I am 18 but my before 30 bucket list right now includes:
1. Fall in love with a wonderful man and marry him
2. have at least two children by then (names are already picked out! I know I know!)
3. Travel to Albania and see the village where my family comes from
4.Take my mom on a weekend getaway to a cabin in NH
5. Start working as a nurse at a top Boston hospital
i have so many more that I could put but those are my top 5. If you ever made a fitness video I would be your first buyer!! I love the five min workout video on your youtube channel. Could you make more videos like that? I would do them all the time!!!!!
I would so buy your fitness DVD! ๐
Is it weird that I don’t have a bucket list? Does that mean I shoot too low? Ugh, something to think about. At this point, it would have to be a before I’m 40 list! ๐
Workout 2 was a tough one! Noticeably more “intense” than workout 1.
Loving SSU so far! I feel great! Thank you, Gina ๐
SSU has been great! Your workouts are AWESOME, and I am loving them.
I turn 26 two weeks from today, here are some things on my before 30 bucket list:
1. get a dog
2. continue upward career trajectory (this involves a couple specifics all tied together)
3. travel to New Zealand and/or Australia
4. have a work contract abroad (Europe ideally)
5. take a cooking class
My husband and I want to have children, I just don’t know if they’ll happen before 30 at all…maybe, but if #2 continues to go really well then it might be a little after 30! =)
The top 5 things on my bucket list for 2013 & 2014 is as follows:
– lose the last 24 pounds to be at 100 pounds lost in 2 yers
– start running regularly
– be cancer free for 1 year January 2014
– have a baby
– continue to eat healthy
sending healing and healthy vibes to you!!
keep up the great work <3
can you PLEASE make a DVD? That would be amazing.
I’m turning 29 in September (did I say 29? I meant 27 – again haha). On my “before 30” list:
1. plant a garden in our backyard (we live in an apt for another 6 months so I’m growing in planters right now)
2. have baby #2 (just started working on it! so excited!)
3. do my first triathlon
4. rescue a dog (maybe Tripp’s Christmas present this year – yikes!)
5. get cast in my first feature film
Workout 2 was killer!! The pike was definatley the most challenging for me! Ohh the bucket list…:) I will also be 29 in the fall, and have been thinking a lot about the future. I tend to think so much about it that I forget to live and relax in the moment! By here are a fun few:)
Get married to my best friend and man of my dreams on a beach:)
Buy a home
Take my business to the next level (still trying to invision what that looks like)
Try hot yoga (I practice yoga 2-3 times a week, but never hot)
Run a 1/2 marathon or find a different fitness challenge
I’m looking forward to the future and pushing myself in ways I haven’t done in the past!